Lasso, Algebraic statistics, Computer experiments
I am interested in the analysis of data using likelihood and penalised likelihood techniques; I have also contributed to the development of theory of design of experiments using algebraic techniques. I have also an interest in the development of emulators for computer experiments using basic, reliable polynomial models that are regularizes by smoothness.

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science
Maruri-Aguilar H, HU S and MA Z (2023).
topological techniques in model selection. Journal of Algebraic Statistics,
New York Business Global, Maryland, UK vol. 13 (1), 41-56.
Maruri-Aguilar H and Henry W (2023).
Sparse polynomial prediction. Statistical Papers,
Springer 14-04-20232021

Sturm B and
Maruri-Aguilar H (2021).
The Ai Music Generation Challenge 2020: Double Jigs in the Style of O'Neill's ``1001''. Journal of Creative Music Systems 22-10-20212020

Vazquez-Montes MDLA, Debray TPA, Taylor KS, Speich B, Jones N, Collins GS, Hobbs FDRR, Magriplis E,
Maruri-Aguilar H, Moons KGM, Parissis J, Perera R, Roberts N, Taylor CJ, Kadoglou NPE and Trivella M (2020).
UMBRELLA protocol: systematic reviews of multivariable biomarker prognostic models developed to predict clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research,
Springer Nature vol. 4 (1)

Maruri-Aguilar H (2016).
Analysing Scattering-Based Music Content Analysis Systems: Where's the Music? 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016) New York, NY, USA 7 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016.
MARURI-AGUILAR H and Curtis P (2016).
Design for smooth models over complex
regions. mODa 11 - Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis , Editors: Kunert J, Muller CH and Atkinson AC. 71-78.

Parker BM, Gilmour S,
Schormans J and
Maruri-Aguilar H (2015).
Optimal design of measurements on queueing systems. QUEUEING SYSTEMS,
Springer US vol. 79 (3-4), 365-390.

Boukouvalas A, Gosling JP and
Maruri-Aguilar H (2014).
An Efficient Screening Method for Computer Experiments. Technometrics,
Taylor & Francis vol. 56 (4), 422-431.
Boukouvalas A, Sykes P, Cornford D and
Maruri-Aguilar H (2014).
Bayesian Precalibration of a Large Stochastic Microsimulation Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS vol. 15 (3), 1337-1347.
Bates RA,
Maruri-Aguilar H and Wynn HP (2014).
Smooth supersaturated models. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION vol. 84 (11), 2453-2464.
Bates RA, Curtis PR,
Maruri-Aguilar H and Wynn HP (2014).
Optimal design for smooth supersaturated models. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE vol. 154, 3-11.
Maruri-Aguilar H, Saenz-de-Cabezon E and Wynn HP (2013).
Alexander duality in experimental designs. ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS vol. 65 (4), 667-686.
Maruri-Aguilar H, Saenz-de-Cabezon E and Wynn HP (2012).
Betti numbers of polynomial hierarchical models for experimental designs. ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE vol. 64 (4), 411-426.
Atkinson AC, Vandebroek M, Berger MPF, Morgan JP, Bailey RA, Waite T, Woods D, Stone M, Critchley F, Ridout M, Torsney B, Anderson-Cook CM, Lu L, Boukouvalas A, Cornford D, Brien C, Ceyhan E, Chatfield MJ, Cox DR, Draper D,
et al. (2012).
Optimum design of experiments for statistical inference Discussion. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STATISTICS vol. 61, 369-401.

Berstein Y,
Maruri-Aguilar H, Onn S, Riccomagno E and Wynn H (2010).
Minimal average degree aberration and the state polytope for experimental designs. ANN I STAT MATH vol. 62 (4), 673-698.
Maruri-Aguilar H and Trandafir PC (2010).
Sequential Barycentric Interpolation. 01-01-2010
Bates RA,
Maruri-Aguilar H, Riccomagno E, Schwabe R and Wynn HP (2010).
Self-avoiding Generating Sequences for Fourier Lattice Designs., Editors: Viana MAG and Wynn HP.
Maruri-Aguilar H and Wynn HP (2009).
Generalised design: interpolation and statistical modelling over varieties. Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics 159-174.

Berstein Y, Lee J,
Maruri-Aguilar H, Onn S, Riccomagno E, Weismantel R and Wynn H (2008).
Nonlinear matroid optimization and experimental design. SIAM J DISCRETE MATH vol. 22 (3), 901-919.
Maruri-Aguilar H, Notari R and Riccomagno E (2007).
On the description and identifiability analysis of experiments with mixtures. STAT SINICA vol. 17 (4), 1417-1440.
Maruri-Aguilar H and Riccomagno E (2007).
A model selection algorithm for mixture experiments including process variables., Editors: LopezFidalgo JL, RodriguezDiaz JM and Torsney B.
Maruri-Aguilar H (2005).
Universal Gröbner bases for designs of experiments. Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste,
Istituto di matematica, Universita di Trieste vol. 37 (1-2), 95-119.