Dr Mira Shamis
Senior Lecturer in Disordered Systems
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science

Avila A, Last Y,
Shamis M and Zhou Q (2024).
On the abominable properties of the almost Mathieu operator with well-approximated frequencies. Duke Mathematical Journal,
Duke University Press vol. 173 (4), 603-672.
Shamis M and Sodin S (2023).
Upper bounds on quantum dynamics in arbitrary dimension. Journal of Functional Analysis,
Elsevier vol. 285 (7)
Shamis M (2019).
On the Continuity of the Integrated Density of States in the Disorder. International Mathematics Research Notices,
Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 2021 (22), 17304-17315.

Peled R, Schenker J,
Shamis M and SODIN A (2017).
On the Wegner orbital model. International Mathematics Research Notices,
Oxford University Press (OUP) 11-07-2017
Shamis M and Zeitouni O (2017).
The Curie–Weiss model with Complex Temperature: Phase Transitions. Journal of Statistical Physics, 1-23.
Aizenman M, Peled R, Schenker J,
Shamis M and SODIN A (2017).
Matrix regularizing effects of Gaussian perturbations. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 09-03-20172016

Last Y and
Shamis M (2016).
Zero Hausdorff Dimension Spectrum for the Almost Mathieu Operator. Communications in Mathematical Physics vol. 348 (3), 729-750.
Shamis M and Spencer T (2015).
Bounds on the Lyapunov Exponent via Crude Estimates on the Density of States. Communications in Mathematical Physics,
Springer Nature vol. 338 (2), 705-720.

Aizenman M,
Shamis M and Warzel S (2014).
Resonances and Partial Delocalization on the Complete Graph. Annales Henri Poincaré,
Springer Nature vol. 16 (9), 1969-2003.
Elgart A,
Shamis M and Sodin S (2014).
Localisation for non-monotone Schrödinger operators. Journal of the European Mathematical Society,
European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House vol. 16 (5), 909-924.
Shamis M (2013).
Resonant Delocalization on the Bethe Strip. Annales Henri Poincaré,
Springer Nature vol. 15 (8), 1549-1567.

Grants of specific relevance to the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science
EPSRC Small Grant Scheme - Quasiperiodic Schroedinger operators with well-approximated frequencies
Mira Shamis£38,972
EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council01-05-2023 - 30-04-2024