Dr Silvia Liverani

Silvia Liverani

Reader in Statistics
Head of The Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


Bayesian modelling, Clustering, Computational statistics, Mixture models, Spatio-temporal modelling, Causal methods


Dr Silvia Liverani is a Reader in Statistics and Head of the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science in the School of Mathematical Sciences.

Her research focuses on Bayesian modelling and clustering methods. In particular she works on Dirichlet process mixture models, Bayesian spatio-temporal models and survival response models. She has worked in very diverse areas of application including genetics, epidemiology, road traffic accidents, football and environmental health.

She is keen to collaborate with external organisations, including industry and the charity sector.

She is supervising PhD projects on Bayesian modelling of epidemiological and biodiversity data.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science


Relevant PublicationShenvi A and Liverani S (2024). Beyond conjugacy for chain event graph model selection. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier vol. 173 
bullet iconJing W, Papathomas M and Liverani S (2024). Variance Matrix Priors for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models With Gaussian Kernels. International Statistical Review, Wiley 


Relevant PublicationLavigne A and Liverani S (2023). Quantifying the uncertainty of partitions for infinite mixture models. Statistics and Probability Letters, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationWilk M, Harper G, Firman N, Liverani S and Dezateux C (2023). OP140 Household associations between child and adult weight status in an ethnically diverse urban population: cross-sectional study using linked primary care and National Child Measurement Programme records. SSM Annual Scientific Meeting
Relevant PublicationGramatica M, Liverani S and Congdon P (2023). Structure induced by a multiple membership transformation on the Conditional Autoregressive model. Bayesian Analysis, International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) 
Relevant PublicationCoker ES, Molitor J, Liverani S, Martin J, Maranzano P, Pontarollo N and Vergalli S (2023). Bayesian profile regression to study the ecologic associations of correlated environmental exposures with excess mortality risk during the first year of the Covid-19 epidemic in lombardy, Italy. Environmental Research vol. 216 


Relevant PublicationHailu BA, Geremew BM, Liverani S, Abera KS, Beyene J and Miheretu BA (2022). Mapping and determinants of consumption of egg and/or flesh foods and zero vegetables or fruits among young children in SSA. Scientific Reports vol. 12 (1) 
Relevant PublicationRicciardi F, Liverani S and Baio G (2022). Dirichlet process mixture models for regression discontinuity designs. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, SAGE Publications vol. 32 (1), 55-70.  
Relevant PublicationWilk M, Dezateux C, Liverani S and Harper G (2022). Who lives in overcrowded households in north-east London? Cross-sectional study of linked electronic health records and Energy Performance Certificate register data. International Journal of Population Data Science, Swansea University vol. 7 (3) 
Relevant PublicationJing W, Papathomas M and Liverani S (2022). Variance matrix priors for Dirichlet process mixture models with Gaussian kernels. 


Relevant PublicationSchweinsberg M, Feldman M, Staub N, van den Akker OR, van Aert RCM, van Assen MALM, Liu Y, Althoff T, Heer J, Kale A, Mohamed Z, Amireh H, Venkatesh Prasad V, Bernstein A, Robinson E, Snellman K, Amy Sommer S, Otner SMG, Robinson D, Madan N, et al. (2021). Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes vol. 165, 228-249.  
Relevant PublicationGramatica M, Congdon P and Liverani S (2021). Bayesian Modelling for Spatially Misaligned Health Areal Data: A Multiple Membership Approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 70 (3), 645-666.  


Relevant PublicationAli RL, Qureshi NA, Liverani S, Roney CH, Kim S, Lim PB, Tweedy JH, Cantwell CD and Peters NS (2020). Left atrial enhancement correlates with myocardial conduction velocity in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation. Frontiers in Physiology, Frontiers Media 
Relevant PublicationLavigne A, Freni-Sterrantino A, Fecht D, Liverani S, Blangiardo M, de Hoogh K, Molitor J and Hansell AL (2020). A spatial joint analysis of metal constituents of ambient particulate matter and mortality in England. Environmental epidemiology (Philadelphia, Pa.) vol. 4 (4) 
Relevant PublicationLiverani S, Leigh L, Hudson IL and Byles JE (2020). Clustering method for censored and collinear survival data. Computational Statistics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC vol. 36 (1), 35-60.  
Relevant PublicationFriel N, Smith PWF, Canale A, Demiris N, Fan Y, Gaetan C, Huang X, Iannario M, Jaki T, Jermyn IH, Kalogeropoulos K, Latouche P, Liverani S, Marra G, Mateu J, De Menezes RX, Ntzoufras I, Oberski D, Papamarkou T, Prangle D, et al. (2020). Applied Statistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics), Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 69 (3), 501-502.  
Relevant PublicationRicciardi F, Liverani S and Baio G (2020). Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Regression Discontinuity Designs. 
Relevant PublicationLiu X, Liverani S, Smith KJ and Yu K (2020). Modeling tails for collinear data with outliers in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing: Quantile profile regression. Biometrical journal. Biometrische Zeitschrift vol. 62 (4), 916-931.  
Relevant PublicationBonaventura M, Ciotti V, Panzarasa P, Liverani S, Lacasa L and Latora V (2020). Predicting success in the worldwide start-up network. Scientific reports vol. 10 (1) 


Relevant PublicationRyan JM, Cameron MH, Liverani S, Smith KJ, O'connell N, Peterson MD, Anokye N, Victor C and Boland F (2019). Incidence of falls among adults with cerebral palsy: a cohort study using primary care data. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, Wiley vol. 62 (4), 477-482.  
Relevant PublicationHuang R, Xu W, Wang Y, Liverani S and Stapleton AE (2019). Performance Comparison of Julia Distributed Implementations of Dirichlet Process Mixture Models. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
Relevant PublicationLavigne A, Freni Sterrantino A, Liverani S, Blangiardo M, de Hoogh K, Molitor J and Hansell A (2019). Associations between metal constituents of ambient particulate matter and mortality in England: an ecological study. BMJ open vol. 9 (12) 
Relevant PublicationRyan JM, Peterson MD, Matthews A, Ryan N, Smith KJ, O'Connell NE, Liverani S, Anokye N, Victor C and Allen E (2019). Noncommunicable disease among adults with cerebral palsy: A matched cohort study. Neurology vol. 93 (14), e1385-e1396.  
Relevant PublicationRyan JM, Peterson MD, Ryan N, Smith KJ, O'connell NE, Liverani S, Anokye N, Victor C and Allen E (2019). Mortality due to cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and cancer in adults with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol vol. 61 (8), 924-928.  
Relevant PublicationO'Connell NE, Smith KJ, Peterson MD, Ryan N, Liverani S, Anokye N, Victor C and Ryan JM (2019). Incidence of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and inflammatory musculoskeletal diseases in adults with cerebral palsy: A population-based cohort study. Bone vol. 125, 30-35.  
Relevant PublicationSmith KJ, Peterson MD, O'Connell NE, Victor C, Liverani S, Anokye N and Ryan JM (2019). Risk of Depression and Anxiety in Adults With Cerebral Palsy. JAMA neurology vol. 76 (3), 294-300.  


Relevant PublicationSilberzahn R, Uhlmann EL, Martin DP, Anselmi P, Aust F, Awtrey E, Bahník Š, Bai F, Bannard C, Bonnier E, Carlsson R, Cheung F, Christensen G, Clay R, Craig MA, Dalla Rosa A, Dam L, Evans MH, Flores Cervantes I, Fong N, et al. (2018). Many Analysts, One Data Set: Making Transparent How Variations in Analytic Choices Affect Results. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, SAGE Publications vol. 1 (3), 337-356.  
Relevant PublicationHuang R, Xu W, Liverani S, Hiltbrand D and Stapleton AE (2018). A case study of r performance analysis and optimization. 
Relevant PublicationBoys RJ, Stallard N, Chen Q, Deardon R, Gaetan C, Greven S, Husmeier D, Jermyn IH, Kalogeropoulos K, Kneib T, Lewin A, Liverani S, Marra G, Mateu J, Mccrea R, Oberski D, Roy J, Schildcrout J, Shortreed S and Wages NA (2018). Applied Statistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics), Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 67 (4), 741-742.  
Relevant PublicationEdwards KD, Takata N, Johansson M, Jurca M, Novák O, Hényková E, Liverani S, Kozarewa I, Strnad M, Millar AJ, Ljung K and Eriksson ME (2018). Circadian clock components control daily growth activities by modulating cytokinin levels and cell division-associated gene expression in Populus trees. Plant Cell Environ vol. 41 (6), 1468-1482.  
Relevant PublicationCoker E, Liverani S, Su JG and Molitor J (2018). Multi-pollutant Modeling Through Examination of Susceptible Subpopulations Using Profile Regression. Current environmental health reports vol. 5 (1), 59-69.  


Relevant PublicationBoys RJ, Stallard N, Chen Q, Clarke P, Deardon R, Gaetan C, Greven S, Husmeier D, Kalogeropoulos K, Lewin A, Liverani S, Mateu J, McCrea R, Oberski D, Ogden T, Ranjan P, Roy J, Scheike T, Schildcrout J, Shortreed S, et al. (2017). Applied Statistics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics), Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 66 (4), 667-668.  
Relevant PublicationHirth M, Liverani S, Mahlow S, Bouget F-Y, Pohnert G and Sasso S (2017). Metabolic profiling identifies trehalose as an abundant and diurnally fluctuating metabolite in the microalga Ostreococcus tauri. Metabolomics : Official journal of the Metabolomic Society vol. 13 (6) 


Relevant PublicationRyan JM, Mahmoudi E, Hurvitz EA, Victor C, Smith KJ, Anokye N, Liverani S and Peterson MD (2016). THE PREVALENCE OF AGE-RELATED CHRONIC CONDITIONS IN ADULTS WITH CEREBRAL PALSY. GERONTOLOGIST
Relevant PublicationLiverani S and Smith JQ (2016). Bayesian selection of graphical regulatory models. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier BV vol. 77, 87-104.  
Relevant PublicationLiverani S, Lavigne A and Blangiardo M (2016). Modelling collinear and spatially correlated data. Spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology vol. 18, 63-73.  
Relevant PublicationCoker E, Liverani S, Ghosh JK, Jerrett M, Beckerman B, Li A, Ritz B and Molitor J (2016). Multi-pollutant exposure profiles associated with term low birth weight in Los Angeles County. Environment International, Elsevier vol. 91, 1-13.  
Relevant PublicationBoulieri A, Liverani S, de Hoogh K and Blangiardo M (2016). A space–time multivariate Bayesian model to analyse road traffic accidents by severity. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society), Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 180 (1), 119-139.  
Relevant PublicationMattei F, Liverani S, Guida F, Matrat M, Cenee S, Azizi L, Menvielle G, Sanchez M, Pilorget C, Lapotre-Ledoux B, Luce D, Richardson S and Stucker I (2016). Multidimensional analysis of the effect of occupational exposure to organic solvents on lung cancer risk: the ICARE study. OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE vol. 73 (6), 368-377.  
Relevant PublicationLi A, Smith KJ and Liverani S (2016). The association of cardiometabolic functioning clusters with depressive symptoms in older adults: results from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. 


Relevant PublicationCoker E, Ghosh J, Jerrett M, Gomez-Rubio V, Beckerman B, Cockburn M, Liverani S, Su J, Li A, Kile ML, Ritz B and Molitor J (2015). Modeling spatial effects of PM2.5 on term low birth weight in Los Angeles County. Environmental Research, Elsevier vol. 142, 354-364.  
Relevant PublicationPirani M, Best N, Blangiardo M, Liverani S, Atkinson RW and Fuller GW (2015). Analysing the health effects of simultaneous exposure to physical and chemical properties of airborne particles. Environment International, Elsevier vol. 79, 56-64.  
Relevant PublicationLiverani S, Hastie DI, Azizi L, Papathomas M and Richardson S (2015). PReMiuM: An R Package for Profile Regression Mixture Models Using Dirichlet Processes. Journal of Statistical Software, Foundation for Open Access Statistic vol. 64 (7), 1-30.  


Relevant PublicationMolitor J, Brown IJ, Chan Q, Papathomas M, Liverani S, Molitor N, Richardson S, Van Horn L, Daviglus ML, Dyer A, Stamler J and Elliott P (2014). Blood Pressure Differences Associated With Optimal Macronutrient Intake Trial for Heart Health (OMNIHEART)–Like Diet Compared With a Typical American Diet. Hypertension, Wolters Kluwer vol. 64 (6), 1198-1204.  
Relevant PublicationHastie DI, Liverani S and Richardson S (2014). Sampling from Dirichlet process mixture models with unknown concentration parameter: mixing issues in large data implementations. Statistics and Computing, Springer Nature vol. 25 (5), 1023-1037.  
Relevant PublicationMolitor J, Brown IJ, Chan Q, Papathomas M, Liverani S, Molitor N, Richardson S, Van Horn L, Daviglus ML, Stamler J and Elliott P (2014). Abstract P403: Blood Pressure Differences Associated With OMNIHEART-like Lower Sodium Compared With Typical American Higher Sodium Nutrient Profile: INTERMAP USA. Circulation, Wolters Kluwer vol. 129 (suppl_1) 


Relevant PublicationHastie DI, Liverani S, Azizi L, Richardson S and Stücker I (2013). A semi-parametric approach to estimate risk functions associated with multi-dimensional exposure profiles: application to smoking and lung cancer. BMC Medical Research Methodology, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 


Relevant PublicationLiverani S and Petrucci A (2011). Spatial Clustering of Multivariate Data Using Weighted MAX-SAT. 
Relevant PublicationAkacha M, Fonseca TCO and Liverani S (2011). Data Mining for Longitudinal Data with Different Treatments. 


Relevant PublicationMonnier A, Liverani S, Bouvet R, Jesson B, Smith JQ, Mosser J, Corellou F and Bouget F-Y (2010). Orchestrated transcription of biological processes in the marine picoeukaryote Ostreococcus exposed to light/dark cycles. BMC Genomics, Springer Nature vol. 11 (1) 
Relevant PublicationLiverani S, Cussens J and Smith JQ (2010). Searching a Multivariate Partition Space Using MAX-SAT. 


Relevant PublicationLiverani S, Anderson PE, Edwards KD, Millar AJ and Smith JQ (2009). Efficient utility-based clustering over high dimensional partition spaces. Bayesian Analysis, Institute of Mathematical Statistics vol. 4 (3), 539-571.  


Relevant PublicationSmith JQ, Anderson PE and Liverani S (2008). Separation measures and the geometry of Bayes factor selection for classification. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (Statistical Methodology), Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 70 (5), 957-980.  


Relevant PublicationPapavasiliou A and Liverani S (2007). The Fifty-Second IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts. Electrical Contacts - 2006. Proceedings of the 52nd IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts


Relevant PublicationLiverani S and Papavasiliou A (2006). Entropy Based Adaptive Particle Filter. 2006 IEEE Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science
solid heart iconCausal AI - TIL with Warwick
Silvia Liverani
£148,405 Alan Turing Institute, The (01-09-2022 - 31-12-2024)
solid heart iconIdentifying and managing causes of rare and severe complications of Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease – an international prospective cohort study
Nicholas Croft and Silvia Liverani
£49,014 Bowel Research UK ( formerly Bowel & Cancer Research) (01-06-2021 - 31-12-2022)
solid heart iconPredicting disease and disease outcomes in children
Nicholas Croft and Silvia Liverani
£112,086 BH NHS Barts Health NHS (01-04-2021 - 31-12-2022)
solid heart iconGirls in Mathematics Event - SLiverani
Silvia Liverani
£500 London Mathematical Society (LMS) (01-03-2020 - 31-03-2020)
solid heart iconGenetically-Informed Envirotyping Tools to Better Match Test and Target Environments
Silvia Liverani
£83,987 University of North Carolina Wilmington (11-07-2017 - 14-02-2020)