Prof Mark Trimmer

Mark Trimmer

Professor of Biogeochemistry

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ResearcherID ORCID Google Scholar


Biogeochemistry, Anammox, Methane cycling, Nitrogen cycling, Microbial ecology, Climate warming


I apply cutting-edge tracer techniques and molecular approaches to unravel the biogeochemistry and underpinning microbial ecology of a diverse array of aquatic ecosystems. From headwater streams in the Arctic, to the open-ocean Pacific and carefully controlled experimental systems to link cause to effect through climate warming. I also purse the unorthodox to reveal both new and unexpected biogeochemical cycling occurrences, where previously they would have been dismissed – i.e., anaerobic ammonia and methane oxidation in riverbed sediments would have seemed fanciful only 10-years ago and we now know that some ecosystems use the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide as a nitrogen source, changing our perception of ecosystem functioning.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability


bullet iconWarming reduces trophic diversity in high‐latitude food webs
Jackson MC, O'Gorman EJ, Gallo B, Harpenslager SF, Randall K, Harris DN, Prentice H, Trimmer M, Sanders I, Dumbrell AJ, Cameron TC, Layer‐Dobra K, Bespalaya Y, Aksenova O, Friberg N, Cachazo LM, Brooks SJ and Woodward G
Global Change Biology, Wiley vol. 30 (10) 
Relevant PublicationNitrogen and phosphorus interactions at a 21 nitrogen:1 phosphorus Redfield‐like ratio impact growth and seed yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
da Silva SSM, Faizullah L, Guignard MS, Orcen N, Ruban AV, Rudall PJ, Trimmer M, Nichols RA, Leitch IJ and Leitch AR
Food and Energy Security, Wiley vol. 13 (4) 


Relevant PublicationSuspended particles are hotspots of microbial remineralization in the ocean's twilight zone
Hemsley V, Füssel J, Duret MT, Rayne RR, Iversen MH, Henson SA, Sanders R, Lam P and Trimmer M
Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, Elsevier vol. 212, 105339-105339.  
Relevant PublicationDirect biological fixation provides a freshwater sink for N2O
Si Y, Zhu Y, Sanders I, Kinkel DB, Purdy KJ and Trimmer M
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 14 (1), 6775-6775.  
Relevant PublicationGroundwater springs formed during glacial retreat are a large source of methane in the high Arctic
Kleber GE, Hodson AJ, Magerl L, Mannerfelt ES, Bradbury HJ, Zhu Y, Trimmer M and Turchyn AV
Nature Geoscience, Springer Nature vol. 16 (7), 597-604.  
Relevant PublicationGlacial retreat driving enhanced methane emissions in the high Arctic
Kleber G, Hodson A, Magerl L, Schytt Mannerfelt E, Bradbury H, Zhu Y, Trimmer M and Turchyn A
, Copernicus Publications 
Relevant PublicationA rationale for higher ratios of CH4 to CO2 production in warmer anoxic freshwater sediments and soils
Zhu Y, Purdy KJ, Rodríguez AM and Trimmer M
Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Wiley Open Access 


Relevant PublicationSeparating natural from human enhanced methane emissions in headwater streams
Zhu Y, Jones JI, Collins AL, Zhang Y, Olde L, Rovelli L, Murphy JF, Heppell CM and Trimmer M
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
Relevant PublicationHydrological properties predict the composition of microbial communities cycling methane and nitrogen in rivers
Clark DR, McKew BA, Binley A, Heppell CM, Whitby C and Trimmer M
Isme Communications vol. 2 (1), 5-5.  


Relevant PublicationContrasting biophysical controls on carbon dioxide and methane outgassing from streams
Rovelli L, Olde LA, Heppell CM, Binley A, Yvon‐Durocher G, Glud RN and Trimmer M
Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences vol. 127 (1) 
Relevant PublicationDiversity of dimethylsulfide‐degrading methanogens and sulfate‐reducing bacteria in anoxic sediments along the Medway Estuary, UK
Tsola SL, Zhu Y, Ghurnee O, Economou CK, Trimmer M and Eyice Ö
Environmental Microbiology, Wiley vol. 23 (8), 4434-4449.  
bullet iconSpatial and temporal dynamics of nitrogen exchange in an upwelling reach of a groundwater‐fed river and potential response to perturbations changing rainfall patterns under UK climate change scenarios
Heathwaite AL, Heppell C, Binley A, Byrne P, Lansdown K, Trimmer M, Ullah S and Zhang H
Hydrological Processes, Wiley vol. 35 (4) 
Relevant PublicationWarming impairs trophic transfer efficiency in a long-term field experiment
Barneche DR, Hulatt CJ, Dossena M, Padfield D, Woodward G, Trimmer M and Yvon-Durocher G
Nature, Nature Research vol. 592 (7852), 76-79.  
Relevant PublicationCoupled nitrification and N2 gas production as a cryptic process in oxic riverbeds
Ouyang L, Thamdrup B and Trimmer M
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 


Relevant PublicationDisproportionate increase in freshwater methane emissions induced by experimental warming
Trimmer M, Zhu Y, Purdy K, Eyice Ö, Shen L, Harpenslager S, Yvon-Durocher G and Dumbrell A
, Editors: Findlay A. Nature Climate Change, Nature Research 
bullet iconMineralization and nitrification: Archaea dominate ammonia-oxidising communities in grassland soils
Clark DR, McKew BA, Dong LF, Leung G, Dumbrell AJ, Stott A, Grant H, Nedwell DB, Trimmer M and Whitby C
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Elsevier vol. 143 


bullet iconInteractions between plant genome size, nutrients and herbivory by rabbits, molluscs and insects on a temperate grassland
Guignard MS, Crawley MJ, Kovalenko D, Nichols RA, Trimmer M, Leitch AR and Leitch IJ
Proceedings of The Royal Society B, The Royal Society vol. 286 (1899) 
bullet iconGeographically widespread 13C‐depletion of grazing caddis larvae: A third way of fuelling stream food webs?
Sampson A, Ings N, Shelley F, Tuffin S, Grey J, Trimmer M, Woodward G and Hildrew AG
Freshwater Biology, Wiley vol. 64 (4), 787-798.  
bullet iconSpatial separation of anaerobic ammonium oxidation and nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation in permeable riverbeds.
Shen L-D, Ouyang L, Zhu Y and Trimmer M
Environ Microbiol 
Relevant PublicationDrought intensification alters the composition, body size, and trophic structure of invertebrate assemblages in a stream mesocosm experiment
Aspin TWH, Hart K, Khamis K, Milner AM, O'Callaghan MJ, Trimmer M, Wang Z, Williams GMD, Woodward G and Ledger ME
Freshwater Biology, Wiley vol. 64 (4), 750-760.  


Relevant PublicationExtreme drought pushes stream invertebrate communities over functional thresholds
Aspin TWH, Khamis K, Matthews TJ, Milner AM, O’Callaghan MJ, Trimmer M, Woodward G and Ledger ME
Global Change Biology, Wiley vol. 25 (1), 230-244.  
Relevant PublicationActive pathways of anaerobic methane oxidation across contrasting riverbeds
Shen L-D, Ouyang L, Zhu Y and Trimmer M
The Isme Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 13 (3), 752-766.  
Relevant PublicationHeadwater gas exchange quantified from O2 mass balances at the reach scale.
Rovelli L, Attard KM, Heppell CM, Binley A, Trimmer M and Glud RN
Limnol Oceanogr Methods vol. 16 (10), 696-709.  
Relevant PublicationAlternative Particle Formation Pathways in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific's Biological Carbon Pump
Cavan EL, Giering SLC, Wolff GA, Trimmer M and Sanders R
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences vol. 123 (7), 2198-2211.  


Relevant PublicationEnhanced hyporheic exchange flow around woody debris does not increase nitrate reduction in a sandy streambed
Shelley F, Klaar M, Krause S and Trimmer M
Biogeochemistry vol. 136 (3), 353-372.  
bullet iconThe temperature dependence of phytoplankton stoichiometry: Investigating the roles of species sorting and local adaptation
Yvon-Durocher G, Schaum CE and Trimmer M
Frontiers in Microbiology vol. 8 (OCT) 
bullet iconHydrological controls on DOC:nitrate resources stoichiometry in a lowland, agricultural catchment, southern UK
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Copernicus Publications 
bullet iconImpacts of Nitrogen and Phosphorus: From Genomes to Natural Ecosystems and Agriculture
Leitch AR, Trimmer M, Guignard M, Eizaguirre C, Woodward G, Acquisti C, elser JJ, hessen D, Jeyasingh PD, Neiman M, Richardson AE, Soltis PS, Soltis DE, Stevens CJ, Weider LJ and Leitch IJ
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution vol. 5 (70), 1-9.  
bullet iconReach-scale river metabolism across contrasting sub-catchment geologies: Effect of light and hydrology
Rovelli L, Attard KM, Binley A, Heppell CM, Stahl H, Trimmer M and Glud RN
Limnology and Oceanography 
bullet iconBringing methanotrophy in rivers out of the shadows
Shelley F, Ings N, Hildrew AG, Trimmer M and Grey J
Limnology and Oceanography 
bullet iconRiverbed methanotrophy sustained by high carbon conversion efficiency.
Trimmer M, Shelley FC, Purdy KJ, Maanoja ST, Chronopoulou P-M and Grey J
bullet iconRemineralization of particulate organic carbon in an ocean oxygen minimum zone
Cavan EL, Trimmer M, Shelley F and Sanders R
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group vol. 8 
bullet iconAdaptation of phytoplankton to a decade of experimental warming linked to increased photosynthesis
Schaum C-E, Barton S, Bestion E, Buckling A, Garcia-Carreras B, Lopez P, Lowe C, Pawar S, Smirnoff N, Trimmer M and Yvon-Durocher G
Nature Ecology & Evolution vol. 1 (4), 0094-0094.  
bullet iconOrigin and fate of methane in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen minimum zone
Chronopoulou PM, Shelley F, Pritchard WJ, Maanoja ST and Trimmer M
The Isme Journal, Nature Publishing Group 
bullet iconLong-term warming amplifies shifts in the carbon cycle of experimental ponds
Gabriel Yvon-Durocher Y, Hulatt CJ, Woodward G and TRIMMER M
Nature Climate Change, Nature Publishing Group 


bullet iconNitrous oxide as a function of oxygen and archaeal gene abundance in the north pacific
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group: Nature Communications 
bullet iconControls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage (COMICS): Fieldwork, Synthesis, and Modeling Efforts
Sanders RJ, Henson SA, Martin AP, Anderson TR, Bernardello R, Enderlein P, Fielding S, Giering SLC, Hartmann M, Iversen M, Khatiwala S, Lam P, Lampitt R, Mayor DJ, Moore MC, Murphy E, Painter SC, Poulton AJ, Saw K, Stowasser G, et al.
Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers vol. 3 
bullet iconImportance and controls of anaerobic ammonium oxidation influenced by riverbed geology
Nature Geoscience, Nature Publishing Group 
bullet iconModelling flow and inorganic nitrogen dynamics on the Hampshire Avon: Linking upstream processes to downstream water quality.
Jin L, Whitehead PG, Heppell CM, Lansdown K, Purdie DA and Trimmer M
Sci Total Environ vol. 572, 1496-1506.  
Relevant PublicationGenome size and ploidy influence angiosperm species’ biomass under nitrogen and phosphorus limitation
Guignard MS, Nichols RA, Knell RJ, Macdonald A, Romila C-A, Trimmer M, Leitch IJ and LEITCH AR
New Phytologist, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 
bullet iconDeforestation for oil palm alters the fundamental balance of the soil N cycle
Hamilton RL, Trimmer M, Bradley C and Pinay G
Soil Biology and Biochemistry vol. 95, 223-232.  
Klaar M, Shelley F, Trimmer M, Hannah D, Bridgeman J and Krause S


bullet iconFive Years of Experimental Warming Increases the Biodiversity and Productivity of Phytoplankton
Yvon-Durocher G, Allen AP, Cellamare M, Dossena M, Gaston KJ, Leitao M, Montoya JM, Reuman DC, Woodward G and Trimmer M
Plos Biology, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 13 (12) 
bullet iconGene‐to‐ecosystem impacts of a catastrophic pesticide spill: testing a multilevel bioassessment approach in a river ecosystem
Thompson MSA, Bankier C, Bell T, Dumbrell AJ, Gray C, Ledger ME, Lehmann K, McKew BA, Sayer CD, Shelley F, Trimmer M, Warren SL and Woodward G
Freshwater Biology, Wiley vol. 61 (12), 2037-2050.  
bullet iconRiverbed methanotrophy sustained by high carbon conversion efficiency.
Trimmer M, Shelley FC, Purdy KJ, Maanoja ST, Chronopoulou P-M and Grey J
Isme J vol. 9 (10), 2304-2314.  
bullet iconThe interplay between transport and reaction rates as controls on nitrate attenuation in permeable, streambed sediments
Lansdown K, Heppell CM, Trimmer M, Binley A, Heathwaite AL, Byrne P and Zhang H
Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, American Geophysical Union (Agu) vol. 120 (6), 1093-1109.  
bullet iconTemperature and the biogeography of algal stoichiometry
Yvon-Durocher G, Dossena M, Trimmer M, Woodward G and Allen AP
Global Ecology and Biogeography vol. 24 (5), 562-570.  
bullet iconDiffusive equilibrium in thin films provides evidence of suppression of hyporheic exchange and large-scale nitrate transformation in a groundwater-fed river
Byrne P, Zhang H, Ullah S, Binley A, Heathwaite AL, Heppell CM, Lansdown K and Trimmer M
Hydrological Processes vol. 29 (6), 1385-1396.  
bullet iconMicrobial methane cycling in the bed of a chalk river: Oxidation has the potential to match methanogenesis enhanced by warming
Shelley F, Abdullahi F, Grey J and Trimmer M
Freshwater Biology vol. 60 (1), 150-160.  
bullet iconHigher biodiversity is required to sustain multiple ecosystem processes across temperature regimes.
Perkins DM, Bailey RA, Dossena M, Gamfeldt L, Reiss J, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Glob Chang Biol vol. 21 (1), 396-406.  


bullet iconMicrobial methane cycling in the bed of a chalk river: oxidation has the potential to match methanogenesis enhanced by warming
Shelley F, Abdullahi F, Grey J and Trimmer M
Freshwater Biology, Wiley vol. 60 (1), 150-160.  
bullet iconControl of river stage on the reactive chemistry of the hyporheic zone
Byrne P, Binley A, Heathwaite AL, Ullah S, Heppell CM, Lansdown K, Zhang H, Trimmer M and Keenan P
Hydrological Processes vol. 28 (17), 4766-4779.  
bullet iconDiffusive equilibrium in thin films provides evidence of suppression of hyporheic exchange and large‐scale nitrate transformation in a groundwater‐fed river
Byrne P, Zhang H, Ullah S, Binley A, Heathwaite AL, Heppell CM, Lansdown K and Trimmer M
Hydrological Processes, Wiley vol. 29 (6), 1385-1396.  
Relevant PublicationImpact of genomic diversity in river ecosystems.
Leitch AR, Leitch IJ, Trimmer M, Guignard MS and Woodward G
Trends Plant Sci vol. 19 (6), 361-366.  
bullet iconWidespread methanotrophic primary production in lowland chalk rivers.
Shelley F, Grey J and Trimmer M
Proc Biol Sci vol. 281 (1783) 
bullet iconFine-scale in situ measurement of riverbed nitrate production and consumption in an armored permeable riverbed.
Lansdown K, Heppell CM, Dossena M, Ullah S, Heathwaite AL, Binley A, Zhang H and Trimmer M
Environ Sci Technol vol. 48 (8), 4425-4434.  
bullet iconThe potential of large woody debris to alter biogeochemical processes and ecosystem services in lowland rivers
Krause S, Klaar MJ, Hannah DM, Mant J, Bridgeman J, Trimmer M and Manning‐Jones S
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Water, Wiley vol. 1 (3), 263-275.  
bullet iconInfluence of emergent vegetation on nitrate cycling in sediments of a groundwater-fed river
Ullah S, Zhang H, Heathwaite AL, Heppell C, Lansdown K, Binley A and Trimmer M
Biogeochemistry vol. 118 (1-3), 121-134.  
bullet iconInterpreting spatial patterns in redox and coupled water-nitrogen fluxes in the streambed of a gaining river reach
Heppell C, Heathwaite AL, Binley A, Byrne P, Ullah S, Lansdown K, Keenan P, Trimmer M and Zhang H
Biogeochemistry vol. 117 (2-3), 491-509.  


bullet iconStark contrast in denitrification and anammox across the deep Norwegian trench in the Skagerrak.
Trimmer M, Engström P and Thamdrup B
Appl Environ Microbiol vol. 79 (23), 7381-7389.  
bullet iconBiogeochemical Nitrogen Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems: Nitrogen‐15 Isotope Techniques
Huygens D, Trimmer M, Rütting T, Müller C, Heppell CM, Lansdown K and Boeckx P
In Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Wiley 553-591.  
bullet iconThe potential effect of sustained hypoxia on nitrogen cycling in sediment from the southern North Sea: a mesocosm experiment
Neubacher EC, Parker RE and Trimmer M
Biogeochemistry vol. 113 (1-3), 69-84.  
bullet iconRevealing the spatial variability of water fluxes at the groundwater-surface water interface
Binley A, Ullah S, Heathwaite AL, HEPPELL CM, Byrne P, Lansdown K, Trimmer M and Zhang H
Water Resources Research, Wiley Online vol. 49 (7), 3978-3992.  
bullet iconMesocosm Experiments as a Tool for Ecological Climate-Change Research
Stewart RIA, Dossena M, Bohan DA, Jeppesen E, Kordas RL, Ledger ME, Meerhoff M, Moss B, Mulder C, Shurin JB, Suttle B, Thompson R, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Advances in Ecological Research, Vol 48: Global Change in Multispecies Systems, Pt 3 vol. 48, 71-181.  
bullet iconControl of river stage on the reactive chemistry of the hyporheic zone
Byrne P, Binley A, Heathwaite AL, Ullah S, Heppell CM, Lansdown K, Zhang H, Trimmer M and Keenan P
Hydrological Processes 
Byrne P, Zhang H, Heathwaite L, Binley A, Ullah S, Kaeser D, Heppell K, Lansdown K and Trimmer M
bullet iconChapter Two Mesocosm Experiments as a Tool for Ecological Climate-Change Research
Stewart RIA, Dossena M, Bohan DA, Jeppesen E, Kordas RL, Ledger ME, Meerhoff M, Moss B, Mulder C, Shurin JB, Suttle B, Thompson R, Trimmer M and Woodward G
In Global Change in Multispecies Systems: Part 3, Elsevier 71-181.  


bullet iconRiver bed carbon and nitrogen cycling: state of play and some new directions.
Trimmer M, Grey J, Heppell CM, Hildrew AG, Lansdown K, Stahl H and Yvon-Durocher G
Sci Total Environ vol. 434, 143-158.  
bullet iconRiver bed carbon and nitrogen cycling: State of play and some new directions
Trimmer M, Grey J, Heppell CM, Hildrew AG, Lansdown K, Stahl H and Yvon-Durocher G
Science of The Total Environment vol. 434, 143-158.  
bullet iconEvidence for the direct oxidation of organic nitrogen to N2 gas in the Arabian Sea.
Trimmer M and Purdy KJ
Isme J vol. 6 (9), 1798-1800.  
bullet iconWarming alters community size structure and ecosystem functioning.
Dossena M, Yvon-Durocher G, Grey J, Montoya JM, Perkins DM, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Proc Biol Sci vol. 279 (1740), 3011-3019.  
bullet iconReconciling the temperature dependence of respiration across timescales and ecosystem types.
Yvon-Durocher G, Caffrey JM, Cescatti A, Dossena M, del Giorgio P, Gasol JM, Montoya JM, Pumpanen J, Staehr PA, Trimmer M, Woodward G and Allen AP
Nature vol. 487 (7408), 472-476.  
bullet iconReconciling the temperature dependence of respiration across timescales and ecosystem types
Yvon-Durocher G, Caffrey JM, Cescatti A, Dossena M, Giorgio PD, Gasol JM, Montoya JM, Pumpanen J, Staehr PA, Trimmer M, Woodward G and Allen AP
Nature vol. 487 (7408), 472-476.  
bullet iconThe depth-specific significance and relative abundance of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria in estuarine sediments (Medway Estuary, UK).
Rooks C, Schmid MC, Mehsana W and Trimmer M
Fems Microbiol Ecol vol. 80 (1), 19-29.  
bullet iconConsistent temperature dependence of respiration across ecosystems contrasting in thermal history
Perkins DM, Yvon-Durocher G, Demars BOL, Reiss J, Pichler DE, Friberg N, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Global Change Biology vol. 18 (4), 1300-1311.  
bullet iconConsistent temperature dependence of respiration across ecosystems contrasting in thermal history
Perkins DM, Yvon-Durocher G, Demars BO, Reiss J, Pichler DE, Friberg N, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Global Change Biology 
bullet iconCharacterization of the key pathways of dissimilatory nitrate reduction and their response to complex organic substrates in hyporheic sediments
Lansdown K, Trimmer M, Heppell CM, Sgouridis F, Ullah S, Heathwaite AL, Binley A and Zhang H
Limnology and Oceanography vol. 57 (2), 387-400.  
bullet iconIn situ measurement of redox sensitive solutes at high spatial resolution in a riverbed using Diffusive Equilibrium in Thin Films (DET)
Ullah S, Zhang H, Heathwaite AL, Binley A, Lansdown K, HEPPELL CM and Trimmer M
Ecological Engineering vol. 49, 18-26.  


bullet iconDenitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) in a temperate re-connected floodplain.
Sgouridis F, Heppell CM, Wharton G, Lansdown K and Trimmer M
Water Res vol. 45 (16), 4909-4922.  
bullet iconDistribution, Activity, and Ecology of Anammox Bacteria in Aquatic Environments
Trimmer M and Engström P
In Nitrification, Iwa Publishing 
bullet iconWarming alters the size spectrum and shifts the distribution of biomass in freshwater ecosystems
Yvon-Durocher G, Montoya JM, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Global Change Biol vol. 17 (4), 1681-1694.  
bullet iconShort-term hypoxia alters the balance of the nitrogen cycle in coastal sediments
Neubacher EC, Parker RE and Trimmer M
Limnol Oceanogr vol. 56 (2), 651-665.  
Relevant PublicationWarming increases the proportion of primary production emitted as methane from freshwater mesocosms
Yvon-Durocher G, Montoya JM, Woodward G, Jones JI and Trimmer M
Global Change Biol vol. 17 (2), 1225-1234.  
bullet iconDistribution, activity, and ecology of anammox bacteria in aquatic environments
TRIMMER M and Engstrom P
In Nitrification, Asm Press, Editors: Ward BB, Arp DJ and Klotz MG. 
bullet iconBiomonitoring of Human Impacts in Freshwater Ecosystems: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Friberg N, Bonada N, Bradley DC, Dunbar MJ, Edwards FK, Grey J, Hayes RB, Hildrew AG, Lamouroux N, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Adv Ecol Res vol. 44, 1-68.  


bullet iconSystems biology for ecology. From molecules to ecosystems
Purdy KJ, Hurd PJ, Moya-Laraño J, Trimmer M, Oakley BB and Woodward G
Relevant PublicationWarming alters the metabolic balance of ecosystems.
Yvon-Durocher G, Jones JI, Trimmer M, Woodward G and Montoya JM
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci vol. 365 (1549), 2117-2126.  
bullet iconPotential carbon fixation via methane oxidation in well-oxygenated riverbed gravels
Trimmer M, Maanoja S, Hildrew AG, Pretty JL and Grey J
Limnol Oceanogr vol. 55 (2), 560-568.  
bullet iconSystems Biology for Ecology: From Molecules to Ecosystems
Purdy KJ, Hurd PJ, Moya-Larano J, Trimmer M, Oakley BB and Woodward G
Adv Ecol Res vol. 43, 87-149.  
bullet iconThe Temperature Dependence of the Carbon Cycle in Aquatic Ecosystems
Yvon-Durocher G, Allen AP, Montoya JM, Trimmer M and Woodward G
Adv Ecol Res vol. 43, 267-313.  
bullet iconChapter 3 Systems Biology for Ecology From Molecules to Ecosystems
Purdy KJ, Hurd PJ, Moya-Laraño J, Trimmer M, Oakley BB and Woodward G
In Integrative Ecology: From Molecules to Ecosystems, Elsevier 87-149.  


bullet iconEvidence for the role of methane-derived carbon in a free-flowing, lowland river food web
Trimmer M, Hildrew AG, Jackson MC, Pretty JL and Grey J
Limnol Oceanogr vol. 54 (5), 1541-1547.  
bullet iconModelling the distribution and growth of 'problem' green seaweed in the Medway estuary, UK
Aldridge JN and Trimmer M
bullet iconCarbon and nitrogen cycling in a vegetated lowland chalk river impacted by sediment
Trimmer M, Sanders IA and Heppell CM
bullet iconComparison of ladderane phospholipid and core lipids as indicators for anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in marine sediments
Jaeschke A, Rooks C, Trimmer M, Nicholls JC, Hopmans EC, Schouten S and Damste JSS
Geochim Cosmochim Ac vol. 73 (7), 2077-2088.  
bullet iconProduction of nitrogen gas via anammox and denitrification in intact sediment cores along a continental shelf to slope transect in the North Atlantic
Trimmer M and Nicholls JC
Limnol Oceanogr vol. 54 (2), 577-589.  
bullet iconCarbon and nitrogen cycling in a vegetated lowland chalk river impacted by sediment.
Trimmer M, Sanders IA and HEPPELL C
Hydrological Processes, Wiley Online vol. 23 (15), 2225-2238.  
bullet iconWidespread occurrence of the anammox reaction in estuarine sediments
Nicholls JC and Trimmer M
Aquat Microb Ecol vol. 55 (2), 105-113.  
bullet iconA single channel for nitrate uptake, nitrite export and nitrite uptake by Escherichia coli NarU and a role for NirC in nitrite export and uptake.
Jia W, Tovell N, Clegg S, Trimmer M and Cole J
Biochem J vol. 417 (1), 297-304.  
bullet iconModelling the distribution and growth of ‘problem’ green seaweed in the Medway estuary, UK
Aldridge JN and Trimmer M
In Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, Springer Nature 107-122.  


bullet iconSedimentary and water column processes in the Oyster Grounds: A potentially hypoxic region of the North Sea
Weston K, Fernand L, Nicholls J, Marca-Bell A, Mills D, Sivyer D and Trimmer M
Mar Environ Res vol. 65 (3), 235-249.  


bullet iconEmission of methane from chalk streams has potential implications for agricultural practices
Sanders IA, Heppell CM, Cotton JA, Wharton G, Hildrew AG, Flowers EJ and Trimmer M
Freshwater Biology vol. 52 (6), 1176-1186.  
bullet iconHigh-resolution profiles and nitrogen isotope tracing reveal a dominant source of nitrous oxide and multiple pathways of nitrogen gas formation in the central Arabian Sea
Nicholls JC, Davies CA and Trimmer M
Limnol Oceanogr vol. 52 (1), 156-168.  


bullet iconNutrient dynamics in relation to surface-subsurface hydrological exchange in a groundwater fed chalk stream
Pretty JL, Hildrew AG and Trimmer M
J Hydrol vol. 330 (1-2), 84-100.  
bullet iconMacrophytes and suspension-feeding invertebrates modify flows and fine sediments in the Frome and Piddle catchments, Dorset (UK)
Wharton G, Cotton JA, Wotton RS, Bass JAB, Heppell CM, Trimmer M, Sanders IA and Warren LL
J Hydrol vol. 330 (1-2), 171-184.  
bullet iconIn situ application of the (NO3-)-N-15 isotope pairing technique to measure denitrification in sediments at the surface water-groundwater interface
Sanders IA and Trimmer M
Limnol Oceanogr-Meth vol. 4, 142-152.  
bullet iconDirect measurement of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) and denitrification in intact sediment cores
Trimmer M, Risgaard-Petersen N, Nicholls JC and Engstrom P
Mar Ecol-Prog Ser vol. 326, 37-47.  


bullet iconBiphasic behavior of anammox regulated by nitrite and nitrate in an estuarine sediment.
Trimmer M, Nicholls JC, Morley N, Davies CA and Aldridge J
Appl Environ Microbiol vol. 71 (4), 1923-1930.  
bullet iconImpact of long-term benthic trawl disturbance on sediment sorting and biogeochemistry in the southern North Sea
Trimmer M, Petersen J, Sivyer DB, Mills C, Young E and Parker ER
Mar Ecol-Prog Ser vol. 298, 79-94.  


bullet iconAnaerobic ammonium oxidation measured in sediments along the Thames estuary, United Kingdom.
Trimmer M, Nicholls JC and Deflandre B
Appl Environ Microbiol vol. 69 (11), 6447-6454.  
bullet iconChanges in sediment processes across the western Irish Sea Front
Trimmer M, Gowen RJ and Stewart BM
Estuar Coast Shelf S vol. 56 (5-6), 1011-1019.  
bullet iconInvestigation of factors controlling the presence of macroalgae in some estuaries of the Southern Water Region.
TRIMMER M and Aldridge J
bullet iconPreliminary report on the effect of disturbance on sediment biogeochemistry.
TRIMMER M, Warr K, Sivyer D, Kershaw P, Meadows B, Hewer A and Parker R


bullet iconNutrient Conditions for Different Levels of Ecological Status and Biological Quality in Surface Waters (Phase I).
Hughes R, TRIMMER M, Winder J, Furse H, Gunn I, Luckes S, Monteith D, May L, Johnston A, Maitland P, Taylor R, Dawson H, Carvalho L and Bennion H


bullet iconA diagenetic model discriminating denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in a temperate estuarine sediment
Kelly-Gerreyn BA, Trimmer M and Hydes DJ
Mar Ecol-Prog Ser vol. 220, 33-46.  


bullet iconProduction and its fate in two coastal regions of the Irish Sea: the influence of anthropogenic nutrients
Gowen RJ, Mills DK, Trimmer M and Nedwell DB
Mar Ecol-Prog Ser vol. 208, 51-64.  


bullet iconProcess measurement and phylogenetic analysis of the sulfate reducing bacterial communities of two contrasting benthic sites in the upper estuary of the Great Ouse, Norfolk, UK
Trimmer M, Purdy KJ and Nedwell DB
Fems Microbiology Ecology, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 24 (4), 333-342.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability
solid heart iconMicrobial link from organosulfur compounds to methane in anoxic sediments
Mark Trimmer
£279,601 Leverhulme Trust
01-10-2021 - 19-06-2025

solid heart iconProbing the cryptic nitrogen cycle
Mark Trimmer
£78,957 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
01-08-2021 - 30-06-2022
solid heart iconFlocculation in cyanobacteria: from mechanism to ecology
Conrad Mullineaux and Mark Trimmer
£201,021 Leverhulme Trust
01-05-2020 - 10-04-2024
solid heart iconTemperature and nitrogen modulated nitrous oxide fixation
Mark Trimmer
£333,448 Leverhulme Trust
01-10-2019 - 31-07-2023
solid heart iconPhosphorus in Riverbed Nitrogen Cycling
Mark Trimmer
£317,190 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
01-07-2017 - 03-05-2021
solid heart iconCOMICS
Mark Trimmer
£208,889 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
01-04-2017 - 31-03-2023
solid heart iconRing of Fire
Mark Trimmer
£315,640 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
01-01-2016 - 31-12-2019