• Fresh-register automata
  • Handwritten notes by Peter Landin on the analysis of programs (property of Prof Robinson)
  • The game semantics (received from Nikos Tzevelekos with permission)

Welcome to The Centre for Fundamental Computer Science

Fundamental Computer Science has always been one of the core strengths of Queen Mary’s work in the area.This dates back to the  in the 1960’s and the appointment of the famous computer scientist Peter Landin who was the first to realise that the lambda calculus could be used to model a programming language, which proved essential to the development of functional programming.

Our vision is that research into the core principles of both logic and mathematical modelling techniques leads to structural advances in practical capabilities. We have pioneered numerous developments that illustrate this, running from Landin’s work on the basics of Functional Programming, through O’Hearn and Pym’s work on substructural logic that led to the first use of verification at scale in industrial code-bases, Honda’s work on the structure of interactions that leads to session types, Malacaria’s work on structural information flow.

More recently we have worked on applications in security, computer video and sensor networks, and on the theory of information and probabilistic reasoning.


Recent Publications

  • Zhou B, Markström K and Riis S (2024). CDL: A fast and flexible library for the study of permutation sets with structural restrictions. SoftwareX, Elsevier vol. 28 
  • Grigore R, Distefano D and Tzevelekos N (2024). Automatic Compositional Checking of Multi-object TypeState Properties of Software. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature vol. 15260, 3-40.  
  • Goldberg LA, Roth M and Schwarz T (2024). Parameterised approximation of the fixation probability of the dominant mutation in the multi-type Moran process. Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier 

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Recent Grants

Unrestricted donation: Formal verification of privacy properties
Pasquale Malacaria
£58,028 Meta Platforms Inc (01-10-2022 - 31-12-2025)
Interface reasoning for interacting systems (IRIS)
Edmund Robinson
£869,077 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-01-2018 - 31-12-2024)

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