Computer Science Education, Public Engagement in Computer Science and STEM, Interaction Design in Healthcare, Interaction Design and Human Error
My research combines the areas of Computer Science Education, and interaction design for healthcare. I also have a strong interest in the public engagement with computer science and STEM more generally. In the past I worked primarily in the areas of automated reasoning and formal verification.
Computer Science Education
I have done a variety of work in the area of computer science education such as around making learning fun, teaching of computational thinking, teaching of programming (including program design). My current focus is on the application of the sociology theory Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to better understand what makes good computer science teaching and so learning. One focus has been on use of LCT Semantics to explore good explanation. Another is the use of LCT Autonomy to understand teaching multiple topics together (eg computer science and the underlying maths).
Public Engagement in Science
A major aspect of my work is in the public engagement in computer science (and science, maths and engineering more generally). I aim to generate excitement not just about the School's research but about interdisciplinary research in the subject more generally. The main way of achieving this is through the internationally renowned public engagement project cs4fn ( that I created with Peter McOwan, and its sister project for teachers Teaching London Computing (
Interaction Design in Healthcare
My current research in the area of interaction design applied to Healthcare is focussed on improving life with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). I am working with rheumatologist, Amy McBrayne, on the AtTRA project which started as part of the PAMBAYESIAN project. We are looking at the needs of those with RA and so opportunities and barriers to provide intelligent support for people with chronic diseases and specifically RA. I am working on understanding the real needs of both patients and clinicians. We developed a series of personas of patients to illustrate what life with the disease is like to feed in to the design process and interviewed and surveyed clinicians and patients about their needs, the opportunities of technology and barriers to its uptake.
I have also worked on interaction design and human error. In the CHI+MED project we applied earlier work on human error to the area of healthcare and medical device design, exploring ways to ensure design prevented or reduced human error. My work on human error was selected for presentation at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition, 2009.
Human Error and Cognitive Models
This originally extended my early research on the verification of hardware/software systems to human-computer systems. The idea is to consider the human operators of such interactive systems as part of the system under verification, so bringing systematic human error, not just software and hardware error, within the scope of the approach. I am, in particular, exploring the use of formal models of human behaviour based on results from cognitive psychology in the design of interactive systems. This work was in collaboration with UCL and Swansea University. Questions we are exploring include: 'How can formal models of human behaviour form the basis of verification methods that can detect design flaws that lead to systematic human error?'; 'How can empirical investigations inform the development of formal models of human behaviour used for verification, and vice versa?' and 'How can formally-based usability evaluation methods best support the analyst?'
Verification of Verification Systems
My early work on the design and verification of hybrid verification systems was in collaboration with Concordia University. We developed a verification system that combined the power of the MDG and HOL tools. It harnesses the abstraction techniques of the automated MDG multiway decision diagram (which is superior to boolean decision diagrams) system combined with theorem proving power of HOL to manage the process. In related work we developed a novel methodology that justifies importing results into a theorem prover using verified linkage theorems. It is based on a combination of compiler verification techniques.
Social Aspects of Interaction Design
I am also working on several projects investigating social aspects of interaction design, for example related to design for all. Questions of interest include: 'How can systems be designed so as to build on our cognitive strengths, especially as we age?'.
Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Human-Centred Computing

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Human-Centred Computing

MacBrayne A,
Curzon P, Soyel H,
Marsh W, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F (2023).
Attitudes to technology supported rheumatoid arthritis care: investigating patient and clinician perceived opportunities and barriers. Rheumatology Advances in Practice,
Oxford University Press (OUP) 26-10-2023
Dowse A,
Curzon P and Morrissey D (2023).
Willingness, Motivators and Barriers to using Anxiety-focused Apps in people with and without chronic pain: A Questionnaire Study. 09-05-2023
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Humby F,
Marsh D, Soyel H, Fenton N and Pitzalis C (2023).
Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care Questionnaire study: Barriers to People with RA & their clinicians using Technology in the care pathway. British Society for Rheumatology Annual COnference 2023 Manchester Central 24 Mar 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Soyel H,
Marsh D, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F (2023).
Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care, questionnaire study: Opportunities for technology to improve RA care. British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference, 2023 Manchester Central 24 Apr 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Soyel H,
Marsh D, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F (2023).
Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care: Opportunities & Barriers for technology in RA -Key themes from Qualitative arm of Mixed-Methods Study. British SOciety for Rheumatology Annual COnference, 2023 Manchester Central 24 Apr 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
Curzon P and McOwan PW (2022).
Conjuring with Computation, A Manual of Magic and Computing for Beginners. 23-06-20222016

Harrison M, Campos JC, Ruksenas R and
Curzon P (2016).
Modelling information resources and their salience in medical device design. Engineering Interactive Computing Systems 2016.
Rukšenas R, Masci P and
Curzon P (2016).
Developing and Verifying User Interface Requirements for Infusion Pumps: A Refinement Approach. From Action Systems to Distributed Systems 215-230.
Ruksenas R, Masci P and
Curzon P (2016).
Developing and Verifying User Interface Requirements for Infusion Pumps: A Refinement Approach. From Action Systems to Distributed Systems: The Refinement Approach , Editors: Petre L and Sekerinski E. 215-230.

Cinzia Bernardeschi PM (2015).
Towards a Formalization of System Requirements for an Integrated Clinical Environment., Editors: Alomainy A, Whittow W, Hao Y, Nikita KS and Parini CG.
Masci P, Oladimeji P, Zhang Y, Jones P,
Curzon P and Thimbleby H (2015).
PVSio-web 2.0: Joining PVS to HCI. 01-07-2015
Masci P,
Curzon P, Mallozzi P, Angelis FLD and Serugendo GDM (2015).
Using PVSio-web and SAPERE for rapid prototyping of user interfaces in Integrated Clinical Environments. 01-07-2015
Masci P, Rukšėnas R, Oladimeji P, Cauchi A, Gimblett A, Li Y,
Curzon P and Thimbleby H (2015).
The benefits of formalising design guidelines: a case study on the predictability of drug infusion pumps. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering,
Springer-Verlag New York vol. 11 (2), 73-93.
Campos JC,
Curzon P, Harrison MD and Masci P (2015).
Layers, resources and property templates in the specification and analysis of two interactive systems. 01-06-20152014

enas RR,
Curzon P, Blandford A and Back J (2014).
Combining Human Error Verification and Timing Analysis: a Case Study on an Infusion Pump. Formal Aspects of Computing,
Springer Verlag vol. 26, 1033-1076.
Masci P, Zhang Y, Jones P,
Curzon P and Thimbleby H (2014).
Formal Verification of Medical Device User Interfaces Using PVS. 01-01-2014
Masci P, Zhang Y, Jones P, Oladimeji P, D Urso E, Bernardeschi C,
Curzon P and Thimbleby H (2014).
Combining PVSio with Stateflow. 01-01-2014
Masci P, Zhang Y, Jones P, Thimbleby H and
Curzon P (2014).
A Generic User Interface Architecture for Analyzing Use Hazards in Infusion Pump Software., Editors: Turau V, Kwiatkowska M, Mangharam R and Weyer C.

Black J, Brodie J,
Curzon P, Myketiak C, McOwan PW and Meagher LR (2013).
Making Computing Interesting to School Students: Teachers’ Perspectives., Editors: Carter J, Utting I and Clear A.
ITiCSE '13 Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education Canterbury, UK 1 Jul 2013 - 3 Jul 2013.
Rukšenas R,
Curzon P and Harrison MD (2013).
Integrating Formal Predictions of Interactive System Behaviour with User Evaluation., Editors: Johnsen EB and Petre L.
Huang H,
Curzon P, White G and Blandford A (2013).
Evaluating the methodological constraints and affordances of investigation manuals and their methodologies. 01-03-20132012

Black J,
Curzon P, Myketiak C, McOwan PW and Meagher LR (2012).
Teachers' perceptions of the value of research-based school lectures. 08-11-2012
Myketiak C,
Curzon P, Black J, McOwan PW and Meagher LR (2012).
cs4fn. 03-07-2012
Masci P, Huang H,
Curzon P and Harrison MD (2012).
Using PVS to investigate incidents through the lens of distributed cognition., Editors: Goodloe AE and Person S.

Cauchi A,
Curzon P, Eslambolchilar P, Gimblett A, Huang H, Lee P, Li Y, Masci P, Oladimeji P, Rukšenas R and Thimbleby H (2011).
Towards dependable number entry for medical devices. 01-12-2011
Blandford A, Cauchi A,
Curzon P, Eslambolchilar P, Furniss D, Gimblett A, Huang H, Lee P, Li Y, Masci P, Oladimeji P, Rajkomar A, Rukšenas R and Thimbleby H (2011).
Comparing actual practice and user manuals:A case study based on programmable infusion pumps. 01-12-2011
Black J,
Curzon P, Myketiak C and McOwan PW (2011).
A Study in Engaging Female Students in Computer Science Using Role Models. 01-06-2011
Masci P,
Curzon P, Huang H, Rukšėnas R, Blandford A, Furniss D and Rajkomar A (2011).
Towards a formal framework for reasoning about the resilience of dynamic interactive systems. 11-05-2011
Black J, Myketiak C,
Curzon P and McOwan PW (2011).
Engaging Female Students in Computer Science Using Role Models. 01-03-2011
Rukšenas R and
Curzon P (2011).
Abstract models and cognitive mismatch in formal verification. Electronic Communications of the EASST vol. 45
Huang H, Rukšenas R, Ament MGA,
Curzon P, Cox AL, Blandford A and Brumby D (2011).
Capturing the distinction between task and device errors in a formal model of user behaviour. Electronic Communications of the EASST vol. 45
Masci P, Rukšenas R, Oladimeji P, Cauchi A, Gimblett A, Li Y,
Curzon P and Thimbleby H (2011).
On formalising interactive number entry on infusion pumps. Electronic Communications of the EASST vol. 45

Blandford A, Buchanan G,
Curzon P, Furniss D and Thimbleby H (2010).
Who’s looking? Invisible problems with interactive medical devices. 01-04-20102009

Ruksenas R, Back J,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2009).
Verification-guided modelling of salience and cognitive load. Formal Aspects of Computing: applicable formal methods vol. 21 (6), 541-569.
Curzon P, McOwan PW, Cutts Q and Bell T (2009).
Enthusing & inspiring with reusable kinaesthetic activities. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin vol. 41, 94-98.
Curzon P, McOwan PW and Black J (2009).
The magic of HCI: Enthusing kids in playful ways to help solve the Computer Science recruitment problem. 01-04-2009
Curzon P, Black J, Meagher LR and McOwan PW (2009). Enthusing students about Computer Science. 01-01-2009
Curzon P, Peckham J, Taylor H, Settle A and Roberts E (2009).
Computational Thinking (CT): On Weaving It In. 01-01-2009
Curzon P, McOwan PW, Cutts QI and Bell T (2009).
Enthusing & Inspiring with Reusable Kinaesthetic Activities. 01-01-20092008

Ruksenas R,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2008).
Modelling and Analysing Cognitive Causes of Security Breaches. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering vol. 30, 143-160.
Curzon P and McOwan PW (2008).
Engaging with Computer Science Through Magic Shows. 01-01-2008
Ruksenas R,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2008).
Modelling Rational User Behaviour as Games between an Angel and a Demon., Editors: Cerone A and Gruner S.
Blandford A,
Curzon P, Hyde J and Papatzanis G (2008).
EMU in the car: Evaluating multimodal usability of a satellite navigation system., Editors: Graham TCN and Palanque P.
Curzon P and McOwan PW (2008).
Engaging with Computer Science through Magic Shows. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin vol. 40, 179-183.
Ruksenas R,
Curzon P, Blandford A and Back J (2008).
Combining Human Error Verification and Timing Analysis., Editors: Gulliksen J, Harning MB, Papanque P, VanderVeer G and Wesson J.
Ruksenas R,
Curzon P, Back J and Blandford A (2008).
Formal Modelling of Salience and Cognitive Load. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 208, 57-75.
Furniss D, Blandford A and
Curzon P (2008).
Usability Work in Professional Website Design: Insights from Practitioners’ Perspectives. Maturing Usability: Quality in Software, Interaction and Value , Editors: Law E, Hvannberg E, Cockton G and Vanderdonckt J. 144-167.
Curzon P, Ruksenas R and Blandford A (2007).
An approach to formal verification of human-computer interaction. FORM ASP COMPUT vol. 19 (4), 513-550.
Curzon P (2007).
Serious Fun in Computer Science. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin vol. 39, 1-1.
Ruksenas R,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2007).
Detecting Cognitive Causes of Confidentiality Leaks., Editors: Curzon P and Cerone A.
Wilson J,
Curzon P and Whitney G (2007).
Seniors route-planning: a reality check for the design of navigation systems. 01-06-2007
Xiong H,
Curzon P, Tahar S and Blandford A (2007).
Providing a formal linkage between MDG and HOL. Formal Methods in System Design vol. 30, 83-116-83-116.
Papatzanis G,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2007).
Evaluation of Car Navigation Systems: On-Road Studies or Analytical Tools. 01-01-2007
Ruksenas R,
Curzon P, Back J and Blandford A (2007).
Formal modelling of cognitive interpretation., Editors: Doherty G and Blandford A.
Furniss D, Blandford A and
Curzon P (2007).
Resilience in Usability Consultancy Practice: The Case for a Positive Resonance Model., Editors: Woltjer R, Johansson B and Lundberg J.
Curzon P, Ruksenas R and Blandford A (2007).
An Approach to Formal Verification of Human-Computer Interaction. Formal Aspects of Computing vol. 19, 513-550.
Ruksenas R,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2007).
Detecting Cognitive Causes of Confidentiality Leaks. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 183, 21-38-21-38.
Back J, Cheng WL, Dann R,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2007).
Does being motivated to avoid procedural errors influence their systematicity?, Editors: BryanKinns N, Blandfor A, Curzon P and Nigay L.
Ruksenas R,
Curzon P, Back J and Blandford A (2007).
Formal Modelling of Cognitive Interpretation., Editors: Doherty GJ and Blandford A.

Perkins VD, Butterworth R,
Curzon P and Fields B (2006).
Representation of the National Memory: digitising historical photograph collections in the UK. Performance Research Journal vol. 11, 83-116-83-116.
Curzon P, McOwan P, Burton E and Gould M (2006).
Engaging with Computer Science through Play and Performance. 01-09-2006
Perkins VD, Butterworth R, Fields B and
Curzon P (2006).
Keeping stuff safe: using guidelines and standards for digital preservation. 01-04-2006
Curzon P (2006).
Backwards Compatible. 01-04-2006
Jagne J, Smith S,
Curzon P and Fields B (2006).
Integrating social and cultural variances into international eCommerce interface design. 01-01-2006
Blandford A, Back J,
Curzon P, Li S and Ruksenas R (2006).
Reasoning about human error by modeling cognition and interaction., Editors: Hollnagel E and Rigaud E.
Back J, Cheng WL, Dann R,
Curzon P and Blandford A (2006).
Does being motivated to avoid procedural errors influence their systemacity?, Editors: Bryan-Kinns N, Blandford A, Curzon P and Nigay L.
Curzon P (2005).
Perfect usability - The one-button machine? 01-08-2005
Curzon P (2005).
The extreme Challenge of Moore’s Law and what Stormy Petrels have to do with it. 01-02-2005
Jagne J, Smith S, Duncker E and
Curzon P (2005).
Cross-Cultural Factors of Physical-Shopping and eShopping. Proceedings of HCI International 2005.
Davis-Perkins V, Butterworth R,
Curzon P and Fields B (2005).
A study into the effect of digitisation projects on the management and stability of historic photograph collections., Editors: Rauber A, Christodoulakis S and Tjoa AM.
Curzon P (2004).
Flexing Paper’s Muscle. 01-05-2004
CURZON P, Butterworth R and Blandford A (2004).
Models of Interactive systems: a case study on a programmable user modelling. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies vol. 60 (2), 149-200.
Blandford A, Butterworth R and
Curzon P (2004).
Models of interactive systems: a case study on programmable user modelling. INT J HUM-COMPUT ST vol. 60 (2), 149-200.
Jagne J, Smith SG, Duncker E and
Curzon P (2004).
Cross-cultural Interface Design Strategy. 01-02-2004
Curzon P (2004).
When smart thinking is not enough. 01-02-2004
CURZON P, Wilson J, Whitney G and Keith S (2004).
Information Seeking Strategies used by older people. HCI and the older population, workshop at HCI2004, Design for Life: The 18th British HCI Group Annual conference.
Blandford A, Butterworth R and
Curzon P (2004).
Models of Interactive systems: a case study on programmable user modelling. International Journal of Human-computer Studies vol. 60, 149-284-149-284.
Curzon P (2003).
Spit-not-so, or what’s in the layout. 01-12-2003
Curzon P (2003).
Maori Culture? Who Cares? 01-10-2003
Curzon P (2003).
Middlesex University Interaction Design Centre., Editors: Gray P, Johnson H and Neill EO.
Curzon P and Blandford A (2003).
A formal justification of a design rule for avoiding post-completion errors. 01-01-20032002
Curzon P, Blandford A, Butterworth R and Bhogal R (2002).
Interaction Design Issues for Car Navigation Systems., Editors: Sharp H, Chalk P, LePeuple J and Rosbottom J.
Curzon P and Harding J (2002).
Spreading the word about pedagogic research. Academic and Educational Development: Research, Evaluation and Changing Practice in Higher Education , Editors: Macdonald R and Wisdom J. 152-163-152-163.
Thimbleby H, Blandford A, Cairns P,
Curzon P and Jones M (2002).
User interface design as systems design., Editors: Faulkner X, Finlay J and Detienne F.

Blandford AE, Butterworth R and
Curzon P (2001).
PUMA Footprints: linking theory and craftskill in usability evaluation. 01-07-2001
Xiong H,
Curzon P, Tahar S and Blandford A (2001).
Proving Existential Theorems when Importing Results from MDG to HOL., Editors: Bolton RJ and Jackson PB.
Butterworth R, Blandford A and
Curzon P (2001).
Lab Overview: Interaction Design Centre, Middlesex University., Editors: Vanderdonckt J, Blandford A and Derycke A.
Curzon P and Blandford AE (2001).
A user model for avoiding design induced errors in soft-key interactive systems., Editors: Bolton RJ and Jackson PB.
Blandford A, Butterworth R and
Curzon P (2001).
PUMA Footprints: linking theory and craft skill in usability evaluation., Editors: Hirose M.
Curzon P (2000).
Learning Computer Science Through Games and Puzzles. 01-03-2000
Curzon P and Blandford A (2000).
Reasoning about Order Errors and Interaction. 01-03-2000
Curzon P and Blandford A (2000).
Using a Verification System to Reason about Post-Completion Errorsteraction. 01-02-2000
Curzon P and Blandford A (2000).
Reasoning about Order Errors in Interaction. 01-02-2000
Xiong H,
Curzon P, Tahar S and Blandford A (2000).
Embedding and Verification of an MDG-HDL Compiler in HOL., Editors: Aagaard M, Harrison J and Schubert T.
Curzon P and Blandford A (2000).
Using a Verification System to Reason About Post-Completion Errors., Editors: Palanque P and Paternò F.
Curzon P and Blandford A (2000).
Reasoning about Order Errors in Interaction., Editors: Aagaard M, Harrison J and Schubert T.
Curzon P and Harding J (1999).
A Summary of the Virtual Reading Group Project. 01-11-1999
Curzon P and Harding J (1999).
Drip Fed Academic Staff Development Using a Virtual Reading Group. 01-01-1999
Curzon P (1999).
Learning Computer Science through Games and Puzzles. 01-01-19991998
Curzon P (1998).
Progress Setting up a Virtual HE Teaching and Learning Reading Group. 01-12-1998
Curzon P (1998).
Read, summarise, debate, write. Improving the quality of argument in Higher Education: trial materials , Editors: Mitchell S. 51-51.
Curzon P, Blandford A, Jones M, Marsden G and Smith M (1997).
Supporting a Large-class Programming Course with Intranet Tools. 01-01-19971996
Curzon P (1996).
Hardware Verification and ATM Switches. 01-04-1996