Prof Rodolfo Russo

Rodolfo Russo

Professor in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


String Theory, Black holes, Quantum Field Theory


String Theory, Quantum Field Theory and the relation between the two. In particular I am currently working on various aspects of the AdS/CFT duality in presence of heavy states and on the eikonal limit of gravitational scattering. Both problems provide interesting insights on black hole dynamics, which has been at centre of my interests in the past few years.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation


bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Heissenberg C, Russo R and Veneziano G (2024). The gravitational eikonal: From particle, string and brane collisions to black-hole encounters. Physics Reports, Elsevier vol. 1083, 1-169.  
bullet iconGeorgoudis A, Heissenberg C and Russo R (2024). Post-Newtonian multipoles from the next-to-leading post-Minkowskian gravitational waveform. Physical Review D, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 109 (10), 106020-106020.  
bullet iconGeorgoudis A, Heissenberg C and Russo R (2024). An eikonal-inspired approach to the gravitational scattering waveform. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2024 (3), 89-89.  


bullet iconGanchev B, Giusto S, Houppe A, Russo R and Warner NP (2023). Microstrata. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2023 (10) 
bullet iconGiusto S, Iossa C and Russo R (2023). The black hole behind the cut. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2023 (10) 
bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Heissenberg C, Russo R and Veneziano G (2023). Classical gravitational observables from the Eikonal operator. Physics Letters B, Elsevier vol. 843 


bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Heissenberg C and Russo R (2022). Angular momentum of zero-frequency gravitons. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2022 (8), 172-172.  
bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Heissenberg C, Russo R and Veneziano G (2022). The eikonal operator at arbitrary velocities I: the soft-radiation limit. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2022 (7) 
bullet iconGanchev B, Giusto S, Houppe A and Russo R (2022). AdS 3 holography for non-BPS geometries. European Physical Journal C vol. 82 (3) 


bullet iconČeplak N, Giusto S, Hughes MRR and Russo R (2021). Holographic correlators with multi-particle states. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (9), 204-204.  
bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Heissenberg C, Russo R and Veneziano G (2021). The eikonal approach to gravitational scattering and radiation at O (G 3). Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2021 (7) 
bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Heissenberg C, Russo R and Veneziano G (2021). Radiation reaction from soft theorems. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics vol. 818 


bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Heissenberg C, Russo R and Veneziano G (2020). Universality of ultra-relativistic gravitational scattering. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics vol. 811 
bullet iconGiusto S, Hughes MRR and Russo R (2020). The Regge limit of AdS3 holographic correlators. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2020 (11) 
bullet iconGiusto S, Russo R, Tyukov A and Wen C (2020). The CFT6 origin of all tree-level 4-point correlators in AdS3 x S3. European Physical Journal C vol. 80 (8) 
bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Naculich SG, Russo R, Veneziano G and White CD (2020). A tale of two exponentiations in N = 8 supergravity at subleading level. The Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) vol. 2020 (3) 


bullet iconCollado AK, Di Vecchia P and Russo R (2019). Revisiting the second post-Minkowskian eikonal and the dynamics of binary black holes. Physical Review D, American Physical Society vol. 100 (6) 
bullet iconDi Vecchia P, Luna A, Naculich SG, Russo R, Veneziano G and White CD (2019). A tale of two exponentiations in N=8 supergravity. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Elsevier vol. 798 
bullet iconGiusto S, Russo R, Tyukov A and Wen C (2019). Holographic correlators in AdS3 without Witten diagrams. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC vol. 2019 (9) 
bullet iconWEN C, Giusto S and RUSSO R (2019). Holographic correlators in AdS3. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 
bullet iconČeplak N, Russo R and Shigemori M (2019). Supercharging superstrata. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2019 (3) 
bullet iconBombini A, Giusto S and Russo R (2019). A note on the Virasoro blocks at order 1/c. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C vol. 79 (1) 


bullet iconKOEMANS COLLADO A, Di Vecchia P, RUSSO R and THOMAS S (2018). The subleading eikonal in supergravity theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) vol. 2018 (10), 1-33.  
bullet iconBena I, Giusto S, Martinec EJ, Russo R, Shigemori M, Turton D and Warner NP (2018). Asymptotically-flat supergravity solutions deep inside the black-hole regime. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2018 (2) 
bullet iconBombini A, Galliani A, Giusto S, Moscato E and Russo R (2018). Unitary 4-point correlators from classical geometries. European Physical Journal C vol. 78 (1) 


bullet iconGalliani A, Giusto S and Russo R (2017). Holographic 4-point correlators with heavy states. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (10) 


bullet iconSHIGEMORI M, Bena I, Giusto S, Martinec EJ, Russo R, Turton D and Warner NP (2016). Smooth horizonless geometries deep inside the black-hole regime. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 117, 201601-201601.  
bullet iconGalliani A, Giusto S, Moscato E and Russo R (2016). Correlators at large c without information loss. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2016 (9) 
bullet iconD Appollonio G, Di Vecchia P, Russo R and Veneziano G (2016). A microscopic description of absorption in high-energy string-brane collisions. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2016 (3) 


bullet iconPioline B and Russo R (2015). Infrared divergences and harmonic anomalies in the two-loop superstring effective action. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (12) 
bullet iconGiusto S, Moscato E and Russo R (2015). AdS3 holography for 1/4 and 1/8 BPS geometries. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2015 (11), 1-39.  
bullet iconMagnea L, Playle S, Russo R and Sciuto S (2015). Two-loop Yang-Mills diagrams from superstring amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2015 (6) 
bullet iconBena I, Giusto S, Russo R, Shigemori M and Warner NP (2015). Habemus superstratum! A constructive proof of the existence of superstrata. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2015 (5) 
bullet iconD’Appollonio G, Di Vecchia P, Russo R and Veneziano G (2015). Regge behavior saves string theory from causality violations. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2015 (5) 
bullet iconD’Hoker E, Green MB, Pioline B and Russo R (2015). Matching the D 6ℛ4 interaction at two-loops. Journal of High Energy Physics vol. 2015 (1) 


bullet iconGiusto S and Russo R (2014). Entanglement entropy and D1-D5 geometries. PHYSICAL REVIEW D vol. 90 (6) 
bullet iconGiusto S and Russo R (2014). Superdescendants of the D1D5 CFT and their dual 3-charge geometries. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (3) 
bullet iconD Appollonio G, Di Vecchia P, Russo R and Veneziano G (2014). The leading eikonal operator in string-brane scattering at high energy. Breaking of supersymmetry and ultraviolet divergences in extended supergravity


bullet iconD'Appollonio G, Di Vecchia P, Russo R and Veneziano G (2013). Microscopic unitary description of tidal excitations in high-energy string-brane collisions. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (11) 
bullet iconGiusto S, Martucci L, Petrini M and Russo R (2013). 6D microstate geometries from 10D structures. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B vol. 876 (2), 509-555.  
bullet iconMagnea L, Playle S, Russo R and Sciuto S (2013). Multi-loop open string amplitudes and their field theory limit. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (9) 
bullet iconGiusto S and Russo R (2013). Perturbative superstrata. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B vol. 869 (2), 164-188.  


bullet iconGiusto S and Russo R (2012). Adding new hair to the 3-charge black ring. CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY vol. 29 (8) 


bullet iconGiusto S, Russo R and Turton D (2011). New D1-D5-P geometries from string amplitudes. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (11) 


bullet iconBlack W, Russo R and Turton D (2010). The supergravity fields for a D-brane with a travelling wave from string amplitudes. PHYS LETT B vol. 694 (3), 246-251.  
bullet iconD'Appollonio G, Di Vecchia P, Russo R and Veneziano G (2010). High-energy string-brane scattering leading eikonal and beyond. J HIGH ENERGY PHYS vol. 2010 (11) 
bullet iconMcGarrie M and Russo R (2010). General gauge mediation in five dimensions. PHYS REV D vol. 82 (3) 
bullet iconGiusto S, Morales JF and Russo R (2010). D1D5 microstate geometries from string amplitudes. J HIGH ENERGY PHYS vol. 2010 (3) 


bullet iconGeorgiou G, Gili VL and Russo R (2009). Operator mixing and three-point functions in N=4 SYM. J HIGH ENERGY PHYS vol. 2009 (10) 
bullet iconDel Debbio L, Kerrane E and Russo R (2009). Mass corrections in string theory and lattice field theory. PHYS REV D vol. 80 (2) 
bullet iconGeorgiou G, Gili VL and Russo R (2009). Operator Mixing and the AdS/CFT correspondence. J HIGH ENERGY PHYS (1) 


bullet iconDuo D, Russo R and Sciuto S (2007). New twist field couplings from the partition function for multiply wrapped D-branes. J HIGH ENERGY PHYS (12) 
bullet iconRusso R and Sciuto S (2007). The twisted open string partition function and Yukawa couplings. J HIGH ENERGY PHYS (4) 


bullet iconBertolini M, Billo M, Lerda A, Morales JF and Russo R (2006). Brane world effective actions for D-branes with fluxes. NUCL PHYS B vol. 743 (1-2), 1-40.  
bullet iconMagnea L, Russo R and Sciuto S (2006). Two-loop Euler-Heisenberg effective actions from charged open strings. INT J MOD PHYS A vol. 21 (3), 533-557.  


bullet iconLee S and Russo R (2005). Holographic cubic vertex in the pp-wave. NUCL PHYS B vol. 705 (1-2), 296-318.  


bullet iconPetrini M, Russo R and Tanzini A (2004). The AdS/CFT correspondence in the PP-wave limit. 
bullet iconRusso R and Tanzini A (2004). The duality between IIB string theory on PP-wave and N=4 SYM: a status report. 
bullet iconRUSSO R, Di Vecchia P, Tanzini A, Petersen JL and Petrini M (2004). The three-string vertex and the AdS / CFT duality in the PP-wave limit. Classical and Quantum Gravity vol. 21 (9), 2221-2240.  
bullet iconChu CS, Khoze VV, Petrini M, Russo R and Tanzini A (2004). A note on string interaction on the pp-wave background. CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV vol. 21 (8), 1999-2009.  


bullet iconRusso R and Sciuto S (2003). Twisted determinants on higher genus Riemann surfaces. NUCL PHYS B vol. 669 (1-2), 207-232.  
bullet iconChu CS, Petrini M, Russo R and Tanzini A (2003). String interactions and discrete symmetries of the pp-wave background. 
bullet iconChu CS, Petrini M, Russo R and Tanzini A (2003). String interactions and discrete symmetries of the pp-wave background. 


bullet iconChu CS, Russo R and Sciuto S (2002). Remarks on the calculations of charged open string amplitudes: the 1-loop tadpole. 


bullet iconArmoni A and Russo R (2001). Noncommutative gauge theories and the cosmological constant. PHYS REV D vol. 6408 (8) 
bullet iconChu C-S and Russo R (2001). Multiloop noncommutative open string theory. AIP Conference Proceedings
bullet iconRUSSO R, Zaffaroni A and Petrini M (2001). N=2 Gauge Theories and Systems with Fractional Branes. Nuclear Physics B vol. 608 (1-2), 145-161.  
bullet iconFrizzo A, Magnea L and Russo R (2001). Systematics of one-loop Yang-Mills diagrams from bosonic string amplitudes. NUCL PHYS B vol. 604 (1-2), 92-120.  
bullet iconChu CS and Russo R (2001). Multiloop noncommutative open string theory and their QFT limit. 
bullet iconArmoni A and Russo R (2001). Noncommutative gauge theories and the cosmological constant. Physical Review D vol. 64 (8) 
bullet iconChu CS and Russo R (2001). Multiloop noncommutative open string theory and their QFT limit. FORTSCHR PHYS vol. 49 (4-6), 633-640.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation
solid heart iconAmplitudes, Strings and Duality (CG 2022)
Andreas Brandhuber, David Berman, Matthew Buican, Rodolfo Russo, David Vegh, Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Gabriele Travaglini, Christopher White, Bill Spence, Congkao Wen, Constantinos Papageorgakis, Ricardo Monteiro and Malcolm Perry
£1,477,966 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2023 - 30-09-2026
solid heart iconCFT and Gravity: Heavy States and Black Holes
Rodolfo Russo
£622,798 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-05-2023 - 30-04-2028

solid heart iconEikonal exponentiation and gravitational waves - MSCA PF-EF 2021 Russo/Heissenberg
Rodolfo Russo
£190,380 EPSRC - EU Scheme
01-09-2023 - 03-11-2024
solid heart iconAmplitudes, Strings and Duality
Andreas Brandhuber, Bill Spence, Rodolfo Russo, Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Matthew Buican, Michael Green, Steven Thomas, Steven Thomas, Gabriele Travaglini, Congkao Wen, Constantinos Papageorgakis, David Berman, Christopher White, David Vegh, Ricardo Monteiro and Malcolm Perry
£890,210 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2020 - 31-03-2024