Dr Axel Rossberg

Axel Rossberg

Reader in Theoretical Ecology
Head of The Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Theoretical Ecology, Biodiversity Patterns, Biodiversity Finance, Complex Systems


Ecology cannot be a science without a consistent theoretical underpinning of the concepts and ideas employed. Unfortunately, insufficient efforts are made to develop such a theoretical basis of ecology, perpetuating confusion. My research aims to overcome this barrier to progress in ecological research by (1) developing a "zoo" of different ecological models that can consistently be derived from each other, usually through appropriate approximations, (2) describing the solutions of these models, so often solving decades old ecological problems, and (3) verifying these solutions by comparison with the rich fundus of ecological observations in the literature. The resulting abstract but general understanding of ecology allows me to address high-level applied problems, such as in biodiversity finance, and led to our proposal for Biodiversity Impact Credits that can play a similar role for species conservation as carbon credits do for climate protection.

Interview conducted and presented by our former BSc student Jasmine Pilgir in 2023.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability


bullet iconSlower but deeper community change: Intrinsic dynamics regulate anthropogenic impacts on species temporal turnover
Terry JCD and Rossberg AG
Ecology, Wiley vol. 105 (11), e4430-e4430.  
bullet iconA metric for tradable biodiversity credits quantifying impacts on global extinction risk
Rossberg AG, O'Sullivan JD, Malysheva S and Shnerb NM
Journal of Industrial Ecology, Wiley vol. 28 (4), 1009-1021.  
bullet iconAn efficient tool to find multispecies MSY for interacting fish stocks
Del Santo O’Neill TJ, Rossberg AG and Thorpe RB
Fish and Fisheries, Wiley vol. 25 (3), 441-454.  
Relevant PublicationSteeper size spectra with decreasing phytoplankton biomass indicate strong trophic amplification and future fish declines
Atkinson A, Rossberg AG, Gaedke U, Sprules G, Heneghan RF, Batziakas S, Grigoratou M, Fileman E, Schmidt K and Frangoulis C
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 
Relevant PublicationSelf-organization of ecosystems to exclude half of all potential invaders
Cockrell C, O'Sullivan JD, Terry JCD, Nwankwo EC, Trachenko K and Rossberg AG
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 6 (1) 


Relevant PublicationSchrödinger's Range-Shifting Cat: How Skewed Temperature Dependence Impacts Persistence with Climate Change.
Terry JCD, O'Sullivan JD and Rossberg AG
The American Naturalist, University of Chicago Press vol. 203 (2), 161-173.  
Relevant PublicationDrone audition for bioacoustic monitoring
Wang L, Clayton M and Rossberg AG
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Wiley Open Access 
Relevant PublicationTemporally robust occupancy frequency distributions in riverine metacommunities explained by local biodiversity regulation
O'Sullivan JD, Terry JCD and Rossberg AG
Global Ecology and Biogeography, Wiley vol. 32 (12), 2230-2243.  
Relevant PublicationCodistribution as an indicator of whole metacommunity response to environmental change
Christopher J, Langdon W and Rossberg AG
Ecography, Wiley Open Access 
Relevant PublicationCommunity composition exceeds area as a predictor of long-term conservation value
O’Sullivan JD, Christopher J, Wilson R and Rossberg AG
Plos Computational Biology, Public Library of Science vol. 19 (1) 


Relevant PublicationEvolution of prudent predation in complex food webs
Gutiérrez Al-Khudhairy OU and Rossberg AG
Ecology Letters, Wiley vol. 25 (5), 1055-1074.  
Relevant PublicationSynthesising the multiple impacts of climatic variability on community responses to climate change
Terry JCD, O'Sullivan JD and Rossberg AG
Ecography: Pattern and Diversity in Ecology, Wiley Open Access 


Relevant PublicationNo pervasive relationship between species size and local abundance trends
Terry JCD, O’Sullivan JD and Rossberg AG
Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Research 
Relevant PublicationSustainable fishing can lead to improvements in marine ecosystem status: an ensemble-model forecast of the North Sea ecosystem
Spence MA, Griffiths CA, Waggitt JJ, Bannister HJ, Thorpe RB, Rossberg AG and Lynam CP
Marine Ecology: Progress Series, Inter Research 
Relevant PublicationIntrinsic ecological dynamics drive biodiversity turnover in model metacommunities
O'Sullivan J, Terry C and Rossberg A
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) 


Relevant PublicationWhat Are the Fundamental Questions Regarding Evolution in Ecological Networks?
Rossberg AG
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Elsevier 


Relevant PublicationMetacommunity-scale biodiversity regulation and the self-organised emergence of macroecological patterns (vol 22, pg 1428, 2019)
Dinner J, Knell RJ and Rossberg AG
Ecology Letters, Wiley vol. 22 (12), 2168-2168.  
Relevant PublicationDome patterns in pelagic size spectra reveal strong trophic cascades.
Rossberg AG, Gaedke U and Kratina P
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 10 (1), 4396-4396.  
Relevant PublicationLet’s Train More Theoretical Ecologists – Here Is Why
Rossberg AG, Barabás G, Possingham HP, Pascual M, Marquet PA, Hui C, Evans MR and Meszéna G
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Elsevier vol. 34 (9), 759-762.  
Relevant PublicationFood Webs
Rossberg AG
In Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology, University of California Press 294-302.  
Relevant PublicationMetacommunity-scale biodiversity regulation and the self-organised emergence of macroecological patterns.
Dinner J, Knell RJ and Rossberg AG
Ecol Lett 
Relevant PublicationHow Carefully Executed Network Theory Informs Invasion Ecology.
Rossberg AG and Barabás G
Trends Ecol Evol vol. 34 (5), 385-386.  


Relevant PublicationOn the mathematics of sustainability
Rossberg AG
Nature Sustainability vol. 1 (11), 615-616.  
Relevant PublicationA general framework for combining ecosystem models
Spence M, Blanchard J, ROSSBERG AG, Heath M, Heymans J, Mackinson S, Serpetti N, Speirs D, Thorpe R and Blackwell P
Fish and Fisheries, Wiley 
Relevant Publication12aTC-4 食物網進化のモデル(生態系・ゲーム等, 領域 11)
Rossberg AG, 隆 雨 and 公紀 伊


Relevant PublicationStructural Instability of Food Webs and Food-Web Models and Their Implications for Management
Rossberg AG, Caskenette AL and Bersier L-F
In Adaptive Food Webs, Cambridge University Press (Cup) 372-383.  
Relevant PublicationAssessing the suitability of diversity metrics to detect biodiversity change
Santini L, Belmaker J, Costello MJ, Pereira HM, Rossberg AG, Schipper AM, Ceaușu S, Dornelas M, Hilbers JP, Hortal J, Huijbregts MAJ, Navarro LM, Schiffers KH, Visconti P and Rondinini C
Biological Conservation, Elsevier vol. 213, 341-350.  
Relevant PublicationWhat can indicators of good environmental status tell us about ecosystem services?: Reducing efforts and increasing cost-effectiveness by reapplying biodiversity indicator data
Broszeit S, Beaumont NJ, Uyarra MC, Heiskanen AS, Frost M, Somerfield PJ, Rossberg AG, Teixeira H and Austen MC
Ecological Indicators vol. 81, 409-442.  
Relevant Publication4 二次元電気泳動法による土壌細菌の16S rDNAの多型解析(北海道支部講演会, 2005年度各支部会講演要旨)
拓海 一, Rossberg AG, Rajendran N, 隆 雨 and 公紀 伊
Relevant PublicationTowards ecosystem-based management: identifying operational food-web indicators for marine ecosystems
Tam JC, Link JS, Rossberg AG, Rogers SI, Levin PS, Rochet M-J, Bundy A, Belgrano A, Libralato S, Tomczak M, van de Wolfshaar K, Pranovi F, Gorokhova E, Large SI, Niquil N, Greenstreet SPR, Druon J-N, Lesutiene J, Johansen M, Preciado I, et al.


Relevant PublicationUses of Innovative Modeling Tools within the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Lynam CP, Uusitalo L, Patrício J, Piroddi C, Queirós AM, Teixeira H, Rossberg AG, Sagarminaga Y, Hyder K, Niquil N, Möllmann C, Wilson C, Chust G, Galparsoro I, Forster R, Veríssimo H, Tedesco L, Revilla M and Neville S
Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers vol. 3 
Relevant PublicationBiodiversity in Marine Ecosystems—European Developments toward Robust Assessments
Heiskanen A-S, Berg T, Uusitalo L, Teixeira H, Bruhn A, Krause-Jensen D, Lynam CP, Rossberg AG, Korpinen S, Uyarra MC and Borja A
Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers vol. 3 
Relevant PublicationQuantitative criteria for choosing targets and indicators for sustainable use of ecosystems
Rossberg AG, Uusitalo L, Berg T, Zaiko A, Chenuil A, Uyarra MC, Borja A and Lynam CP
Ecological Indicators vol. 72, 215-224.  
Relevant PublicationMaximum sustainable yield from interacting fish stocks in an uncertain world: two policy choices and underlying trade-offs
Farcas A and Rossberg AG
Ices Journal of Marine Science: Journal Du Conseil, Oxford University Press (Oup): Policy B - Oxford Open Option A 
Relevant PublicationContrasting changes in the abundance and diversity of North American bird assemblages from 1971 to 2010
Schipper AM, Belmaker J, de Miranda MD, Navarro LM, Böhning‐Gaese K, Costello MJ, Dornelas M, Foppen R, Hortal J, Huijbregts MAJ, Martín‐López B, Pettorelli N, Queiroz C, Rossberg AG, Santini L, Schiffers K, Steinmann ZJN, Visconti P, Rondinini C and Pereira HM
Global Change Biology, Wiley vol. 22 (12), 3948-3959.  


Relevant PublicationMaking modelling count - increasing the contribution of shelf-seas community and ecosystem models to policy development and management
Hyder K, Rossberg AG, Allen JI, Austen MC, Barciela RM, Bannister HJ, Blackwell PG, Blanchard JL, Burrows MT, Defriez E, Dorrington T, Edwards KP, Garcia-Carreras B, Heath MR, Hembury DJ, Heymans JJ, Holt J, Houle JE, Jennings S, Mackinson S, et al.
Marine Policy, Elsevier vol. 61, 291-302.  
Relevant PublicationUsing ecological models to assess ecosystem status in support of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Piroddi C, Teixeira H, Lynam CP, Smith C, Alvarez MC, Mazik K, Andonegi E, Churilova T, Tedesco L, Chifflet M, Chust G, Galparsoro I, Garcia AC, Kämäri M, Kryvenko O, Lassalle G, Neville S, Niquil N, Papadopoulou N, Rossberg AG, et al.
Ecological Indicators, Elsevier vol. 58, 175-191.  
Relevant PublicationSelection on stability across ecological scales
Borrelli JJ, Allesina S, Amarasekare P, Arditi R, Chase I, Damuth J, Holt RD, Logofet DO, Novak M, Rohr RP, Rossberg AG, Spencer M, Tran JK and Ginzburg LR
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Elsevier vol. 30 (7), 417-425.  
Relevant PublicationImpact of biodiversity loss on production in complex marine food webs mitigated by prey-release.
Fung T, Farnsworth KD, Reid DG and Rossberg AG
Nat Commun vol. 6, 6657-6657.  
Relevant PublicationConstructing random matrices to represent real ecosystems.
James A, Plank MJ, Rossberg AG, Beecham J, Emmerson M and Pitchford JW
The American Naturalist, University of Chicago Press vol. 185 (5), 680-692.  


Relevant PublicationTrophic niche-space imaging, using resource and consumer traits
Nagelkerke LAJ and Rossberg AG
Theoretical Ecology, Springer Nature vol. 7 (4), 423-434.  
Relevant PublicationCurrent noise-removal methods can create false signals in ecogenomic data
Rossberg AG, Rogers T and McKane AJ
Proceedings of The Royal Society B, The Royal Society vol. 281 (1783) 
Relevant PublicationIntroduction
In English in The Indian Diaspora, Benjamins, Editors: Hundt M and Sharma D. 


Relevant PublicationHow, if, and why species form
Rossberg AG, Rogers T and McKane AJ
Scientist vol. 27 (11) 
Relevant PublicationAre there species smaller than 1 mm?
Rossberg AG, Rogers T and McKane AJ
Proc Biol Sci vol. 280 (1767), 20131248-20131248.  
Relevant PublicationStock–recruitment relations controlled by feeding interactions alone
Rossberg AG, Houle JE and Hyder K
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Canadian Science Publishing vol. 70 (10), 1447-1455.  
Relevant PublicationWhy the size structure of marine communities can require decades to recover from fishing
Fung T, Farnsworth K, Shephard S, Reid D and Rossberg A
Marine Ecology Progress Series, Inter-Research Science Center vol. 484, 155-171.  
Relevant PublicationFood Webs and Biodiversity
Rossberg AG
Relevant PublicationFood web indicators under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: From complexity to simplicity?
Rombouts I, Beaugrand G, Fizzala X, Gaill F, Greenstreet SPR, Lamare S, Le Loc’h F, McQuatters-Gollop A, Mialet B, Niquil N, Percelay J, Renaud F, Rossberg AG and Féral JP
Ecological Indicators, Elsevier vol. 29, 246-254.  
Relevant PublicationA generalized functional response for predators that switch between multiple prey species
van Leeuwen E, Brännström Å, Jansen VAA, Dieckmann U and Rossberg AG
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier vol. 328, 89-98.  
Relevant PublicationModelling recovery of Celtic Sea demersal fish community size-structure
Shephard S, Fung T, Rossberg AG, Farnsworth KD, Reid DG, Greenstreet SPR and Warnes S
Fisheries Research, Elsevier vol. 140, 91-95.  


Relevant PublicationDemersal fish biodiversity: species-level indicators and trends-based targets for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Greenstreet SPR, Rossberg AG, Fox CJ, Le Quesne WJF, Blasdale T, Boulcott P, Mitchell I, Millar C and Moffat CF
Ices Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 69 (10), 1789-1801.  
Relevant PublicationSpontaneous genetic clustering in populations of competing organisms
Rogers T, McKane AJ and Rossberg AG
Physical Biology, Iop Publishing vol. 9 (6) 
Relevant PublicationAssessing the sensitivity and specificity of fish community indicators to management action
Houle JE, Farnsworth KD, Rossberg AG and Reid DG
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Canadian Science Publishing vol. 69 (6), 1065-1079.  
Relevant PublicationPhylogeny versus body size as determinants of food web structure
Naisbit RE, Rohr RP, Rossberg AG, Kehrli P and Bersier L-F
Proceedings of The Royal Society B, The Royal Society vol. 279 (1741), 3291-3297.  
Relevant PublicationDetermining trophic niche width: an experimental test of the stable isotope approach
Fink P, Reichwaldt ES, Harrod C and Rossberg AG
Oikos, Wiley vol. 121 (12), 1985-1994.  
Relevant PublicationDemographic noise can lead to the spontaneous formation of species
Rogers T, McKane AJ and Rossberg AG
Epl (Europhysics Letters), Iop Publishing vol. 97 (4) 
Relevant PublicationSize-selective fishing drives species composition in the Celtic Sea
Shephard S, Fung T, Houle JE, Farnsworth KD, Reid DG and Rossberg AG
Ices Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 69 (2), 223-234.  
Relevant PublicationRecent data suggest no further recovery in North Sea Large Fish Indicator
Fung T, Farnsworth KD, Reid DG and Rossberg AG
Ices Journal of Marine Science, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 69 (2), 235-239.  
Relevant PublicationDistributional (In)Congruence of Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning
Mulder C, Boit A, Mori S, Vonk JA, Dyer SD, Faggiano L, Geisen S, González AL, Kaspari M, Lavorel S, Marquet PA, Rossberg AG, Sterner RW, Voigt W and Wall DH
vol. 46, 1-88.  
Relevant PublicationA Complete Analytic Theory for Structure and Dynamics of Populations and Communities Spanning Wide Ranges in Body Size
Rossberg AG
vol. 46, 427-521.  
Relevant Publication1 Distributional (In)Congruence of Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning
Mulder C, Boit A, Mori S, Vonk JA, Dyer SD, Faggiano L, Geisen S, González AL, Kaspari M, Lavorel S, Marquet PA, Rossberg AG, Sterner RW, Voigt W and Wall DH
In Global Change in Multispecies Systems Part 1, Elsevier 1-88.  
Relevant Publication6 A Complete Analytic Theory for Structure and Dynamics of Populations and Communities Spanning Wide Ranges in Body Size
Rossberg AG
In Global Change in Multispecies Systems Part 1, Elsevier 427-521.  


Relevant PublicationRigorous conditions for food-web intervality in high-dimensional trophic niche spaces
Brännström Å, Carlsson L and Rossberg AG
Journal of Mathematical Biology, Springer Nature vol. 63 (3), 575-592.  
Relevant PublicationUniversal power-law diet partitioning by marine fish and squid with surprising stability–diversity implications
Rossberg AG, Farnsworth KD, Satoh K and Pinnegar JK
Proceedings of The Royal Society B, The Royal Society vol. 278 (1712), 1617-1625.  
Relevant PublicationSimplification of structured population dynamics in complex ecological communities
Rossberg AG and Farnsworth KD
Theoretical Ecology, Springer Nature vol. 4 (4), 449-465.  
Relevant PublicationFood-web structure in low- and high-dimensional trophic niche spaces
Rossberg AG, Brännström Å and Dieckmann U
Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 7 (53), 1735-1743.  


Relevant PublicationSoil resource supply influences faunal size-specific distributions in natural food webs.
Mulder C, Den Hollander HA, Vonk JA, Rossberg AG, op Akkerhuis GA and Yeates GW
Naturwissenschaften vol. 96 (7), 813-826.  
Relevant PublicationCorrigendum to “Food webs: Experts consuming families of experts” [J. Theor. Biol. 241 (2006) 552–563]
Rossberg AG, Matsuda H, Amemiya T and Itoh K
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier vol. 258 (2) 
Relevant PublicationHow trophic interaction strength depends on traits
Rossberg AG, Brännström Å and Dieckmann U
Theoretical Ecology, Springer Nature vol. 3 (1), 13-24.  


bullet iconElectroconvection in a Homeotropic Bent-Rod Nematic Liquid Crystal Beyond the Dielectric Inversion Frequency
Kumar P, Hiremath US, Yelamaggad CV, Rossberg AG and Krishnamurthy KS
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 112 (32), 9753-9760.  
bullet iconDrifting Periodic Structures in a Degenerate-Planar Bent-Rod Nematic Liquid Crystal Beyond the Dielectric Inversion Frequency
Kumar P, Hiremath US, Yelamaggad CV, Rossberg AG and Krishnamurthy KS
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 112 (31), 9270-9274.  
bullet iconLaplace Transforms of Probability Distributions and Their Inversions are Easy on Logarithmic Scales
Rossberg AG
Journal of Applied Probability, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 45 (2), 531-541.  
Relevant PublicationPart–whole relations between food webs and the validity of local food-web descriptions
Rossberg AG
Ecological Complexity, Elsevier vol. 5 (2), 121-131.  
Relevant PublicationIntroduction
Rossberg AG, Yoshida K and Ishii R
Ecological Complexity, Elsevier vol. 5 (2), 71-72.  
Relevant PublicationComputer simulations of seasonal outbreak and diurnal vertical migration of cyanobacteria
Serizawa H, Amemiya T, Rossberg AG and Itoh K
Limnology, Springer Nature vol. 9 (3), 185-194.  
Rossberg AG, Ishii R, Amemiya T and Itoh K
Ecology, Wiley vol. 89 (2), 567-580.  


Relevant PublicationMathematical modeling of colony formation in algal blooms: phenotypic plasticity in cyanobacteria
Serizawa H, Amemiya T, Enomoto T, Rossberg AG and Itoh K
Ecological Research, Wiley vol. 23 (5), 841-850.  
Relevant PublicationStability and dynamical behavior in a lake-model and implications for regime shifts in real lakes
Amemiya T, Enomoto T, Rossberg AG, Yamamoto T, Inamori Y and Itoh K
Ecological Modelling, Elsevier vol. 206 (1-2), 54-62.  


Relevant PublicationEstimating trophic link density from quantitative but incomplete diet data
Rossberg AG, Yanagi K, Amemiya T and Itoh K
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier vol. 243 (2), 261-272.  
Relevant PublicationFood webs: Experts consuming families of experts
Rossberg AG, Matsuda H, Amemiya T and Itoh K
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier vol. 241 (3), 552-563.  
bullet iconObservation of stable phase jump lines in convection of a twisted nematic liquid crystal
Tatsumi S, Sano M and Rossberg AG
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 73 (1) 


Relevant PublicationA guideline for ecological risk management procedures
Rossberg AG, Matsuda H, Koike F, Amemiya T, Makino M, Morino M, Kubo T, Shimode S, Nakai S, Katoh M, Shigeoka T and Urano K
Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Springer Nature vol. 1 (2), 221-228.  
Relevant PublicationAn explanatory model for food-web structure and evolution
Rossberg AG, Matsuda H, Amemiya T and Itoh K
Ecological Complexity, Elsevier vol. 2 (3), 312-321.  
Relevant PublicationSome properties of the speciation model for food-web structure—Mechanisms for degree distributions and intervality
Rossberg AG, Matsuda H, Amemiya T and Itoh K
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Elsevier vol. 238 (2), 401-415.  
Relevant PublicationLake Restoration in Terms of Ecological Resilience: a Numerical Study of Biomanipulations under Bistable Conditions
Amemiya T, Enomoto T, Rossberg A, Takamura N and Itoh K
Ecology and Society, Resilience Alliance vol. 10 (2) 


bullet iconA Frequency Measure Robust to Linear Filtering
Rossberg AG
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 112 (6), 907-919.  
bullet iconThin film composite optical waveguides for sensor applications: a review
Yimit A, Rossberg AG, Amemiya T and Itoh K
Talanta, Elsevier vol. 65 (5), 1102-1109.  
bullet iconPhase Synchronization from Noisy Univariate Signals
Rossberg AG, Bartholomé K, Voss HU and Timmer J
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 93 (15) 
bullet iconDiagnosis in flow: Diagnostic functionalities for vortex flowmeters
Herwig J, Riegler P, Friedrichs R, Rossberg AG and Bartholomé K
Vdi Berichte (1829) 
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, World Scientific Publishing vol. 14 (06), 2115-2123.  
bullet iconDetection of improper installation from the sensor signal of vortex flowmeters
Rossberg AG, Riegler P, Buhl F, Herwig J and Timmer J
bullet iconDetection of improper installation from the sensor signal of vortex flowmeters
Rossberg AG, Riegler P, Buhl F, Herwig J and Timmer J
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation vol. 15 (1), 29-35.  
bullet iconData-driven optimal filtering for phase and frequency of noisy oscillations: Application to vortex flow metering
Rossberg AG, Bartholomé K and Timmer J
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 69 (1 2), 162161-1621611.  


bullet iconA Computational Theory of Modelling
Rossberg AG
Aip Conference Proceedings, Aip Publishing vol. 661 (1), 270-271.  


bullet iconMagnetic field effect on the thresholds of a sequence of transitions in the electroconvection of a homeotropic nematic liquid crystal
Éber N, Németh S, Rossberg AG, Kramer L and Buka Á
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 66 (3) 


bullet iconThree-dimensional pattern formation, multiple homogeneous soft modes, and nonlinear dielectric electroconvection
Rossberg AG
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 62 (6), 8114-8132.  
bullet iconNew Scenarios in the Electroconvection of a Homeotropic Nematic Liquid Crystal
Éber N, Rossberg A, Buka Á and Kramer L
bullet iconTwist localizes three-dimensional patterns
Rossberg A
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 62 (4), 4682-4687.  
bullet iconPattern formation of chevrons in the conduction regime in homeotropically aligned liquid crystals
Huh J-H, Hidaka Y, Rossberg AG and Kai S
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 61 (3), 2769-2776.  
bullet iconAbnormal rolls and regular arrays of disclinations in homeotropic electroconvection
Rossberg AG, Éber N, Buka Á and Kramer L
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 61 (1), r25-r28.  
bullet iconTwist localizes three-dimensional patterns
Rossberg AG
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics vol. 62 (4), 4682-4687.  
bullet iconThree-dimensional pattern formation, multiple homogeneous soft modes, and nonlinear dielectric electroconvection
Rossberg AG
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics vol. 62 (6), 8114-8132.  


bullet iconOptical characterization of chevron texture formation in nematic electroconvection
Amm H, Stannarius R and Rossberg AG
Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena, Elsevier vol. 126 (3-4), 171-188.  


bullet iconPattern formation from defect chaos — a theory of chevrons
Rossberg AG and Kramer L
Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena, Elsevier vol. 115 (1-2), 19-28.  


bullet iconNew Symmetry Breaking in Nonlinear Electroconvection of Nematic Liquid Crystals
Plaut E, Decker W, Rossberg AG, Kramer L, Pesch W, Belaidi A and Ribotta R
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 79 (12), 2367-2370.  


bullet iconWeakly Nonlinear Theory of Pattern-Forming Systems with Spontaneously Broken Isotropy
Rossberg AG, Hertrich A, Kramer L and Pesch W
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 76 (25), 4729-4732.  
bullet iconWeakly nonlinear theory of electroconvection in homeotropically oriented nematic liquid crystals
Rossberg AG and Kramer L
Physica Scripta, Iop Publishing vol. T67, 121-124.  


bullet iconTraveling wave instability in sustained double-diffusive convection
Predtechensky AA, McCormick WD, Swift JB, Rossberg AG and Swinney HL
Physics of Fluids, Aip Publishing vol. 6 (12), 3923-3935.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainability
solid heart iconNERC NPF Phase II
Axel Rossberg, Joanne Chamberlain and Andrew Leitch
£115,853 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
02-01-2024 - 01-04-2026
solid heart iconTowards multispecies fisheries management
Axel Rossberg
£68,437 DEFRA Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
01-01-2024 - 31-03-2025
solid heart iconMechanisms and prediction of large scale ecological responses to environmental change
Axel Rossberg and Kostya Trachenko
£1,213,084 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
06-01-2020 - 04-04-2025

solid heart iconMediating the first transaction of Biodiversity Impact Credits
Axel Rossberg and Andrew Leitch
£198,029 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
03-01-2023 - 30-06-2024
solid heart iconBioacoustic monitoring using drones
Lin Wang and Axel Rossberg
£46,821 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-04-2022 - 31-07-2023
solid heart iconCatalysing the emergence of a biodiversity stewardship credit market
Axel Rossberg
£60,891 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
01-02-2022 - 30-09-2022
solid heart iconLIDO PhD studentship - CASE Award : Thomas Del Santo O'Neill
Axel Rossberg
£5,600 CEFAS Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
01-09-2019 - 31-08-2023