Prof Kostya Trachenko

Kostya Trachenko

Professor of Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


theory of states of matter including theory of liquids and supercritical fluids, links between fundamental physical constants and system properties, theory of melting, high pressure, glasses, radiation damage in nuclear and fusion energy and waste forms


My research interests mostly lie in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics:
- fundamental theory of states of matter including theory of liquids and supercritical fluids
- theory of melting
- links between fundamental physical constants and system properties and the origin of fundamental constants
- links between field theory and condensed matter physics
- high pressure
- glasses and glass transition
- radiation damage effects including in nuclear and fusion energy and waste forms


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research


bullet iconExtrinsic and intrinsic effects setting viscosity in complex fluids and life processes: the role of fundamental physical constants.
Trachenko K, Tello PG, Kauffman SA and Succi S
The European Physical Journal E, Springer Nature vol. 48 (1) 


bullet iconGenerally applicable physics-based equation of state for liquids
Proctor JE and Trachenko K
Reports On Progress in Physics, Iop Publishing vol. 87 (9) 
bullet iconHigh energy radiation tolerance of iron phosphate glasses: Molecular dynamics study
Cockrell C, Joseph K, Patel MK, Grimes RW and Trachenko K
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Elsevier vol. 596 
bullet iconTheory of melting lines
Trachenko K
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 109 (3) 
bullet iconReconsidering tenure
Trachenko K
Physics Today, Aip Publishing vol. 77 (3), 10-11.  
bullet iconViscosity bounds in liquids with different structure and bonding types
Withington M, Devereux HL, Cockrell C, Elena AM, Todorov IT, Liu ZK, Shang SL, McCloy JS, Bingham PA and Trachenko K
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 109 (9) 
bullet iconHow heat propagates in liquid 3He
Behnia K and Trachenko K
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 
bullet iconThermodynamics and transport in molten chloride salts and their mixtures
Cockrell C, Withington M-A, Devereux H, Elena A, Todorov I, Liu Z-K, Shang S, McCloy J, Bingham P and Trachenko K
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) 
bullet iconSelf-organization of ecosystems to exclude half of all potential invaders
Cockrell C, O'Sullivan JD, Terry JCD, Nwankwo EC, Trachenko K and Rossberg AG
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 6 (1) 


bullet iconViscosity and diffusion in life processes and tuning of fundamental constants
Trachenko K
Reports On Progress in Physics, Iop Publishing vol. 86 (11) 
bullet iconFast dynamics and high effective dimensionality of liquid fluidity
Cockrell C, Dicks O, Todorov IT, Elena AM and Trachenko K
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
bullet iconConstraints on fundamental physical constants from bio-friendly viscosity and diffusion
Trachenko K
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 9 (34) 
bullet iconTheory of Liquids
Trachenko K
bullet iconDynamical indistinguishability and statistics in quantum fluids
Zaccone A and Trachenko K
Annals of Physics, Elsevier vol. 452 
bullet iconProperties of condensed matter from fundamental physical constants
Trachenko K
Advances in Physics, 1-44.  
bullet iconMicroscopic dynamics and Bose–Einstein condensation in liquid helium
Trachenko K
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 35 (8) 


bullet iconMicroscopic Structure of Liquid Nitric Oxide
Marinakis S, Cockrell C, Trachenko K, Headen TF and Soper AK
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 126 (47), 9860-9870.  
bullet iconAn Overview of Ukrainian Thermophysics Research (1926 to 2022)
Diky V, Zakusylo R and Trachenko K
International Journal of Thermophysics, Springer Nature vol. 44 (1) 
bullet iconDouble universality of the transition in the supercritical state.
Cockrell C and Trachenko K
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science vol. 8 (32), eabq5183-eabq5183.  
bullet iconDynamical quantum indistinguishability
Trachenko K
Annals of Physics, Elsevier Masson vol. 441, 168886-168886.  


bullet iconThe quantum mechanics of viscosity
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Physics Today vol. 74 (12), 66-67.  
bullet iconTransition in the supercritical state of matter: Review of experimental evidence
Cockrell C, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physics Reports vol. 941, 1-27.  
bullet iconSpeed of sound from fundamental physical constants
Trachenko K, Monserrat T, Pickard C and Brazhkin V
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science 
bullet iconUniversal interrelation between dynamics and thermodynamics and a dynamically driven “c” transition in fluids
Cockrell C, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 104 (3), 034108-034108.  
bullet iconRadiation damage effects on helium diffusion in zircon
Diver A, Dicks O, Elena AM, Todorov IT, Geisler T and Trachenko K
Journal of Materials Research, Springer Nature vol. 36 (16), 3239-3247.  
bullet iconSlow stretched-exponential and fast compressed-exponential relaxation from local event dynamics.
Trachenko K and Zaccone A
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 33 (31) 
bullet iconDissipation and energy gap
Trachenko K
Journal of Physics Communications, Iop Publishing vol. 5 (6) 
bullet iconSimilarity between the kinematic viscosity of quark-gluon plasma and liquids at the viscosity minimum
Trachenko K, Brazhkin V and Baggioli M
Scipost Physics, Stichting Scipost vol. 10 (5) 
bullet iconSimilarity between the kinematic viscosity of quark-gluon plasma and liquids at the viscosity minimum
Baggioli M, Trachenko K and Brazhkin V
Scipost Physics, Scipost 
bullet iconUniversal L−3 finite-size effects in the viscoelasticity of amorphous systems
Phillips AE, Baggioli M, Sirk TW, Trachenko K and Zaccone A
Physical Review Materials, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 5 (3) 
bullet iconErratum: Collective modes and gapped momentum states in liquid Ga: Experiment, theory, and simulation [Phys. Rev. B 101, 214312 (2020)]
Khusnutdinoff RM, Cockrell C, Dicks OA, Jensen ACS, Le MD, Wang L, Dove MT, Mokshin AV, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 103 (9) 
bullet iconReply to Angelani et al.: The G′ ∼ L−3 law for the elasticity of confined liquids can be proved exactly
Zaccone A and Trachenko K
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 118 (9) 
bullet iconRadiation damage effects in amorphous zirconolite
Diver A, Dicks O, Todorov IT, Elena AM and Trachenko K
Journal of Nuclear Materials, Elsevier vol. 544 
bullet iconSimilarity between the kinematic viscosity of quark-gluon plasma and liquids at the viscosity minimum
Baggioli M, Trachenko K and Brazhkin V
bullet iconUniversal lower bounds on energy and momentum diffusion in liquids
Trachenko K, Matteo B, Kamran B and Vadim B
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, American Physical Society vol. 103, 1-7.  


bullet iconSpeed of sound from fundamental physical constants
Trachenko K, Monserrat B, Pickard CJ and Brazhkin VV
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 6 (41) 
bullet iconExplaining the low-frequency shear elasticity of confined liquids
Zaccone A and Trachenko K
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of Usa, National Academy of Sciences vol. 117 (33), 19653-19655.  
bullet iconEvolution of amorphous structure under irradiation: zircon case study
Diver A, Dicks O, Elena AM, Todorov IT and Trachenko K
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 32 (41) 
bullet iconField theory of dissipative systems with gapped momentum states
Baggioli M, Vasin M, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 102 (2) 
bullet iconPronounced structural crossover in water at supercritical pressures
Cockrell C, Dicks OA, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 32 (38) 
bullet iconGapped momentum states
Baggioli M, Vasin M, Brazhkin V and Trachenko K
Physics Reports, Elsevier vol. 865, 1-44.  
bullet iconCollective modes and gapped momentum states in liquid Ga: Experiment, theory, and simulation
Khusnutdinoff RM, Cockrell C, Dicks OA, Jensen ACS, Le MD, Wang L, Dove MT, Mokshin AV, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 101 (21) 
bullet iconExperimental and modeling evidence for structural crossover in supercritical CO2
Cockrell CJ, Dicks O, Wang L, Trachenko K, Soper AK, Brazhkin VV and Marinakis S
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 101 (5) 
bullet iconMinimal quantum viscosity from fundamental physical constants
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science (Aaas) vol. 6 (17), eaba3747-eaba3747.  


bullet iconQuantum dissipation in a scalar field theory with gapped momentum states
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 
bullet iconMaxwell interpolation and close similarities between liquids and holographic models
Baggioli M and Trachenko K
Physical Review D vol. 99 (10) 
bullet iconThermodynamic heterogeneity and crossover in the supercritical state of matter
Wang L, Yang C, Dove MT, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 31 (22) 
bullet iconLow frequency propagating shear waves in holographic liquids
Baggioli M and Trachenko K
The Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany) vol. 2019 (3) 
bullet iconReply to “Comment on ‘Lagrangian formulation and symmetrical description of liquid dynamics'”
Trachenko K
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 99 (3) 
bullet iconThe nature of collective excitations and their crossover at extreme supercritical conditions
Wang L, Yang C, Dove MT, Mokshin AV, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 


bullet iconLiquid-like and gas-like features of a simple fluid: An insight from theory and simulation
Brazhkin VV, Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN and Trachenko K
Physica a Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, Elsevier vol. 509, 690-702.  
bullet iconYang et al. Reply:
Yang C, Dove MT, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 120 (21) 
bullet iconComment on Behavior of Supercritical Fluids Across the Frenkel Line.
Brazhkin VV, Prescher C, Fomin YD, Tsiok EN, Lyapin AG, Ryzhov VN, Prakapenka VB, Stefanski J, Trachenko K and Sapelkin AV
J Phys Chem B 
bullet iconEmergence of microstructure and oxygen diffusion in yttrium-stabilized cubic zirconia
Yang C, Trachenko K, Hull S, Todorov IT and Dove MT
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 97 (18) 
bullet iconDynamics, thermodynamics and structure of liquids and supercritical fluids: crossover at the Frenkel line
Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN, Proctor JE, Prescher C, Prakapenka VB, Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 30 (13) 


bullet iconLagrangian formulation and symmetrical description of liquid dynamics
Physical Review E, American Physical Society vol. 96, 062134(1)-062134(5).  
bullet iconRigid liquid –to– dense gas transition at supercritical pressures
Brazhkin VV, Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN and Trachenko K
bullet iconSupercritical Grüneisen parameter and its universality at the Frenkel line
Wang L, Dove MT, Trachenko K, Fomin YD and Brazhkin VV
Physical Review E vol. 96 
bullet iconShort-range dynamics in the solid and liquid phases
Andritsos EI, Dove MT, Demmel F and Trachenko K
bullet iconEmergence and Evolution of the k Gap in Spectra of Liquid and Supercritical States
TRACHENKO K, Yang C, Dove MT and Brazhkin VV
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 118, 1-5.  
bullet iconExperimental evidence of the Frenkel line in supercritical neon
Prescher C, Fomin YD, Prakapenka VB, Stefanski J, Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Physical Review B vol. 95 (13) 
bullet iconDirect links between dynamical, thermodynamic and structural properties of liquids: modelling results
Wang L, Yang C, Dove MT, Fomin YD, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physical Review E, American Physical Society 
bullet iconStable equilibrium point and oscillatory motion of the Universe in a model with variable vacuum energy
Physical Review D, American Physical Society vol. 95, 043522-043522.  


bullet iconCrossover of collective modes and positive sound dispersion in supercritical state (vol 28, 43LT01, 2016)
Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 29 (5) 
bullet iconCrossover of collective modes and positive sound dispersion in supercritical state.
Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing: Hybrid Open Access vol. 28 (43), 43LT01-43LT01.  
bullet iconAnomalous vacuum energy and stability of a quantum liquid.
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
J Phys Condens Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 28 (12), 12LT01-12LT01.  
bullet iconThe Frenkel line and isotope effect
Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physica a Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, Elsevier vol. 444, 890-896.  


bullet iconCollective modes and thermodynamics of the liquid state
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Reports On Progress in Physics, Iop Publishing vol. 79 (1) 
bullet iconElectronic effects in high-energy radiation damage in tungsten
Zarkadoula E, Duffy DM, Nordlund K, Seaton MA, Todorov IT, Weber WJ and Trachenko K
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 27 (13) 
bullet iconReply to “Comment on ‘Dynamic transition of supercritical hydrogen: Defining the boundary between interior and atmosphere in gas giants’ ”
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 91 (3) 
bullet iconFrenkel line and solubility maximum in supercritical fluids
Yang C, Brazhkin VV, Dove MT and Trachenko K
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society vol. 91 (1) 
bullet iconBetween glass and gas: Thermodynamics of liquid matter
Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
bullet iconFrenkel line and solubility maximum in supercritical fluids.
Yang C, Brazhkin VV, Dove MT and Trachenko K
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 91 (1), 012112-012112.  
bullet iconReply to Comment on 'Dynamic transition of supercritical hydrogen: Defining the boundary between interior and atmosphere in gas giants'
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Physical Review E vol. 91 (3) 


bullet iconThe Frenkel line and supercritical technologies
Brazhkin VV, Lyapin AG, Ryzhov VN, Trachenko K, Fomin YD and Tsiok EN
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Pleiades Publishing vol. 8 (8), 1087-1094.  
bullet iconDynamic transition in supercritical iron
Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 4 (1) 
bullet iconThermodynamics and Widom lines in supercritical carbon dioxide
Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
bullet iconSolid-state diffusion in amorphous zirconolite
Yang C, Zarkadoula E, Dove MT, Todorov IT, Geisler T, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Journal of Applied Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 116 (18) 
bullet iconCollective Excitations and Thermodynamics of Disordered State: New Insights into an Old Problem
Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 118 (39), 11417-11427.  
bullet iconVarying vacuum energy of a self-interacting scalar field
Trachenko K
Annals of Physics vol. 362 
bullet iconDynamic transition of supercritical hydrogen: Defining the boundary between interior and atmosphere in gas giants
Trachenko K, Brazhkin VV and Bolmatov D
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 89 (3) 
bullet iconMeasurement of bitumen viscosity in the room-temperature drop experiment: student education, public outreach and modern science in one
Widdicombe AT, Ravindrarajah P, Sapelkin A, Phillips AE, Dunstan D, Dove MT, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physics Education 49(4), 406 (2014) 
bullet iconDynamic transition of supercritical hydrogen: defining the boundary between interior and atmosphere in gas giants.
Trachenko K, Brazhkin VV and Bolmatov D
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 89 (3) 


bullet iconNon-perturbative treatment of strongly-interacting fields: insights from liquid theory
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Annals of Physics vol. 347 
bullet iconLiquid-gas transition in the supercritical region: fundamental changes in the particle dynamics.
Brazhkin VV, Fomin YD, Lyapin AG, Ryzhov VN, Tsiok EN and Trachenko K
Phys Rev Lett, American Physical Society vol. 111 (14) 
bullet iconDynamic transition of supercritical hydrogen in gas giants: defining the boundary between interior and atmosphere
Trachenko K, Brazhkin VV and Bolmatov D
Physical Review E vol. 89 
bullet iconStructural Origin of Light Emission in Germanium Quantum Dots
Sapelkin AV, Bolmatov D, Karatutlu A, Little W, Trachenko K, Cibin G, Taylor R, Mosselmans F, Dent AJ and Mountjoy G
bullet iconEvidence for structural crossover in the supercritical state
Bolmatov D, Brazhkin VV, Fomin YD, Ryzhov VN and Trachenko K
J. Chem. Phys. vol. 139 
bullet iconHigh-energy radiation damage in zirconia: modeling results
Zarkadoula E, Devanathan R, Weber WJ, Seaton M, Todorov IT, Nordlund K, Dove MT and Trachenko K
bullet iconElectronic effects in high-energy radiation damage in iron
Zarkadoula E, Daraszewicz S, Duffy DM, Seaton M, Todorov IT, Nordlund K, Dove MT and Trachenko K
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter vol. 26 
bullet iconSymmetry breaking gives rise to energy spectra of three states of matter
Bolmatov D, Musaev ET and Trachenko K
Sci. Rep. vol. 3 
bullet iconThe nature of high-energy radiation damage in iron.
Zarkadoula E, Daraszewicz SL, Duffy DM, Seaton MA, Todorov IT, Nordlund K, Dove MT and Trachenko K
J Phys Condens Matter vol. 25 (12) 
bullet iconThermodynamic behavior of supercritical matter
Bolmatov D, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Nature Communications vol. 4 
bullet iconHelium at elevated pressures: Quantum liquid with non-static shear rigidity
Bolmatov D, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
J. Appl. Phys. vol. 113 
bullet iconHeat capacity of matter beyond the Dulong-Petit value
Andritsos EI, Zarkadoula E, Phillips AE, Dove MT, Walker CJ, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt vol. 25 
bullet iconDuality of liquids
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Scientific Reports vol. 3 
bullet iconStructural changes in zirconolite under α-decay.
Chappell HF, Dove MT, Trachenko K, McKnight REA, Carpenter MA and Redfern SAT
J Phys Condens Matter vol. 25 (5) 


bullet iconThe nature of high-energy radiation damage in iron: Modeling results
Zarkadoula E, Dove MT, Daraszewicz SL, Duffy DM, Seaton M, Todorov IT, Nordlund K and Trachenko K
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter vol. 25 
bullet iconTwo liquid states of matter: A dynamic line on a phase diagram.
Brazhkin VV, Fomin YD, Lyapin AG, Ryzhov VN and Trachenko K
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys vol. 85 (3-1) 
bullet iconThe phonon theory of liquid thermodynamics
Bolmatov D, Brazhkin V and Trachenko K
Sci. Rep. vol. 2 
bullet iconWhat separates a liquid from a gas?
Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physics Today vol. 65 (11), 68-69.  
bullet iconUniversal crossover of liquid dynamics in supercritical region
Brazhkin VV, Fomin YD, Lyapin AG, Ryzhov VN and Trachenko K
Jetp Letters vol. 95 (3), 164-169.  
bullet iconModeling high-energy radiation damage in nuclear and fusion applications
Trachenko K, Zarkadoula E, Todorov IT, Dove MT, Dunstan DJ and Nordlund K
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms vol. 277, 6-13.  
bullet iconWhere is the supercritical fluid on the phase diagram?
Brazhkin VV, Lyapin AG, Ryzhov VN, Trachenko K, Fomin YD and Tsiok EN
Uspekhi Fizicheskih Nauk, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk (Ufn) Journal vol. 182 (11), 1137-1156.  


bullet iconLiquid heat capacity in the approach from the solid state: Anharmonic theory (vol 84, 054106, 2011)
Bolmatov D and Trachenko K
Phys Rev B vol. 84 (5) 
bullet iconErratum: Liquid heat capacity in the approach from the solid state: Anharmonic theory (Physical Review B (2011) 84 (054106))
Bolmatov D and Trachenko K
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics vol. 84 (5) 
bullet iconNonlocal dielectric relaxation in glycerol
Pronin AA, Trachenko K, Kondrin MV, Lyapin AG and Brazhkin VV
Phys Rev B vol. 84 (1) 
bullet iconAtomistic modeling of multiple amorphous-amorphous transitions in SiO2 and GeO2 glasses at megabar pressures
Brazhkin VV, Lyapin AG and Trachenko K
Phys Rev B vol. 83 (13) 
bullet iconTwo liquid states of matter: A new dynamic line on a phase diagram
Brazhkin VV, Fomin YD, Lyapin AG, Ryzhov VN and Trachenko K
bullet iconObservation of non-local dielectric relaxation in glycerol
Pronin AA, Trachenko K, Kondrin MV and Brazhkin VV
Physical Review B vol. 84 
bullet iconLiquid heat capacity in the approach from the solid state: anharmonic theory
Bolmatov D and Trachenko K
Phys. Rev. B vol. 84 


bullet iconUnderstanding spin glass transition as a dynamic phenomenon
Trachenko K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 23 
bullet iconHeat capacity at the glass transition
Trachenko K and Brazhkin V
Physical Review B vol. 83 


bullet iconUnderstanding the problem of glass transition on the basis of elastic waves in a liquid
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 21 (42) 
bullet iconeScience for molecular-scale simulations and the eMinerals project.
Salje EKH, Artacho E, Austen KF, Bruin RP, Calleja M, Chappell HF, Chiang G-T, Dove MT, Frame I, Goodwin AL, Kleese van Dam K, Marmier A, Parker SC, Pruneda JM, Todorov IT, Trachenko K, Tyer RP, Walker AM and White TOH


bullet iconFirst-principles calculations of structural changes in B2O3 glass under pressure
Trachenko K, Brazhkin VV, Ferlat G, Dove MT and Artacho E
Phys Rev B vol. 78 (17) 
bullet iconUnderstanding the problem of glass transition on the basis of elastic waves in a liquid
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol. 21 
bullet iconHeat capacity of liquids: An approach from the solid phase
Trachenko K
Phys Rev B vol. 78 (10) 
bullet iconThe Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann law in the elastic theory of glass transition
Trachenko K
J Non-Cryst Solids vol. 354 (32), 3903-3906.  
bullet iconNature of Structural Transformations in the B2O3 Glass under High Pressure
Brazhkin VV, Katayama Y, Trachenko K, Tsiok OB, Lyapin AG, Artacho E, Dove M, Ferlat G, Inamura Y and Saitoh H
Physical Review Letters vol. 101 
bullet iconNetwork rigidity and dynamics of oxides
Trachenko K and Dove MT
bullet iconRelationship between the nonexponentiality of relaxation and relaxation time in the problem of glass transition.
Trachenko K, Roland CM and Casalini R
J Phys Chem B vol. 112 (16), 5111-5115.  
bullet iconLiquid elasticity length, universal dynamic crossovers, and glass transition
Trachenko K and Brazhkin VV
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 20 (7) 


bullet iconThe origin of the compressibility anomaly in amorphous silica: a molecular dynamics study
Walker AM, Sullivan LA, Trachenko K, Bruin RP, White TOH, Dove MT, Tyer RP, Todorov IT and Wells SA
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 19 (27) 
bullet iconRelationship between non-exponentiality of relaxation and relaxation time at the glass transition
Trachenko K, Roland CM and Casalini R
See J. Phys. Chem. B vol. 112 
bullet iconLogarithmic relaxation in radiation-amorphized zircon
Trachenko K, Brazhkin VV, Tsiok OB, Dove MT and Salje EKH
Phys Rev B vol. 76 (1) 
bullet iconSlow dynamics and stress relaxation in a liquid as an elastic medium
Trachenko K
Phys Rev B vol. 75 (21) 
bullet iconLiquid elasticity length and universal dynamic crossovers
Trachenko K and Brazhkin V
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter vol. 20 
bullet iconNature of the chemical bond and prediction of radiation tolerance in pyrochlore and defect fluorite compounds
Lumpkin GR, Pruneda M, Rios S, Smith KL, Trachenko K, Whittle KR and Zaluzec NJ
J Solid State Chem vol. 180 (4), 1512-1518.  
bullet iconPressure-induced structural transformation in radiation-amorphized zircon.
Trachenko K, Brazhkin VV, Tsiok OB, Dove MT and Salje EKH
Phys Rev Lett vol. 98 (13) 
bullet iconStructural flexibility of cuprate superconductors
Trachenko K
Phil Mag Lett vol. 87 (9), 637-643.  


bullet iconMolecular dynamics in a grid computing environment: experiences using DL_POLY_3 within the eMinerals escience project
Dove MT, Sullivan LA, Walker AM, Bruin RP, White TOH, Trachenko K, Murray-Rust P, Todorov IT, Tyer RP, Couch PA, van Dam KK and Smith W
Mol Simulat vol. 32 (12-13), 945-952.  
bullet iconA stress relaxation approach to glass transition
Trachenko K
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 18 (19), L251-L258.  
bullet iconAtomistic simulations of resistance to amorphization by radiation damage
Trachenko K, Dove MT, Artacho E, Todorov IT and Smith W
Phys Rev B vol. 73 (17) 
bullet iconAnatomy of a grid-enabled molecular simulation study: the compressibility of amorphous silica
Walker AM, Dove MT, Sullivan LA, Trachenko K, Bruin RP, White TO, Murray-RuSt P, Tyer RP, Couch PA, Todorov IT, Smith W and van Dam KK
, Editors: Cox SJ. 
bullet iconDL_POLY_3: new dimensions in molecular dynamics simulations via massive parallelism
Todorov IT, Smith W, Trachenko K and Dove MT
J Mater Chem vol. 16 (20), 1911-1918.  
bullet iconRadiation damage in pyrochlore and related compounds
Lumpkin GR, Whittle KR, Rios S, Trachenko K, Pruneda M, Harvey EJ, Redfern SAT, Smith KL and Zaluzec NJ
, Editors: VanIseghem P. 
bullet iconTunneling and interaction effects in two-level systems in glasses studied by atomistic simulations
Trachenko K and Turlakov M
Phys Rev B vol. 73 (1) 
bullet iconRadiation Damage in Pyrochlore and Related Compounds
Lumpkin GR, Whittle KR, Rios S, Trachenko K, Pruneda M, Harvey EJ, Redfern SAT, Smith KL and Zaluzec NJ
Mrs Advances, Springer Nature vol. 932 


bullet iconHow the nature of the chemical bond governs resistance to amorphization by radiation damage
Trachenko K, Pruneda JM, Artacho E and Dove MT
Phys Rev B vol. 71 (18) 
bullet iconRadiation damage in the bulk and at the surface
Trachenko K, Dove MT, Salje EKH, Todorov I, Smith W, Pruneda M and Artacho E
Mol Simulat vol. 31 (5), 355-359.  
bullet iconCalculation of the effect of intrinsic point defects and volume swelling in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of ZrSiO4
Pruneda JM, le Polles L, Farnan I, Trachenko K, Dove MT and Artacho E
Mol Simulat vol. 31 (5), 349-354.  
bullet iconRefinement of the Si-O-Si bond angle distribution in vitreous silica
Tucker MG, Keen DA, Dove MT and Trachenko K


bullet iconUnderstanding resistance to amorphization by radiation damage
Trachenko K
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 16 (49), R1491-R1515.  
bullet iconLocal events and stretched-exponential relaxation in glasses
Trachenko K and Dove MT
Phys Rev B vol. 70 (13) 
bullet iconRadiation damage effects in the perovskite CaTiO3 and resistance of materials to amorphization
Trachenko K, Pruneda M, Artacho E and Dove MT
Phys Rev B vol. 70 (13) 
bullet iconNetwork rigidity and properties of SiO2 and GeO2 glasses under pressure.
Trachenko K, Dove MT, Brazhkin V and El'kin FS
Phys Rev Lett vol. 93 (13) 
bullet iconRadiation damage effects and percolation theory
Trachenko K, Dove MT, Geisler T, Todorov I and Smith B
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 16 (27), S2623-S2627.  
bullet iconEffects of volume swelling in crystalline host phases for nuclear waste immobilization
Pruneda JM, Trachenko KO, Artacho E, Lumpkin G, Farnan I, Redfern SAT, Ashbrook SE, Whittle K, Salje EK, Rios S, Zhang M, Maddrell E, Attfield JP and Dove M
bullet iconRadiation-induced structural changes, percolation effects and resistance to amorphization by radiation damage
Trachenko K, Dove MT, Pruneda M, Artacho E, Salje E, Geisler T, Todorov I and Smith B
, Editors: Wang LM, Fromknecht R, Snead LL, Downey DF and Takahashi H. 


bullet iconRigidity and logarithmic relaxation in network glasses
Trachenko K, Dove MT, Brazhkin VV and Phillips JC
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 15 (49), L743-L748.  
bullet iconImpact of self-irradiation damage on the aqueous durability of zircon (ZrSiO4): implications for its suitability as a nuclear waste form
Geisler T, Trachenko K, Rios S, Dove MT and Salje EKH
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 15 (37), L597-L605.  
bullet iconReply to comment on 'large swelling and percolation in irradiated zircon'
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Salje EKH
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 15 (37), 6457-6471.  
bullet iconIntermediate state in pressurized silica glass: Reversibility window analogue
Trachenko K and Dove MT
Phys Rev B vol. 67 (21) 
bullet iconCompressibility, kinetics, and phase transition in pressurized amorphous silica
Trachenko K and Dove MT
Phys Rev B vol. 67 (6) 
bullet iconLarge swelling and percolation in irradiated zircon
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Salje EKH
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 15 (2), L1-L7.  


bullet iconDensification of silica glass under pressure
Trachenko K and Dove MT
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 14 (32), 7449-7459.  
bullet iconComputer simulation study of low-energy excitations of silicate glasses
Palin EJ, Trachenko KO and Dove MT
bullet iconReal-space rigid-unit-mode analysis of dynamic disorder in quartz, cristobalite and amorphous silica
Wells SA, Dove MT, Tucker MG and Trachenko K
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 14 (18), 4645-4657.  
bullet iconErratum: Publisher's note: Structural changes in zircon under α-decay irradiation (Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2002) 65 (180102))
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Salje EKH
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics vol. 65 (18) 
bullet iconStructural changes in zircon under alpha-decay irradiation (vol B 65, art no 180102, 2002)
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Salje EKH
Phys Rev B vol. 65 (18) 
bullet iconStructural changes in zircon under alpha-decay irradiation
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Salje EKH
Phys Rev B vol. 65 (18) 
bullet iconOrigin of the T1+alpha dependence of the heat capacity of glasses at low temperature
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Heine V
Phys Rev B vol. 65 (9) 
bullet iconFloppy modes in silica glass under pressure
Trachenko K and Dove MT
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 14 (6), 1143-1152.  


bullet iconAtomistic modelling of radiation damage in zircon
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Salje EKH
2001 International Conference On Computational Nanoscience - Iccn 2001, 145-148.  
bullet iconSimulation of two-level tunneling states and floppy modes in silica glass
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Heine V
2001 International Conference On Computational Nanoscience - Iccn 2001, 121-124.  
bullet iconAtomistic modelling of radiation damage in zircon
Trachenko KO, Dove MT and Salje EKH
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 13 (9), 1947-1959.  


bullet icon1. Rigid Unit Modes in Framework Structures: Theory, Experiment and Applications
Dove MT, Trachenko KO, Tucker MG and Keen DA
In Transformation Processes in Minerals, De Gruyter 1-34.  
bullet iconDynamics of silica glass: two-level tunnelling states and low-energy floppy modes
Trachenko KO, Dove MT, Harris MJ and Heine V
J Phys-Condens Mat vol. 12 (37), 8041-8064.  
bullet iconCrystal structure of the high-pressure monoclinic phase-II of cristobalite, SiO2
Dove MT, Craig MS, Keen DA, Marshall WG, Redfern SAT, Trachenko KO and Tucker MG
Mineral Mag vol. 64 (3), 569-576.  
bullet iconModelling the percolation-type transition in radiation damage
Trachenko K, Dove MT and Salje E
J Appl Phys vol. 87 (11), 7702-7707.  
bullet iconAmorphous silica from the Rigid Unit Mode approach
Dove MT, Hammonds KD, Harris MJ, Heine V, Keen DA, Pryde AKA, Trachenko K and Warren MC
Mineral Mag vol. 64 (3), 377-388.  
bullet iconRigid unit modes in framework structures: Theory, experiment and applications
Dove MT, Trachenko KO, Tucker MG and Keen DA
Rev Mineral Geochem vol. 39, 1-33.  


bullet iconSoft mode in locally anharmonic ‟φ3+φ4” model
Stasyuk IV and Trachenko KO
Journal of Physical Studies, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv vol. 3 (1), 81-89.  


bullet iconLow energy dynamics and tunneling states in silica glass
Trachenko K, Dove MT, Hammonds KD, Harris MJ and Heine V
Phys Rev Lett vol. 81 (16), 3431-3434.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research
solid heart iconA molten salt community framework for predictive modelling of critical characteristics
Kostya Trachenko
£147,082 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-07-2023 - 30-06-2026
solid heart icon(HEOM) High entropy oxides: understanding their unique properties and dynamics using machine learning interatomic potentials - MSCA PF-GF Trachenko/Dicks
Kostya Trachenko
£262,232 EPSRC - EU Scheme
01-06-2023 - 28-02-2027
solid heart iconDeveloping next-generation DL_POLY for the benefit of the modelling community
Kostya Trachenko
£368,611 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-10-2022 - 30-11-2025
solid heart iconMechanisms and prediction of large scale ecological responses to environmental change
Axel Rossberg and Kostya Trachenko
£1,213,084 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
06-01-2020 - 04-04-2025

solid heart iconUK - India proposal
Kostya Trachenko
£121,288 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-07-2021 - 30-06-2024
bullet iconImpact Accelerator Account (DL_POLY development)
Kostya Trachenko
£3,600 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-01-2019 - 31-12-2019
bullet iconModelling of glasses as Nuclear Waste Forms
Kostya Trachenko
£381,907 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
04-12-2017 - 03-12-2020