- Reduced voltage losses yield 10% efficient fullerene free organic solar cells with >1 V open circuit voltages.
Baran D, Kirchartz T, Wheeler S, Dimitrov S, Abdelsamie M, Gorman J, Ashraf RS, Holliday S, Wadsworth A, Gasparini N, Kaienburg P, Yan H, Amassian A, Brabec CJ, Durrant JR and McCulloch I
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01-12-2016 - Circularly Polarized Phosphorescent Electroluminescence with a High Dissymmetry Factor from PHOLEDs Based on a Platinahelicene
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28-07-2016 - Effect of Systematically Tuning Conjugated Donor Polymer Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital Levels via Cyano Substitution on Organic Photovoltaic Device Performance
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15-07-2016 - High-efficiency and air-stable P3HT-based polymer solar cells with a new non-fullerene acceptor.
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09-06-2016 - The effect of gold nanoparticles on the impedance of microcapsules visualized by scanning photo-induced impedance microscopy
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04-05-2016 - Responsive Biomaterials: Advances in Materials Based on Shape-Memory Polymers.
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27-04-2016 - Solution-Processable Carbon Nanoelectrodes for Single-Molecule Investigations.
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09-03-2016 - Using Local States To Drive the Sampling of Global Conformations in Proteins
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12-02-2016 - Effect of RlC N-Terminal Tails on the Structure and Dynamics of Cardiac Myosin
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01-02-2016 - Directed Assembly of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors
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01-02-2016 - Biasing the Sampling of Local States to Drive the Exploration of Global Conformations in Proteins
Pandini A and Fornili A
01-02-2016 - Singlet Exciton Lifetimes in Conjugated Polymer Films for Organic Solar Cells
Dimitrov SD, Schroeder BC, Nielsen CB, Bronstein H, Fei Z, McCulloch I, Heeney M and Durrant JR
Polymers, Mdpi vol. 8 (1)