Dr Stoichko Dimitrov

Stoichko Dimitrov

Senior Lecturer
Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies of SPCS

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Laser spectroscopy, Printed solar cells, Perovskite photovoltaics, Organic photovoltaics, Photophysics, Semiconductors


Dimitrov's group uses laser and optical spectroscopies to develop new generation solar energy technologies and materials. One of our main areas of interest is printed perovskite solar cells. The group also studies the photophysical properties of organic and perovskite semiconductors and solar cells, looking for stability and performance enhancements.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research


bullet iconBalancing PEDOT:PSS conductivity for optimal power output of p-n junction based ZnO piezoelectric nanogenerator
Zhang Y, He Q, Tian G, Li X, Zeng C, Ren P, Abrahams I, Bilotti E, Dimitrov S, Sobrido AJ and Briscoe J
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 1010, 177086-177086.  


bullet iconScaling Up Perovskite Solar Cell Fabrication: Antisolvent‐Controlled Crystallization of Printed Perovskite Semiconductor
Li X and Dimitrov SD
Solar Rrl, Wiley vol. 8 (16) 
bullet iconTowards photoelectrochromic modulation of NIR absorption in plasmonic ITO using pentacene films
Maho A, Kim DK, Wade J, Bryan E, Henrard L, Olivier Y, Dimitrov SD, Cloots R and Heutz S
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 12 (45), 18308-18319.  
Relevant PublicationPhotoelectrochemical activation of peroxymonosulfate using Sn-doped α-Fe2O3 thin film for degradation of anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical drug
Machreki M, Tyuliev G, Žigon D, Guo Q, Chouki T, Sobrido ABJ, Dimitrov S and Emin S
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 446 


Relevant PublicationOptimising the crystallization of lead-free Sn perovskite solar cells for slot-die coated devices
Dimitrov S
Proceedings of the MATSUS Spring 2024 Conference
bullet iconScaling up slot-die coated perovskite solar cells by implementing in-situ optical analysis of the printing process
Dimitrov S and Li X
Proceedings of the International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics
Relevant PublicationGenerating Long-Lived Triplet Excited States in Narrow Bandgap Conjugated Polymers
Marin-Beloqui JM, Congrave DG, Toolan DTW, Montanaro S, Guo J, Wright IA, Clarke TM, Bronstein H and Dimitrov SD
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 145 (6), 3507-3514.  
Relevant PublicationSingle-Atom Iridium on Hematite Photoanodes for Solar Water Splitting: Catalyst or Spectator?
Guo Q, Zhao Q, Crespo-Otero R, Di Tommaso D, Tang J, Dimitrov SD, Titirici MM, Li X and Jorge Sobrido AB
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society 


Relevant PublicationSolution-Processable Carbon Nanotube Nanohybrids for Multiplexed Photoresponsive Devices
Ye Q, Xu X, Paghi A, Bamford T, Horrocks BR, Houlton A, Barillaro G, Dimitrov S and Palma M
Advanced Functional Materials 
bullet iconTriplet Generation Dynamics in Si- and Ge-Bridged Conjugated Copolymers
Hernández FJ, Fei Z, Osborne C, Crespo-Otero R, Heeney M and Dimitrov SD
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Energy Conversion and Storage, Optical and Electronic Devices, Interfaces, Nanomaterials, and Hard Matter, American Chemical Society 


Relevant PublicationMultiphoton Absorption Stimulated Metal Chalcogenide Quantum Dot Solar Cells under Ambient and Concentrated Irradiance
Hou B, Kim BS, Lee HKH, Cho Y, Giraud P, Liu M, Zhang J, Davies ML, Durrant JR, Tsoi WC, Li Z, Dimitrov SD, Sohn JI, Cha SN and Kim JM
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley 
bullet iconTowards Efficient Integrated Perovskite/Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: Interfacial Energetic Requirement to Reduce Charge Carrier Recombination Losses
Daboczi M, Kim J, Lee J, Kang H, Hamilton I, Lin C, Dimitrov SD, McLachlan MA, Lee K and Durrant JR
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 30 (25) 
bullet iconNitrogen-doped Carbon Dots/TiO2 Nanoparticle Composites for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation
Luo H, Dimitrov SD, Daboczi M, Kim J-S, Guo Q, Fang Y, Stoeckel M-A, Samorì P, Fenwick O, Jorge Sobrido A, Wang X and Titirici M-M
Acs Applied Nano Materials, American Chemical Society 
bullet iconInvestigating the Superoxide Formation and Stability in Mesoporous Carbon Perovskite Solar Cells with an Aminovaleric Acid Additive
Péan EV, De Castro CS, Dimitrov S, De Rossi F, Meroni S, Baker J, Watson T and Davies ML
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley 
bullet iconInterpreting time-resolved photoluminescence of perovskite materials
Péan EV, Dimitrov S, De Castro CS and Davies ML
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 22 (48), 28345-28358.  
bullet iconPt single-atoms supported on nitrogen-doped carbon dots for highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen generation
Luo H, Liu Y, Dimitrov SD, Steier L, Guo S, Li X, Feng J, Xie F, Fang Y, Sapelkin A, Wang X and Titirici M-M
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 8 (29), 14690-14696.  


bullet iconCover Feature: Manipulating the Optical Properties of Carbon Dots by Fine‐Tuning their Structural Features (ChemSusChem 19/2019)
Luo H, Papaioannou N, Salvadori E, Roessler MM, Ploenes G, van Eck ERH, Tanase LC, Feng J, Sun Y, Yang Y, Danaie M, Jorge AB, Sapelkin A, Durrant J, Dimitrov SD and Titirici M
Chemsuschem, Wiley vol. 12 (19), 4335-4335.  
bullet iconManipulating the optical properties of carbon dots via fine tuning their structural features.
Luo H, Papaioannou N, Salvadori E, Roessler M, Ploenes G, van Eck ERH, Tanase L, Feng J, Sun Y, Yang Y, Danaie M, Sobrido ABJ, Sapelkin A, Durrant J, Dimitrov SD and Titirici M-M
Relevant PublicationToward improved environmental stability of polymer: Fullerene and polymer:Nonfullerene organic solar cells: A common energetic origin of light- A nd oxygen-induced degradation
Speller EM, Clarke AJ, Aristidou N, Wyatt MF, Francàs L, Fish G, Cha H, Lee HKH, Luke J, Wadsworth A, Evans AD, McCulloch I, Kim JS, Haque SA, Durrant JR, Dimitrov SD, Tsoi WC and Li Z
Acs Energy Letters, American Chemical Society vol. 4 (4), 846-852.  
Relevant PublicationSpectroscopic Investigation of the Effect of Microstructure and Energetic Offset on the Nature of Interfacial Charge Transfer States in Polymer: Fullerene Blends
Dimitrov SD, Azzouzi M, Wu J, Yao J, Dong Y, Tuladhar PS, Schroeder BC, Bittner ER, McCulloch I, Nelson J and Durrant JR
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society vol. 141 (11), 4634-4643.  
bullet iconTwist and Degrade—Impact of Molecular Structure on the Photostability of Nonfullerene Acceptors and Their Photovoltaic Blends
Luke J, Speller EM, Wadsworth A, Wyatt MF, Dimitrov S, Lee HKH, Li Z, Tsoi WC, McCulloch I, Bagnis D, Durrant JR and Kim J
Advanced Energy Materials, Wiley vol. 9 (15) 


bullet iconExcitation Wavelength-Dependent Internal Quantum Efficiencies in a P3HT/Nonfullerene Acceptor Solar Cell
Tan C-H, Wadsworth A, Gasparini N, Wheeler S, Holliday S, Ashraf RS, Dimitrov SD, Baran D, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 123 (10), 5826-5832.  
Relevant PublicationUnderstanding structure-activity relationships in linear polymer photocatalysts for hydrogen evolution
Sachs M, Sprick RS, Pearce D, Hillman SAJ, Monti A, Guilbert AAY, Brownbill NJ, Dimitrov S, Shi X, Blanc F, Zwijnenburg MA, Nelson J, Durrant JR and Cooper AI
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 9 (1) 
bullet iconExcitation Density Dependent Photoluminescence Quenching and Charge Transfer Efficiencies in Hybrid Perovskite/Organic Semiconductor Bilayers
Kim J, Godin R, Dimitrov SD, Du T, Bryant D, McLachlan MA and Durrant JR
Advanced Energy Materials, Wiley vol. 8 (35) 


bullet iconInfluence of Blend Morphology and Energetics on Charge Separation and Recombination Dynamics in Organic Solar Cells Incorporating a Nonfullerene Acceptor
Cha H, Wheeler S, Holliday S, Dimitrov SD, Wadsworth A, Lee HH, Baran D, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 28 (3) 
bullet iconExciton and Charge Generation in PC 60 BM Thin Films
Keiderling C, Dimitrov S and Durrant JR
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 121 (27), 14470-14475.  
Relevant PublicationCharge Separation in Intermixed Polymer:PC70BM Photovoltaic Blends: Correlating Structural and Photophysical Length Scales as a Function of Blend Composition
Utzat H, Dimitrov SD, Wheeler S, Collado-Fregoso E, Tuladhar PS, Schroeder BC, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 121 (18), 9790-9801.  


bullet iconPhotophysical Study of DPPTT‐T/PC70BM Blends and Solar Devices as a Function of Fullerene Loading: An Insight into EQE Limitations of DPP‐Based Polymers
Collado‐Fregoso E, Deledalle F, Utzat H, Tuladhar PS, Dimitrov SD, Gillett A, Tan C, Zhang W, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 27 (6) 
Relevant PublicationReduced voltage losses yield 10% efficient fullerene free organic solar cells with >1 V open circuit voltages.
Baran D, Kirchartz T, Wheeler S, Dimitrov S, Abdelsamie M, Gorman J, Ashraf RS, Holliday S, Wadsworth A, Gasparini N, Kaienburg P, Yan H, Amassian A, Brabec CJ, Durrant JR and McCulloch I
Energy and Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 9 (12), 3783-3793.  
bullet iconIndolo-naphthyridine-6,13-dione Thiophene Building Block for Conjugated Polymer Electronics: Molecular Origin of Ultrahigh n‑Type Mobility
Fallon KJ, Wijeyasinghe N, Manley EF, Dimitrov SD, Yousaf SA, Ashraf RS, Duffy W, Guilbert AAY, Freeman DME, Al-Hashimi M, Nelson J, Durrant JR, Chen LX, McCulloch I, Marks TJ, Clarke TM, Anthopoulos TD and Bronstein H
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 28 (22), 8366-8378.  
bullet iconCharge generation in polymer:fullerene photovoltaic systems (Conference Presentation)
Vezie MS, Dimitrov SD, Schroeder BC, Nielsen CB, McCulloch I, Campoy-Quiles M, Durrant JR and Nelson J
SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics
bullet iconTransient absorption spectroscopy of ultra-low band gap polymers for organic electronic applications
Fallon KJ, Dimitrov S, Durrant J, Bronstein H and Clarke TM
Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XV
Relevant PublicationEffect of Systematically Tuning Conjugated Donor Polymer Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital Levels via Cyano Substitution on Organic Photovoltaic Device Performance
Casey A, Dimitrov SD, Shakya-Tuladhar P, Fei Z, Nguyen M, Han Y, Anthopoulos TD, Durrant JR and Heeney M
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 28 (14), 5110-5120.  
Relevant PublicationHigh-efficiency and air-stable P3HT-based polymer solar cells with a new non-fullerene acceptor.
Holliday S, Ashraf RS, Wadsworth A, Baran D, Yousaf SA, Nielsen CB, Tan CH, Dimitrov SD, Shang Z, Gasparini N, Alamoudi M, Laquai F, Brabec CJ, Salleo A, Durrant JR and McCulloch I
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group: Nature Communications vol. 7, 11585-11585.  
bullet iconThiazole Orange Dimers in DNA: Fluorescent Base Substitutions with Hybridization Readout
Berndl S, Dimitrov SD, Menacher F, Fiebig T and Wagenknecht H
Chemistry - a European Journal, Wiley vol. 22 (7), 2386-2395.  
Relevant PublicationSinglet Exciton Lifetimes in Conjugated Polymer Films for Organic Solar Cells
Dimitrov SD, Schroeder BC, Nielsen CB, Bronstein H, Fei Z, McCulloch I, Heeney M and Durrant JR
Polymers, Mdpi vol. 8 (1) 


Relevant PublicationSynthesis and Exciton Dynamics of Triplet Sensitized Conjugated Polymers
Andernach R, Utzat H, Dimitrov SD, McCulloch I, Heeney M, Durrant JR and Bronstein H
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 137 (32), 10383-10390.  
Relevant PublicationPolaron pair mediated triplet generation in polymer/fullerene blends
Dimitrov SD, Wheeler S, Niedzialek D, Schroeder BC, Utzat H, Frost JM, Yao J, Gillett A, Tuladhar PS, McCulloch I, Nelson J and Durrant JR
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 6 (1) 
bullet iconImproved environmental stability of organic lead trihalide perovskite-based photoactive-layers in the presence of mesoporous TiO 2
O'Mahony FTF, Lee YH, Jellett C, Dmitrov S, Bryant DTJ, Durrant JR, O'Regan BC, Graetzel M, Nazeeruddin MK and Haque SA
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 3 (14), 7219-7223.  


bullet iconPerformance and Stability of Lead Perovskite/TiO2, Polymer/PCBM, and Dye Sensitized Solar Cells at Light Intensities up to 70 Suns
Law C, Miseikis L, Dimitrov S, Shakya‐Tuladhar P, Li X, Barnes PRF, Durrant J and O'Regan BC
Advanced Materials, Wiley vol. 26 (36), 6268-6273.  
bullet iconTowards optimisation of photocurrent from fullerene excitons in organic solar cells
Dimitrov SD, Huang Z, Deledalle F, Nielsen CB, Schroeder BC, Ashraf RS, Shoaee S, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Energy & Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 7 (3), 1037-1043.  
bullet iconOptimisation of diketopyrrolopyrrole:fullerene solar cell performance through control of polymer molecular weight and thermal annealing
Huang Z, Fregoso EC, Dimitrov S, Tuladhar PS, Soon YW, Bronstein H, Meager I, Zhang W, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 2 (45), 19282-19289.  
bullet iconCharge generation and transport in efficient organic bulk heterojunction solar cells with a perylene acceptor
Shivanna R, Shoaee S, Dimitrov S, Kandappa SK, Rajaram S, Durrant JR and Narayan KS
Energy & Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 7 (1), 435-441.  


bullet iconCharge Generation Dynamics in CdS:P3HT Blends for Hybrid Solar Cells
Cappel UB, Dowland SA, Reynolds LX, Dimitrov S and Haque SA
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 4 (24), 4253-4257.  
bullet iconEvidence for “Slow” Electron Injection in Commercially Relevant Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by vis–NIR and IR Pump–Probe Spectroscopy
Juozapavicius M, Kaucikas M, Dimitrov SD, Barnes PRF, van Thor JJ and O’Regan BC
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 117 (48), 25317-25324.  
bullet iconIsostructural, Deeper Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital Analogues of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) for High-Open Circuit Voltage Organic Solar Cells
Bronstein H, Hurhangee M, Fregoso EC, Beatrup D, Soon YW, Huang Z, Hadipour A, Tuladhar PS, Rossbauer S, Sohn E-H, Shoaee S, Dimitrov SD, Frost JM, Ashraf RS, Kirchartz T, Watkins SE, Song K, Anthopoulos T, Nelson J, Rand BP, et al.
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 25 (21), 4239-4249.  
bullet iconMaterials Design Considerations for Charge Generation in Organic Solar Cells
Dimitrov SD and Durrant JR
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 26 (1), 616-630.  
bullet iconThieno[3,2‐b]thiophene‐diketopyrrolopyrrole Containing Polymers for Inverted Solar Cells Devices with High Short Circuit Currents
Bronstein H, Collado‐Fregoso E, Hadipour A, Soon YW, Huang Z, Dimitrov SD, Ashraf RS, Rand BP, Watkins SE, Tuladhar PS, Meager I, Durrant JR and McCulloch I
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 23 (45), 5647-5654.  


bullet iconCharge-Transfer State Dynamics Following Hole and Electron Transfer in Organic Photovoltaic Devices
Bakulin AA, Dimitrov SD, Rao A, Chow PCY, Nielsen CB, Schroeder BC, McCulloch I, Bakker HJ, Durrant JR and Friend RH
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 4 (1), 209-215.  
bullet iconOn the Energetic Dependence of Charge Separation in Low-Band-Gap Polymer/Fullerene Blends
Dimitrov SD, Bakulin AA, Nielsen CB, Schroeder BC, Du J, Bronstein H, McCulloch I, Friend RH and Durrant JR
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 134 (44), 18189-18192.  


bullet iconEfficient Charge Photogeneration by the Dissociation of PC70BM Excitons in Polymer/Fullerene Solar Cells
Dimitrov SD, Nielsen CB, Shoaee S, Tuladhar PS, Du J, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 3 (1), 140-144.  


bullet iconFemtosecond Probing of Optical Phonon Dynamics in Quantum-Confined CdTe Nanocrystals
Dimitrov SD, Dooley CJ, Trifonov AA and Fiebig T
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 113 (10), 4198-4201.  


bullet iconUltrafast Electron Transfer Dynamics in CdSe/CdTe Donor−Acceptor Nanorods
Dooley CJ, Dimitrov SD and Fiebig T
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 112 (32), 12074-12076.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Chemical Research
solid heart iconScalable Manufacturing of Single-Crystal Perovskite Optical and Electronic Devices: Follow-On
Lei Su, Oliver Fenwick, Colin Crick and Stoichko Dimitrov
£941,955 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-03-2024 - 28-02-2027

solid heart iconKnowledge transfer partnerships (AKTP) with Powerroll
Stoichko Dimitrov
£35,000 Innovate UK
25-03-2024 - 24-07-2024
solid heart iconNext generation in-situ analysis for perovskite photovoltaic development
Stoichko Dimitrov
£451,011 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
14-04-2021 - 13-04-2024