Dr Stoichko Dimitrov

Senior Lecturer
Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies of SPCS
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
Laser spectroscopy, Printed solar cells, Perovskite photovoltaics, Organic photovoltaics, Photophysics, Semiconductors
Dimitrov's group uses laser and optical spectroscopies to develop new generation solar energy technologies and materials. One of our main areas of interest is printed perovskite solar cells. The group also studies the photophysical properties of organic and perovskite semiconductors and solar cells, looking for stability and performance enhancements.Publications


Zhang Y, He Q, Tian G, Li X, Zeng C, Ren P, Abrahams I, Bilotti E, Dimitrov S, Sobrido AJ and Briscoe J
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 1010, 177086-177086.

Li X and Dimitrov SD
Solar Rrl, Wiley vol. 8 (16)

Maho A, Kim DK, Wade J, Bryan E, Henrard L, Olivier Y, Dimitrov SD, Cloots R and Heutz S
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 12 (45), 18308-18319.

Machreki M, Tyuliev G, Žigon D, Guo Q, Chouki T, Sobrido ABJ, Dimitrov S and Emin S
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a Chemistry, Elsevier vol. 446

Dimitrov S
Proceedings of the MATSUS Spring 2024 Conference.

Dimitrov S and Li X
Proceedings of the International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics.

Marin-Beloqui JM, Congrave DG, Toolan DTW, Montanaro S, Guo J, Wright IA, Clarke TM, Bronstein H and Dimitrov SD
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 145 (6), 3507-3514.

Guo Q, Zhao Q, Crespo-Otero R, Di Tommaso D, Tang J, Dimitrov SD, Titirici MM, Li X and Jorge Sobrido AB
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society

Ye Q, Xu X, Paghi A, Bamford T, Horrocks BR, Houlton A, Barillaro G, Dimitrov S and Palma M
Advanced Functional Materials

Hernández FJ, Fei Z, Osborne C, Crespo-Otero R, Heeney M and Dimitrov SD
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Energy Conversion and Storage, Optical and Electronic Devices, Interfaces, Nanomaterials, and Hard Matter, American Chemical Society

Hou B, Kim BS, Lee HKH, Cho Y, Giraud P, Liu M, Zhang J, Davies ML, Durrant JR, Tsoi WC, Li Z, Dimitrov SD, Sohn JI, Cha SN and Kim JM
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley

Daboczi M, Kim J, Lee J, Kang H, Hamilton I, Lin C, Dimitrov SD, McLachlan MA, Lee K and Durrant JR
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 30 (25)

Luo H, Dimitrov SD, Daboczi M, Kim J-S, Guo Q, Fang Y, Stoeckel M-A, Samorì P, Fenwick O, Jorge Sobrido A, Wang X and Titirici M-M
Acs Applied Nano Materials, American Chemical Society

Péan EV, De Castro CS, Dimitrov S, De Rossi F, Meroni S, Baker J, Watson T and Davies ML
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley

Péan EV, Dimitrov S, De Castro CS and Davies ML
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 22 (48), 28345-28358.

Luo H, Liu Y, Dimitrov SD, Steier L, Guo S, Li X, Feng J, Xie F, Fang Y, Sapelkin A, Wang X and Titirici M-M
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 8 (29), 14690-14696.

Luo H, Papaioannou N, Salvadori E, Roessler MM, Ploenes G, van Eck ERH, Tanase LC, Feng J, Sun Y, Yang Y, Danaie M, Jorge AB, Sapelkin A, Durrant J, Dimitrov SD and Titirici M
Chemsuschem, Wiley vol. 12 (19), 4335-4335.

Luo H, Papaioannou N, Salvadori E, Roessler M, Ploenes G, van Eck ERH, Tanase L, Feng J, Sun Y, Yang Y, Danaie M, Sobrido ABJ, Sapelkin A, Durrant J, Dimitrov SD and Titirici M-M

Speller EM, Clarke AJ, Aristidou N, Wyatt MF, Francàs L, Fish G, Cha H, Lee HKH, Luke J, Wadsworth A, Evans AD, McCulloch I, Kim JS, Haque SA, Durrant JR, Dimitrov SD, Tsoi WC and Li Z
Acs Energy Letters, American Chemical Society vol. 4 (4), 846-852.

Dimitrov SD, Azzouzi M, Wu J, Yao J, Dong Y, Tuladhar PS, Schroeder BC, Bittner ER, McCulloch I, Nelson J and Durrant JR
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society vol. 141 (11), 4634-4643.

Luke J, Speller EM, Wadsworth A, Wyatt MF, Dimitrov S, Lee HKH, Li Z, Tsoi WC, McCulloch I, Bagnis D, Durrant JR and Kim J
Advanced Energy Materials, Wiley vol. 9 (15)

Tan C-H, Wadsworth A, Gasparini N, Wheeler S, Holliday S, Ashraf RS, Dimitrov SD, Baran D, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 123 (10), 5826-5832.

Sachs M, Sprick RS, Pearce D, Hillman SAJ, Monti A, Guilbert AAY, Brownbill NJ, Dimitrov S, Shi X, Blanc F, Zwijnenburg MA, Nelson J, Durrant JR and Cooper AI
Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 9 (1)

Kim J, Godin R, Dimitrov SD, Du T, Bryant D, McLachlan MA and Durrant JR
Advanced Energy Materials, Wiley vol. 8 (35)

Cha H, Wheeler S, Holliday S, Dimitrov SD, Wadsworth A, Lee HH, Baran D, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 28 (3)

Keiderling C, Dimitrov S and Durrant JR
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 121 (27), 14470-14475.

Utzat H, Dimitrov SD, Wheeler S, Collado-Fregoso E, Tuladhar PS, Schroeder BC, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol. 121 (18), 9790-9801.

Collado‐Fregoso E, Deledalle F, Utzat H, Tuladhar PS, Dimitrov SD, Gillett A, Tan C, Zhang W, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 27 (6)

Baran D, Kirchartz T, Wheeler S, Dimitrov S, Abdelsamie M, Gorman J, Ashraf RS, Holliday S, Wadsworth A, Gasparini N, Kaienburg P, Yan H, Amassian A, Brabec CJ, Durrant JR and McCulloch I
Energy and Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 9 (12), 3783-3793.

Fallon KJ, Wijeyasinghe N, Manley EF, Dimitrov SD, Yousaf SA, Ashraf RS, Duffy W, Guilbert AAY, Freeman DME, Al-Hashimi M, Nelson J, Durrant JR, Chen LX, McCulloch I, Marks TJ, Clarke TM, Anthopoulos TD and Bronstein H
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 28 (22), 8366-8378.

Vezie MS, Dimitrov SD, Schroeder BC, Nielsen CB, McCulloch I, Campoy-Quiles M, Durrant JR and Nelson J
SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics.

Fallon KJ, Dimitrov S, Durrant J, Bronstein H and Clarke TM
Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XV.

Casey A, Dimitrov SD, Shakya-Tuladhar P, Fei Z, Nguyen M, Han Y, Anthopoulos TD, Durrant JR and Heeney M
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 28 (14), 5110-5120.

Holliday S, Ashraf RS, Wadsworth A, Baran D, Yousaf SA, Nielsen CB, Tan CH, Dimitrov SD, Shang Z, Gasparini N, Alamoudi M, Laquai F, Brabec CJ, Salleo A, Durrant JR and McCulloch I
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group: Nature Communications vol. 7, 11585-11585.

Berndl S, Dimitrov SD, Menacher F, Fiebig T and Wagenknecht H
Chemistry - a European Journal, Wiley vol. 22 (7), 2386-2395.

Dimitrov SD, Schroeder BC, Nielsen CB, Bronstein H, Fei Z, McCulloch I, Heeney M and Durrant JR
Polymers, Mdpi vol. 8 (1)

Andernach R, Utzat H, Dimitrov SD, McCulloch I, Heeney M, Durrant JR and Bronstein H
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 137 (32), 10383-10390.

Dimitrov SD, Wheeler S, Niedzialek D, Schroeder BC, Utzat H, Frost JM, Yao J, Gillett A, Tuladhar PS, McCulloch I, Nelson J and Durrant JR
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 6 (1)

O'Mahony FTF, Lee YH, Jellett C, Dmitrov S, Bryant DTJ, Durrant JR, O'Regan BC, Graetzel M, Nazeeruddin MK and Haque SA
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 3 (14), 7219-7223.

Law C, Miseikis L, Dimitrov S, Shakya‐Tuladhar P, Li X, Barnes PRF, Durrant J and O'Regan BC
Advanced Materials, Wiley vol. 26 (36), 6268-6273.

Dimitrov SD, Huang Z, Deledalle F, Nielsen CB, Schroeder BC, Ashraf RS, Shoaee S, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Energy & Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 7 (3), 1037-1043.

Huang Z, Fregoso EC, Dimitrov S, Tuladhar PS, Soon YW, Bronstein H, Meager I, Zhang W, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 2 (45), 19282-19289.

Shivanna R, Shoaee S, Dimitrov S, Kandappa SK, Rajaram S, Durrant JR and Narayan KS
Energy & Environmental Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 7 (1), 435-441.

Cappel UB, Dowland SA, Reynolds LX, Dimitrov S and Haque SA
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 4 (24), 4253-4257.

Juozapavicius M, Kaucikas M, Dimitrov SD, Barnes PRF, van Thor JJ and O’Regan BC
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 117 (48), 25317-25324.

Bronstein H, Hurhangee M, Fregoso EC, Beatrup D, Soon YW, Huang Z, Hadipour A, Tuladhar PS, Rossbauer S, Sohn E-H, Shoaee S, Dimitrov SD, Frost JM, Ashraf RS, Kirchartz T, Watkins SE, Song K, Anthopoulos T, Nelson J, Rand BP, et al.
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 25 (21), 4239-4249.

Dimitrov SD and Durrant JR
Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 26 (1), 616-630.

Bronstein H, Collado‐Fregoso E, Hadipour A, Soon YW, Huang Z, Dimitrov SD, Ashraf RS, Rand BP, Watkins SE, Tuladhar PS, Meager I, Durrant JR and McCulloch I
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 23 (45), 5647-5654.

Bakulin AA, Dimitrov SD, Rao A, Chow PCY, Nielsen CB, Schroeder BC, McCulloch I, Bakker HJ, Durrant JR and Friend RH
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 4 (1), 209-215.

Dimitrov SD, Bakulin AA, Nielsen CB, Schroeder BC, Du J, Bronstein H, McCulloch I, Friend RH and Durrant JR
Journal of The American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 134 (44), 18189-18192.

Dimitrov SD, Nielsen CB, Shoaee S, Tuladhar PS, Du J, McCulloch I and Durrant JR
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 3 (1), 140-144.

Dimitrov SD, Dooley CJ, Trifonov AA and Fiebig T
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 113 (10), 4198-4201.

Dooley CJ, Dimitrov SD and Fiebig T
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 112 (32), 12074-12076.

Lei Su, Oliver Fenwick, Colin Crick and Stoichko Dimitrov
£941,955 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-03-2024 - 28-02-2027

Stoichko Dimitrov
£35,000 Innovate UK
25-03-2024 - 24-07-2024

Stoichko Dimitrov
£451,011 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
14-04-2021 - 13-04-2024