Dr Vincenzo Nicosia

Vincenzo Nicosia

Senior Lecturer in Networks and Data Analysis

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ResearcherID ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Complex Networks, Complex Systems, Non-linear Dynamics, Spatial Networks, Multi-layer networks


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems


bullet iconFirst passage time analysis of spatial mutation patterns reveals sub-clonal evolutionary dynamics in colorectal cancer.
Haughey MJ, Bassolas A, Sousa S, Baker A-M, Graham TA, Nicosia V and Huang W
Plos Comput. Biol. vol. 19 


Relevant PublicationMapping nonlocal relationships between metadata and network structure with metadata-dependent encoding of random walks
Bassolas A, Holmgren A, Marot A, Rosvall M and Nicosia V
Science Advances, American Association For The Advancement of Science vol. 8 (43) 
Relevant PublicationQuantifying ethnic segregation in cities through random walks
Sousa S and Nicosia V
Nature Communications, Nature Research vol. 13 (1) 
Relevant PublicationOptimising the mitigation of epidemic spreading through targeted adoption of contact tracing apps
Bassolas A, Santoro A, Sousa S, Rognone S and Nicosia V
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society 
Relevant PublicationOptimizing the mitigation of epidemic spreading through targeted adoption of contact tracing apps
Bassolas A, Santoro A, Sousa S, Rognone S and Nicosia V
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society vol. 4 (2) 
Relevant PublicationImpact of urban structure on infectious disease spreading.
Aguilar J, Bassolas A, Ghoshal G, Hazarie S, Kirkley A, Mazzoli M, Meloni S, Mimar S, Nicosia V, Ramasco JJ and Sadilek A
Scientific Reports, Nature Research vol. 12 (1), 3816-3816.  
Relevant PublicationFirst passage time analysis of spatial mutation patterns reveals evolutionary dynamics of pre-existing resistance in colorectal cancer
Haughey MJ, Bassolas A, Sousa S, Baker A-M, Graham TA, Nicosia V and Huang W
, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 
Relevant PublicationMeasuring Equality and Hierarchical Mobility on Abstract Complex Networks
Barnes MR, Nicosia V and Clegg RG
In Complex Networks Xiii, Springer Nature 15-28.  


Relevant PublicationMetadata-informed community detection with lazy encoding using absorbing random walks
Bassolas A, Eriksson A, Marot A, Rosvall M and Nicosia V
Relevant PublicationDiscovering Common Practice: Using Graph Theory to Compare Harmonic Sequences in Musical Audio Collections
Miller J, Nicosia V and Sandler M
8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology
Relevant PublicationFirst-passage times to quantify and compare structural correlations and heterogeneity in complex systems
Bassolas A and Nicosia V
Communications Physics, Nature Research vol. 4 (1) 
Relevant PublicationDiffusion segregation and the disproportionate incidence of COVID-19 in African American communities
Bassolas A, Sousa S and Nicosia V
Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 18 (174) 
Relevant PublicationMetadata-informed community detection with lazy encoding using absorbing random walks.
Bassolas A, Eriksson A, Marot A, Rosvall M and Nicosia V
Corr vol. abs/2111.05158 


Relevant PublicationQuantifying ethnic segregation in cities through random walks
Sousa S and Nicosia V
, Research Square Platform 
Relevant PublicationOptimal percolation in correlated multilayer networks with overlap
Santoro A and Nicosia V
Physical Review Research vol. 2 (3), 033122-033122.  
Relevant PublicationDisproportionate incidence of COVID-19 in African Americans correlates with dynamic segregation
Bassolas A, Sousa S and Nicosia V
, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 
Relevant PublicationAlgorithmic complexity of multiplex networks
Santoro A and Nicosia V
Physical Review X, American Physical Society 
Relevant PublicationOnline visibility graphs: Encoding visibility in a binary search tree
Fano Yela D, Thalmann F, Nicosia V, Stowell D and Sandler M
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 2 (2) 
Relevant PublicationOn the spectral properties of Feigenbaum graphs
Flanagan R, Lacasa L and Nicosia V
Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical vol. 53 (2) 


Relevant PublicationPareto optimality in multilayer network growth
Santoro A, Latora V, Nicosia G and Nicosia V
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 121 (12), 128302-128302.  
Relevant PublicationMultiplex Decomposition of Non-Markovian Dynamics and the Hidden Layer Reconstruction Problem
Lacasa L, Mariño IP, Miguez J, Nicosia V, Roldán É, Lisica A, Grill SW and Gómez-Gardeñes J
Physical Review X vol. 8 (3) 
Relevant PublicationEmergent explosive synchronization in adaptive complex networks.
Avalos-Gaytán V, Almendral JA, Leyva I, Battiston F, Nicosia V, Latora V and Boccaletti S
Phys Rev E vol. 97 (4-1), 042301-042301.  


Relevant PublicationThe advantages of interdisciplinarity in modern science
Bonaventura M, Latora V, Nicosia V and Panzarasa P
Relevant PublicationComplex Networks
Latora V, Nicosia V and Russo G
Relevant PublicationThe Multiplex Dependency Structure of Financial Markets
Musmeci N, Nicosia V, Aste T, Di Matteo T and Latora V
Relevant PublicationThe Multiplex Dependency Structure of Financial Markets.
Musmeci N, Nicosia V, Aste T, Matteo TD and Latora V
Complexity vol. 2017, 9586064:1-9586064:1.  
Relevant PublicationAn active-radio-frequency-identification system capable of identifying co-locations and social-structure: Validation with a wild free-ranging animal
Ellwood SA, Newman C, Montgomery RA, NICOSIA VM, Bueshing CD, Markham A, Trigoni N, Pasztor B, Dyo V, Latora V, Baker SE and Macdonald DW
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationLayered social influence promotes multiculturality in the Axelrod model
Battiston F, Nicosia V, Latora V and Miguel MS
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
Relevant PublicationMultilayer motif analysis of brain networks
Battiston F, Nicosia V, Chavez M and Latora V
Chaos vol. 27 (4) 
Relevant PublicationThe new challenges of multiplex networks: Measures and models
Battiston F, Nicosia V and Latora V
European Physical Journal: Special Topics vol. 226 (3), 401-416.  


Relevant PublicationInterplay between consensus and coherence in a model of interacting opinions
Battiston F, Cairoli A, Nicosia V, Baule A and Latora V
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 323-324, 12-19.  
Relevant PublicationCorrection: Spatio-temporal analysis of micro economic activities in rome reveals patterns of mixed-use urban evolution
Fiasconaro A, Strano E, Nicosia V, Porta S and Latora V
Plos One vol. 11 (5) 
Relevant PublicationEfficient exploration of multiplex networks
Battiston F, Nicosia V and Latora V
New Journal of Physics, Iop Publishing: Open Access Journals vol. 18 (4) 
Relevant PublicationSpatio-Temporal Analysis of Micro Economic Activities in Rome Reveals Patterns of Mixed-Use Urban Evolution
Fiasconaro A, Strano E, Nicosia V, Porta S and Latora V
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 11 (3) 
Relevant PublicationHomophily and missing links in citation networks
Ciotti V, Bonaventura M, Nicosia V, Panzarasa P and Latora V
Epj Data Science vol. 5 (1) 
Relevant PublicationIrreducibility of multilayer network dynamics: The case of the voter model
Diakonova M, Nicosia V, Latora V and Miguel MS
New Journal of Physics vol. 18 (2) 
Relevant PublicationEmergence of Multiplex Communities in Collaboration Networks.
Battiston F, Iacovacci J, Nicosia V, Bianconi G and Latora V
Plos One vol. 11 (1), e0147451-e0147451.  
Relevant PublicationRobust multiculturality emerges from layered social influence.
Battiston F, Nicosia V, Latora V and Miguel MS
Corr vol. abs/1606.05641 
Relevant PublicationHomophily and missing links in citation networks.
Ciotti V, Bonaventura M, Nicosia V, Panzarasa P and Latora V
Epj Data Sci. vol. 5, 7-7.  


Relevant PublicationHybrid recommendation methods in complex networks
Fiasconaro A, Tumminello M, Nicosia V, Latora V and Mantegna RN
Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 92 (1) 
Relevant PublicationStructural reducibility of multilayer networks
De Domenico M, Nicosia V, Arenas A and Latora V
Nature Communications vol. 6 
Relevant PublicationBiased random walks on multiplex networks.
Battiston F, Nicosia V and Latora V
Corr vol. abs/1505.01378 


Relevant PublicationNonlinear growth and condensation in multiplex networks
Nicosia V, Bianconi G, Latora V and Barthelemy M
Physical Review E, American Physical Society vol. 90, 042807-042807.  
Relevant PublicationNetwork structure of multivariate time series
Lacasa L, Nicosia V and Latora V
Sci. Rep. vol. 5 
Relevant PublicationCollective phenomena emerging from the interactions between dynamical processes in multiplex networks
Nicosia V, Skardal PS, Arenas A and Latora V
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 118 
Relevant PublicationMeasuring and modelling correlations in multiplex networks
Nicosia V and Latora V
Phys. Rev. E vol. 92 
Relevant PublicationNon-parametric resampling of random walks for spectral network clustering
Fallani FDV, Nicosia V, Latora V and Chavez M
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society vol. 89 
Relevant PublicationCharacteristic times of biased random walks on complex networks
Bonaventura M, Nicosia V and Latora V
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society vol. 89 
Relevant PublicationAssessment of urban ecosystem resilience through hybrid social-physical complex networks
Cavallaro M, Asprone D, Latora V, Manfredi G and Nicosia V
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 
Relevant PublicationAssessment of Urban Ecosystem Resilience through Hybrid Social-Physical Complex Networks
Cavallaro M, Asprone D, Latora V, Manfredi G and Nicosia V
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering vol. 29 (8), 608-625.  
Relevant PublicationNonparametric resampling of random walks for spectral network clustering
De Vico Fallani F, Nicosia V, Latora V and Chavez M
Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 89 (1) 


Relevant PublicationUrban network resilience analysis in case of earthquakes
Asprone D, Cavallaro M, Latora V, Manfredi G and Nicosia V
Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and Infrastructures - Proceedings of The 11th International Conference On Structural Safety and Reliability, Icossar 2013, 4069-4075.  
Relevant PublicationStructural measures for multiplex networks
Battiston F, Nicosia V and Latora V
Phys. Rev. E vol. 89 
Relevant PublicationGrowing multiplex networks
Nicosia V, Bianconi G, Latora V and Barthelemy M
Physical Review Letters vol. 111 (5) 
Relevant PublicationCharacteristic exponents of complex networks
Nicosia V, Domenico MD and Latora V
Epl vol. 106 
Relevant PublicationGeo-Spotting: Mining Online Location-based Services for Optimal Retail Store Placement
Karamshuk D, Noulas A, Scellato S, Nicosia V and Mascolo C
Relevant PublicationGraph Metrics for Temporal Networks
Nicosia V, Tang J, Mascolo C, Musolesi M, Russo G and Latora V
Relevant PublicationApplications of Temporal Graph Metrics to Real-World Networks
Tang J, Leontiadis I, Scellato S, Nicosia V, Mascolo C, Musolesi M and Latora V
Chapter in Temporal Networks (Petter Holme and Jari Saram\"Aki Editors). Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 2013 
Relevant PublicationPhase transition in the economically modeled growth of a cellular nervous system
Nicosia V, Vértes PE, Schafer WR, Latora V and Bullmore ET
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Usa vol. 110, 7880-7885.  
Relevant PublicationRemote synchronization reveals network symmetries and functional modules
Nicosia V, Valencia M, Chavez M, Díaz-Guilera A and Latora V
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 110 (17) 
Relevant PublicationSocial and place-focused communities in location-based online social networks
Brown C, Nicosia V, Scellato S, Noulas A and Mascolo C
C. Brown, V. Nicosia, S. Scellato, a. Noulas, C. Mascolo "Social and Place-Focused Communities in Location-Based Online Social Networks", Eur. Phys. J. B 86 (6), 290 (2013) 
Relevant PublicationGrowing multiplex networks
Nicosia V, Bianconi G, Latora V and Barthelemy M
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 111 
Relevant PublicationAssessment of urban ecosystem resilience using the efficiency of hybrid social-physical complex networks
Asprone D, Cavallaro M, Latora V, Manfredi G and Nicosia V
Relevant PublicationEvolutionary dynamics of time-resolved social interactions
Cardillo A, Petri G, Nicosia V, Sinatra R, Gómez-Gardeñes J and Latora V
Physical Review E vol. 90 
Relevant PublicationCo-evolution of networks and quantum dynamics: a generalization of preferential attachment
Nicosia V, Machida T, Wilson R, Hancock E, Konno N, Latora V and Severini S
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 
Relevant PublicationSocial Cohesion, Structural Holes, and a Tale of Two Measures
Latora V, Nicosia V and Panzarasa P
Journal of Statistical Physics, 1-20.  
Relevant PublicationGeo-spotting: mining online location-based services for optimal retail store placement.
Karamshuk D, Noulas A, Scellato S, Nicosia V and Mascolo C
, Editors: Dhillon IS, Koren Y, Ghani R, Senator TE, Bradley P, Parekh R, He J, Grossman RL and Uthurusamy R. 
Relevant PublicationGraph Metrics for Temporal Networks
Nicosia V, Tang J, Mascolo C, Musolesi M, Russo G and Latora V
In Temporal Networks, Springer Nature 15-40.  
Relevant PublicationApplications of Temporal Graph Metrics to Real-World Networks
Tang J, Leontiadis I, Scellato S, Nicosia V, Mascolo C, Musolesi M and Latora V
In Temporal Networks, Springer Nature 135-159.  


Relevant PublicationMotion-induced synchronization in metapopulations of mobile agents
Gómez-Gardeñes J, Nicosia V, Sinatra R and Latora V
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 87 
Relevant PublicationThe importance of being placefriends: Discovering location-focused online communities
Brown C, Nicosia V, Scellato S, Noulas A and Mascolo C
Wosn'12 - Proceedings of The Acm Workshop On Online Social Networks, 31-36.  
Relevant PublicationElementary processes governing the evolution of road networks
Strano E, Nicosia V, Latora V, Porta S and Barthelemy M
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing vol. 2 
Relevant PublicationSocial cohesion, structural holes, and a tale of two measures
Latora V, Nicosia V and Panzarasa P
Corr vol. abs/1211.0719 
Relevant PublicationWhere Online Friends Meet: Social Communities in Location-Based Networks.
Brown C, Nicosia V, Scellato S, Noulas A and Mascolo C
, Editors: Breslin JG, Ellison NB, Shanahan JG and Tufekci Z. 


Relevant PublicationControlling centrality in complex networks
Nicosia V, Criado R, Romance M, Russo G and Latora V
Relevant PublicationComponents in time-varying graphs
Nicosia V, Tang J, Musolesi M, Russo G, Mascolo C and Latora V
Chaos vol. 22 
Relevant PublicationDefecting or not defecting: how to read human behavior during cooperative games by EEG measurements
Fallani FDV, Nicosia V, Sinatra R, Astolfi L, Cincotti F, Mattia D, Wilke C, Doud A, Latora V, He B and Babiloni F
Plos One 5(12): E14187 (2010) 


Relevant PublicationMaximal-entropy random walks in complex networks with limited information
Sinatra R, Gómez-Gardeñes J, Lambiotte R, Nicosia V and Latora V
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society vol. 83 
Relevant PublicationImpact of network structure on a model of diffusion and competitive interaction
Nicosia V, Bagnoli F and Latora V
Europhysics Letters: a Letters Journal Exploring The Frontiers of Physics vol. 94 
Relevant PublicationAnalysing information flows and key mediators through temporal centrality metrics.
Tang JK, Musolesi M, Mascolo C, Latora V and Nicosia V
, Editors: Yoneki E, Bursztein E and Stein T. 
Relevant PublicationAn adaptive overlay network inspired by social behaviour.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
J. Parallel Distributed Comput. vol. 70, 282-295.  
Relevant PublicationA Methodology to Extend Imperative Languages with AgentSpeak Declarative Constructs.
Fichera L, Marletta D, Nicosia V and Santoro C
, Editors: Omicini A and Viroli M. 
Relevant PublicationFlexible Robot Strategy Design Using Belief-Desire-Intention Model.
Fichera L, Marletta D, Nicosia V and Santoro C
, Editors: Obdrzálek D and Gottscheber A. 


Relevant PublicationComplex Networks - Results of the 2009 International Workshop on Complex Networks, CompleNet 2009, Catania, Italy

, Editors: Fortunato S, Mangioni G, Menezes R and Nicosia V. 


Relevant PublicationExtending the definition of modularity to directed graphs with overlapping communities
Nicosia V, Mangioni G, Carchiolo V and Malgeri M
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 
Relevant PublicationEmerging structures of P2P networks induced by social relationships.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
Comput. Commun. vol. 31, 620-628.  
Relevant PublicationThe Dilemma of Trust: a Social Network Based Approach.
Carchiolo V, Longheu A, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp. vol. 9 
Relevant PublicationAdaptive E-Learning: An Architecture Based on PROSAP2P Network.
Carchiolo V, Longheu A, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
, Editors: Nguyen NT, Borzemski L, Grzech A and Ali M. 
Relevant PublicationProceedings - 2008 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet, SAINT 2008: Message from the organizers of the workshop on social and personal computing for web-supported learning communities SPeL 2008
Popescu E, Nicosia V and Graf S
Proceedings - 2008 International Symposium On Applications and The Internet, Saint 2008 


Relevant PublicationOn robustness and self-adaptiveness of a socially inspired P2P network
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
22nd International Symposium On Computer and Information Sciences, Iscis 2007 - Proceedings, 322-327.  
Relevant PublicationEfficient Searching and Retrieval of Documents in PROSA
Nicosia V, Mangioni G, Carchiolo V and Malgeri M
Relevant PublicationExploiting social networks dynamics for P2P resource organisation
Nicosia V, Mangioni G, Carchiolo V and Malgeri M
Lecture Notes On Computer Science (Lncs) 4263 (2006) 
Relevant PublicationSocial Behaviours Applied to P2P Systems: An efficient Algorithm for Resource Organisation
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
15th Ieee International Workshops On Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure For Collaborative Enterprises, 2006. Wetice '06. June 2006 Page(S):65 - 72 
Relevant PublicationFast Information Retrieval in a Self-Organising P2P Network.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
J. Comput. vol. 2, 75-81.  
Relevant PublicationThe Agreement Utopia.
Fargetta M and Nicosia V
Relevant PublicationExploiting social networks dynamics for P2P resource organisation
Nicosia V, Mangioni G, Carchiolo V and Malgeri M
Corr vol. abs/cs/0702127 
Relevant PublicationTowards hard real-time Erlang.
Nicosia V
, Editors: Thompson SJ and Fredlund L-Å. 
Relevant PublicationApplying Social Behaviours to Model Trusting.
Carchiolo V, Longheu A, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
, Editors: Badica C and Paprzycki M. 
Relevant PublicationAn Approach to Trust Based on Social Networks.
Carchiolo V, Longheu A, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
, Editors: Benatallah B, Casati F, Georgakopoulos D, Bartolini C, Sadiq W and Godart C. 


Relevant PublicationEvaluating the Dynamic Behaviour of PROSA P2P Network.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
, Editors: Guo M, Yang LT, Martino BD, Zima HP, Dongarra JJ and Tang F. 
Relevant PublicationSocial Behaviours in P2P Systems: An Efficient Algorithm for Resource Organisation.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
Relevant PublicationSoftware Agents for Autonomous Robots: the Eurobot 2006 Experience.
Nicosia V, Spampinato C and Santoro C
, Editors: Paoli FD, Stefano AD, Omicini A and Santoro C. 
Relevant PublicationSelf-Organisation of Resources in PROSA P2P Network.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
, Editors: Keller A and Martin-Flatin J-P. 
Relevant PublicationEfficient Searching and Retrieval of Documents in PROSA.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
, Editors: Moro G, Bergamaschi S, Joseph S, Morin J-H and Ouksel AM. 
Relevant PublicationPROSA: P2P Resource Organisation by Social Acquaintances.
Carchiolo V, Malgeri M, Mangioni G and Nicosia V
, Editors: Joseph S, Despotovic Z, Moro G and Bergamaschi S. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems
solid heart iconAssessing spatial heterogeneity through random walks on graphs
Vincenzo Nicosia
£162,886 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-09-2019 - 31-08-2021