Dr Athen Ma

Athen Ma

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


Complex networks, ecosystems, networked innovation


Relevant PublicationPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Human-Centred Computing


bullet iconSun Y, Livan G, Ma A and Latora V (2021). Interdisciplinary researchers attain better long-term funding performance. Communications Physics, Springer Nature vol. 4 (1) 
bullet iconGRAY C, Ma A, McLaughlin O, Petit S, Woodward G and Bohan D (2021). Ecological plasticity governs ecosystem services in multilayer networks. Communications Biology, Nature Research (part of Springer Nature) 


bullet iconMa A (2018). Ecological networks reveal resilience of agro-ecosystems to changes in farming management. Nature Ecology and Evolution, Nature Research 
bullet iconMa A, Bohan DA, Canard E, Derocles SAP, Gray C, Lu X, Macfadyen S, Romero GQ and Kratina P (2018). A Replicated Network Approach to ‘Big Data’ in Ecology. Advances in Ecological Research 


bullet iconXu X, Zhang H-Y, Luo J, Zhang D-J and Ma A (2017). Area-corrected species richness patterns of vascular plants along a tropical elevational gradient. Journal of Mountain Science, Springer Nature vol. 14 (4), 694-704.  
bullet iconXu X, Zhang H, Zhang D, Tian W, Huang H and Ma A (2017). Altitudinal patterns of plant species richness in the Honghe region of China. Pakistan Journal of Botany vol. 49 (3), 1039-1048.  


bullet iconZhao L, Zhang H, O'Gorman EJ, Tian W, Ma A, Moore JC, Borrett SR and Woodward G (2016). Weighting and indirect effects identify keystone species in food webs. Ecology Letters, Wiley vol. 19 (9), 1032-1040.  
bullet iconLu X, Gray C, Brown LE, Ledger ME, Milner AM, Mondragón RJ, Woodward G and Ma A (2016). Drought rewires the cores of food webs. Nature Climate Change, Nature Publishing Group vol. 6, 875-878.  
bullet iconConsortium TQ (2016). Networking Our Way to Better Ecosystem Service Provision. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, Elsevier vol. 31 (2), 105-115.  
bullet iconGray C, Hildrew AG, Lu X, Ma A, McElroy D, Monteith D, O Gorman E, Shilland E and Woodward G (2016). Chapter Ten - Recovery and Nonrecovery of Freshwater Food Webs from the Effects of Acidification. Advances in Ecological Research Large-Scale Ecology: Model Systems to Global Perspectives , Editors: Alex JD. 475-534.  


bullet iconGray C, Figueroa DH, Hudson LN, Ma A, Perkins D and Woodward G (2015). Joining the dots: An automated method for constructing food webs from compendia of published interactions. Food Webs, Elsevier vol. 5, 11-20.  
bullet iconMa A, Mondragón RJ and Latora V (2015). Anatomy of funded research in science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 112 (48), 14760-14765.  
bullet iconPoslad S, Ma A, Wang Z and Mei H (2015). Using a Smart City IoT to Incentivise and Target Shifts in Mobility Behaviour—Is It a Piece of Pie? Sensors, MDPI vol. 15 (6), 13069-13096.  
bullet iconMa A and Mondragon RJ (2015). Rich-cores in Networks. PLoS One, Public Library of Science 
bullet iconMulder C, Bennett EM, Bohan DA, Bonkowski M, Carpenter SR, Chalmers R, Cramer W, Durance I, Eisenhauer N, Fontaine C, Haughton AJ, Hettelingh JP, Hines J, Ibanez S, Jeppesen E, Krumins JA, Ma A, Mancinelli G, Massol F, McLaughlin Ó, et al. (2015). 10 years later: Revisiting priorities for science and society a decade after the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Advances in Ecological Research  1-53.  
bullet iconMulder C, Bennett EM, Bohan DA, Bonkowski M, Carpenter SR, Chalmers R, Cramer W, Durance I, Eisenhauer N, Fontaine C, Haughton AJ, Hettelingh J-P, Hines J, Ibanez S, Jeppesen E, Krumins JA, Ma A, Mancinelli G, Massol F, McLaughlin Ó, et al. (2015). Chapter One 10 Years Later Revisiting Priorities for Science and Society a Decade After the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Ecosystem Services - From Biodiversity to Society, Part 1  1-53.  


bullet iconGray C, Baird DJ, Baumgartner S, Jacob U, Jenkins GB, O'Gorman EJ, Lu X, Ma A, Pocock MJO, Schuwirth N, Thompson M and Woodward G (2014). FORUM: Ecological networks: the missing links in biomonitoring science. Journal of Applied Ecology, Wiley vol. 51 (5), 1444-1449.  
bullet iconMa A and Mondragon RJ (2014). Rich-cores in networks. 


bullet iconMei H, Ma A, Poslad S and Oshin TO (2013). Short Term Traffic Volume Prediction for Sustainable Transportation in Urban Area. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers 
bullet iconMontoya LV, Ma A and Mondragon RJ (2013). Social Achievement and Centrality in MathOverflow. Complex Networks IV, Springer vol. 276 (2013), 27-38.  


bullet iconMa A and Mondragón RJ (2012). Evaluation of network robustness using a node tearing algorithm. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier BV vol. 391 (24), 6674-6681.  
bullet iconMa A, Poslad S and Oshin TO (2012). Improving the Energy-Efficiency of GPS based Location Sensing Smartphone Applications. 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom) Liverpool, UK 25 Jun 2012 - 27 Jun 2012
bullet iconMa A and Mondragon RJ (2012). Beyond Centrality - Finding vulnerabilities in complex networks. NetSci Evanston, Il, USA 18 Jun 2012 - 22 Jun 2012
bullet iconOshin TO, Poslad S and Ma A (2012). A Method to Evaluate the Energy-Efficiency of Wide-Area Location Determination Techniques Used by Smartphones. 2012 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Nicosia, Cyprus 5 Dec 2012 - 7 Dec 2012


bullet iconPinto FC, Videira A, Ma A and Cuthbert L (2011). Efficient big brother networks. IEEE EUROCOM Lisbon, Portugal 27 Apr 2011 - 29 Apr 2011


bullet iconWang Y, Shi S, Yang X and Ma A (2010). Bluetooth Indoor Positioning using RSSI and Least Square Estimation. International Conference on Future Computer and Communication Shanghai, China 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconYang X, Wu D, Wang Y and Ma A (2010). K-Means Based Clustering on Mobile Usage for Social Network Analysis Purpose. Advanced Information Management and Service (IMS), 2010 6th International Conference on Seoul, Korea 30 Nov 2010 - 2 Dec 2010


bullet iconAriffin SHS, Schormans JA and Ma AHI (2009). Application of the generalised ballot theorem for evaluation of performance in packet buffers with non-first in first out scheduling. IET COMMUN vol. 3 (6), 933-944.  
bullet iconTokarchuk L, Shoop K and Ma A (2009). Using Co-presence Communities to Enhance Social Recommendation. 
bullet iconWang Y, Yang X, Lu N, Ma A and Cuthbert L (2009). A Simulation Package for Hot-spot Traffic Relief in WCDMA Networks. Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2009. WiCom '09. 5th International Conference on Beijing 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconWang L, De Vial E, Tokarchuk L, Wang Y and Ma A (2009). Blue Danger: Live action gaming over Bluetooth. 
bullet iconWang Y, Yang X, Ma A and Cuthbert LG (2009). Intelligent Resource Optimisation Using Semi-Smart Antennas in LTE OFDMA Systems. Communications Technology and Applications, 2009. ICCTA '09. IEEE International Conference on Beijing, China 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconDONG R, TOKARCHUK LN and MA A (2009). Digging Friendship: Paper Recommendation in Social Networks. Proceedings of Networking & Electronic Commerce Research Conference Lake Garda, Italy 1 Jan 1970


bullet iconChew B, Wang J, Ma A and Bigham J (2008). Anomalous Usage in Web Applications. NAEC Lake Garda, Italy 1 Jan 1970


bullet iconWang Y, Wu J, Bigham J, Ma A and Cuthbert L (2006). Cooperative control of WCDMA system under geographically congested situations. 
bullet iconWang Y, Ma A and Cuthbert L (2006). An Agent-based Passenger Support System over Heterogeneous Wireless Infrastructures in an Airport Environment. IASTED International Conference on Networks and Communication Systems (NCS) Chiang Mai, Thailand 29 Mar 2006 - 31 Mar 2006
bullet iconWang Y, Ma A and Cuthbert L (2006). Agent Based Cooperation Control over Wireless LAN networks with Semi-Smart Antennas’, IASTED Int’l Conference on Networks and Communication Systems (NCS). IASTED Int’l Conference on Networks and Communication Systems (NCS) Chiang Mai, Thailand 29 Mar 2006 - 31 Mar 2006
bullet iconWang Y, Ma A, Cuthbert L and Shoop K (2006). A Multi-agent Based Intelligent Wireless Passenger Support system. Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC) Lake Garda, Italy 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconWang Y, Ma A and Cuthbert L (2006). IEEE 802.11 WLAN load balancing using adaptive antennas and cooperative controls. IET International Conference on Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks Proceedings (ICWMMN 2006) Hanzhou, China 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconWang Y, Ma A, Wu J, Bigham B and Cuthbert L (2006). Cooperative control of WCDMA system under geographically congested situations. 4th IASTED Int’l Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology (CIIT) Virgin Islands, USA 1 Jan 1970


bullet iconMa AHI and Schormans JA (2005). Fast, stable simulation of power-law packet traffic using concatenated acceleration techniques. IEE P-COMMUN vol. 152 (4), 420-426.  


bullet iconKoutsouris N, Mitrou N, Wang Y and Ma A (2004). An agent-based system for supporting enhanced services over wireless infrastructures. CCCT'04 Austin, Texas, USA 1 Jan 1970


bullet iconMa A, Schormans J and Cuthbert L (2003). Aggregation technique for networks with power law traffic and application to accelerated simulation. IEE P-COMMUN vol. 150 (3), 177-183.  


bullet iconLeung CM, Schormans JA and Ma AHI (2002). Measurement-based queue length distribution estimation for power-law traffic. ELECTRON LETT vol. 38 (24), 1608-1610.  
bullet iconMa AHI and Schormans JA (2002). Hybrid technique for analysis of multiplexed power-law traffic in broadband networks. ELECTRON LETT vol. 38 (6), 295-297.  
bullet iconMa AHI and Schormans JA (2002). Accelerated simulation modelling of Power-law traffic via aggregation. ICT02 Beijing, China 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconMa AHI and Schormans JA (2002). Efficient simulation modelling for long range dependent traffic. RESIM’02 Madrid, Spain 1 Jan 1970


bullet iconMa AHI and Schormans JA (2001). A fast simulation method for modelling IP networks. 17th UKTS Dublin, Ireland 1 Jan 1970


bullet iconSchormans JA, Pitts JM, Ma AHI and Mondragon R (2000). Accurate results for traffic engineering in the presence of LRD. 16th UKTS Harlow, Essex UK 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconMa AHI, Schormans JA, Pitts JM, Scharf EM, Pearmain AJ and Phillips CI (2000). Design rules and equivalent capacity for buffering of Pareto source. Elec Lett vol. 36 (15), 1274-1275.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Human-Centred Computing
solid heart iconPredicting the Impacts of Global Environmental Change on Ecological Networks
Athen Ma, Vito Latora and Pavel Kratina
£389,809 NERC Natural Environment Research Council (01-06-2024 - 31-05-2027)