Dr Marcus Pearce

Marcus Pearce

Reader in Cognitive Science
“Cognitive and Neural Processing” Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
ResearcherID ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Auditory Perception, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Psychology, Artificial Intelligence


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Human-Centred Computing


bullet iconThe association between liking, learning and creativity in music
Zioga I, Harrison PMC, Pearce M, Bhattacharya J and Di Bernardi Luft C
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 14 (1) 
bullet iconDynamic Complexity in Audiovisual Aesthetics
Clemente A, Board F, Pearce MT and Orgs G
Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and The Arts, American Psychological Association (Apa) 
bullet iconSpatiotemporal whole-brain activity and functional connectivity of melodies recognition
Bonetti L, Brattico E, Carlomagno F, Cabral J, Stevner A, Deco G, Whybrow PC, Pearce M, Pantazis D, Vuust P and Kringelbach ML
Cerebral Cortex, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 34 (8) 
bullet iconThe Billboard Melodic Music Dataset (BiMMuDa)
Hamilton M, Clemente A, Hall E and Pearce M
Transactions of The International Society For Music Information Retrieval, Ubiquity Press vol. 7 (1), 113-128.  
bullet iconTrajectories and revolutions in popular melody based on U.S. charts from 1950 to 2023
Hamilton M and Pearce M
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 14 (1), 14749-14749.  
bullet iconComputational Modeling of Rhythm Perception and the Role of Enculturation
van der Weij B, Pearce MT and Honing H
In The Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies, Oxford University Press (Oup) 
bullet iconAuditory imagery ability influences accuracy when singing with altered auditory feedback
Reed CN, Pearce M and McPherson A
Musicae Scientiae, Sage Publications 
Relevant PublicationPerceptual representations mediate effects of stimulus properties on liking for music
Clemente A, Kaplan TM and Pearce MT
Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences, Wiley 


Relevant PublicationCognitive and sensory expectations independently shape musical expectancy and pleasure.
Cheung VKM, Harrison PMC, Koelsch S, Pearce MT, Friederici AD and Meyer L
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci vol. 379 (1895), 20220420-20220420.  
Relevant PublicationAuditory and reward structures reflect the pleasure of musical expectancies during naturalistic listening
Gold BP, Pearce MT, McIntosh AR, Chang C, Dagher A and Zatorre RJ
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers vol. 17 
Relevant PublicationProbabilistic modelling of microtiming perception
Kaplan T, Jamone L and Pearce M
Cognition, Elsevier vol. 239 
Relevant PublicationWorlds apart? Testing the cultural distance hypothesis in music perception of Chinese and Western listeners.
Klarlund M, Brattico E, Pearce M, Wu Y, Vuust P, Overgaard M and Du Y
Cognition, Elsevier vol. 235, 105405-105405.  
Relevant PublicationImplicit auditory memory in older listeners: From encoding to 6-month retention
Bianco R, Hall ETR, Pearce MT and Chait M
Current Research in Neurobiology, Elsevier vol. 5 


Relevant PublicationMusicians show more integrated neural processing of contextually relevant acoustic features
Hansen NC, Højlund A, Møller C, Pearce M and Vuust P
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers Media vol. 16 
Relevant PublicationModeling enculturated bias in entrainment to rhythmic patterns
Kaplan T, Cannon J, Jamone L and Pearce M
Plos Computational Biology, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 18 (9) 
Relevant PublicationComparing Musicians and Non-musicians’ Expectations in Music and Vision
Agres K, Tay TY and Pearce M
AudioMostly 2022
Relevant PublicationReduced Cross-Modal Affective Priming in the L2 of Late Bilinguals Depends on L2 Exposure
Tenderini MS, de Leeuw E, Eilola TM and Pearce MT
Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 48 (2), 284-303.  


Relevant PublicationReassessing Syntax-Related ERP Components Using Popular Music Chord Sequences
Goldman A, Harrison PMC, Jackson T and Pearce MT
Music Perception vol. 39 (2), 118-144.  
Relevant PublicationThe Cognitive Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experience
Nadal M and Pearce M
In Brain, Beauty, and Art, Oxford University Press (Oup) 36-40.  
Relevant PublicationEffects of statistical learning in passive and active contexts on reproduction and recognition of auditory sequences.
Krishnan S, Carey D, Dick F and Pearce MT
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, American Psychological Association 
Relevant PublicationChills in Music: A Systematic Review
de Fleurian R and Pearce MT
Psychological Bulletin, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 147 (9), 890-920.  
Relevant PublicationMusicianship and melodic predictability enhance neural gain in auditory cortex during pitch deviance detection
Quiroga‐Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E, Holmes E, Friston K and Vuust P
Human Brain Mapping, Wiley vol. 42 (17), 5595-5608.  
Relevant PublicationPredictive Uncertainty Underlies Auditory Boundary Perception
Hansen NC, Kragness HE, Vuust P, Trainor L and Pearce MT
Psychological Science, Sage Publications vol. 32 (9), 1416-1425.  
Relevant PublicationThe Relationship Between Valence and Chills in Music: A Corpus Analysis
de Fleurian R and Pearce MT
I-Perception vol. 12 (4), 1-11.  
Relevant PublicationA model of large-scale thematic structure
Hall ETR and Pearce MT
Journal of New Music Research, Informa Uk Limited vol. 50 (3), 220-241.  
Relevant PublicationEvaluative judgment across domains: Liking balance, contour, symmetry and complexity in melodies and visual designs
Clemente A, Pearce MT, Skov M and Nadal M
Brain and Cognition, Elsevier vol. 151 
Relevant PublicationMusical Aesthetic Sensitivity
Clemente A, Pearce MT and Nadal M
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and The Arts, American Psychological Association 


Relevant PublicationMelodic expectations in 5- and 6-year-old children
Politimou N, Douglass-Kirk P, Pearce M, Stewart L and Franco F
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Elsevier vol. 203 
Relevant PublicationPPM-Decay: A computational model of auditory prediction with memory decay
Harrison PMC, Bianco R, Chait M and Pearce MT
Plos Computational Biology vol. 16 (11) 
Relevant PublicationAuditory but not audiovisual cues lead to higher neural sensitivity to the statistical regularities of an unfamiliar musical style
Zioga I, Harrison PMC, Pearce MT, Bhattacharya J and Luft CDB
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience vol. 32 (12), 2241-2259.  
Relevant PublicationInvestigating the Perceptual Validity of Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Piano Music Transcription
Ycart A, Liu L, Benetos E and Pearce M
Transactions of The International Society For Music Information Retrieval, Ubiquity Press vol. 3 (1), 68-81.  
Relevant PublicationLong-term implicit memory for sequential auditory patterns in humans
Bianco R, Harrison PMC, Hu M, Bolger C, Picken S, Pearce MT and Chait M
Elife, Elife vol. 9 
Relevant PublicationMusical Features for Automatic Music Transcription Evaluation
Ycart A, Liu L, Benetos E and Pearce MT
Relevant PublicationDecomposing neural responses to melodic surprise in musicians and non-musicians: Evidence for a hierarchy of predictions in the auditory system
Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E and Vuust P
Neuroimage vol. 215 
Relevant PublicationA Set of 200 Musical Stimuli Varying in Balance, Contour, Symmetry, and Complexity: Behavioral and Computational Assessments.
Clemente A, Vila-Vidal M, Pearce MT, Aguiló G, Corradi G and Nadal M
Behavioral Research Methods 
Relevant PublicationA computational cognitive model for the analysis and generation of voice leadings
Harrison PMC and Pearce MT
Music Perception vol. 37 (3), 208-224.  
Relevant PublicationMusical prediction error responses similarly reduced by predictive uncertainty in musicians and non-musicians
Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E and Vuust P
European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley 


Relevant PublicationMusical prediction error responses similarly reduced by predictive uncertainty in musicians and non-musicians.
Quiroga-Martinez DR, C Hansen N, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E and Vuust P
European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationSimultaneous consonance in music perception and composition
Harrison P and Pearce M
Psychological Review, American Psychological Association 
Relevant PublicationInformation-theoretic Modeling of Perceived Musical Complexity
Pearce M and Sauvé S
Music Perception, University of California Press 
Relevant PublicationUncertainty and Surprise Jointly Predict Musical Pleasure and Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Auditory Cortex Activity
Cheung V, HARRISON PMC, Meyer L, Pearce M, Haynes J-D and Koelsch S
Current Biology, Elsevier (Cell Press) 
Relevant PublicationFrom learning to creativity: Identifying the behavioural and neural correlates of learning to predict human judgements of musical creativity
Zioga I, Harrison P, Pearce M, Bhattacharya J and Di Bernardi Luft C
Neuroimage, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationPredictability and uncertainty in the pleasure of music: a reward for learning?
Gold B, Pearce M, Mas-Herrero E, Dagher A and Zatorre RJ
The Journal of Neuroscience, Society For Neuroscience 
Relevant PublicationReward prediction tells us less than expected about musical pleasure
de Fleurian R, Harrison PMC, Pearce MT and Quiroga-Martinez DR
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 
Relevant PublicationReduced prediction error responses in high-as compared to low-uncertainty musical contexts
Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce MT, Brattico E and Vuust P
Cortex, Elsevier Bv vol. 120, 181-200.  
Relevant PublicationIntracranial Recordings and Computational Modeling of Music Reveal the Time Course of Prediction Error Signaling in Frontal and Temporal Cortices.
Omigie D, Pearce M, Lehongre K, Hasboun D, Navarro V, Adam C and Samson S
J Cogn Neurosci vol. 31 (6), 855-873.  
Relevant PublicationNeural entrainment is associated with subjective groove and complexity for performed but not mechanical musical rhythms
Cameron DJ, Zioga I, Lindsen JP, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA, Potter K and Bhattacharya J
Experimental Brain Research, Springer Nature vol. 237 (8), 1981-1991.  


Relevant PublicationExpectations for tonal cadences: Sensory and cognitive priming effects.
Sears DRW, Pearce MT, Spitzer J, Caplin WE and McAdams S
Q J Exp Psychol (Hove), 1747021818814472-1747021818814472.  
Relevant PublicationWhat makes rhythms hard to perform? An investigation using Steve Reich's Clapping Music.
Duffy S and Pearce M
Plos One vol. 13 (10), e0205847-e0205847.  
Relevant PublicationReduced prediction error responses in high- as compared to low-uncertainty musical contexts
Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E and Vuust P
Biorxiv, Biorxiv 
Relevant PublicationStatistical Learning and Probabilistic Prediction in Music Cognition: Mechanisms of Stylistic Enculturation
Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationEffects of Pitch and Timing Expectancy on Musical Emotion
Sauvé SA, Sayed A, Dean RT and Pearce MT
Psychomusicology Music Mind and Brain, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 28 (1), 17-39.  
Relevant PublicationAn energy-based generative sequence model for testing sensory theories of Western harmony
Harrison PMC and Pearce MT
Relevant PublicationMusical Syntax I: Theoretical Perspectives
Rohrmeier M and Pearce M
In Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology, Springer Nature 473-486.  
Relevant PublicationMusical Syntax II: Empirical Perspectives
Pearce M and Rohrmeier M
In Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology, Springer Nature 487-505.  


Relevant PublicationSimulating melodic and harmonic expectations for tonal cadences using probabilistic models
Sears DRW, PEARCE MT, Caplin WE and McAdams S
Journal of New Music Research, Taylor & Francis (Routledge) 
Relevant PublicationPerception of Rhythmic Similarity is Asymmetrical, and Is Influenced by Musical Training, Expressive Performance, and Musical Context
Cameron D, Potter K, Wiggins G and PEARCE MT
Timing and Time Perception 
Relevant PublicationA Probabilistic Model of Meter Perception: Simulating Enculturation.
van der Weij B, Pearce MT and Honing H
Front Psychol vol. 8, 824-824.  
Relevant PublicationCompression-based Modelling of Musical Similarity Perception
Pearce M and Müllensiefen D
Journal of New Music Research vol. 46 (2), 135-155.  
Relevant PublicationInformation-Theoretic Properties of Auditory Sequences Dynamically Influence Expectation and Memory
Agres K, Abdallah S and Pearce M
Cognitive Science 
Relevant PublicationThat note sounds wrong! Age-related effects in processing of musical expectation.
Halpern AR, Zioga I, Shankleman M, Lindsen J, Pearce MT and Bhattacharya J
Brain Cogn vol. 113, 1-9.  


Relevant PublicationIf You Have to Ask, You'll Never Know: Effects of Specialised Stylistic Expertise on Predictive Processing of Music
Hansen NC, Vuust P and Pearce M
, Editors: Jaencke L. Plos One vol. 11 (10), e0163584-e0163584.  
Relevant PublicationBrains of older adults process melodic expectancy differently from those of younger adults
Bhattacharya J, Halpern A, Zioga L, Shankelman M, Lindsen J and Pearce M
Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Psychophysiology
Relevant PublicationAlgorithmically-generated Corpora that use Serial Compositional Principles Can Contribute to the Modeling of Sequential Pitch Structure in Non-tonal Music
Dean RT and Pearce MT
Empirical Musicology Review vol. 11 (1), 27-27.  
Relevant PublicationNonlinear Changes in the Rhythm of European Art Music: Quantitative Support for Historical Musicology
Hansen NC, Sadakata M and Pearce M
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal vol. 33 (4), 414-431.  
Relevant PublicationNeuroaesthetics
Pearce MT, Zaidel DW, Vartanian O, Skov M, Leder H, Chatterjee A and Nadal M
Perspectives On Psychological Science, Sage Publications vol. 11 (2), 265-279.  
Relevant PublicationBrain responses in humans reveal ideal observer-like sensitivity to complex acoustic patterns
Barascud N, Pearce MT, Griffiths TD, Friston KJ and Chait M
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 113 (5), e616-e625.  
Relevant PublicationLinking Melodic Expectation to Expressive Performance Timing and Perceived Musical Tension
Gingras B, Pearce MT, Goodchild M, Dean RT, Wiggins G and McAdams S
Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception & Performance, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 42 (4), 594-609.  
Relevant PublicationPerceived and Induced Emotion Responses to Popular Music: Categorical and Dimensional Models
Song Y, Dixon S, Pearce MT and Halpern AR
Music Perception vol. 33 (4), 472-492.  
Relevant PublicationA New Look at Musical Expectancy: The Veridical Versus the General in the Mental Organization of Music
PEARCE MT and Schubert E
In Music, Mind, and Embodiment, Springer, Editors: Kronland-Martinet R, Aramaki M and Ystad S. 358-370.  


Relevant PublicationAge-Related Patterns in Emotions Evoked by Music
Pearce MT and Halpern AR
Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and The Arts, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 9 (3), 248-253.  
Relevant PublicationGenerality and specificity in the effects of musical expertise on perception and cognition
Carey D, Rosen S, Krishnan S, Pearce MT, Shepherd A, Aydelott J and Dick F
Cognition, Elsevier vol. 137, 81-105.  
Relevant PublicationSynpy: A python toolkit for syncopation modelling
Song C, Pearce M and Harte C


Relevant PublicationPredictive uncertainty in auditory sequence processing.
Hansen NC and Pearce MT
Front Psychol vol. 5 


Relevant PublicationMultiple Viewpoint Systems: Time Complexity and the Construction of Domains for Complex Musical Viewpoints
Whorley R, Wiggins GA, Rhodes CS and Pearce MT
Journal of New Musical Research 
Relevant PublicationElectrophysiological correlates of melodic processing in congenital amusia
Omigie D, Pearce MT, Stewart L and Williamson VJ
Relevant PublicationThe Neuroaesthetics of Music
Brattico E and Pearce MT
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and The Arts vol. 7 (1), 48-61.  
Relevant PublicationSyncopation and the score.
Song C, Simpson AJR, Harte CA, Pearce MT and Sandler MB
Plos One vol. 8 (9) 
Relevant PublicationProbabilistic models of expectation violation predict psychophysiological emotional responses to live concert music.
Egermann H, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA and McAdams S
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, Springer Link vol. 13 (3), 533-553.  
Relevant PublicationAn Information-Theoretic Account of Musical Expectation and Memory
Agres K, Abdallah S and Pearce M
Relevant PublicationMusic Cognition as Mental Time Travel
Bailes F, Dean RT and Pearce MT
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 3 (1) 
Relevant PublicationDo online social tags predict perceived or induced emotional responses to music?
Song Y, Dixon S, Pearce M and Halpern A
Relevant PublicationA distributed model for multiple-viewpoint melodic prediction
Cherla S, Weyde T, d’Avila Garcez A and Pearce M
Relevant PublicationHarmonising melodies: Why do we add the bass line first?
Whorley R, Rhodes C, Wiggins G and Pearce M
Relevant PublicationMusic cognition: Bridging computation and insights from cognitive neuroscience
Pearce M, Rohrmeier M, Loui P, Large E, Kim JC, Toiviainen P and Brattico E


Relevant PublicationModulation of Motor Excitability by Metricality of Tone Sequences
Cameron DJ, Stewart L, Pearce MT, Grube M and Muggleton NG
Psychomusicology Music Mind and Brain, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 22 (2), 122-128.  
Relevant PublicationMusic Cognition and the Cognitive Sciences
Pearce M and Rohrmeier M
Topics in Cognitive Science, Wiley vol. 4 (4), 468-484.  
Relevant PublicationAuditory Expectation: The Information Dynamics of Music Perception and Cognition
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA
Topics in Cognitive Science vol. 4 (4), 625-652.  
Relevant PublicationTracking of pitch probabilities in congenital amusia
Omigie D, Pearce MT and Stewart L
Neuropsychologia, Elsevier Ltd vol. 50 (7), 1483-1493.  
Relevant PublicationMelodic pitch expectation interacts with neural responses to syntactic but not semantic violations
Carrus E, Pearce MT and Bhattacharya J
Cortex vol. 49 (8), 2186-2200.  
Relevant PublicationConference Report: The Neurosciences and Music - IV - Learning and Memory
Pearce MT and Christensen JF
Psychomusicology vol. 22 (1), 70-73.  
Relevant PublicationEvaluation of musical features for emotion classification
Song Y, Dixon S and Pearce M


Relevant PublicationTime-series analysis of Music: Perceptual and Information Dynamics
Pearce MT
Empirical Musicology Review, The Ohio State University Libraries vol. 6 (2), 125-130.  


Relevant PublicationDevelopment of Techniques for the Computational Modelling of Harmony
Whorley R, Wiggins GA, Rhodes C and Pearce MT
, Editors: Ventura and others . 
Relevant PublicationUnsupervised Statistical Learning Underpins Computational, Behavioural and Neural Manifestations of Musical Expectation
Pearce MT, Herrojo Ruiz M, Kapasi S, Wiggins GA and Bhattacharya J
Neuroimage vol. 50, 303-313.  
Relevant PublicationOn the non-existence of Music: Why music theory is a figment of the imagination
Wiggins GA, Müllensiefen D and Pearce MT
Musicae Scientiae vol. Discussion Forum 5, 231-255.  
Relevant PublicationThe role of expectation and probabilistic learning in auditory boundary perception: A model comparison
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D and Wiggins GA
Perception vol. 39 (10), 1367-1391.  
Relevant PublicationMelodic Grouping in Music Information Retrieval: New Methods and Applications
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D and Wiggins GA
In Advances in Music Information Retrieval, Springer, Editors: Ras Z and Wieczorkowska A. 364-388.  
Relevant PublicationUnsupervised statistical learning underpins computational, behavioural and neural manifestations of musical expectation
Pearce MT, Ruiz MH, Kapasi S, Wiggins GA and Bhattacharya J
Neuroimage vol. 50, 302-313.  
Relevant PublicationThe Copenhagen Neuroaesthetics conference: Prospects and pitfalls for an emerging field
Nadal M and Pearce MT
Brain and Cognition vol. 76, 172-183.  
Relevant PublicationThe role of expectation and probabilistic learning in auditory boundary perception: a model comparison.
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D and Wiggins GA
Perception vol. 39 (10), 1365-1389.  
Relevant PublicationMelodic grouping in music information retrieval: New methods and applications
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D and Wiggins GA
Studies in Computational Intelligence vol. 274, 365-389.  


Relevant PublicationComputational Modelling of Music Cognition and Musical Creativity
Wiggins GA, Pearce MT and Müllensiefen D
In Oxford Handbook of Computer Music, Oxford University Press, Editors: Dean R. 383-420.  
Relevant PublicationTo beep or not to beep
Pearce MT
Contemporary Music Review vol. 28, 125-126-125-126.  
Relevant PublicationMusic Cognition: Learning and Processing
Rohrmeier M, Honing H, Rebuschat P, Loui P, Wiggins G, Pearce MT and Müllensiefen D
, Editors: Taatgen NA and Rijn HV. 


Relevant PublicationDavid Huron, Sweet Anticipation: Music and the Psychology of Expectation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2007, 512 pp., ISBN 0262083450, (Hardcover).
Pearce MT and Müllensiefen D
Musicæ Scientiæ vol. 12 
Relevant PublicationA comparison of statistical and rule-based models of melodic segmentation
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D and Wiggins GA
, Editors: Bello JP and Chew E. 


Relevant PublicationTowards greater objectivity in music theory: Information-dynamic analysis of minimalist music
Potter K, Wiggins GA and Pearce MT
Musicæ Scientiæ vol. 11, 295-322.  
Relevant PublicationSystematic Evaluation and Improvement of Statistical Models of Harmony
Whorley RP, Wiggins GA and Pearce MT
, Editors: Cardoso A and Wiggins GA. 
Relevant PublicationEvaluating cognitive models of musical composition
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA
, Editors: Cardoso A and Wiggins GA. 
Relevant PublicationDavid Temperley, Music and Probability. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-0-262-20166-7 (hardcover) $40.00
Pearce MT, Müllensiefen D, Lewis D and Rhodes CS
Empirical Musicology Review vol. 2, 155-163.  


Relevant PublicationThe information dynamics of melodic boundary detection
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA
, Editors: Baroni M, Addessi AR, Caterina R and Costa M. 
Relevant PublicationExpectation in Melody: The Influence of Context and Learning
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA
Music Perception vol. 23, 377-405.  


Relevant PublicationMethods for Combining Statistical Models of Music
Pearce MT, Conklin D and Wiggins GA
In Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval, Springer Verlag, Editors: Wiil UK. 295-312.  
Relevant PublicationThe Construction and Evaluation of Statistical Models of Melodic Structure in Music Perception and Composition
Pearce MT


Relevant PublicationImproved Methods for Statistical Modelling of Monophonic Music
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA
Journal of New Music Research vol. 33, 367-385.  
Relevant PublicationRethinking Gestalt Influences on Melodic Expectancy
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA
, Editors: Lipscomb SD, Ashley R, Gjerdingen RO and Webster P. 
Relevant PublicationReview of the Third International Symposium on Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval
Pearce MT and Meredith D
Computer Music Journal vol. 28, 91-93.  


Relevant PublicationAn empirical comparison of the performance of PPM variants on a prediction task with monphonic music
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA


Relevant PublicationAspects of a cognitive theory of creativity in musical composition
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA


Relevant PublicationMotivations and Methodologies for Automation of the Compositional Process.
Pearce M, Wiggins GA and Meredith D
Musicae Scientiae vol. 6, 119-147.  
Relevant PublicationTowards a framework for the evaluation of machine compositions
Pearce MT and Wiggins GA
Relevant PublicationReport on the ICCBR’01 Workshop on Creative Systems
Pearce MT
Aisb Quarterly vol. 102, 6-7.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Human-Centred Computing
solid heart iconIMPROV - MSCA PF 2021 Pearce/Weiss
Marcus Pearce
£204,031 EPSRC - EU Scheme
01-10-2022 - 30-09-2024