• Bee-inspired Drones for 3d Printing in Construction
  • Computation Modelling of Scalable Cellular Composites
  • Computational Modelling of Spacecraft Electric Propulsion
  • All-electric Commuter Aircraft Concept

Welcome to The Centre for Intelligent Transport

The Centre for Intelligent Transport (CIT) combines complementary strengths in Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Power Systems, Robotics and AI, Digital Design and Manufacturing, and Advanced Materials to drive future transport and mobility technologies that better our world.

The Centre takes pride in being particularly strong in merging world-leading theoretical research with applied, industry-oriented experimental work, creating systems and software tools with high market potential and benefit for society. Our mission is to conduct research of the utmost excellence and to translate it into products with wide and beneficial applications, in close collaboration with industry, international universities and governmental bodies.

Research within the Centre focuses on various scientific and engineering problems relevant to future transport systems and spans from Green Propulsion, Robotics, and Autonomous vehicles to Future Mobility with Environmental and Climate technologies, such as those which help reduce aircraft noise and emissions. We also carry out extensive research in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing for Future Transport.

A cross-cutting theme, which is relevant for many our applications is Data Centric Systems Engineering, which includes Numerical Methods and Simulation and AI. Our research has been supported by EPSRC, EU, Innovate UK,  BEIS, Royal Academy of Engineering, and other agencies and companies. 

Staff within the Centre for Intelligent Transport are active in delivering research-informed education for our undergraduate and postgraduate students in these broad areas.


Recent Publications

  • Lack of fusion-induced cracking effect on tensile and fatigue behaviours of laser powder-bed fusion-processed Ti-6Al-4V implant
    Aliyu AAA, Puncreobutr C, Shinjo J, Kuimalee S, Phetrattanarangsi T, Boonchuduang T, Taweekitikul P, Panwisawas C, Wanming L, Poungsiri K and Lohwongwatana B
    Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier vol. 168 
  • A novel multistable honeycomb structure with tailored variable-length functions
    Wang R, Niu B and Tan W
    Engineering Structures, Elsevier vol. 324 
  • An ensemble learning algorithm for optimization of spark ignition engine performance fuelled with methane/hydrogen blends
    Tayarani-N. M-H and Paykani A
    Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier vol. 168 

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Recent Grants

  • EPSRC Core Equipment 2024
    Wen Wang, Kshitij Sabnis, Andrei Sapelkin, Joe Briscoe and Ian Sanders
    £449,082 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
    03-01-2025 - 02-07-2026
  • (S&E Externally Funded PhD Studentship, Commercial, 2024/25, Lab-Based, Industry-funded, Band B for 3.5y) Birla Carbon PhD Studentship #2
    James Busfield
    £159,453 Birla Carbon USA Inc.
    01-01-2025 - 30-06-2028
  • SLB PhD Studentship #7 (S&E Flexible PhD Studentship, 2024/25, Commercial, Fully External, Band C, 3.5Y)
    James Busfield
    £133,219 Schlumberger Technology Corporation
    01-01-2025 - 30-06-2028

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