Dr Anne Hsu

Anne Hsu


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


Machine Learning, Cognitive Psychology, Interaction Design, Behaviour Change, Legal Reasoning


My work combines computer science and psychology. My research includes human computer interaction, behavioural economics, cognitive psychology, and spans topics of reasoning, wellbeing, health, behavioural change and gamification.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI


Relevant PublicationBhattacharjee A, Gong Z, Wang B, Luckcock TJ, Watson E, Abellan EA, Gutman L, Hsu A and Williams JJ (2024). Actually I Can Count My Blessings: User-Centered Design of an Application to Promote Gratitude Among Young Adults. 
Relevant PublicationBhattacharjee A, Chen P, Mandal A, Hsu A, O'Leary K, Mariakakis A and Williams JJ (2024). Exploring User Perspectives on Brief Reflective Questioning Activities for Stress Management: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR Formative Research, JMIR Publications vol. 8 


Relevant PublicationThaventhiran T, Orr J, Morris JK, Hsu A, Martin L, Davies KM, Harding V, Chapple P, Dunkel L and Storr HL (2023). A Digital Health Solution for Child Growth Monitoring at Home: Testing the Accuracy of a Novel “GrowthMonitor” Smartphone Application to Detect Abnormal Height and Body Mass Indices. Mayo Clinic Proceedings Digital Health, Elsevier vol. 1 (4), 498-509.  
Relevant PublicationHsu A and Chaudhary D (2023). AI4PCR: Artificial intelligence for practicing conflict resolution. Computers in Human Behavior Artificial Humans, Elsevier vol. 1 (1), 100002-100002.  


Relevant PublicationCéspedes N, Hsu A, Jones JM and Farkhatdinov I (2022). A Feasibility Study of a Data-Driven Human-Robot Conversational Interface for Reminiscence Therapy. 2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)


bullet iconThaventhiran T, Harding V, Hsu A, Dunkel L, Chapple P and Storr H (2021). Development and testing of a novel 'GrowthMonitor' Smartphone App for growth monitoring and the detection of growth disorders. Endocrine Abstracts, Bioscientifica 


bullet iconWilde N and Hsu A (2019). The feasibility of a student-centred approach to the presentation of vicarious experience information within online learning. Research on Education and Media, De Gruyter vol. 11 (2), 3-18.  
bullet iconWilde N and Hsu A (2019). The influence of general self-efficacy on the interpretation of vicarious experience information within online learning. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, SpringerOpen vol. 16 (1) 
bullet iconKrusche A, Jack CD, Blunt C and Hsu A (2019). Mindfulness-Based Organisational Education: an Evaluation of a Mindfulness Course Delivered to Employees at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. Mindfulness, Springer Nature vol. 11 (2), 362-373.  
bullet iconHSU A, Martin J, Sanborn A and Griffiths T (2019). Identifying category representations for complex stimuli using discrete Markov chain Monte Carlo with people. Behavior Research Methods, Springer (part of Springer Nature) 
bullet iconDewitt SH, Hsu A, Lagnado D, Desai SC and Fenton NE (2019). Nested Sets and Natural Frequencies. 


bullet iconSilina Y and Hsu A (2018). Infusing Meaning into Social Wearables: Lessons from Sentimental Jewelry. 
bullet iconSilina Y, Apetroaia A and Hsu A (2018). Love Is All You Need: User Preferences of Strategies for Mediating Intimate Relationships Through Technology. 


bullet iconGriffiths TL, Abbott J and HSU A (2016). Exploring human cognition using large image databases. Topics in Cognitive Science, Wiley vol. 8 (3), 569-588.  
bullet iconHSU A and Griffiths TL (2016). Sampling Assumptions Affect Use of Indirect Negative Evidence in Language Learning. PLoS One, Public Library of Science 
bullet iconWilliams JJ, Lombrozo T, Hsu A, Huber B and Kim J (2016). Revising Learner Misconceptions Without Feedback. 
bullet iconHsu AS, Horng A, Griffiths TL and Chater N (2016). When Absence of Evidence Is Evidence of Absence: Rational Inferences From Absent Data. Cognitive Science, Wiley vol. 41 (S5), 1155-1167.  


bullet iconHarris AJL, Hahn U, Madsen JK and Hsu AS (2015). The Appeal to Expert Opinion: Quantitative Support for a Bayesian Network Approach. Cognitive Science, Wiley vol. 40 (6), 1496-1533.  


bullet iconFenton N, Lagnado D, Hsu A, Berger D and Neil M (2014). Response to on the use of the likelihood ratio for forensic evaluation: response to Fenton et al.. Sci Justice vol. 54 (4), 319-320.  
bullet iconHsu A and Blandford A (2014). Designing for psychological change: individuals' reward and cost valuations in weight management. J Med Internet Res vol. 16 (6) 
bullet iconHsu A, Yang J, Yilmaz YH, Haque S, Can C and Blandford AE (2014). Persuasive technology for overcoming food cravings and improving snack choices. 
bullet iconHsu AS and Vlaev I (2014). Monetary cost for time spent in everyday physical activities. Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier vol. 108, 74-80.  
bullet iconFenton N, Berger D, Lagnado D, Neil M and Hsu A (2014). When 'neutral' evidence still has probative value (with implications from the Barry George Case). Science and Justice vol. 54 (4), 274-287.  


bullet iconFenton NE, Neil M and Hsu A (2013). Calculating and understanding the value of any type of match evidence when there are potential testing errors. Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer (part of Springer Nature) vol. 22 (1), 1-28.  


bullet iconHarris AJL, Hsu AS and Madsen JK (2012). Because Hitler did it! Quantitative tests of Bayesian argumentation using ad hominem. Thinking & Reasoning, Taylor & Francis vol. 18 (3), 311-343.  
bullet iconHsu AS, Martin JB, Sanborn AN and Griffiths TL (2012). Identifying representations of categories of discrete items using Markov chain Monte Carlo with People. 


bullet iconHSU A, Chater N and Vitanyi P (2011). The probabilistic analysis of language acquisition: Theoretical, computational, and experimental analysis. Cognition, sciencedirect.com vol. 120 (3), 380-390.  


bullet iconHSU A, Griffiths T and Schreiber E (2010). Subjective randomness and natural scene statistics. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Springer vol. 17 (5), 624-629.  
bullet iconHSU A and Chater N (2010). The logical problem of language acquisition goes probabilistic: No negative evidence as a window on language acquisition. Cognitive Science, Cognitive Science Society, Inc. vol. 34, 972-1016.  


bullet iconHSU A and Griffiths T (2009). Differential Use of Implicit Negative Evidence in Generative and Discriminative Language Learning. Neural Information Processing Systems Vancouver 1 Jan 1970


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI
solid heart iconDesign and test the feasibility of a novel smartphone growth monitoring app
Helen Storr, Anne Hsu, Leo Dunkel and James Chapple
£104,886 Merck
01-10-2019 - 31-08-2022