Dr Eliane Bodanese

Eliane Bodanese

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


Wireless networks, Sensor Networks, Distributed Systems, Internet of Things


Relevant PublicationPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems


Relevant PublicationLi A, Bodanese E, Poslad S, Chen P, Wang J, Fan Y and Hou T (2023). A Contactless Health Monitoring System for Vital Signs Monitoring, Human Activity Recognition and Tracking. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Relevant PublicationLi A, Bodanese E, Poslad S, Huang Z, Hou T, Wu K and Luo F (2023). An Integrated Sensing and Communication System for Fall Detection and Recognition Using Ultrawideband Signals. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 11 (1), 1509-1521.  
Relevant PublicationLuo F, Bodanese E, Khan S and Wu K (2023). Spectro-temporal modelling for human activity recognition using a radar sensor network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-1.  


Relevant PublicationLi J, Song Z, Hou T, Sun X, Li A and Bodanese E (2022). An RIS-NOMA-enhanced Signal-Cancellation Design for Multi-Cell Networks. 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)
Relevant PublicationLi A, Bodanese E, Poslad S, Hou T, Luo F and Wu K (2022). Trajectory-based Fall Detection and Recognition Using Ultra-Wideband Signals. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference
Relevant PublicationLi A, Bodanese E, Poslad S, Hou T, Wu K and Luo F (2022). A Trajectory-Based Gesture Recognition in Smart Homes Based on the Ultrawideband Communication System. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 9 (22), 22861-22873.  


bullet iconLi A, Bodanese E, Luo F, Hou T and Wu K (2021). The Ultra-Wideband Communication System: A Human Gesture Recognition Approach. 2021 IEEE 23rd Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 7th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 19th Int Conf on Smart City; 7th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys)


bullet iconKanapram DT, Marchese M, Bodanese EL, Gomez DM, Marcenaro L and Regazzoni C (2020). Dynamic Bayesian Collective Awareness Models for a Network of Ego-Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 8 (5), 3224-3241.  
bullet iconLuo F, Poslad S and Bodanese E (2020). Temporal convolutional networks for multi-person activity recognition using a 2D LIDAR. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1-1.  
bullet iconThekke Kanapram D, Patrone F, Marin-Plaza P, Marchese M, Bodanese EL, Marcenaro L, Martin Gomez D and Regazzoni C (2020). Collective Awareness for Abnormality Detection in Connected Autonomous Vehicles. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 7 (5), 3774-3789.  


bullet iconSadavarte SS and Bodanese E (2019). Pregnancy Companion Chatbot Using Alexa and Amazon Web Services. 2019 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon)
bullet iconYi W, Liu Y, Bodanese E, Nallanathan A and Karagiannidis GK (2019). A Unified Spatial Framework for UAV-Aided MmWave Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE vol. 67 (12), 8801-8817.  
bullet iconBODANESE EL, LUO F and POSLAD S (2019). Kitchen Activity Detection for Healthcare using a low-power Radar-Enabled Sensor Network. IEEE ICC 2019 Shanghai, China 20 May 2019 - 24 May 2019
bullet iconSridharan M, Bigham J, Campbell PM, Phillips C and Bodanese E (2019). Inferring Micro-Activities through Wearable Sensing for ADL recognition of Home-Care Patients. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform 
bullet iconBodanese E, Luo F and Poslad S (2019). Human Activity Detection and Coarse-Localization Outdoors Using Micro-Doppler Signatures. IEEE Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconBODANESE EL, SRIDHARAN M, BIGHAM J and Campbell PM (2019). Evaluation of Factors Affecting Inverse Beacon Fingerprinting Using Route Prediction Algorithm. IEEE WCNC 2019 Marrakech, Morocco 15 Apr 2019 - 19 Apr 2019
bullet iconKanapram D, Campo D, Baydoun M, Marcenaro L, Bodanese EL, Regazzoni C and Marchese M (2019). Dynamic Bayesian Approach for decision-making in Ego-Things. 2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)


bullet iconBODANESE EL, MA Z, BIGHAM J, POSLAD S, WU B and ZHANG X (2018). Device-Free Daily Life (ADL) Recognition for Smart Home Healthcare using a low-cost (2D) Lidar. IEEE Global Communications Conference Abu Dhabi, UAE 9 Dec 2018 - 13 Dec 2018
bullet iconMa Z, Bigham J, Poslad S, Wu B, Zhang X and Bodanese E (2018). Device-Free, Activity During Daily Life, Recognition Using a Low-Cost Lidar. 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)


bullet iconSridharan M, Bigham J, Phillips C and Bodanese E (2017). Collaborative location estimation for confined spaces using magnetic field and inverse beacon positioning. 2017 IEEE SENSORS


bullet iconTyson G, Bigham J, Bodanese EL, Akhtar N, Biswas P, Langdon P, Mimrot V, Mukhopadhyay P and Ribeiro VJ (2016). Designing an Adaptive Emergency Warning System for Heterogeneous Environments. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Valencia, Spain 4 Sep 2016 - 7 Sep 2016


Relevant PublicationZaman SE, Gupta M, Mondragón RJ and Bodanese E (2014). An eigendecomposition based adaptive spatial sampling technique for wireless sensor networks. Proceedings - Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN, 430-433.  
bullet iconJia Y, Bodanese E, Phillips C, Bigham J and Tao R (2014). Improved Reliability of Large Scale Publish/Subscribe based MOMs using Model Checking. 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)
bullet iconTyson G, Bodanese E, Bigham J and Mauthe A (2014). Beyond Content Delivery: Can ICNs Help Emergency Scenarios? IEEE NETWORK vol. 28 (3), 44-49.  
bullet iconDiaz-Tellez YH, Bodanese EL, Dimitrakos T and Turner M (2014). Context-Aware Multifactor Authentication Based on Dynamic Pin. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer Nature vol. 428, 330-338.  
bullet iconShum LV, Hailes S, Gupta M, Bodanese E, Mary , Rajalakshmi P and Dasai UB (2014). Bi-Scale Temporal Sampling Strategy for Traffic-Induced Pollution Data with Wireless Sensor Networks. 39th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks


bullet iconDiaz-Tellez Y, Bodanese EL, El-Moussa F and Dimitrakos T (2013). Secure execution context enforcement framework based on activity detection on data and applications hosted on smart devices. 
bullet iconLi K, Bigham J, Bodanese EL and Tokarchuk L (2013). Outdoor location estimation in changeable environments. IEEE Communications Letters vol. 17 (11), 2072-2075.  
bullet iconLi K, Bigham J, Tokarchuk L and Bodanese EL (2013). A probabilistic approach to outdoor localization using clustering and principal component transformations. 
bullet iconLi K, Bigham J, Bodanese EL and Tokarchuk L (2013). Location estimation in large indoor multi-floor buildings using hybrid networks. 
bullet iconShum LV, Gupta M, Bodanese E, Karra S, Glover N, Malki-Epshtein L and Hailes S (2013). Bias Adjustment of Spatially-distributed Wireless Pollution Sensors for Environmental studies in India. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking (SECON)
bullet iconTyson G, Bigham J and Bodanese E (2013). Towards an information-centric delay-tolerant network. 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS) Turin, Italy 14 Apr 2013 - 19 Apr 2013
bullet iconMei H, Bigham J, Jiang P and Bodanese E (2013). Distributed Dynamic Frequency Allocation in Fractional Frequency Reused Relay Based Cellular Networks. Communications, IEEE Transactions on, IEEE vol. 61 (4), 1327-1336.  
bullet iconGupta M, Bodanese E, Shum LV and Hailes S (2013). Poster Abstract - Exploiting Nonlinear Data Similarities: A Multi-Scale Nearest-Neighbor Approach for Adaptive Sampling in Wireless Pollution Sensor Networks. 2013 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 345-346.  
bullet iconZhang R, Wang L, Parr G, Aliu OG, Awoseyila B, Azarmi N, Bhatti S, Bodanese E, Chen H, Dianati M, Dutta A, Fitch M, Giridhar K, Hailes S, Hari KVS, Imran MA, Jagannatham AK, Karandikar A, Kawade S, Zafar Ali Khan M, et al. (2013). Advances in base- and mobile-station aided cooperative wireless communications: An overview. Vehicular Technology Magazine, IEEE, IEEE vol. 8 (1), 57-69.  
bullet iconGupta M, Bodanese E, Shum LV and Hailes S (2013). Poster abstract - Exploiting nonlinear data similarities: A multi-scale nearest-neighbor approach for adaptive sampling in wireless pollution sensor networks. 
bullet iconLi K, Bigham J, Bodanese EL and Tokarchuk L (2013). Outdoor Location Estimation in Changeable Environments. IEEE Communications Letters 
bullet iconZhong B, Schormans J and Bodanese E (2013). Evaluating QoE in Cognitive Radio Networks for Improved Network and User Performance. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS vol. 17 (12), 2376-2379.  


bullet iconWang N, Gao Y, Chen Y, Bodanese E and Cuthbert L (2012). Performance evaluation of power control algorithm for TV White Space resource in UK. 
bullet iconPeng Jiang , Bigham J and Bodanese E (2012). A resilience wireless enhancement for neighborhood watching system. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2012 IEEE
bullet iconLi K, Jiang P, Bodanese EL and Bigham J (2012). Outdoor Location Estimation Using Received Signal Strength Feedback. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS vol. 16 (7), 978-981.  
bullet iconDiaz-Tellez Y, Bodanese EL, Nair SK and Dimitrakos T (2012). An Architecture for the Enforcement of Privacy and Security Requirements in Internet-Centric Services. Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Washington, DC, USA 25 Jun 2012 - 27 Jun 2012
bullet iconWang N, Gao Y, Chen Y, Bodanese E and Cuthbert L (2012). A power control algorithm for TV white space cognitive radio system. 
bullet iconYue Jia , Bodanese E and Bigham J (2012). Checking the robustness of a Message Oriented Middleware based system. Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 2012 4th International Congress on
bullet iconYue Jia , Bodanese E and Bigham J (2012). Model checking of the reliability of publish/subscribe structure based system. Communications in China (ICCC), 2012 1st IEEE International Conference on
bullet iconHongyi Xiong and Bodanese E (2012). A Scheme to Support Concurrent Transmissions in OFDMA Based Ad Hoc Networks. Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2012 IEEE
bullet iconKejiong Li , Peng Jiang , Bodanese EL and Bigham J (2012). Real time radio coverage monitoring in self-organizing networks with user feedback. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on


bullet iconLuo W and Bodanese EL (2011). A network resource availability model for IEEE802.11a/b-based WLAN carrying different service types. 
bullet iconJiang P, Bigham J, Bodanese E and Claudel E (2011). Publish/Subscribe Delay-Tolerant Message-Oriented Middleware for Resilient Communication. IEEE COMMUN MAG vol. 49 (9), 124-130.  
bullet iconLuo W and Bodanese E (2011). A network resource availability model for IEEE802.11a/b-based WLAN carrying different service types. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking vol. 103 
bullet iconHongyi Xiong and Bodanese E (2011). A signal strength based medium access control for OFDMA based wireless ad hoc networks. Telecommunications (ICT), 2011 18th International Conference on
bullet iconPeng Jiang , Bigham J and Bodanese E (2011). Adaptive service provisioning for emergency communications with DTN. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2011 IEEE
bullet iconBodanese E (2011). A brief introduction to heterogeneous networks (HetNets) and its challenges. Communication Technology and Application (ICCTA 2011), IET International Conference on
bullet iconGupta M, Shum LV, Bodanese E and Hailes S (2011). Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Sampling Strategy for a Wireless Air Pollution Sensor Network. 


bullet iconLuo W and Bodanese E (2009). Optimising Radio Access in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environment. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications
bullet iconLuo W and Bodanese E (2009). Radio Access Network Selection in a Heterogeneous Communication Environment. 2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
bullet iconWeizhi Luo and Bodanese E (2009). Adaptive and efficient radio access selection and optimisation in a heterogeneous communication environment. Teletraffic Congress, 2009. ITC 21 2009. 21st International
bullet iconLuo WZ and Bodanese E (2009). Adaptive and Efficient Radio Access Selection and Optimisation in a Heterogeneous Communication Environment. 
bullet iconLuo WZ and Bodanese E (2009). Optimising Radio Access in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network Environment. 


bullet iconLuo W and Bodanese E (2008). Optimising access in an integrated wireless network environment. 
bullet iconLuo WZ and Bodanese E (2008). Optimising Access in an Integrated Wireless Network Environment., Editors: Obaidat MS, Marzo JL, Szczerbicka H and Vila P. 


bullet iconXiao L and Bodanese E (2006). QoS Routing for Real-time Applications in CDMA Based Ad Hoc Networks. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Sysetems
bullet iconXiao L and Bodanese E (2006). CDMA Bus Lane: Build Constant Routes for Real-time Traffic in AD HOC Networks. 2006 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications
bullet iconXiao L and Bodanese E (2006). CDMA bus lane: Build constant routes for real-time traffic in ad hoc networks. 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications Busan, SOUTH KOREA 31 Aug 2006 - 1 Sep 2006
bullet iconXiao L and Bodanese E (2006). QoS routing for real-time applications in CDMA based ad hoc networks. 


bullet iconXiao L and Bodanese E (2005). CDMA bus lane: a novel QoS solution for real-time traffic in ad hoc networks., Editors: Liang XJ, Xin ZH, Kuo GS and Iversen VB. 
bullet iconDel Monego HI, Bodanese EL, Nacamura L and Souza RD (2005). A dynamic resource allocation scheme for providing QoS in packet-switched cellular networks., Editors: Magedanz T. 


bullet iconKochem ACB, Bodanese EL and Nacamura L (2003). CAC, resource reservation and scheduling for QoS provisioning in GPRS. 
bullet iconYanaga E, Nacamura L and Bodanese EL (2003). The J2EE-Adapted TINA model: Integrating TINA solutions to Internet. 
bullet iconBODANESE EL and Kochem ACB (2003). Quality of Service over General Packet radio Service: Admission Control, Radio Resource Reservation, and Scheduling,. ITU & ITC Workshop for Developing Countires at the 18th International Teletraffic Congress, (ITC), Berlin, Germany Sep 2003
bullet iconKochem ACB and Bodanese EL (2003). A Quality of Service Management Scheme over GPRS. IEEE SoutheastCon, 2003. Proceedings.


bullet iconBodanese EL and Cuthbert LG (2002). Applying intelligent software agents in a distributed channel allocation scheme for cellular networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE vol. 16 (8), 1021-1039.  


bullet iconBodanese EL and Cuthbert LG (2001). A Multi‐Agent Approach for Channel Allocation in Cellular Networks. Agent Technology for Communication Infrastructures  185-196.  
bullet iconCuthbert L, Ryan D, Tokarchuk L, Bigham J and Bodanese E (2001). Using intelligent agents to manage resources in 3G networks. JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTION OF BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERS vol. 2, 39-44.  
bullet iconCUTHBERT LG and BODANESE EL (2001). An Intelligent Channel Allocation for Mobile Networks: An Application of Agent Technology. Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology - Maebashi, Japan
bullet iconCUTHBERT LG and Bodanese E (2001). Applying Intelligent Software Agents in Frequency Channel Allocation. Proc. IASTED International Conference on Artifical Intelligence and Applications, Marbella, Spain
bullet iconCUTHBERT LG, Bigham J, Tokarchuk L, Bodanese E and Ryan D (2001). Using intelligent agents to manage resources in 3G networks. Journal of The British Telecommunication Engineers (JIBTE). vol. 2 (4), 39-44.  
bullet iconCuthbert L, Ryan D, Tokarchuk L, Bigham J and Bodanese E (2001). Using intelligent agents to manage resources in 3G networks., Editors: Hamza MH and Beaulieu NC. 


bullet iconBodanese EL and Cuthbert LG (2000). A multi-agent channel allocation scheme for cellular mobile networks. 
bullet iconBodanese EL and Cuthbert LG (2000). Application of intelligent agents in channel allocation strategies for mobile networks. 