Research Grants

The following are current grants held by members of the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems that are of particular relevance:

RapidRANDefender: AI security for Open networks
Antonino Masaracchia
£18,985 Innovate UK (01-09-2024 - 28-02-2025)
Federated Telecoms Hub 6G Research Partnership
Arumugam Nallanathan
£7,572 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2024 - 31-03-2025)
6G-FINESSE: Is 6G a Friend or a Foe for Physical Layer Security in Quasi-Static Environments
Fatma Benkhelifa
£79,314 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (03-06-2024 - 31-03-2025)
KUber: Knowledge Delivery System for Machine Learning at Scale
Ahmed M. A. Sayed
£522,781 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-04-2024 - 31-03-2027)
Spectrum Sandbox
Yang Hao, Arumugam Nallanathan and Yuanwei Liu
£400,000 DSIT Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (25-03-2024 - 24-03-2025)
plaTform drIving The ultImAte coNnectivity (TITAN): Extended Programme
Arumugam Nallanathan and Yuanwei Liu
£388,744 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-01-2024 - 31-03-2025)
Big data graph analysis for cross-chain fraud detection in cryptocurrency
Richard Clegg
£82,898 CISCO SYSTEM HOLDINGS UK (01-06-2023 - 28-02-2025)
Digital Transformation of Electromagnetic Material Design and Manufacturing for Future Wireless Connectivity (DREAM)
Yang Hao, Kaspar Althoefer, Arumugam Nallanathan and Anthony Phillips
£2,579,837 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2028)
Distributed Acoustic Sensor system for Modelling Active Travel
Mona Jaber
£411,549 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-06-2023 - 31-05-2026)
plaTform drIving The ultImAte coNnectivity (TITAN)
Arumugam Nallanathan and Yuanwei Liu
£66,890 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-05-2023 - 30-04-2026)
Scalable Hybrid Architecture for Wireless Collaborative Federated Learning (SHAFT)
Arumugam Nallanathan and Andrea Cavallaro
£445,428 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-04-2023 - 31-03-2026)
Smart Solutions Towards Cellular-connected Unmanned Aerial Vehicles System (Autonomy)
Arumugam Nallanathan and Andrea Cavallaro
£409,171 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-04-2022 - 15-01-2026)
Understanding Transitions when Tackling Online Harms
Gareth Tyson, Ignacio De Castro Arribas and Arkaitz Zubiaga
£339,177 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-04-2022 - 15-09-2025)
NEAT: NEtwork dATaplane measurements as first class primitive
Gianni Antichi
£13,950 VMware, Inc. (01-10-2021 - 30-09-2025)
Automatic optimization of software network data planes
Gianni Antichi
£38,462 FBR Facebook Research (01-10-2020 - 30-09-2025)