Dr Gianni Antichi

Gianni Antichi

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


End-Host Networking, Software-Defined Networking, Programmable Hardware, Systems


My research interests cover a broad spectrum of topics in both networks and systems. Specifically, end-host network stacks, programmable hardware and network monitoring.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems


Relevant PublicationVideo Streaming QoE Meets Programmable Data Planes: The Case of In-Network QoE for 360° VR
Vogt FG, Cesen FER, De Castro AG, Singh SK, Luizelli MC, Rothenberg CE and Antichi G
Ieee Network, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationNetGSR: Towards Efficient and Reliable Network Monitoring with Generative Super Resolution
Sun C, Xu K, Antichi G and Marina MK
Proceedings of The Acm On Networking, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 2 (CoNEXT4), 1-27.  
Relevant PublicationF3: Fast and Flexible Network Telemetry with an FPGA coprocessor
Feng W, Gao J, Chen X, Antichi G, Basat RB, Shao MM, Zhang Y and Yu M
Proceedings of The Acm On Networking, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 2 (CoNEXT4), 1-22.  
Relevant PublicationRethinking the Switch Architecture for Stateful In-network Computing
Lerner A, Zoni D, Costa P and Antichi G
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
Relevant PublicationIncremental Specialization of Network Programs
Ruffy F, Wang Z, Antichi G, Panda A and Sivaraman A
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
bullet iconA Smart Cache for a SmartNIC! Scaling End-Host Networking to 400Gbps and Beyond
Zulfiqar A, Imran A, Kunaparaju V, Pfaff B, Antichi G and Shahbaz M
2024 IEEE Hot Chips 36 Symposium (HCS)
bullet iconRethinking Cloud Network Stacks with Switch Bypass
Le Caldare A, Leonardi L, Miano S, Procissi G, Antichi G and Lettieri G
2024 IEEE 25th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR)
bullet iconLightweight Acquisition and Ranging of Flows in the Data Plane
Monterubbiano A, Langlet J, Walzer S, Antichi G, Reviriego P and Pontarelli S
Acm Sigmetrics Performance Evaluation Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 52 (1), 21-22.  
bullet iconLightweight Acquisition and Ranging of Flows in the Data Plane
Monterubbiano A, Langlet J, Walzer S, Antichi G, Reviriego P and Pontarelli S
Abstracts of the 2024 ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems
Relevant PublicationAccelerating network analytics with an on-NIC streaming engine
Miano S, Lettieri G, Antichi G and Procissi G
Computer Networks, Elsevier vol. 241 
bullet iconMessage from the General Chairs
Antichi G and Koutsonikolas D
Ieee Workshop On Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, 2-3.  


Relevant PublicationMorpheus: A Run Time Compiler and Optimizer for Software Data Planes
Miano S, Sanaee A, Risso F, Rétvári G and Antichi G
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 32 (3), 2269-2284.  
Relevant PublicationLightweight Acquisition and Ranging of Flows in the Data Plane
Monterubbiano A, Langlet J, Walzer S, Antichi G, Reviriego P and Pontarelli S
Proceedings of The Acm On Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 7 (3), 1-24.  
Relevant PublicationDisaggregate Applications Along End-Host Data-Path
Shahinfar F, Miano S, Siracusano G, Bifulco R, Panda A and Antichi G
Proceedings of the on CoNEXT Student Workshop 2023
Relevant PublicationSmartNIC-Accelerated Stream Processing Analytics
Lettieri G, Fais A, Antichi G and Procissi G
2023 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN)
Relevant PublicationDryad: Deploying Adaptive Trees on Programmable Switches for Networking Classification
Xie G, Li Q, Lin J, Antichi G, Zhao D, Yuan Z, Li R and Jiang Y
2023 IEEE 31st International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
Relevant PublicationEfficient Attack Detection with Multi-Latency Neural Models on Heterogeneous Network Devices
Xie G, Li Q, Yan H, Zhao D, Antichi G and Jiang Y
2023 IEEE 31st International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
Relevant PublicationDirect Telemetry Access
Langlet J, Basat RB, Oliaro G, Mitzenmacher M, Yu M and Antichi G
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference
Relevant PublicationPoster: Continual Network Learning
Di Cicco N, Al Sadi A, Grasselli C, Melis A, Antichi G and Tornatore M
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference
Relevant PublicationMessage from the TPC Chairs

2010 17th Ieee Workshop On Local & Metropolitan Area Networks (Lanman), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-2.  
Relevant PublicationAutomatic Kernel Offload Using BPF
Shahinfar F, Miano S, Siracusano G, Bifulco R, Panda A and Antichi G
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
Relevant PublicationThe Slow Path Needs an Accelerator Too!
Zulfiqar A, Pfaff B, Tu W, Antichi G and Shahbaz M
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 53 (1), 38-47.  
Relevant PublicationFast In-kernel Traffic Sketching in eBPF
Miano S, Chen X, Basat RB and Antichi G
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 53 (1), 3-13.  


Relevant PublicationUnderstanding Microquanta Process Scheduling for Cloud Applications
Sharafzadeh E, Sanaee A, Huang P, Antichi G and Ghorbani S
2022 IEEE/ACM 15th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC)
Relevant PublicationHH-IPG: Leveraging Inter-Packet Gap Metrics in P4 Hardware for Heavy Hitter Detection
Singh SK, Rothenberg CE, Luizelli MC, Antichi G, Gomes PH and Pongracz G
Ieee Transactions On Network and Service Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Relevant PublicationMind the cost of telemetry data analysis
Fais A, Antichi G, Giordano S, Lettieri G and Procissi G
Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '22 Poster and Demo Sessions
Relevant PublicationClassBench-ng: Benchmarking Packet Classification Algorithms in the OpenFlow Era
Matousek J, Lucansky A, Janecek D, Sabo J, Korenek J and Antichi G
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) 
Relevant PublicationDomain specific run time optimization for software data planes
Miano S, Sanaee A, Risso F, Rétvári G and Antichi G
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Relevant PublicationIsolation Mechanisms for High-Speed Packet-Processing Pipelines
Wang T, Yang X, Antichi G, Sivaraman A and Panda A
Relevant PublicationBackdraft: a Lossless Virtual Switch that Prevents the Slow Receiver Problem
Sanaee A, Shahinfar F, Antichi G and Stephens BE
Relevant PublicationRe-architecting Traffic Analysis with Neural Network Interface Cards
Siracusano G, Galea S, Sanvito D, Malekzadeh M, Antichi G, Costa P, Haddadi H and Bifulco R


bullet iconThe case for network functions decomposition
Shahinfar F, Miano S, Sanaee A, Siracusano G, Bifulco R and Antichi G
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
bullet iconZero-CPU Collection with Direct Telemetry Access
Langlet J, Ben Basat R, Ramanathan S, Oliaro G, Mitzenmacher M, Yu M and Antichi G
bullet iconrevisiting the open vSwitch dataplane ten years later
Tu W, Wei Y-H, Antichi G and Pfaff B
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGCOMM 2021 Conference
bullet iconProviding In-network Support to Coflow Scheduling
Benet CH, Kassler A, Antichi G, Benson TA and Pongracz G
2021 IEEE 7th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft)
bullet iconFast ReRoute on programmable switches
Chiesa M, Sedar R, Antichi G, Borokhovich M, Kamisinski A, Nikolaidis G and Schmid S
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking vol. 29 (2), 637-650.  


bullet iconDetecting routing loops in the data plane
Kučera J, Basat RB, Kuka M, Antichi G, Yu M and Mitzenmacher M
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
bullet iconDISCOvering the heavy hitters with disaggregated sketches
Bruschi V, Basat RB, Liu Z, Antichi G, Bianchi G and Mitzenmacher M
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies
bullet iconMaking QUIC Quicker With NIC Offload
Yang X, Eggert L, Ott J, Uhlig S, Sun Z and Antichi G
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC
bullet iconRevisiting heavy-hitters
Singh SK, Rothenberg C, Luizelli MC, Antichi G and Pongracz G
Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '20 Poster and Demo Sessions
bullet iconAutomatic optimization of software data planes
Miano S, Rétvári G, Risso F, Moore AW and Antichi G
Proceedings of the SIGCOMM '20 Poster and Demo Sessions
bullet iconPINT
Basat RB, Ramanathan S, Li Y, Antichi G, Yu M and Mitzenmacher M
Proceedings of the Annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication
bullet iconUpdate on ACM SIGCOMM CCR reviewing process
Holz R, Mellia M, Bonaventure O, Haddadi H, Caesar M, Gorinsky S, Antichi G, Camp J, Klaffy K, Raman B, Sperotto A, Viana A and Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review vol. 50 (3), 55-56.  
bullet iconEnabling Event-Triggered Data Plane Monitoring
Kučera J, Popescu DA, Wang H, Moore A, Kořenek J and Antichi G
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research
bullet iconFull-stack SDN
Antichi G and Rétvári G
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research
bullet iconAn Incrementally-Deployable P4-Enabled Architecture for Network-Wide Heavy-Hitter Detection
Ding D, Savi M, Antichi G and Siracusa D
Ieee Transactions On Network and Service Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 17 (1), 75-88.  


bullet iconPURR: a primitive for reconfigurable fast reroute
Chiesa M, Sedar R, Antichi G, Borokhovich M, Kamisiński A, Nikolaidis G and Schmid S
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments And Technologies
bullet iconEvent-Driven Packet Processing
Ibanez S, Antichi G, Brebner G and McKeown N
Proceedings of the 18th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks
bullet iconNDP
Raiciu C and Antichi G
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 49 (5), 112-114.  
bullet iconAn Empirical Study of the Cost of DNS-over-HTTPS
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Tyson G, Castro I and Uhlig S
, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm), 15-21.  
bullet iconTowards Cheap Scalable Browser Multiplayer
Amar Y, Tyson G, Antichi G and Marcenaro L
2019 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG)
bullet iconFaster Control Plane Experimentation with Horse
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Böttger T, Castro I and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos
bullet iconFAST
Yang X, Sun Z, Li J, Yan J, Li T, Quan W, Xu D and Antichi G
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Quality of Service
bullet iconIncremental Deployment of Programmable Switches for Network-wide Heavy-hitter Detection
Ding D, Savi M, Antichi G and Siracusa D
2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft)


bullet iconShaping the Internet: 10 Years of IXP Growth
Böttger T, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, di Lallo R, Bruyere M, Uhlig S, Tyson G and Castro I
bullet iconOFLOPS-SUME and the art of switch characterization
UHLIG SP, Antichi G, Oudin R, Moore A and Rotsos C
Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconRethinking IXPs’ Architecture in the Age of SDN
Bruyere M, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Lapeyrade R, Uhlig S, Owezarski P, Moore AW and Castro I
Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications 
bullet iconRevealing Hidden Hierarchical Heavy Hitters in network traffic
Galea S, Moore AW, Antichi G, Bianchi G and Bifulco R
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Conference on Posters and Demos
bullet iconUnderstanding PCIe performance for end host networking
Neugebauer R, Antichi G, Zazo JF, Audzevich Y, López-Buedo S and Moore AW
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication
bullet iconSupporting Emerging Applications With Low-Latency Failover in P4
Sedar R, Borokhovich M, Chiesa M, Antichi G and Schmid S
Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies
bullet iconAn SDN-inspired Model for Faster Network Experimentation
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Castro I and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation
bullet iconUmbrella
Bruyere M, Lapeyrade R, Fernandes EL, Castro I, Uhlig S, Moore AW and Antichi G
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research


bullet iconENDEAVOUR: A Scalable SDN Architecture For Real-World IXPs.
Antichi G, Castro I, Chiesa M, Fernandes EL, Lapeyrade R, Kopp D, Han JH, Bruyere M, Dietzel C, Gusat M, Moore AW, Owezarski P, Uhlig S and Canini M
Ieee J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 35, 2553-2562.  
bullet iconRe-architecting datacenter networks and stacks for low latency and high performance
Handley M, Raiciu C, Agache A, Voinescu A, Moore AW, Antichi G and Wójcik M
Proceedings of the Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication
bullet iconClassBench-ng: Recasting ClassBench after a Decade of Network Evolution
Matoušek J, Antichi G, Lučanský A, Moore AW and Kořenek J
2017 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS)
bullet iconMind the Gap - A Comparison of Software Packet Generators
Emmerich P, Gallenmüller S, Antichi G, Moore AW and Carle G
2017 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS)
bullet iconSDN-enabled Traffic Engineering and Advanced Blackholing at IXPs
Dietzel C, Antichi G, Castro I, Fernandes EL, Chiesa M and Kopp D
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research
bullet iconEnabling Fast Hierarchical Heavy Hitter Detection using Programmable Data Planes
Popescu DA, Antichi G and Moore AW
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research
bullet iconWhere has my time gone?
Zilberman N, Grosvenor M, Popescu DA, Manihatty-Bojan N, Antichi G, Wójcik M and Moore AW
Passive Active Measurement


bullet iconInter-domain networking innovation on steroids: empowering ixps with SDN capabilities
Chiesa M, Owezarski P, Uhlig S, Canini M, Dietzel C, Antichi G, Bruyere M, Castro I, Gusat M, King T, Moore AW and Nguyen TD
Ieee Communications Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 54 (10), 102-108.  
bullet iconHorse
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Castro I and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference


bullet iconOFLOPS-Turbo: Testing the next-generation OpenFlow switch
Rotsos C, Antichi G, Bruyere M, Owezarski P and Moore AW
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
bullet iconTowards an SDN network control application for differentiated traffic routing
Adami D, Antichi G, Garroppo RG, Giordano S and Moore AW
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
bullet iconExtreme Data-rate Scheduling for the Data Center
Bojan NM, Zilberman N, Antichi G and Moore AW
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication
bullet iconEnabling Performance Evaluation Beyond 10 Gbps
Antichi G, Rotsos C and Moore AW
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 45 (4), 369-370.  
bullet iconBlueswitch: Enabling Provably Consistent Configuration of Network Switches
Han JH, Mundkur P, Rotsos C, Antichi G, Dave N, Moore AW and Neumann PG
2015 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS)
bullet iconAn Integrated Environment for Open-Source Network Softwarization
Han JH, Antichi G, Zilberrnan N, Moors AW and Rotsos C
Proceedings of the 2015 1st IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft)


bullet iconOSNT: open source network tester
Antichi G, Shahbaz M, Geng Y, Zilberman N, Covington A, Bruyere M, Mckeown N, Feamster N, Felderman B, Blott M, Moore A and Owezarski P
Ieee Network, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 28 (5), 6-12.  
bullet iconJA-trie: Entropy-Based Packet Classification
Antichi G, Callegari C, Moore AW, Giordano S and Anastasi E
2014 IEEE 15th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR)
bullet iconTime Structure Analysis of the LHCb DAQ Network
Antichi G, Bruyere M, Pérez DHC, Liu G, Neufeld N, Giordano S, Owezarski P and Moore AW
bullet iconOn Virtualization-Aware Traffic Engineering in OpenFlow Data Centers networks
Gharbaoui M, Martini B, Adami D, Antichi G, Giordano S and Castoldi P
2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS)
bullet iconAn Open-Source Hardware Approach for High Performance Low-Cost QoS Monitoring of VoIP Traffic
Antichi G, Donatini L, Garroppo RG, Giordano S and Moore AW
bullet iconAn open testing framework for next-generation OpenFlow switches
Rotsos C, Antichi G, Bruyere M, Owezarski P and Moore AW
2014 Third European Workshop on Software Defined Networks


bullet iconArchitecture for an Open Source Network Tester
Shahbaz M, Antichi G, Geng Y, Zilberman N, Covington A, Bruyere M, Feamster N, McKeown N, Felderman B, Blott M, Moore AW and Owezarski P
Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems
bullet iconDatacenter in a box: test your SDN cloud-datacenter controller at home
Teixeiral J, Antichi G, Adami D, Del AC, Giordano S and Santos A
2013 Second European Workshop on Software Defined Networks
bullet iconEffective resource control strategies using OpenFlow in cloud data center
Adami D, Martini B, Gharbaoui M, Castoldi P, Antichi G and Giordano S
bullet iconFrom 1G to 10G
Antichi G, Shahbaz M, Giordano S and Moore A
Proceedings of the first edition workshop on High performance and programmable networking
bullet iconImplementation of TCP large receive offload on open hardware platform
Antichi G, Callegari C and Giordano S
Proceedings of the first edition workshop on High performance and programmable networking


bullet iconAn open hardware implementation of CUSUM based Network Anomaly Detection
Antichi G, Callegari C and Giordano S
2012 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)
bullet iconEnabling Open-Source High Speed Network Monitoring on NetFPGA
Antichi G, Giordano S, Miller DJ and Moore AW
2012 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium


bullet iconScaling Regular Expression Matching Performance in Parallel Systems through Sampling Techniques
Ficara D, Antichi G, Bonelli N, Di Pietro A, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM 2011
bullet iconDesign and Development of an OpenFlow Compliant Smart Gigabit Switch
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Giordano S, Procissi G and Ficara D
2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM 2011


bullet iconOn the Use of Compressed DFAs for Packet Classification
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Giordano S, Procissi G, Ficara D and Vitucci F
2010 15th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD)
bullet iconDifferential Encoding of DFAs for Fast Regular Expression Matching
Ficara D, Di Pietro A, Giordano S, Procissi G, Vitucci F and Antichi G
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 19 (3), 683-694.  
bullet iconSampling Techniques to Accelerate Pattern Matching in Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Ficara D, Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications
bullet iconA Randomized Scheme for IP Lookup at Wire Speed on NetFPGA
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications
bullet iconAchieving Perfect Hashing through an Improved Construction of Bloom Filters
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Russo F and Vitucci F
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications
bullet iconA cooperative PC/network-processor platform for gigabit traffic generation
Antichi G, Pietro AD, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, Inderscience Publishers vol. 4 (1) 


bullet iconA high level development, modeling and simulation methodology for complex multicore network processors
Antichi G, Callegari C, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Vitucci F, Meneghin M, Torquati M, Vanneschi M and Coppola M
bullet iconA high level development, modeling and simulation methodology for complex multicore network processors
Antichi G, Callegari C, Pietro AD, Ficara D, Giordano S, Vitucci F, Meneghin M, Torquati M, Vanneschi M and Coppola M
bullet iconEnd—to—End Inference of Link Level Queueing Delay Statistics
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
bullet iconNetwork Topology Discovery through Self-Constrained Decisions
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
bullet iconA Prefix-Distribution Adaptive Scheme For Routing Lookup Acceleration
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
bullet iconSecond-Order Differential Encoding of Deterministic Finite Automata
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
GLOBECOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
bullet iconA Heuristic and Hybrid Hash-based Approach to Fast Lookup
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
2009 International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
bullet iconFaster DFAs Through Simple and Efficient Inverse Homomorphisms
Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G, Vitucci F, Antichi G and Di Pietro A
bullet iconCounting bloom filters for pattern matching and anti-evasion at the wire speed
Antichi G, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
Ieee Network, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 23 (1), 30-35.  


bullet iconBRUNO: A high performance traffic generator for network processor
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
bullet iconBRUNO: A high performance traffic generator for Network Processor
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
bullet iconAn improved DFA for fast regular expression matching
Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G, Vitucci F, Antichi G and Di Pietro A
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 38 (5), 29-40.  
bullet iconBlooming Trees for Minimal Perfect Hashing
Antichi G, Ficara D, Giordanc S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 - 2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
bullet iconAn Improved DFA for fast regular expression matching
Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G, Vitucci F, Antichi G and Pietro AD
Computer Communication Review vol. 38 (5), 31-40.  
bullet iconDesign of a High Performance Traffic Generator on Network Processor
Antichi G, Di Pietro A, Ficara D, Giordano S, Procissi G and Vitucci F
2008 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems
solid heart iconNEAT: NEtwork dATaplane measurements as first class primitive
Gianni Antichi
£13,950 VMware, Inc.
01-10-2021 - 30-09-2025
solid heart iconAutomatic optimization of software network data planes
Gianni Antichi
£38,462 FBR Facebook Research
01-10-2020 - 30-09-2025

solid heart iconNEAT: NEtwork dATa plane measurements as first class primitive
Gianni Antichi
£394,777 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-07-2020 - 30-09-2023