Dr Sukhpal Singh Gill

Sukhpal Singh Gill

Lecturer in Cloud Computing

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Cloud Computing, Energy Efficiency, Serverless Computing, Internet of Things, Resource Management, Edge Computing and Fog Computing


Dr Gill is Assistant Professor of Cloud Computing with the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, U.K. He was the winner of the Queen Mary University Education Excellence Award 2023 and the EECS 2023 Award for Widest Academic Staff Contribution at QMUL. He is serving as an Editor-in-Chief for IGI Global IJAEC, Associate Editor in IEEE IoT, Wiley SPE, Elsevier IoT, Wiley ETT and IET Networks Journal and Area Editor for Springer Cluster Computing Journal. For further information, please visit: https://www.ssgill.me.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems


Relevant PublicationGAIKube: Generative AI-based Proactive Kubernetes Container Orchestration Framework for Heterogeneous Edge Computing
Ali B, Golec M, Murugesan SS, Wu H, Gill SS, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Ieee Transactions On Cognitive Communications and Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationMachine learning-centric prediction and decision based resource management in cloud computing environments
Kashyap S, Singh A and Gill SS
Cluster Computing, Springer Science and Business Media Llc vol. 28 (2) 
Relevant PublicationPrivacy preserving large language models: ChatGPT case study based vision and framework
Ullah I, Hassan N, Gill SS, Suleiman B, Ahanger TA, Shah Z, Qadir J and Kanhere SS
Iet Blockchain, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) 
bullet iconEdge AI: A Taxonomy, Systematic Review and Future Directions
Gill SS, Golec M, Hu J, Xu M, Du J, Wu H, Walia GK, Murugesan SS, Ali B, Kumar M, Ye K, Verma P, Kumar S, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Cluster Computing, Springer Nature vol. 28 (1), 18-18.  
bullet iconCold Start Latency in Serverless Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy, and Future Directions
Acm Computing Surveys, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) 
bullet iconEdgeBus: Co-Simulation based resource management for heterogeneous mobile edge computing environments
Ali B, Golec M, Gill SS, Wu H, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Internet of Things, Elsevier vol. 28, 101368-101368.  
bullet iconMachine Learning Based Network Intrusion Detection Optimization for Cloud Computing Environments
Samriya JK, Kumar S, Kumar M, Wu H and Gill SS
Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconProKube: Proactive Kubernetes Orchestrator for Inference in Heterogeneous Edge Computing
Ali B, Golec M, Gill SS, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
International Journal of Network Management 
bullet iconA comprehensive review of vulnerabilities and AI-enabled defense against DDoS attacks for securing cloud services
Kumar S, Dwivedi M, Kumar M and Gill SS
Computer Science Review, Elsevier vol. 53, 100661-100661.  
bullet iconAn AIoT‐driven smart healthcare framework for zoonoses detection in integrated fog‐cloud computing environments
Verma P, Gupta A, Jain V, Shashvat K, Kumar M and Gill SS
Software Practice and Experience, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationCentralised and Decentralised Fraud Detection Approaches in Federated Learning
Lynch S, Abdelmoniem AM and Gill SS
In Applications of Ai For Interdisciplinary Research, Taylor & Francis 205-217.  
bullet iconStock Market Price Prediction: A Hybrid LSTM and Sequential Self-Attention-based Approach
Pardeshi K, Gill SS and Abdelmoniem AM
In Applications of Ai For Interdisciplinary Research, Taylor & Francis 122-140.  
bullet iconTransforming Research with Quantum Computing
Gill SS and Buyya R
Journal of Economy and Technology, Elsevier 
bullet iconComputing: Looking Back and Moving Forward
Golec M and Gill SS
21st International Conference on Smart Business Technologies Dijon France 9 Jul 2024 - 11 Jul 2024
bullet iconFuzzy-Centric Fog-Cloud Inspired Deep Interval Bi-LSTM Healthcare Framework for Predicting Yellow Fever Outbreak
Verma P, Shaikh TA, Sood SK, Kaur H, Kumar M, Wu H and Gill SS
Ieee Transactions On Fuzzy Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-12.  
bullet iconData Driven Stochastic Game Network-Based Smart Home Monitoring System Using IoT-Enabled Edge Computing Environments
Verma P, Sood SK, Kaur H, Kumar M, Wu H and Gill SS
Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconCloudAIBus: a testbed for AI based cloud computing environments
Velu S, Gill SS, Murugesan SS, Wu H and Li X
Cluster Computing, Springer Nature, 1-29.  
bullet iconIoT based sensor network clustering for intelligent transportation system using meta‐heuristic algorithm
Malik A, Singh S, Manju , Kumar M and Gill SS
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, Wiley 
bullet iconQuantum cloud computing: Trends and challenges
Golec M, Hatay ES, Golec M, Uyar M and Gill SS
Journal of Economy and Technology, Elsevier vol. 2, 190-199.  
bullet iconLoad Balancing in SDN-Enabled WSNs Toward 6G IoE: Partial Cluster Migration Approach
Tyagi V, Singh S, Wu H and Gill SS
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconMASTER: Machine Learning-Based Cold Start Latency Prediction Framework in Serverless Edge Computing Environments for Industry 4.0
Golec M, Gill SS, Wu H, Can TC, Golec M, Cetinkaya O, Cuadrado F, Parlikad AK and Uhlig S
Ieee Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 1, 36-48.  
bullet iconAn analysis of customer perception using lexicon-based sentiment analysis of Arabic Texts framework
Alsemaree O, Alam AS, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Heliyon, Elsevier vol. 10 (11) 
bullet iconEnhancing Student Learning, Engagement, and Employment Through Inclusive Curriculum Design
Gill SS, Naeem U, Kaur R, Fuller S, Tombros A and Uhlig S
In Engaging Higher Education Teachers and Students With Transnational Leadership, Igi Global 103-126.  
bullet iconSentiment analysis of Arabic social media texts: A machine learning approach to deciphering customer perceptions
Alsemaree O, Alam AS, Gill S and Uhlig S
Heliyon, Elsevier vol. 10 (9), e27863-e27863.  
Relevant PublicationModern computing: Vision and challenges
Gill SS, Wu H, Patros P, Ottaviani C, Arora P, Pujol VC, Haunschild D, Parlikad AK, Cetinkaya O, Lutfiyya H, Stankovski V, Li R, Ding Y, Qadir J, Abraham A, Ghosh SK, Song HH, Sakellariou R, Rana O, Rodrigues JJPC, et al.
Telematics and Informatics Reports, Elsevier vol. 13, 100116-100116.  
Relevant PublicationNeural Networks based Smart e-Health Application for the Prediction of Tuberculosis using Serverless Computing
Murugesan SS, Velu S, Golec M, Wu H and Gill SS
Ieee Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-12.  
Relevant PublicationPRICELESS: Privacy enhanced AI-driven scalable framework for IoT applications in serverless edge computing environments
Golec M, Golec M, Xu M, Wu H, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationCloudAISim: A toolkit for modelling and simulation of modern applications in AI-driven cloud computing environments
Bhowmik A, Sannigrahi M, Chowdhury D, Dey A and Gill SS
Benchcouncil Transactions On Benchmarks Standards and Evaluations, Elsevier vol. 3 (4), 100150-100150.  
bullet iconApplications of AI for Interdisciplinary Research
Gill SS
Relevant PublicationCAPTAIN: A Testbed for Co-Simulation of Scalable Serverless Computing Environments for AIoT Enabled Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0
Golec M, Wu H, Ozturac R, Parlikad AK, Cuadrado F, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationOptimizing Secure Data Transmission in 6G-Enabled IoMT Using Blockchain Integration
Malik A, Tyagi V, Singh S, Kumar R, Wu H and Gill SS
Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-1.  
bullet iconResource Scheduling in Integrated IoT and Fog Computing Environments: A Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions
Alshammari N, Gill SS, Pervaiz H, Ni Q and Ahmed H
In Resource Management in Distributed Systems, Springer Nature 63-77.  
bullet iconQ-Module-Bot: A Generative AI-Based Question and Answer Bot for Module Teaching Support
Allen M, Naeem U and Gill SS
Ieee Transactions On Education, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-10.  


Relevant PublicationNext generation edge computing: A roadmap to net zero emissions
Singh R and Gill SS
Journal of Economy and Technology, Elsevier vol. 1, 208-221.  
Relevant PublicationATOM: AI-Powered Sustainable Resource Management for Serverless Edge Computing Environments
Golec M, Gill SS, Cuadrado F, Parlikad AK, Xu M, Wu H and Uhlig S
Ieee Transactions On Sustainable Computing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-13.  
Relevant PublicationBlockchain and Reinforcement Neural Network for Trusted Cloud-Enabled IoT Network
Samriya JK, Kumar S, Kumar M, Xu M, Wu H and Gill SS
Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationAI-Empowered Fog/Edge Resource Management for IoT Applications: A Comprehensive Review, Research Challenges and Future Perspectives
Walia GK, Kumar M and Gill SS
Ieee Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationChainsFormer: A Chain Latency-aware Resource Provisioning Approach for Microservices Cluster
Chenghao S, Minxian X, Kejiang Y, Huaming W, Gill S, Rajkumar B and Chengzhong X
21st International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) 2023 Rome, Italy
Relevant PublicationEdgeAISim: A Toolkit for Simulation and Modelling of AI Models in Edge Computing Environments
Nandhakumar AR, Baranwal A, Choudhary P, Golec M and Gill SS
Measurement: Sensors, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationBlockFaaS: Blockchain-enabled Serverless Computing Framework for AI-driven IoT Healthcare Applications
Golec M, Gill SS, Golec M, Xu M, Ghosh SK, Kanhere SS, Rana O and Uhlig S
Journal of Grid Computing vol. 21 (4) 
Relevant PublicationAI-Based Sustainable and Intelligent Offloading Framework for IIoT in Collaborative Cloud-Fog Environments
Kumar M, Walia GK, Shingare H, Singh S and Gill SS
Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationA meta-learning based stacked regression approach for customer lifetime value prediction
Gadgil K, Gill SS and Abdelmoniem AM
Journal of Economy and Technology, Elsevier vol. 1, 197-207.  
Relevant PublicationMind meets machine: Unravelling GPT-4’s cognitive psychology
Dhingra S, Singh M, Vaisakh SB, Malviya N and Gill SS
Benchcouncil Transactions On Benchmarks Standards and Evaluations, Elsevier vol. 3 (3), 100139-100139.  
Relevant PublicationComputation Energy Efficiency Maximization for Intelligent Reflective Surface-Aided Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing
Du J, Xu M, Gill SS and Wu H
Ieee Transactions On Sustainable Computing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-15.  
Relevant PublicationA robust and secure user authentication scheme based on multifactor and multi‐gateway in IoT enabled sensor networks
Kumar R, Singh S, Singh D, Kumar M and Gill SS
Security and Privacy, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationSecured data offloading using reinforcement learning and Markov decision process in mobile edge computing
Samriya JK, Kumar M and Gill SS
International Journal of Network Management 
Relevant PublicationTransformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots
Gill SS, Xu M, Patros P, Wu H, Kaur R, Kaur K, Fuller S, Singh M, Arora P, Parlikad AK, Stankovski V, Abraham A, Ghosh SK, Lutfiyya H, Kanhere SS, Bahsoon R, Rana O, Dustdar S, Sakellariou R, Uhlig S, et al.
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Elsevier vol. 4, 19-23.  
Relevant PublicationCoviDetector: A transfer learning-based semi supervised approach to detect Covid-19 using CXR images
Chowdhury D, Das A, Dey A, Banerjee S, Golec M, Kollias D, Kumar M, Kaur G, Kaur R, Arya RC, Wander G, Wander P, Wander GS, Parlikad AK, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Benchcouncil Transactions On Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, Elsevier Bv vol. 3 (2), 100119-100119.  
Relevant PublicationBlockchain inspired secure and reliable data exchange architecture for cyber-physical healthcare system 4.0
Kumar M, Raj H, Chaurasia N and Gill SS
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Elsevier vol. 3, 309-322.  
Relevant PublicationFCMCPS-COVID: AI propelled fog-cloud inspired scalable medical cyber-physical system, specific to coronavirus disease.
Verma P, Gupta A, Kumar M and Gill SS
Internet of Things, Elsevier vol. 23, 100828-100828.  
Relevant PublicationHealthFaaS: AI based Smart Healthcare System for Heart Patients using Serverless Computing
Golec M, Gill SS, Parlikad AK and Uhlig S
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationServerless Computing: Principles and Paradigms
Krishnamurthi R, Kumar A, Gill SS and Buyya R
Relevant PublicationChatGPT: Vision and challenges
Gill SS and Kaur R
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems vol. 3, 262-271.  
Relevant PublicationQoS-aware resource scheduling using whale optimization algorithm for microservice applications
Kumar M, Samriya JK, Dubey K and Gill SS
Software - Practice and Experience 
Relevant PublicationEdge AI: A survey
Singh R and Gill SS
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Elsevier vol. 3, 71-92.  
Relevant PublicationFacilitating an Online and Sustainable Learning Environment for Cloud Computing Using an Action Research Methodology
Gill SS, Cabral A, Fuller S, Chen Y and Uhlig S
In Handbook of Research On Implications of Sustainable Development in Higher Education, Igi Global 43-70.  
Relevant PublicationSeagull optimization algorithm based multi-objective VM placement in edge-cloud data centers
Nabavi SS, Wen L, Gill SS and Xu M
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Elsevier Bv vol. 3, 28-36.  
Relevant PublicationFortaleza: The emergence of a network hub
Bragion E, Akter H, Kumar M, Xu M, Abdelmoniem AM and Gill SS
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems vol. 3, 272-279.  
Relevant PublicationA modified deep learning weather prediction using cubed sphere for global precipitation
Singh M, Acharya N, Patel P, Jamshidi S, Yang Z-L, Kumar B, Rao S, Gill SS, Chattopadhyay R, Nanjundiah RS and Niyogi D
Frontiers in Climate vol. 4, 1022624-1022624.  
Relevant PublicationReflection on Teaching Observation for Computer Science and Engineering to Design Effective Teaching Resources in Transnational Higher Education
Gill SS, Thibodeau D, Kaur R, Naeem U and Stockman A
Handbook of Research On Developments and Future Trends in Transnational Higher Education, Igi Global 
Relevant PublicationQoS Analysis for Serverless Computing Using Machine Learning
Golec M, Iftikhar S, Prabhakaran P, Gill SS and Uhlig S
In Serverless Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Springer Nature 175-192.  
Relevant PublicationServerless Computing: New Trends and Research Directions
Krishnamurthi R, Kumar A, Gill SS and Buyya R
In Serverless Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Springer Nature 1-13.  
Relevant PublicationIntelligent Fog-IoT Networks with 6G Endorsement: Foundations, Applications, Trends and Challenges
Ansar SA, Samriya JK, Kumar M, Gill SS and Khan RA
In 6g Enabled Fog Computing in Iot, Springer Nature 287-307.  
Relevant PublicationLeveraging Cloud-Native Microservices Architecture for High Performance Real-Time Intra-Day Trading: A Tutorial
Hota M, Abdelmoniem AM, Xu M and Gill SS
In 6g Enabled Fog Computing in Iot, Springer Nature 111-129.  
Relevant PublicationGPU Based AI for Modern E-Commerce Applications: Performance Evaluation, Analysis and Future Directions
Tewatia S, Patel AA, Abdelmoniem AM, Xu M, Kaur K, Kumar M, Chowdhury D, Kumar A, Singh M and Gill SS
In 6g Enabled Fog Computing in Iot, Springer Nature 63-89.  


Relevant PublicationAI-based fog and edge computing: A systematic review, taxonomy and future directions
Iftikhar S, Gill SS, Song C, Xu M, Aslanpour MS, Toosi AN, Du J, Wu H, Ghosh S, Chowdhury D, Golec M, Kumar M, Abdelmoniem AM, Cuadrado F, Varghese B, Rana O, Dustdar S and Uhlig S
Internet of Things, Elsevier Bv vol. 21, 100674-100674.  
Relevant PublicationTESCO: Multiple Simulations based AI-augmented Fog computing for QoS Optimization
Iftikhar S, Raj U, Tuli S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS and Uhlig S
2022 IEEE Smartworld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Digital Twin, Privacy Computing, Metaverse, Autonomous & Trusted Vehicles (SmartWorld/UIC/ScalCom/DigitalTwin/PriComp/Meta)
bullet iconA federated learning attack method based on edge collaboration via cloud
Yang J, Baker T, Gill SS, Yang X, Han W and Li Y
Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationHunterPlus: AI based energy-efficient task scheduling for cloud-fog computing environments
Iftikhar S, Ahmad MMM, Tuli S, Chowdhury D, Xu M, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Internet of Things, Elsevier Bv, 100667-100667.  
bullet iconDesign and Implementation of Secure Location Service Using Software Engineering Approach in the Age of Industry 4.0
Tabassum S, Kumar A, Kaur K, Arora P, Chowdhury D, Misra S and Gill SS
In Information Systems and Management Science, Springer 397-418.  
bullet iconAn IIoT based secure and sustainable smart supply chain system using sensor networks
Singh S, Kumar M, Verma OP, Kumar R and Gill SS
Transactions On Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Wiley 
bullet iconExperimental performance analysis of cloud resource allocation framework using spider monkey optimization algorithm
Kumar M, Dubey K, Singh S, Samriya JK and Gill SS
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, Wiley 
bullet iconDeep learning based short-range forecasting of Indian summer monsoon rainfall using earth observation and ground station datasets
Kumar B, Abhishek N, Chattopadhyay R, George S, Singh BB, Samanta A, Patnaik BSV, Gill SS, Nanjundiah RS and Singh M
Geocarto International, Taylor and Francis Group 
bullet iconJourney from cloud of things to fog of things: Survey, new trends, and research directions
Chakraborty A, Kumar M, Chaurasia N and Gill SS
Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley 
bullet iconMobile-Kube: Mobility-aware and Energy-efficient Service Orchestration on Kubernetes Edge Servers
Ghafouri S, Karami A, Bakhtiarvand D, Bigdeli A, Gill SS and Doyle J
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Portland, Oregon 9 Oct 2022 - 6 Dec 2022
bullet iconArtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain in Quantum Satellite, Drone and Network
Subramanian T, Dhyani A, Kumar A and Gill SS
bullet iconA Strategy for Advancing Research and Impact in New Computing Paradigms
Buyya R, Gill SS, Srirama SN, Bahsoon R and Murugesan S
In Green Mobile Cloud Computing, Springer Nature 
bullet iconCoScal: Multi-faceted Scaling of Microservices with Reinforcement Learning
Xu M, Song C, Ilager S, Gill SS, Zhao J, Ye K and Xu C
Ieee Transactions On Network and Service Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-1.  
bullet iconDYNAMITE: Dynamic aggregation of mutually‐connected points based clustering algorithm for time series data
Bhowmik A, Sannigrahi M, Guha P, Chowdhury D and Gill SS
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley-Blackwell 
Relevant PublicationCurriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y and Uhlig S
In Handbook of Research On Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication, Igi Global 62-80.  
Relevant PublicationAn Operating System Session Plan Towards Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Microteaching for Higher Education
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y and Uhlig S
In Handbook of Research On Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication, Igi Global 44-61.  
bullet iconA Deep Learning-Based Privacy-Preserving Model for Smart Healthcare in Internet of Medical Things Using Fog Computing
Moqurrab SA, Tariq N, Anjum A, Asheralieva A, Malik SUR, Malik H, Pervaiz H and Gill SS
Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Science and Business Media Llc, 1-23.  
bullet iconMachine learning for cloud, fog, edge and serverless computing environments: comparisons, performance evaluation benchmark and future directions
Singh P, Kaur A and Gill SS
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, Inderscience Publishers vol. 13 (4), 447-457.  
Relevant PublicationQuantum Artificial Intelligence for the Science of Climate Change
Singh M, Dhara C, Kumar A, Gill SS and Uhlig S
In Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain in Quantum Satellite, Drone and Network, Taylor & Francis 
bullet iconQuantum and Blockchain for Modern Computing Systems: Vision and Advancements
Kumar A, Gill SS and Abraham A
bullet iconA Secure Drone-to-Drone Communication and Software Defined Drone Network-Enabled Traffic Monitoring System
Kumar A, Yadav AS, Gill SS, Pervaiz H, Ni Q and Buyya R
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, 102621-102621.  
Relevant PublicationFog Computing based Router-Distributor Application for Sustainable Smart Home
Iftikhar S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS and Uhlig S
2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Spring) 19 Jun 2022 - 22 Jun 2022
Relevant PublicationCovidXAI: Explainable AI Assisted Web Application for COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritisation
Chowdhury D, Poddar S, Banarjee S, Pal R, Gani A, Ellis C, Arya RC, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationAIBLOCK: Blockchain based Lightweight Framework for Serverless Computing using AI
Golec M, Chowdhury D, Jaglan S, Gill SS and Uhlig S
2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid)
Relevant PublicationHow Covid-19 Changed Computer Science Education
Gill SS, Naeem U, Fuller S, Chen Y and Uhlig S
Itnow, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 64 (2), 60-61.  
bullet iconTeaching and Facilitating an Online Learning Environment for a Web Programming Module
Naeem U, Bosman L and Gill SS
2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 28 Mar 2022 - 31 Mar 2022
bullet iconesDNN: Deep Neural Network based Multivariate Workload Prediction in Cloud Computing Environments
Xu M, Song C, Wu H, Gill SS, Ye K and Xu C
Acm Transactions On Internet Technology 
Relevant PublicationAI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions
Gill SS, Xu M, Ottaviani C, Patros P, Bahsoon R, Shaghaghi A, Golec M, Stankovski V, Wu H, Abraham A, Singh M, Mehta H, Ghosh SK, Baker T, Parlikad AK, Lutfiyya H, Kanhere SS, Sakellariou R, Dustdar S, Rana O, et al.
Internet of Things, Elsevier vol. 19, 100514-100514.  
bullet iconIoT‐Pi: A Machine Learning‐based Lightweight Framework for Cost‐effective Distributed Computing using IoT
Shao T, Chowdhury D, Gill SS and Buyya R
Internet Technology Letters 
Relevant PublicationFogDLearner: A Deep Learning-based Cardiac Health Diagnosis Framework using Fog Computing
Iftikhar S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Australasian Computer Science Week 2022
bullet iconApplications of blockchain in automated heavy vehicles: Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Sharma G, Kumar A and Gill SS
In Autonomous and Connected Heavy Vehicle Technology 81-93.  
bullet iconGRAPES: semi-automatic approach for forecasting models to predict GameStop prices using cloud computing and machine learning
Vo TV and Gill SS
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing, Inderscience vol. 13 (5), 538-550.  
bullet iconBioLearner: A Machine Learning-Powered Smart Heart Disease Risk Prediction System Utilizing Biomedical Markers
Amer SS, Wander G, Singh M, Bahsoon R, Jennings NR and Gill SS
Journal of Interconnection Networks, World Scientific Publishing 
bullet iconMachine Learning Models for Sentiment Analysis of Tweets: Comparisons and Evaluations
Vanga LKR, Kumar A, Kaur K, Singh M, Stankovski V and Gill SS
In Transforming Management With Ai, Big-Data, and Iot, Springer Nature 273-292.  
bullet iconAutonomous and Connected Heavy Vehicle Technology
Krishnamurthi R, Kumar A and Gill SS
bullet iconGreen Internet of Things Using Mobile Cloud Computing: Architecture, Applications, and Future Directions
Raychaudhuri A, Mukherjee A, De D and Gill SS
In Green Mobile Cloud Computing, Springer Nature 213-229.  


bullet iconHealthCloud: A system for monitoring health status of heart patients using machine learning and cloud computing
Desai F, Chowdhury D, Kaur R, Peeters M, Arya RC, Wander GS, Gill SS and Buyya R
Internet of Things (Netherlands) vol. 17 
bullet iconThe evolution of distributed computing systems: from fundamental to new frontiers
Lindsay D, Gill SS, Smirnova D and Garraghan P
Computing vol. 103 (8), 1859-1878.  
bullet iconSecuring the future internet of things with post‐quantum cryptography
Kumar A, Ottaviani C, Gill SS and Buyya R
Security & Privacy 
bullet iconDEEDSP: Deadline-aware and energy-efficient dynamic service placement in integrated Internet of Things and fog computing environments
Sri Raghavendra M, Chawla P and Singh Gill S
Transactions On Emerging Telecommunications Technologies vol. 32 (12) 
bullet iconBlockchainBus: A Lightweight Framework for Secure Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Federations using Blockchain
Doyle J, Golec M and Gill SS
Security and Privacy, Wiley 
bullet iconSTART: Straggler Prediction and Mitigation for Cloud Computing Environments using Encoder LSTM Networks
Tuli S, Gill SS, Garraghan P, Buyya R, Casale G and Jennings N
Ieee Transactions On Services Computing 
bullet iconHUNTER: AI based holistic resource management for sustainable cloud computing
Tuli S, Gill SS, Xu M, Garraghan P, Bahsoon R, Dustdar S, Sakellariou R, Rana O, Buyya R, Casale G and Jennings NR
Journal of Systems and Software vol. 184 
bullet iconQuantum computing: A taxonomy, systematic review and future directions
Gill SS, Kumar A, Singh H, Singh M, Kaur K, Usman M and Buyya R
Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley 
bullet iconA Manifesto for Modern Fog and Edge Computing: Vision, New Paradigms, Opportunities, and Future Directions
Gill S
In Operationalizing Multi-Cloud Environments, Springer 237-253.  
bullet iconDoSP: A Deadline-Aware Dynamic Service Placement Algorithm for Workflow-Oriented IoT Applications in Fog-Cloud Computing Environments
Sriraghavendra M, Chawla P, Wu H, Gill SS and Buyya R
In Energy Conservation Solutions For Fog-Edge Computing Paradigms, Springer Nature 21-47.  
bullet iconInnovative software systems for managing the impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic
Gill SS, Vinuesa R, Balasubramanian V and Ghosh SK
Software Practice and Experience, Wiley vol. 52 (4), 821-823.  
bullet iconiFaaSBus: A Security and Privacy based Lightweight Framework for Serverless Computing using IoT and Machine Learning
Golec M, Ozturac R, Pooranian Z, Gill SS and Buyya R
Ieee Transactions On Industrial Informatics, Ieee vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconFog Computing: A Taxonomy, Systematic Review, Current Trends and Research Challenges
Singh J, Singh P and Gill SS
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier 
bullet iconRecommender System for Optimal Distributed Deep Learning in Cloud Datacenters
Anwar MH, Ghafouri S, Gill SS and Doyle J
Wireless Personal Communications: An International Journal, Springer Verlag 
bullet iconMetaheuristics for scheduling of heterogeneous tasks in cloud computing environments: Analysis, performance evaluation, and future directions
Singh H, Tyagi S, Kumar P, Gill SS and Buyya R
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, 102353-102353.  
bullet iconQuantifying COVID-19 enforced global changes in atmospheric pollutants using cloud computing based remote sensing
Singh M, Singh BB, Singh R, Upendra B, Kaur R, Gill SS and Biswas MS
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Elsevier, 100489-100489.  
bullet iconResearch makes Teaching more Rewarding for Academicians: Challenges and Recommendations
Gill S
Ict Connect Magazine, Ict Connect vol. 12 (3), 28-28.  
bullet iconQuantum and Blockchain based Serverless Edge Computing: A Vision, Model, New Trends and Future Directions
Gill SS
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley-Blackwell 
bullet iconServerless Edge Computing: Vision and Challenges
Aslanpour MS, Toosi AN, Cicconetti C, Javadi B, Sbarski P, Taibi D, Assuncao M, Gill S, Gaire R and Dustdar S
ACSW '21: 2021 Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference
bullet iconTRACTOR: Traffic‐aware and power‐efficient virtual machine placement in edge‐cloud data centers using artificial bee colony optimization
Nabavi SS, Gill SS, Xu M, Masdari M and Garraghan P
International Journal of Communication Systems 
bullet iconIoT and Fog Computing based Predictive Maintenance Model for Effective Asset Management in Industry 4.0 using Machine Learning
Teoh YK, Gill SS and Parlikad AK
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconDynamic Shift from Cloud Computing to Industry 4.0: Eco-Friendly Choice or Climate Change Threat
Singh M, Tuli S, Butcher RJ, Kaur R and Gill SS
In Iot-Based Intelligent Modelling For Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Springer Nature 275-293.  
bullet iconMobile Edge Computing Based Internet of Agricultural Things: A Systematic Review and Future Directions
Sengupta A, Gill SS, Das A and De D
In Mobile Edge Computing, Springer Nature 415-441.  


bullet iconBioSec: A Biometric Authentication Framework for Secure and Private Communication among Edge Devices in IoT and Industry 4.0
Golec M, Gill SS, Bahsoon R and Rana O
Ieee Consumer Electronics Magazine, Ieee vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
bullet iconDigital device‐based active learning approach using virtual community classroom during the COVID‐19 pandemic
Singhal R, Kumar A, Singh H, Fuller S and Gill SS
Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Wiley 
bullet iconIoTPulse: machine learning-based enterprise health information system to predict alcohol addiction in Punjab (India) using IoT and fog computing
Dhillon A, Singh A, Vohra H, Ellis C, Varghese B and Gill SS
Enterprise Information Systems, Informa Uk Limited, 1-33.  
bullet iconHEART: Unrelated parallel machines problem with precedence constraints for task scheduling in cloud computing using heuristic and meta‐heuristic algorithms
Bhardwaj AK, Gajpal Y, Surti C and Gill S
Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley 
bullet iconA drone-based networked system and methods for combating coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic
Kumar A, Sharma K, Singh H, Naugriya SG, Gill SS and Buyya R
Future Generation Computer Systems: The International Journal of Grid Computing: Theory, Methods and Applications, Elsevier 
bullet iconPerformance Evaluation Metrics for Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing: A Review, Taxonomy, Benchmarks and Standards for Future Research
Aslanpour MS, Gill SS and Toosi AN
Internet of Things, Elsevier, 100273-100273.  
bullet iconRHAS: robust hybrid auto-scaling for web applications in cloud computing
Singh P, Kaur A, Gupta P, Gill SS and Jyoti K
Cluster Computing, Springer Science and Business Media Llc 
bullet iconiThermoFog: IoT‐Fog based Automatic Thermal Profile Creation for Cloud Data Centers using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Tuli S, Gill SS, Casale G and Jennings NR
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley 
bullet iconEFFORT: Energy efficient framework for offload communication in mobile cloud computing
Malik SUR, Akram H, Gill S, Pervaiz H and Malik H
Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley 
bullet iconSecurity-aware autonomic allocation of cloud resources: A model, research trends, and future directions
Gill SS and Shaghaghi A
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Igi Global vol. 32 (3), 15-22.  
bullet iconEnergy Efficient Algorithms based on VM Consolidation for Cloud Computing: Comparisons and Evaluations
Zhou Q, Xu M, Gill SS, Gao C, Tian W, Xu C and Buyya R
2020 20th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGRID)
bullet iconPredicting the Growth and Trend of COVID-19 Pandemic using Machine Learning and Cloud Computing
Tuli S, Tuli R and Gill SS
Internet of Things, Elsevier Bv, 100222-100222.  
bullet iconRGIM: An Integrated Approach to Improve QoS in AODV, DSR and DSDV Routing Protocols for FANETS Using the Chain Mobility Model
Kaur P, Singh A and Gill SS
The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press (Oup) 
bullet iconThermoSim: Deep Learning based Framework for Modeling and Simulation of Thermal-aware Resource Management for Cloud Computing Environments
Gill SS, Tuli S, Toosi AN, Cuadrado F, Garraghan P, Bahsoon R, Lutfiyya H, Sakellariou R, Rana O, Dustdar S and Buyya R
Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Bv, 110596-110596.  
bullet iconMeasuring the maturity of Indian small and medium enterprises for unofficial readiness for capability maturity model integration-based software process improvement
Singh A and Gill SS
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Wiley, e2261-e2261.  
bullet iconAn innovative two-stage data compression scheme using adaptive block merging technique
Vohra H, Singh A and Gill SS
Integration, Elsevier Bv 
bullet iconTails in the cloud: a survey and taxonomy of straggler management within large-scale cloud data centres
Gill SS, Ouyang X and Garraghan P
The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Verlag 
bullet iconDeepBus: Machine Learning based Real Time Pothole Detection System for Smart Transportation using IoT
Bansal K, Mittal K, Ahuja G, Singh A and Gill SS
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley, e156-e156.  


bullet iconNext Generation Technologies for Smart Healthcare: Challenges, Vision, Model, Trends and Future Directions
Tuli S, Wander G, Wander P, Gill SS, Dustdar S, Sakellariou R and Rana O
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley, e145-e145.  
bullet iconPRISM: An Experiment Framework for Straggler Analytics in Containerized Clusters
Lindsay D, Gill SS and Garraghan P
The Fifth International Workshop on Container Technologies and Container Clouds (WoC 2019) Davis, California 9 Dec 2019 - 13 Dec 2019
bullet iconAgri-Info: Cloud Based Autonomic System for Delivering Agriculture as a Service
Singh S, Chana I and Buyya R
Internet of Things, Elsevier Bv vol. 9, 1-16.  
bullet iconHealthFog: An ensemble deep learning based Smart Healthcare System for Automatic Diagnosis of Heart Diseases in integrated IoT and fog computing environments
Tuli S, Basumatary N, Gill SS, Kahani M, Arya RC, Wander GS and Buyya R
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier Bv vol. 104, 187-200.  
bullet iconTransformative Effects of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence on Cloud Computing: Evolution, Vision, Trends and Open Challenges
Gill SS, Tuli S, Xu M, Singh I, Singh KV, Lindsay D, Smirnova D, Singh M, Jain U, Pervaiz H, Sehgal B, Kaila SS, Misra S, Aslanpour MS, Mehta H, Stankovski V and Garraghan P
Internet of Things, Elsevier Bv vol. 8, 100118-100118.  
bullet iconHolistic resource management for sustainable and reliable cloud computing: An innovative solution to global challenge
Gill SS, Garraghan P, Stankovski V, Casale G, Thulasiram RK, Ghosh SK, Ramamohanarao K and Buyya R
Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier vol. 155, 104-129.  
bullet iconROUTER: Fog enabled cloud based intelligent resource management approach for smart home IoT devices
Gill SS, Garraghan P and Buyya R
Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier vol. 154, 125-138.  


bullet iconRADAR: Self‐configuring and self‐healing in resource management for enhancing quality of cloud services
Gill SS, Chana I, Singh M and Buyya R
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, Wiley vol. 31 (1) 


bullet iconQRSF: QoS-aware resource scheduling framework in cloud computing
Singh S and Chana I
The Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Nature vol. 71 (1), 241-292.  