Prof Steve Uhlig

Steve Uhlig

Professor of Networks
Head of The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Head of The Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Internet measurements, software-defined networking, networked applications, content delivery


Steve Uhlig received a Ph.D. degree in applied sciences from the University of Louvain (2004). He is currently a professor of networks at Queen Mary University of London. His research interests are focused on the large-scale behavior of the Internet, Internet measurements, software-defined networking, and content delivery. He is a member of ACM.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems


Relevant PublicationCold Start Latency in Serverless Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy, and Future Directions.
Golec M, Walia GK, Kumar M, Cuadrado F, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Acm Comput. Surv. vol. 57, 65:1-65:1.  


Relevant PublicationGAIKube: Generative AI-based Proactive Kubernetes Container Orchestration Framework for Heterogeneous Edge Computing
Ali B, Golec M, Murugesan SS, Wu H, Gill SS, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Ieee Transactions On Cognitive Communications and Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-1.  
bullet iconEdge AI: A Taxonomy, Systematic Review and Future Directions
Gill SS, Golec M, Hu J, Xu M, Du J, Wu H, Walia GK, Murugesan SS, Ali B, Kumar M, Ye K, Verma P, Kumar S, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Cluster Computing, Springer Nature vol. 28 (1), 18-18.  
bullet iconCold Start Latency in Serverless Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy, and Future Directions
Acm Computing Surveys, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) 
bullet iconEdgeBus: Co-Simulation based resource management for heterogeneous mobile edge computing environments
Ali B, Golec M, Gill SS, Wu H, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Internet of Things, Elsevier vol. 28, 101368-101368.  
bullet iconProKube: Proactive Kubernetes Orchestrator for Inference in Heterogeneous Edge Computing
Ali B, Golec M, Gill SS, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
International Journal of Network Management 
bullet iconMASTER: Machine Learning-Based Cold Start Latency Prediction Framework in Serverless Edge Computing Environments for Industry 4.0
Golec M, Gill SS, Wu H, Can TC, Golec M, Cetinkaya O, Cuadrado F, Parlikad AK and Uhlig S
Ieee Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 1, 36-48.  
bullet iconAn analysis of customer perception using lexicon-based sentiment analysis of Arabic Texts framework
Alsemaree O, Alam AS, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Heliyon, Elsevier vol. 10 (11) 
bullet iconThe April 2024 Issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 54 (2), 1-1.  
bullet iconEnhancing Student Learning, Engagement, and Employment Through Inclusive Curriculum Design
Gill SS, Naeem U, Kaur R, Fuller S, Tombros A and Uhlig S
In Engaging Higher Education Teachers and Students With Transnational Leadership, Igi Global 103-126.  
bullet iconSentiment analysis of Arabic social media texts: A machine learning approach to deciphering customer perceptions
Alsemaree O, Alam AS, Gill S and Uhlig S
Heliyon, Elsevier vol. 10 (9), e27863-e27863.  
Relevant PublicationModern computing: Vision and challenges
Gill SS, Wu H, Patros P, Ottaviani C, Arora P, Pujol VC, Haunschild D, Parlikad AK, Cetinkaya O, Lutfiyya H, Stankovski V, Li R, Ding Y, Qadir J, Abraham A, Ghosh SK, Song HH, Sakellariou R, Rana O, Rodrigues JJPC, et al.
Telematics and Informatics Reports, Elsevier vol. 13, 100116-100116.  
Relevant PublicationPRICELESS: Privacy enhanced AI-driven scalable framework for IoT applications in serverless edge computing environments
Golec M, Golec M, Xu M, Wu H, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley 
bullet iconThe January 2024 Issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 54 (1), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationCAPTAIN: A Testbed for Co-Simulation of Scalable Serverless Computing Environments for AIoT Enabled Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0
Golec M, Wu H, Ozturac R, Parlikad AK, Cuadrado F, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-1.  
bullet iconQuantum Computing: Vision and Challenges.
Gill SS, Cetinkaya O, Marrone S, Combarro EF, Claudino D, Haunschild D, Schlote L, Wu H, Ottaviani C, Liu X, Machupalli SP, Kaur K, Arora P, Liu J, Shamshad S, Farouk A, Song HH, Uhlig S and Ramamohanarao K
Corr vol. abs/2403.02240 


Relevant PublicationATOM: AI-Powered Sustainable Resource Management for Serverless Edge Computing Environments
Golec M, Gill SS, Cuadrado F, Parlikad AK, Xu M, Wu H and Uhlig S
Ieee Transactions On Sustainable Computing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-13.  
Relevant PublicationBlockFaaS: Blockchain-enabled Serverless Computing Framework for AI-driven IoT Healthcare Applications
Golec M, Gill SS, Golec M, Xu M, Ghosh SK, Kanhere SS, Rana O and Uhlig S
Journal of Grid Computing vol. 21 (4) 
Relevant PublicationThe October 2023 Issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 53 (3), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationWelcome from the Program Chairs
Uhlig S and Javed M
Proceedings of The Acm Sigcomm Internet Measurement Conference, Imc 
bullet icon6G Enabled Fog Computing in IoT: Applications and Opportunities
Kumar M, Samriya JK, Gill SS and Uhlig S
bullet iconPreface
Kumar M, Samriya JK, Gill SS and Uhlig S
6g Enabled Fog Computing in Iot: Applications and Opportunities, vii-viii.  
Relevant PublicationMicroscopeSketch: Accurate Sliding Estimation Using Adaptive Zooming
Wu Y, Jiang S, Dong S, Zhong Z, Chen J, Hu Y, Yang T, Uhlig S and Cui B
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Relevant PublicationTransformative effects of ChatGPT on modern education: Emerging Era of AI Chatbots
Gill SS, Xu M, Patros P, Wu H, Kaur R, Kaur K, Fuller S, Singh M, Arora P, Parlikad AK, Stankovski V, Abraham A, Ghosh SK, Lutfiyya H, Kanhere SS, Bahsoon R, Rana O, Dustdar S, Sakellariou R, Uhlig S, et al.
Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, Elsevier vol. 4, 19-23.  
Relevant PublicationCoviDetector: A transfer learning-based semi supervised approach to detect Covid-19 using CXR images
Chowdhury D, Das A, Dey A, Banerjee S, Golec M, Kollias D, Kumar M, Kaur G, Kaur R, Arya RC, Wander G, Wander P, Wander GS, Parlikad AK, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Benchcouncil Transactions On Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, Elsevier Bv vol. 3 (2), 100119-100119.  
Relevant PublicationLadderFilter: Filtering Infrequent Items with Small Memory and Time Overhead
Li Y, Wang F, Yu X, Yang Y, Yang K, Yang T, Ma Z, Cui B and Uhlig S
Proceedings of The Acm On Management of Data, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 1 (1), 1-21.  
Relevant PublicationOneSketch: A Generic and Accurate Sketch for Data Streams
Fan Z, Wang R, Cai Y, Zhang R, Yang T, Wu Y, Cui B and Uhlig S
Ieee Transactions On Knowledge and Data Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 35 (12), 12887-12901.  
Relevant PublicationHealthFaaS: AI based Smart Healthcare System for Heart Patients using Serverless Computing
Golec M, Gill SS, Parlikad AK and Uhlig S
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationPISketch: Finding Persistent and Infrequent Flows
Fan Z, Hu Z, Wu Y, Guo J, Wang S, Liu W, Yang T, Tu Y and Uhlig S
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 31 (6), 3191-3206.  
Relevant PublicationThe April 2023 Issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 53 (2), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationFinding Simplex Items in Data Streams
Fan Z, Guo J, Li X, Yang T, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Cui B, Xu Y, Uhlig S and Zhang G
2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
Relevant PublicationFacilitating an Online and Sustainable Learning Environment for Cloud Computing Using an Action Research Methodology
Gill SS, Cabral A, Fuller S, Chen Y and Uhlig S
In Handbook of Research On Implications of Sustainable Development in Higher Education, Igi Global 43-70.  
Relevant PublicationQoS Analysis for Serverless Computing Using Machine Learning
Golec M, Iftikhar S, Prabhakaran P, Gill SS and Uhlig S
In Serverless Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Springer Nature 175-192.  
Relevant PublicationProceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference, IMC 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada, October 24-26, 2023

, Editors: Montpetit M-J, Leivadeas A, Uhlig S and Javed M. 
Relevant PublicationFaster Control Plane Experimentation with Horse.
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Böttger T, Castro I and Uhlig S
Corr vol. abs/2307.06409 
Relevant PublicationLadderFilter: Filtering Infrequent Items with Small Memory and Time Overhead.
Li Y, Wang F, Yu X, Yang Y, Yang K, Yang T, Ma Z, Cui B and Uhlig S
Proc. Acm Manag. Data vol. 1, 10:1-10:1.  


Relevant PublicationAI-based fog and edge computing: A systematic review, taxonomy and future directions
Iftikhar S, Gill SS, Song C, Xu M, Aslanpour MS, Toosi AN, Du J, Wu H, Ghosh S, Chowdhury D, Golec M, Kumar M, Abdelmoniem AM, Cuadrado F, Varghese B, Rana O, Dustdar S and Uhlig S
Internet of Things, Elsevier Bv vol. 21, 100674-100674.  
Relevant PublicationTESCO: Multiple Simulations based AI-augmented Fog computing for QoS Optimization
Iftikhar S, Raj U, Tuli S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS and Uhlig S
2022 IEEE Smartworld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Digital Twin, Privacy Computing, Metaverse, Autonomous & Trusted Vehicles (SmartWorld/UIC/ScalCom/DigitalTwin/PriComp/Meta)
Relevant PublicationHunterPlus: AI based energy-efficient task scheduling for cloud-fog computing environments
Iftikhar S, Ahmad MMM, Tuli S, Chowdhury D, Xu M, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Internet of Things, Elsevier Bv, 100667-100667.  
Relevant PublicationWork-in-Progress: A Novel Clock Synchronization System for Large-Scale Clusters
Fan Z, Li X, Xu Y, Li Y, Yang T and Uhlig S
2022 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)
Relevant PublicationHoppingSketch: More Accurate Temporal Membership Query and Frequency Query
Fan Z, Zhang Y, Dong S, Zhou Y, Liu F, Yang T, Uhlig S and Cui B
Ieee Transactions On Knowledge and Data Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 35 (9), 9067-9072.  
Relevant PublicationThe October 2022 Issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 52 (4), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationCurriculum Redesign for Cloud Computing to Enhance Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Higher Education
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y and Uhlig S
In Handbook of Research On Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication, Igi Global 62-80.  
Relevant PublicationAn Operating System Session Plan Towards Social Justice and Intercultural Development in Microteaching for Higher Education
Gill SS, Fuller S, Cabral A, Chen Y and Uhlig S
In Handbook of Research On Fostering Social Justice Through Intercultural and Multilingual Communication, Igi Global 44-61.  
Relevant PublicationPISketch
Fan Z, Hu Z, Wu Y, Guo J, Liu W, Yang T, Wang H, Xu Y, Uhlig S and Tu Y
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Formal Foundations and Security of Programmable Network Infrastructures
Relevant PublicationQuantum Artificial Intelligence for the Science of Climate Change
Singh M, Dhara C, Kumar A, Gill SS and Uhlig S
In Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain in Quantum Satellite, Drone and Network, Taylor & Francis 
Relevant PublicationSpecial Issue on IFIP Networking 2019
Liu A, Munir A, Rak J, Uhlig S and Domingo-Pascual J
Computer Communications, Elsevier vol. 192 
Relevant PublicationThe July 2022 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 52 (3), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationFog Computing based Router-Distributor Application for Sustainable Smart Home
Iftikhar S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS and Uhlig S
2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2022-Spring) 19 Jun 2022 - 22 Jun 2022
Relevant PublicationCovidXAI: Explainable AI Assisted Web Application for COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritisation
Chowdhury D, Poddar S, Banarjee S, Pal R, Gani A, Ellis C, Arya RC, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Internet Technology Letters, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationAIBLOCK: Blockchain based Lightweight Framework for Serverless Computing using AI
Golec M, Chowdhury D, Jaglan S, Gill SS and Uhlig S
2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid)
Relevant PublicationHow Covid-19 Changed Computer Science Education
Gill SS, Naeem U, Fuller S, Chen Y and Uhlig S
Itnow, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 64 (2), 60-61.  
Relevant PublicationThe Stair Sketch: Bringing more Clarity to Memorize Recent Events
Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Yi P, Yang T, Cui B and Uhlig S
2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)
Relevant PublicationThe April 2022 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 52 (2), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationAI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions
Gill SS, Xu M, Ottaviani C, Patros P, Bahsoon R, Shaghaghi A, Golec M, Stankovski V, Wu H, Abraham A, Singh M, Mehta H, Ghosh SK, Baker T, Parlikad AK, Lutfiyya H, Kanhere SS, Sakellariou R, Dustdar S, Rana O, et al.
Internet of Things, Elsevier vol. 19, 100514-100514.  
Relevant PublicationFogDLearner: A Deep Learning-based Cardiac Health Diagnosis Framework using Fog Computing
Iftikhar S, Golec M, Chowdhury D, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Australasian Computer Science Week 2022
Relevant PublicationThe January 2022 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 52 (1), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationAI for Next Generation Computing: Emerging Trends and Future Directions.
Gill SS, Xu M, Ottaviani C, Patros P, Bahsoon R, Shaghaghi A, Golec M, Stankovski V, Wu H, Abraham A, Singh M, Mehta H, Ghosh SK, Baker T, Parlikad AK, Lutfiyya H, Kanhere SS, Sakellariou R, Dustdar S, Rana OF, et al.
Corr vol. abs/2203.04159 
Relevant PublicationAI for next generation computing: Emerging trends and future directions.
Gill SS, Xu M, Ottaviani C, Patros P, Bahsoon R, Shaghaghi A, Golec M, Stankovski V, Wu H, Abraham A, Singh M, Mehta H, Ghosh SK, Baker T, Parlikad AK, Lutfiyya H, Kanhere SS, Sakellariou R, Dustdar S, Rana OF, et al.
Internet Things vol. 19, 100514-100514.  
Relevant PublicationAI-based Fog and Edge Computing: A Systematic Review, Taxonomy and Future Directions.
Iftikhar S, Gill SS, Song C, Xu M, Aslanpour MS, Toosi AN, Du J, Wu H, Ghosh S, Chowdhury D, Golec M, Kumar M, Abdelmoniem AM, Cuadrado F, Varghese B, Rana OF, Dustdar S and Uhlig S
Corr vol. abs/2212.04645 


bullet iconThe October 2021 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 51 (4), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationSEAD Counter: Self-Adaptive Counters With Different Counting Ranges
Liu X, Xu Y, Liu P, Yang T, Xu J, Wang L, Xie G, Li X and Uhlig S
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 30 (1), 90-106.  
Relevant PublicationOptimal Estimation of Link Delays Based on End-to-End Active Measurements
Tajiki MM, Petroudi SHG, Salsano S, Uhlig S and Castro I
Ieee Transactions On Network and Service Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 18 (4), 4730-4743.  
bullet iconAre People Really Social in Porn 2.0?
Tyson G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N and Uhlig S
bullet iconThe July 2021 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 51 (3), 1-1.  
bullet iconThe April 2021 issue
Uhlig S
Computer Communication Review vol. 51 (2) 
bullet iconThe January 2021 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 51 (1), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationClick-UP: Toward the Software Upgrade of Click-Based Modular Network Function.
Wang J, Qi H, Li K and Uhlig S
Ieee Syst. J. vol. 15, 1160-1171.  
Relevant PublicationOptimal Estimation of Link Delays Based on End-to-End Active Measurements.
Tajiki MM, Petroudi SHG, Salsano S, Uhlig S and Castro I
Ieee Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag. vol. 18, 4730-4743.  


bullet iconDynamic SDN Control Plane Request Assignment in NFV Datacenters
Wang J, Qi H, Li W, Li K, Uhlig S and Wang Y
Ieee Transactions On Network Science and Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 8 (1), 680-694.  
bullet iconThe October 2020 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 50 (4), 1-2.  
bullet iconMaking QUIC Quicker With NIC Offload
Yang X, Eggert L, Ott J, Uhlig S, Sun Z and Antichi G
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC
bullet iconUpdate on ACM SIGCOMM CCR reviewing process
Holz R, Mellia M, Bonaventure O, Haddadi H, Caesar M, Gorinsky S, Antichi G, Camp J, Klaffy K, Raman B, Sperotto A, Viana A and Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review vol. 50 (3), 55-56.  
bullet iconThe July 2020 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review vol. 50 (3), 1-2.  
bullet iconThe April 2020 issue
Uhlig S
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 50 (2), 1-2.  
bullet iconClick-UP: Toward the Software Upgrade of Click-Based Modular Network Function
Wang J, Qi H, Li K and Uhlig S
Ieee Systems Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-12.  
bullet iconHeavyKeeper: An accurate algorithm for finding top-k elephant flows
Gong J, Yang T, Zhang H, Li H, Uhlig S, Chen S, Uden L and Li X
bullet iconUpdate on ACM SIGCOMM CCR reviewing process: towards a more open review process.
Holz R, Mellia M, Bonaventure O, Haddadi H, Caesar M, Gorinsky S, Antichi G, Camp J, claffy K, Raman B, Sperotto A, Viana AC and Uhlig S
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 50, 55-56.  


bullet iconAdaptive Measurements Using One Elastic Sketch
Yang T, Jiang J, Liu P, Huang Q, Gong J, Zhou Y, Miao R, Li X and Uhlig S
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 1-16.  
bullet iconAn Empirical Study of the Cost of DNS-over-HTTPS
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Tyson G, Castro I and Uhlig S
, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm), 15-21.  
bullet iconAn Empirical Study of the Cost of DNS-over-HTTPS.
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Tyson G, Castro I and Uhlig S
Corr, Acm vol. abs/1909.06192 
bullet iconHeavyKeeper: An Accurate Algorithm for Finding Top-$k$ Elephant Flows
Yang T, Zhang H, Li J, Gong J, Uhlig S, Chen S and Li X
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 27 (5), 1845-1858.  
bullet iconFaster Control Plane Experimentation with Horse
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Böttger T, Castro I and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Conference Posters and Demos
bullet iconFast and accurate stream processing by filtering the cold
Yang T, Jiang J, Zhou Y, He L, Li J, Cui B, Uhlig S and Li X
The Vldb Journal, Springer Nature vol. 28 (5), 735-763.  
bullet iconDeviations of Check-ins and Human Mobility Trajectory
Wang X, Ding J, Uhlig S, Li Y and Jin D
2019 5th International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications (BIGCOM)
bullet iconInteractions between Congestion Control Algorithms
Turkovic B, Kuipers FA and Uhlig S
2019 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA)
bullet iconKeddah: Network evaluation powered by simulating distributed application traffic
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Acm Transactions On Modeling and Computer Simulation vol. 29 (3) 
bullet iconWho Watches the Watchmen: Exploring Complaints on the Web
Ibosiola D, Castro I, Stringhini G, Uhlig S and Tyson G
, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm), 729-738.  
bullet iconFifty Shades of Congestion Control: A Performance and Interactions Evaluation
Turkovic B, Kuipers FA and Uhlig S
bullet iconConception de réseau iBGP
Buob MO, Uhlig S and Meulle M
bullet iconAn iBGP network design
Buob MO, Uhlig S and Meulle M
bullet iconKeddah: Network Evaluation Powered by Simulating Distributed Application Traffic.
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Acm Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. vol. 29, 16:1-16:1.  
bullet iconWho Watches the Watchmen: Exploring Complaints on the Web.
Ibosiola D, Castro I, Stringhini G, Uhlig S and Tyson G
, Editors: Liu L, White RW, Mantrach A, Silvestri F, McAuley JJ, Baeza-Yates R and Zia L. 
bullet iconAdaptive Measurements Using One Elastic Sketch.
Yang T, Jiang J, Liu P, Huang Q, Gong J, Zhou Y, Miao R, Li X and Uhlig S
Ieee/Acm Trans. Netw. vol. 27, 2236-2251.  


bullet iconTCP Stalls at the Server Side: Measurement and Mitigation
Zhou J, Li Z, Wu Q, Steenkiste P, Uhlig S, Li J and Xie G
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 27 (1), 272-287.  
bullet iconBeyond the Click: A First Look at the Role of a Microblogging Platform in the Web Ecosystem
Ding J, Liu Z, Xiao S, Chen Y, Li Y, Jin D and Uhlig S
Ieee Transactions On Network and Service Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 16 (2), 743-754.  
bullet iconMobile Big Data for Urban Analytics
Hui P, Li Y, Ott J, Uhlig S, Han B and Tan K
Ieee Communications Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 56 (11), 12-12.  
bullet iconShaping the Internet: 10 Years of IXP Growth
Böttger T, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, di Lallo R, Bruyere M, Uhlig S, Tyson G and Castro I
bullet iconOFLOPS-SUME and the art of switch characterization
UHLIG SP, Antichi G, Oudin R, Moore A and Rotsos C
Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconRethinking IXPs’ Architecture in the Age of SDN
Bruyere M, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Lapeyrade R, Uhlig S, Owezarski P, Moore AW and Castro I
Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications 
bullet iconElastic Sketch: Adaptive and Fast Network-wide Measurements
UHLIG SP, Yang T, Jiang J, Liu P, Huang Q, Gong J, Yang Z, Rui M and Li X
ACM SIGCOMM Budapest, Hungary 19 Aug 2018 - 24 Aug 2018
bullet iconCLICK-UP
Wang J, Huang Y, Qi H, Li K and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Conference on Posters and Demos
bullet iconLooking for Hypergiants in PeeringDB
Acm Sigcomm Computer Communication Review, Association For Computing Machinery 
bullet iconMovie Pirates of the Caribbean: Exploring Illegal Streaming Cyberlockers
Ibosiola D, Steer B, Garcia-Recuero A, Stringhini G, Uhlig S and Tyson G
bullet iconCold Filter
Zhou Y, Yang T, Jiang J, Cui B, Yu M, Li X and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data
bullet iconAn SDN-inspired Model for Faster Network Experimentation
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Castro I and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation
bullet iconOpen Connect Everywhere: A Glimpse at the Internet Ecosystem Through the Lens of the Netflix CDN
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Tyson G, Castro I and Uhlig S
Sigcomm Comput. Commun. Rev., Acm vol. 48, 28-34.  
bullet iconUmbrella
Bruyere M, Lapeyrade R, Fernandes EL, Castro I, Uhlig S, Moore AW and Antichi G
Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research
bullet iconOnline Aggregation of the Forwarding Information Base: Accounting for Locality and Churn
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S and Uhlig S
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Networking vol. 26 (1), 591-604.  
bullet iconOpen Connect Everywhere: A Glimpse at the Internet Ecosystem through the Lens of the Netflix CDN.
Böttger T, Cuadrado F, Tyson G, Castro I and Uhlig S
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 48, 28-34.  
bullet iconMovie pirates of the caribbean: Exploring illegal streaming cyberlockers
Ibosiola D, Steer B, Garcia-Recuero A, Stringhini G, Uhlig S and Tyson G
12th International Aaai Conference On Web and Social Media, Icwsm 2018, 131-140.  
bullet iconThe Elusive Internet Flattening: 10 Years of IXP Growth.
Böttger T, Antichi G, Fernandes EL, Lallo RD, Bruyere M, Uhlig S and Castro I
Corr vol. abs/1810.10963 
bullet iconLooking for hypergiants in peeringDB.
Böttger T, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 48, 13-19.  


bullet iconENDEAVOUR: A Scalable SDN Architecture For Real-World IXPs.
Antichi G, Castro I, Chiesa M, Fernandes EL, Lapeyrade R, Kopp D, Han JH, Bruyere M, Dietzel C, Gusat M, Moore AW, Owezarski P, Uhlig S and Canini M
Ieee J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 35, 2553-2562.  
bullet iconRectangular Hash Table: Bloom Filter and Bitmap Assisted Hash Table with High Speed
Yang T, Yin B, Li H, Shahzad M, Uhlig S, Cui B and Li X
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)
bullet iconMessage from the general chairs
Uhlig S and Maennel O
bullet iconIndex–Trie: Efficient archival and retrieval of network traffic
Xie G, Su J, Wang X, He T, Zhang G, Uhlig S and Salamatian K
Computer Networks, Elsevier vol. 124, 140-156.  
bullet iconKeddah: Capturing Hadoop Network Behaviour
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
bullet iconMiddleboxes in the Internet: A HTTP Perspective
Huang S, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
2017 Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA)
bullet iconExploring HTTP Header Manipulation in the Wild
TYSON G, Huang S, Cuadrado F, Castro I, Perta C, Sathiaseelan A and Uhlig S
World Wide Web Conference Perth, Australia 3 Apr 2017 - 7 Apr 2017
bullet iconPreface
Kaafar D and Uhlig S
bullet iconInternet scale user-generated live video streaming: The Twitch case
Deng J, Tyson G, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
Passive and Active Measurements Conference
bullet iconPassive and Active Measurement - 18th International Conference, PAM 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia, March 30-31, 2017, Proceedings

, Editors: Kâafar MA, Uhlig S and Amann J. 
bullet iconProceedings of the 2017 Internet Measurement Conference, IMC 2017, London, United Kingdom, November 1-3, 2017

, Editors: Uhlig S and Maennel O. 


bullet iconMultipath Bandwidth Guarantees for Multi-Tenant Cloud Networking
Wang W, Sun Y, Uhlig S, Fang G, Wang N and Li Z
2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)
bullet iconFit the Elephant in a Box - Towards IP Lookup at On-chip Memory Access Speed
Yang T, Yang D, Li X, Liu AX, Fu Q and Uhlig S
2016 IEEE 24th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
bullet iconInter-domain networking innovation on steroids: empowering ixps with SDN capabilities
Chiesa M, Owezarski P, Uhlig S, Canini M, Dietzel C, Antichi G, Bruyere M, Castro I, Gusat M, King T, Moore AW and Nguyen TD
Ieee Communications Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 54 (10), 102-108.  
bullet iconHorse
Fernandes EL, Antichi G, Castro I and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference
bullet iconiBGP2: A scalable iBGP redistribution mechanism leading to optimal routing
Buob M-O, Lambert A and Uhlig S
IEEE INFOCOM 2016 - The 35th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
bullet iconPrivacy-aware Multipath Video Caching for Content-Centric Networks
Wu Q, Li Z, TYSON G, Uhlig S, Ali Kafaar M and Xie G
Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications 
bullet iconLazyCtrl: A Scalable Hybrid Network Control Plane Design for Cloud Data Centers
Zheng K, Wang L, Yang B, Sun Y and Uhlig S
Ieee Transactions On Parallel and Distributed Systems vol. 28 (1), 115-127.  
bullet iconInsights into the issue in IPv6 adoption: A view from the Chinese IPv6 Application mix
Han C, Li Z, Xie G, Uhlig S, Wu Y, Li L, Ge J and Liu Y
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience vol. 28 (3), 616-630.  
bullet iconMeasurements and Analysis of a Major Adult Video Portal
Tyson G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N and Uhlig S
Acm Transactions On Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, Association For Computing Machinery (Acm) vol. 12 (2), 1-25.  
bullet iconTracking Personal Identifiers Across the Web
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S and Mortier R
bullet iconMore to sketch search than that
Uhlig S
New Scientist vol. 230 (3078), 52-52.  


bullet iconDesign and Evaluation of the Optimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking
Wang Y, Li Z, Tyson G, Uhlig S and Xie G
Ieee Transactions On Computers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 65 (1), 95-107.  
bullet iconBehind the Game: Exploring the Twitch Streaming Platform
Deng J, Cuadrado F, Tyson G and Uhlig S
2015 International Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames)
bullet iconDemystifying and mitigating TCP stalls at the server side
Zhou J, Wu Q, Li Z, Uhlig S, Steenkiste P, Chen J and Xie G
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies
bullet iconMeasurements and Analysis of an Adult Video Streaming Website
TYSON G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N and Uhlig S
Acm Transactions On Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (Tom) 
bullet iconRiPKI: The Tragic Story of RPKI Deployment in the Web Ecosystem
Wahlisch M, Schmidt R, Schmidt T, Maennel O, Uhlig S and TYSON G
15th ACM Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets)
bullet iconLet Latency Guide You: Towards Characterization of Cloud Application Performance
Saljooghinejad H, Cuadrado F and Uhlig S
2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom)
bullet iconMessage from the general chairs
Uhlig S and Maennel O
bullet iconLazyCtrl: Scalable Network Control for Cloud Data Centers
Zheng K, Wang L, Yang B, Sun Y, Zhang Y and Uhlig S
, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee), 788-789.  
bullet iconLazy Ctrl: Scalable Network Control for Cloud Data Centers
Wang L, Zheng K, Yang B, Sun Y, Zhang Y and Uhlig S
2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 29 Jun 2015 - 2 Jul 2015
bullet iconAre People Really Social on Porn 2.0?
TYSON G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N and Uhlig S
AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)
bullet iconEvolution of Directed Triangle Motifs in the Google+ OSN
Schiöberg D, Schneider F, Schmid S, Uhlig S and Feldmann A
bullet iconProceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication, SIGCOMM 2015, London, United Kingdom, August 17-21, 2015

, Editors: Uhlig S, Maennel O, Karp B and Padhye J. 


bullet iconTrace-Driven Analysis of ICN Caching Algorithms on Video-on-Demand Workloads
Sun Y, Fayaz SK, Guo Y, Sekar V, Jin Y, Kaafar MA and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the 10th ACM International on Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies
bullet iconLeveraging Locality for FIB Aggregation
Sarrar N, Wuttke R, Schmid S, Bienkowski M and Uhlig S
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference
bullet iconAnatomy of the Third-Party Web Tracking Ecosystem
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S and Mortier R
bullet iconCompetitive FIB aggregation without update Churn
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S and Uhlig S
Proceedings - International Conference On Distributed Computing Systems, 607-616.  
bullet iconRiPKI: The Tragic Story of RPKI Deployment in the Web Ecosystem
Wählisch M, Schmidt R, Schmidt TC, Maennel O, Uhlig S and Tyson G
bullet iconInsights into the issue in IPv6 adoption: A view from the Chinese IPv6 Application mix
Han C, Li Z, Xie G, Uhlig S, Wu Y, Li L, Ge J and Liu Y
Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience 
bullet iconSoftware-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey
Kreutz D, Ramos FMV, Verissimo P, Rothenberg CE, Azodolmolky S and Uhlig S
bullet iconThe rise of panopticons: Examining region-specific third-party web tracking
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S and Mortier R
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8406 LNCS, 104-114.  
bullet iconMessage from the program co-chairs
Dainotti A, Mahanti A and Uhlig S
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8406 LNCS 
bullet iconWe are all treated equal, aren't we? - Flow-level performance as a function of flow size
Mehmood MA, Feldmann A, Uhlig S and Willinger W
2014 Ifip Networking Conference, Ifip Networking 2014 
bullet iconWhen BGP Security Meets Content Deployment: Measuring and Analysing RPKI-Protection of Websites.
Wählisch M, Schmidt R, Schmidt TC, Maennel O and Uhlig S
Corr vol. abs/1408.0391 
bullet iconSoftware-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey.
Kreutz D, Ramos FMV, Veríssimo P, Rothenberg CE, Azodolmolky S and Uhlig S
Corr vol. abs/1406.0440 
bullet iconLeveraging locality for FIB aggregation
Sarrar N, Wuttke R, Schmid S, Bienkowski M and Uhlig S
bullet iconThe Rise of Panopticons: Examining Region-Specific Third-Party Web Tracking
Falahrastegar M, Haddadi H, Uhlig S and Mortier R
In Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Springer Nature 104-114.  


bullet iconDemystifying porn 2.0: A look into a major adult video streaming website
Tyson G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N and Uhlig S
Proceedings of The Acm Sigcomm Internet Measurement Conference, Imc, 417-426.  
bullet iconBrief announcement: Dynamic forwarding table aggregation without update churn: The case of dependent prefixes
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S and Uhlig S
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 8205 LNCS, 583-584.  
bullet iconDemystifying Porn 2.0: A look into a Major Adult Video Streaming Website
TYSON G, Elkhatib Y, Sastry N and Uhlig S
ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC)
bullet iconA trie merging approach with incremental updates for virtual routers
Luo L, Xie G, Salamatian K, Uhlig S, Mathy L and Xie Y
Proceedings - Ieee Infocom, 1222-1230.  
bullet iconOn the extent of correlation in BGP updates in the Internet and what it tells us about locality of BGP routing events
Sapegin A and Uhlig S
Computer Communications vol. 36 (15-16), 1592-1605.  
bullet iconOptimal Cache Allocation for Content-Centric Networking
Wang Y, Li Z, TYSON G, Uhlig S and Xie G
21st IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
bullet iconParallelized Jaccard-Based Learning Method and MapReduce Implementation for Mobile Devices Recognition from Massive Network Data
Liu J, Li Y, Cuadrado F, Uhlig S and Lei Z
China Communications vol. 10 (7), 71-84.  
bullet iconRecent Changes in the Internet Landscape.
Uhlig S and Latasa FC
It Inf. Technol. vol. 55, 133-138.  
bullet iconPushing CDN-ISP collaboration to the limit.
Frank B, Poese I, Lin Y, Smaragdakis G, Feldmann A, Maggs BM, Rake J, Uhlig S and Weber R
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 43, 34-44.  
bullet iconOptimal cache allocation for content-centric networking
Wang Y, Li Z, Tyson G, Uhlig S and Xie G
Proceedings - International Conference On Network Protocols, Icnp 
bullet iconLMD: A local minimum driven and self-organized method to obtain locators
Wang Y, Xie G, Kaafar MA and Uhlig S
Proceedings - Ieee Symposium On Computers and Communications, 759-764.  
bullet iconImpact of access bandwidth on packet loss: A flow-level analysis
Mehmood MA, Sarrar N, Uhlig S and Feldmann A
2013 Ieee 11th Malaysia International Conference On Communications, Micc 2013, 259-264.  
bullet iconUnderstanding flow performance in the wild
Mehmood MA, Sarrar N, Uhlig S and Feldmann A
Proceedings - Ieee Global Communications Conference, Globecom, 1410-1415.  
bullet iconThe Critical Internet Infrastructure (Dagstuhl Seminar 13322).
Carle G, Schiller JH, Uhlig S, Willinger W and Wählisch M
Dagstuhl Reports vol. 3, 27-39.  
bullet iconBrief Announcement: Dynamic Forwarding Table Aggregation without Update Churn: The Case of Dependent Prefixes
Bienkowski M, Sarrar N, Schmid S and Uhlig S


bullet iconAnatomy of a large european IXP
Ager B, Sarrar N, Chatzis N, Uhlig S, Feldmann A and Willinger W
Computer Communication Review vol. 42 (4), 163-174.  
bullet iconRevisiting Content Availability in Distributed Online Social Networks
Schiöberg D, Schneider F, Tredan G, Uhlig S and Feldmann A
bullet iconEnabling content-aware traffic engineering
Poese I, Frank B, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A and Maggs B
Computer Communication Review vol. 42 (5), 22-28.  
bullet iconWeighted Spectral Distribution: A Metric for Structural Analysis of Networks
Fay D, Haddadi H, Moore AW, Mortier R, Thomason AG and Uhlig S
, 153-189.  
bullet iconContent-aware Traffic Engineering
Frank B, Poese I, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S and Feldmann A
bullet iconLeveraging Zipf's law for traffic offloading.
Sarrar N, Uhlig S, Feldmann A, Sherwood R and Huang X
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 42, 16-22.  
bullet iconInvestigating IPv6 Traffic - What Happened at the World IPv6 Day?
Sarrar N, Maier G, Ager B, Sommer R and Uhlig S
, Editors: Taft N and Ricciato F. 
bullet iconPitfalls in HTTP Traffic Measurements and Analysis.
Schneider F, Ager B, Maier G, Feldmann A and Uhlig S
, Editors: Taft N and Ricciato F. 
bullet iconOFLOPS: An Open Framework for OpenFlow Switch Evaluation.
Rotsos C, Sarrar N, Uhlig S, Sherwood R and Moore AW
, Editors: Taft N and Ricciato F. 
bullet iconImproving Content Delivery with PaDIS.
Poese I, Frank B, Ager B, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S and Feldmann A
Ieee Internet Computing vol. 16, 46-52.  
bullet iconContent-aware traffic engineering.
Frank B, Poese I, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S and Feldmann A
, Editors: Harrison PG, Arlitt MF and Casale G. 
bullet iconEnabling content-aware traffic engineering.
Poese I, Poese B, Smaragdakis G, Uhlig S, Feldmann A and Maggs BM
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 42, 21-28.  
bullet iconTowards TCAM-based scalable virtual routers.
Luo L, Xie G, Uhlig S, Mathy L, Salamatian K and Xie Y
, Editors: Barakat C, Teixeira R, Ramakrishnan KK and Thiran P. 
bullet iconAnatomy of a large european IXP.
Ager B, Chatzis N, Feldmann A, Sarrar N, Uhlig S and Willinger W
, Editors: Eggert L, Ott J, Padmanabhan VN and Varghese G. ACM SIGCOMM 2012 conference on Applications technologies architectures and protocols for computer communication
bullet iconTracing the birth of an OSN: social graph and profile analysis in Google+.
Schiöberg D, Schmid S, Schneider F, Uhlig S, Schiöberg H and Feldmann A
, Editors: Contractor NS, Uzzi B, Macy MW and Nejdl W. 


bullet iconWeb content cartography
Ager B, Mühlbauer W, Smaragdakis G and Uhlig S
Proceedings of The Acm Sigcomm Internet Measurement Conference, Imc, 585-600.  
bullet iconResearch challenges towards the Future Internet
Conti M, Chong S, Fdida S, Jia W, Karl H, Lin YD, Mähönen P, Maier M, Molva R, Uhlig S and Zukerman M
Computer Communications vol. 34 (18), 2115-2134.  
bullet iconDiscriminating graphs through spectral projections
Fay D, Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Kilmartin L, Moore AW, Kunegis J and Iliofotou M
Comput Netw vol. 55 (15), 3458-3468.  
bullet iconLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface
Domingo-Pascual J, Shavitt Y and Uhlig S
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 6613 LNCS 
bullet iconoBGP: An Overlay for a Scalable iBGP Control Plane.
Oprescu I, Meulle M, Uhlig S, Pelsser C, Maennel O and Owezarski P
, Editors: Domingo-Pascual J, Manzoni P, Palazzo S, Pont A and Scoglio CM. 
bullet iconTraffic Monitoring and Analysis - Third International Workshop, TMA 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 27, 2011. Proceedings

, Editors: Domingo-Pascual J, Shavitt Y and Uhlig S. 
bullet iconIP geolocation databases: unreliable?
Poese I, Uhlig S, Kâafar MA, Donnet B and Gueye B
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 41, 53-56.  
bullet iconResearch challenges towards the Future Internet
Conti M, Chong S, Fdida S, Jia W, Karl H, Lin Y-D, Mähönen P, Maier M, Molva R, Uhlig S and Zukerman M
Computer Communications 
bullet iconQoE-Lab: Towards Evaluating Quality of Experience for Future Internet Conditions.
Mehmood MA, Wundsam A, Uhlig S, Levin D, Sarrar N and Feldmann A
, Editors: Korakis T, Li H, Tran-Gia P and Park H-S. 


bullet iconTowards hardware accelerated software routers
Sarrar N, Feldmann A, Uhlig S, Sherwood R and Xin H
Proceedings of The Acm Conext Student Workshop, Conext 2010 
bullet iconRethinking iBGP routing
Oprescu I, Meulle M, Uhlig S, Pelsser C, Maennel O and Owezarski P
Computer Communication Review vol. 40 (4), 411-412.  
bullet iconSIMPLEX 2010 Program Committee
Barrat A, Boguna M, Bornholdt S, Boykin PO, Chaintreau A, Clegg R, Crovella M, Eagle N, Fey D, Gonzalez M, Hui P, Jamakovic A, Jeong H, Latapy M, Latora V, Nagaraja S, Magnien C, Mendes J, Mortier R, Mondragon R, et al.
2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops
bullet iconSIMPLEX 2010 Organizing Committee
Uhlig S, Hui P, Abdesslem FB, Crowcroft J and Willinger W
2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops
bullet iconPushing Quality of Service Across Inter-domain Boundaries
Fu B, Pelsser C and Uhlig S
, 135-162.  
bullet iconWeighted Spectral Distribution for Internet Topology Analysis: Theory and Applications
Fay D, Haddadi H, Thomason A, Moore AW, Mortier R, Jamakovic A, Uhlig S and Rio M
Ieee Acm Transactions On Networking vol. 18 (1), 164-176.  
bullet iconMixing Biases: Structural Changes in the AS Topology Evolution
Haddadi H, Fay D, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R and Jamakovic A
, Editors: Ricciato F, Mellia M and Biersack E. 
bullet iconWeighted spectral distribution for internet topology analysis: theory and applications.
Fay D, Haddadi H, Thomason A, Moore AW, Mortier R, Jamakovic A, Uhlig S and Rio M
bullet iconComparing DNS resolvers in the wild.
Ager B, Mühlbauer W, Smaragdakis G and Uhlig S
, Editors: Allman M. 
bullet iconRethinking iBGP routing.
Oprescu I, Meulle M, Uhlig S, Pelsser C, Maennel O and Owezarski P
, Editors: Kalyanaraman S, Padmanabhan VN, Ramakrishnan KK, Shorey R and Voelker GM. 
bullet iconImpact of routing parameters on route diversity and path inflation.
Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Feldmann A, Maennel O, Quoitin B and Fu B
Comput. Networks vol. 54, 2506-2518.  
bullet iconProviding scalable NH-diverse iBGP route re-distribution to achieve sub-second switch-over time.
Pelsser C, Uhlig S, Takeda T, Quoitin B and Shiomoto K
Comput. Networks vol. 54, 2492-2505.  
bullet iconEvolution of Internet Address Space Deaggregation: Myths and Reality.
Cittadini L, Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Bush R, François P and Maennel O
Ieee J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 28, 1238-1249.  
bullet iconOn the complexity of Internet traffic dynamics on its topology.
Uhlig S
Telecommun. Syst. vol. 43, 167-180.  


bullet iconSIMPLEX: Simplifying network science for practitioners
Uhlig S and Hui P
Simplex'09 - 1st Annual Workshop On Simplifying Complex Network For Practitioners 
bullet iconEnd-to-end quality of service
In End-to-End Quality of Service, Wiley-Iste, Editors: Mellouk A. 
bullet iconOn the Importance of Local Connectivity for Internet Topology Models
Haddadi H, Fay D, Jamakovic A, Maennel O, Moore AW, Mortier R and Uhlig S
bullet iconA weighted spectrum metric for comparison of internet topologies.
Fay D, Haddadi H, Moore AW, Mortier R, Uhlig S and Jamakovic A
bullet iconCapturing Internet Traffic Dynamics through Graph Distances.
Uhlig S, Fu B and Jamakovic A
, Editors: Zhou J. 
bullet iconImproving internet-wide routing protocols convergence with MRPC timers.
Lambert A, Buob M-O and Uhlig S
, Editors: Liebeherr J, Ventre G, Biersack EW and Keshav S. 
bullet iconInternet optometry: assessing the broken glasses in internet reachability.
Bush R, Maennel O, Roughan M and Uhlig S
, Editors: Feldmann A and Mathy L. Internet measurement conference
bullet iconPassive and Active Network Measurement, 10th International Conference, PAM 2009, Seoul, Korea, April 1-3, 2009. Proceedings

, Editors: Moon SB, Teixeira R and Uhlig S. 
bullet iconNew books and multimedia.
Bonaventure O, Uhlig S and MacGregor MH
Ieee Netw. vol. 23, 2-3.  


bullet iconFrom the Traffic Properties to Traffic Engineering in the Internet
Uhlig S
bullet iconBeyond Node Degree: Evaluating AS Topology Models
Haddadi H, Fay D, Jamakovic A, Maennel O, Moore AW, Mortier R, Rio M and Uhlig S
bullet iconModeling Internet topology dynamics
Haddadi H, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R and Rio M
Comput Commun Rev vol. 38 (2), 65-68.  
bullet iconTuning topology generators using spectral distributions
Haddadi H, Fay D, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R, Jamakovic A and Rio M
, Editors: Kounev S, Gorton I and Sachs K. 
bullet iconDesigning Optimal iBGP Route-Reflection Topologies.
Buob M-O, Uhlig S and Meulle M
, Editors: Das A, Pung HK, Lee FB-S and Wong LW-C. 
bullet iconPassive and Active Network Measurement, 9th International Conference, PAM 2008, Cleveland, OH, USA, April 29-30, 2008. Proceedings

, Editors: Claypool M and Uhlig S. 
bullet iconAssessing the Geographic Resolution of Exhaustive Tabulation for Geolocating Internet Hosts.
Siwpersad SS, Gueye B and Uhlig S
, Editors: Claypool M and Uhlig S. 
bullet iconGuest editorial - internet scalability: properties and evolution.
Roughan M, Uhlig S and Willinger W
Ieee Netw. vol. 22, 4-5.  
bullet iconOn the relationships between topological measures in real-world networks.
Jamakovic A and Uhlig S
Networks Heterog. Media vol. 3, 345-359.  
bullet iconTuning Topology Generators Using Spectral Distributions
Haddadi H, Fay D, Uhlig S, Moore A, Mortier R, Jamakovic A and Rio M
In Performance Evaluation: Metrics, Models and Benchmarks, Springer Nature 154-173.  


bullet iconLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics: Preface
Uhlig S, Papagiannaki K and Bonaventure O
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 4427 LNCS 
bullet iconChecking for optimal egress points in iBGP routing
Buob MO, Meulle M and Uhlig S
2007 6th International Workshop On Design and Reliable Communication Networks, Drcn 2007 
bullet iconTesting the reachability of (new) address space
Bush R, Hiebert J, Maennel O, Roughan M and Uhlig S
Proceedings of The 2007 Sigcomm Workshop On Internet Network Management, Inm '07, 236-241.  
bullet iconIn search for an appropriate granularity to model routing policies
Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Fu B, Meulle M and Maennel O
Computer Communication Review vol. 37 (4), 145-156.  
bullet iconOn the relationship between the algebraic connectivity and graph's robustness to node and link failures
Jamakovic A and Uhlig S
Ngi 2007: 2007 Next Generation Internet Networks - 3rd Eurongi Conference On Next Generation Internet Networks: Design and Engineering For Heterogeneity, 96-102.  
bullet iconInfluence of the network structure on robustness.
Jamakovic A and Uhlig S
bullet iconPassive and Active Network Measurement, 8th Internatinoal Conference, PAM 2007, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, April 5-6, 2007, Proceedings

, Editors: Uhlig S, Papagiannaki K and Bonaventure O. 
bullet iconInvestigating the Imprecision of IP Block-Based Geolocation.
Gueye B, Uhlig S and Fdida S
, Editors: Uhlig S, Papagiannaki K and Bonaventure O. 
bullet iconBGP Route Propagation Between Neighboring Domains.
Teixeira R, Uhlig S and Diot C
, Editors: Uhlig S, Papagiannaki K and Bonaventure O. 
bullet iconIn search for an appropriate granularity to model routing policies.
Mühlbauer W, Uhlig S, Fu B, Meulle M and Maennel O
, Editors: Murai J and Cho K. 
bullet iconInfluence of the network structure on robustness
Jamakovic A and Uhlig S
bullet iconChecking for optimal egress points in iBGP routing
Buob M-O, Meulle M and Uhlig S


bullet iconBuilding an AS-topology model that captures route diversity
Mühlbauer W, Feldmann A, Maennel O, Roughan M and Uhlig S
Proceedings of the 2006 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications
bullet iconLeveraging Buffering Delay Estimation for Geolocation of Internet Hosts.
Gueye B, Uhlig S, Ziviani A and Fdida S
, Editors: Boavida F, Plagemann T, Stiller B, Westphal C and Monteiro E. 
bullet iconQuantifying the BGP Routes Diversity Inside a Tier-1 Network.
Uhlig S and Tandel S
, Editors: Boavida F, Plagemann T, Stiller B, Westphal C and Monteiro E. 
bullet iconBuilding an AS-topology model that captures route diversity.
Mühlbauer W, Feldmann A, Maennel O, Roughan M and Uhlig S
, Editors: Rizzo L, Anderson TE and McKeown N. 
bullet iconProviding public intradomain traffic matrices to the research community.
Uhlig S, Quoitin B, Lepropre J and Balon S
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 36, 83-86.  
bullet iconAn open source traffic engineering toolbox.
Leduc G, Abrahamsson H, Balon S, Bessler S, D'Arienzo M, Delcourt O, Domingo-Pascual J, Cerav-Erbas S, Gojmerac I, Masip-Bruin X, Pescapè A, Quoitin B, Romano SF, Salvatori E, Skivée F, Tran HT, Uhlig S and Ümit H
Comput. Commun. vol. 29, 593-610.  
bullet iconThe many facets of internet topology and traffic.
Alderson DL, Chang H, Roughan M, Uhlig S and Willinger W
Networks Heterog. Media vol. 1, 569-600.  
bullet iconA critical view of the sensitivity of transit ASs to internal failures
Uhlig S and Tandel S


bullet iconOn the difficulty of establishing interdomain LSPs
Pelsser C, Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
2004 Ieee Workshop On Ip Operations and Management Proceedings, Ipom 2004: Self-Measurement and Self-Management of Ip Networks and Services, 134-139.  
bullet iconTweak-it: BGP-based interdomain traffic engineering for transit ASs
Uhlig S and Quoitin B
Ngi 2005 - Next Generation Internet Networks: Traffic Engineering vol. 2005, 75-82.  
bullet iconForwarding deflection in multi-area OSPF.
Iasi S, François P and Uhlig S
, Editors: Diaz M, Azcorra A, Owezarski P and Fdida S. 
bullet iconOn the Sensitivity of Transit ASes to Internal Failures.
Uhlig S
, Editors: Magedanz T, Madeira ERM and Dini P. 
bullet iconScalable Route Selection for IPv6 Multihomed Sites.
Launois CD, Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
, Editors: Boutaba R, Almeroth KC, Puigjaner R, Shen SX and Black JP. 
bullet iconA Multiple-objectives Evolutionary Perspective to Interdomain Traffic Engineering.
Uhlig S
Int. J. Comput. Intell. Appl. vol. 5, 215-230.  
bullet iconA performance evaluation of BGP-based traffic engineering.
Quoitin B, Pelsser C, Bonaventure O and Uhlig S
Int. J. Netw. Manag. vol. 15, 177-191.  
bullet iconModeling the routing of an autonomous system with C-BGP.
Quoitin B and Uhlig S
Ieee Netw. vol. 19, 12-19.  


bullet iconImplications of the topological properties of Internet traffic on traffic engineering.
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O, Magnin V, Rapier C and Deri L
, Editors: Haddad H, Omicini A, Wainwright RL and Liebrock LM. 
bullet iconNon-stationarity and high-order scaling in TCP flow arrivals: a methodological analysis.
Uhlig S
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 34, 9-24.  
bullet iconDesigning BGP-based outbound traffic engineering techniques for stub ASes.
Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
Comput. Commun. Rev. vol. 34, 89-106.  
bullet iconInterdomain traffic engineering with redistribution communities.
Quoitin B, Tandel S, Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
Comput. Commun. vol. 27, 355-363.  


bullet iconInterdomain traffic engineering with BGP
Quoitin B, Pelsser C, Swinnen L, Bonaventure O and Uhlig S
Ieee Communications Magazine vol. 41 (5), 122-128.  
bullet iconInternet Traffic Engineering.
Bonaventure O, Trimintzios P, Pavlou G, Quoitin B, Azcorra A, Bagnulo M, Flegkas P, García-Martínez A, Georgatsos P, Georgiadis L, Jacquenet C, Swinnen L, Tandel S and Uhlig S
, Editors: Smirnov M, Biersack EW, Blondia C, Bonaventure O, Casals O, Karlsson G, Pavlou G, Quoitin B, Roberts J, Stavrakakis I, Stiller B, Trimintzios P and Mieghem PV. 
bullet iconInterdomain Traffic Engineering with minimal BGP configurations
Uhlig S, Bonaventure O and Quoitin B
bullet iconConservative cascades: An invariant of internet traffic
Uhlig S
bullet iconA survey of interdomain traffic engineering techniques with BGP.
In Quality of Future Internet Services, Springer, Editors: Smirnov MI and 263 ECITFOSATROC. 


bullet iconUsing Redistribution Communities for Interdomain Traffic Engineering.
Quoitin B, Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
, Editors: Stiller B, Smirnov MI, Karsten M and Reichl P. 
bullet iconImplications of Interdomain Traffic Characteristics on Traffic Engineering.
Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
Eur. Trans. Telecommun. vol. 13, 23-32.  


bullet iconUnderstanding the Long-Term Self-Similarity of Internet Traffic.
Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
, Editors: Smirnov MI, Crowcroft J, Roberts J and Boavida F. 


bullet iconOn the Cost of Using MPLS for Interdomain Traffic.
Uhlig S and Bonaventure O
, Editors: Crowcroft J, Roberts J and Smirnov MI. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems
solid heart iconLearning-based reactive Internet Engineering
Steve Uhlig
£166,008 Alan Turing Institute, The
01-02-2019 - 30-03-2021
solid heart iconEARL: Sdn EnAbled MeasuRement for alL
Steve Uhlig
£2,024,684 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-01-2018 - 30-06-2021
solid heart iconEvolving Internet Ecosystem
Steve Uhlig
£2,000 TRP T.RowePrice
01-02-2017 - 28-02-2019