Dr Salvatore Grasso

Salvatore Grasso
PhD, MSc, FHEA, MIMMM, Editor of European Ceramic Society

Senior Lecturer

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Ultra-fast high temperature sintering, Spark Plasma Sintering, Cold Sintering, intense magnetic field assisted processing, Solid state battery


His current research is around the use of intense Electric (voltages up to 10kV and current up to 0.6 MA) and Magnetic fields (15 Tesla) to develop novel processing techniques to design unprecedented materials properties. Multi fields assisted processing is a key component of his current research vision. The focus is on ceramic materials, including textured ceramics, battery materials, thermoelectrics and transparent oxides. Low energy processing and sustainability are key aspects of his research vision. He is currently Editor of the European Ceramic Society, Associate Editor of both the American ceramic society and International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.

Functional ceramics for energy: Fuel cells and solid state batteries
Sustainable manufacturing: Ultra-fast high temperature sintering and Cold sintering
Advanced material processing: Strong magnetic field alignment, Field Assisted Processing, Thermal shock synthesis


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering


Relevant PublicationThermal conductivity of WC: Microstructural design driven by first-principles simulations
Humphry-Baker SA, Mellan TA, Finnis M, Polcik P, Lee WE, Reece M and Grasso S
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 283 


bullet iconRhombohedral stacking-faults in exfoliated highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
Boi F, Lee C-Y, Wang S, Wu H, Li L, Zhang L, Song J, Dai Y, Taallah A, Odunmbaku O, Corrias A, Baron-Wiechec A, Zheng S and Grasso S
Carbon Trends, Elsevier vol. 15 
bullet iconGreen synthesis of nanosized Tantalum carbide (TaC) via natural polymer/tantalum oxide hybrid composites: A sustainable approach towards enhanced processing and properties
Patra N, Al Nasiri N, Grasso S, Daniel DJ and Lee WE
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Elsevier vol. 179 
bullet iconEnhancing densification rate and the unusual 4H-SiC polytype stabilization in ultrafast high-temperature sintering of α-SiC
Zuo F, Deng Y-N, Liu Z-X, Li Q, Grasso S, Xu Y-X, Jiang B-B, Jiang Q-G, Lin H-T and Wang L-G
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 44 (2), 610-616.  
bullet iconCeramics and Glass Ceramics for Biomedical Applications
Patra N, Ramesh P, Grasso S and Boccacini AR
In Fiber and Ceramic Filler-Based Polymer Composites For Biomedical Engineering, Springer Nature 19-44.  


bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure, physical and mechanical properties of phase-pure entropy-enhanced (Nb0.8Ti0.05Ta0.05V0.05M0.05)4AlC3 (M = Hf, Zr) ceramics
He H, Hu B, Soomro SA, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Zhou Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 43 (14), 5782-5791.  
bullet iconImpact of sintering thermal history on MgO‐doped alumina: Reduction of grain growth constant through high heating rates
Kermani M, Wu J, Liu Z, Zuo F, Lin H, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Wiley vol. 107 (1), 132-143.  
bullet iconSynthesis of new lead‐containing MAX phases of Zr3PbC2 and Hf3PbC2
Zhang Q, Wen B, Luo J, Zhou Y, San X, Bao Y, Chu L, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Wiley vol. 106 (11), 6390-6397.  
bullet iconUltra-fast high-temperature sintering of transparent MgAl2O4
Wu J, Lin Y, Hu C, Grasso S, Zhu D, Li J, Katz-Demyanitcz A and Goldstein A
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 49 (11), 19537-19540.  
bullet iconSynthesis and characterization of ternary layered i‐MAX (Mo2/3Y1/3)2AlC ceramics fabricated by spark plasma sintering
Cheng J, Zhang Q, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Chu L, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Wiley vol. 20 (5), 2717-2726.  
bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure and property characterization of Mo4Y2Al3B6 ceramic fabricated by spark plasma sintering
Du L, Zhang Q, Cao L, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 43 (5), 1880-1886.  
bullet iconSynthesis of new rare earth containing ternary laminar Sc2PbC ceramic
Zhang Q, Wen B, Luo J, Zhou Y, San X, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 43 (4), 1735-1739.  
bullet iconFar from equilibrium ultrafast high‐temperature sintering of ZrO2–SiO2 nanocrystalline glass–ceramics
Fu L, Wu J, Sathyanath SKM, Wang B, Leifer K, Engqvist H, Grasso S and Xia W
Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Wiley vol. 106 (7), 4005-4012.  
bullet iconHigh‐Entropy Perovskites for Energy Conversion and Storage: Design, Synthesis, and Potential Applications
Wang Y, Liu J, Song Y, Yu J, Tian Y, Robson MJ, Wang J, Zhang Z, Lin X, Zhou G, Wang Z, Shen L, Zhao H, Grasso S and Ciucci F
Small Methods, Wiley vol. 7 (4) 
bullet iconCold hydrostatic sintering of 45S5 bioactive glass
Nawaz Q, Pantulap U, Hurle K, Luo N, Grasso S and Boccaccini AR
European Journal of Materials, Taylor & Francis vol. 3 (1), 1-10.  
bullet iconRapid crystallization of Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 glass ceramics via ultra‐fast high‐temperature sintering (UHS)
Wu J, Kermani M, Cao L, Wang B, Dai Z, Fu L, Hu C and Grasso S
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Wiley vol. 20 (4), 2125-2130.  
bullet iconFrom pit fire to Ultrafast High-temperature Sintering (UHS): A review on ultrarapid consolidation
Kermani M, Hu C and Grasso S
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 49 (3), 4017-4029.  
bullet iconThermal explosion synthesis of first Te-containing layered ternary Hf2TeB MAX phase
Zhang Q, Zhou Y, San X, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 43 (1), 173-176.  


Relevant PublicationUltra-low energy processing of graphite: a fast-track journey towards carbon neutrality
Dai Z, Cong L, Zuo F, Biesuz M, Chen K, Bertolotti M, Kermani M, Yong L, Tyrpekl V, Hu C, Boi F, Lin H-T, Reece M and Grasso S
Applied Materials Today, Elsevier vol. 29 
bullet iconUpscaling Ultrafast High-Temperature Sintering (UHS) to consolidate large-sized and complex-shaped ceramics
Zuo F, Wang Q, Yan Z-Q, Kermani M, Grasso S, Nie G-L, Jiang B-B, He F-P, Lin H-T and Wang L-G
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 221 
bullet iconBeta-Ta4AlC3 is not formed by transformation from α-Ta4AlC3
Quan Y, Zhang Q, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 42 (15), 7377-7380.  
bullet iconEnhanced properties of tailored MoAlB ceramics by hot forging
Zhou S, Khan MU, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 42 (15), 6918-6924.  
bullet iconCold sintering of Van Der Waals layered compounds
Dai Z, Tyrpekl V, Boi F, Song J, Hu C and Grasso S
Open Ceramics, Elsevier vol. 12 
bullet iconZr2SeB and Hf2SeB: Two new MAB phase compounds with the Cr2AlC-type MAX phase (211 phase) crystal structures
Zhang Q, Zhou Y, San X, Li W, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Tsinghua University Press vol. 11 (11), 1764-1776.  
bullet iconUltra-Fast Thermal Shock Evaluation of Ti2AlC Ceramic
Ding W, Hu B, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Materials, Mdpi vol. 15 (19) 
bullet iconImpact of reducing conditions on the stabilization of Mg0.2Co0.2Ni0.2Cu0.2Zn0.2O high-entropy oxide
Lin Y, Biesuz M, Bortolotti M, Shen L, Wu J, Baptiste PY, Yu J, Ciucci F, Sglavo VM, Hu C and Grasso S
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 48 (20), 30184-30190.  
bullet iconUnusual magnetic transition and enhanced diamagnetism in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite with long-range stacking-order
Song J, Dai Z, Wang S, Kermani M, Gao S, Wen J, Gu A, He Y, Grasso S, Corrias A and Boi F
Diamond and Related Materials, Elsevier vol. 127 
bullet iconRapidly synthesizing Hf2SB ceramics by thermal explosion
Zhang Q, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 42 (9), 3780-3786.  
bullet iconPreparations and Applications of MXene–Metal Composites: A Review
Khan MU, Du L, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Coatings, Mdpi vol. 12 (4) 
bullet iconAblation mechanisms of Ti3SiC2 ceramic at 1600 °C in nitrogen plasma flame
Su X, Liu G, Dai B, Hu B, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 48 (10), 14004-14013.  
bullet iconSynthesis and property characterization of ternary laminar Zr2SB ceramic
Zhang Q, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Springeropen vol. 11 (5), 825-833.  
bullet iconInvestigation of double perovskites Sr2SmNbO6 and X2CoNbO6 (X=Sr,Ba) with SCAN functional and plus U correction
Zeng Y, Hu Q, Pan M, Zhang K, Grasso S, Hu C and Feng Q
Advanced Powder Materials, Elsevier vol. 1 (2) 
bullet iconUltra-fast high-temperature sintering (UHS) of Ce0.2Zr0.2Y0.2Gd0.2La0.2O2−δ fluorite-structured entropy-stabilized oxide (F-ESO)
Spiridigliozzi L, Dell'Agli G, Esposito S, Rivolo P, Grasso S, Sglavo VM and Biesuz M
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 214 
bullet iconUltra-fast high temperature sintering (UHS) of Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5P3O12 electrolyte: A rationalization of the heating schedule
Wu J, Lin Y, Kermani M, Hu C and Grasso S
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 48 (5), 6356-6362.  
bullet iconCarbon free ultra-fast high temperature sintering of translucent zirconia
Wu J, kermani M, Zhu D, Li J, Lin Y, Hu C and Grasso S
Scripta Materialia vol. 210 


bullet iconUltra-fast High-temperature Sintering (UHS) of translucent alumina
Kermani M, Zhu D, Li J, Wu J, Lin Y, Dai Z, Hu C and Grasso S
Open Ceramics, Elsevier vol. 9 
Relevant PublicationFabrication and characterisation of single-phase Hf2Al4C5 ceramics
Jayaseelan DD, Pramana S, Grasso S, Bai Y, Skinner S, Reece MJ and Lee WE
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 42 (4), 1292-1301.  
bullet iconUltrahigh Temperature Flash Sintering of Binder-Less Tungsten Carbide within 6 s
Deng H, Biesuz M, Vilémová M, Kermani M, Veverka J, Tyrpekl V, Hu C and Grasso S
Materials, Mdpi vol. 14 (24) 
bullet iconDesign, fabrication, microstructure, and properties of highly porous alumina whisker foam ceramic
Wu J, Chen H, Luo X, Hu B, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 48 (2), 2776-2781.  
bullet iconFabrication, microstructure, and properties of in situ V2C-reinforced copper composites
Quan Y, Hu B, Fu S, Wan D, Bao Y, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Metals, Mdpi vol. 11 (11) 
bullet iconWater-assisted cold isostatic pressing to enhance sinterability of alumina ceramics
Kermani M, Pouchly V, Lin Y, Hu C and Grasso S
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Wiley vol. 19 (3), 1249-1254.  
Relevant PublicationFlash Spark Plasma Sintering of SiC: Impact of Additives
Sharma SK, Fides M, Hvizdoš P, Reece MJ and Grasso S
Silicon, Springer Nature vol. 14 (12), 7377-7382.  
bullet iconIn-situ graphene platelets formation and its suppression during reactive spark plasma sintering of boron carbide/titanium diboride composites
Ünsal H, Grasso S, Kovalčíková A, Hanzel O, Tatarková M, Dlouhý I and Tatarko P
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 41 (13), 6281-6289.  
bullet iconUltrafast high-temperature sintering of silicon nitride: A comparison with the state-of-the-art techniques
Luo R-X, Kermani M, Guo Z-L, Dong J, Hu C-F, Zuo F, Grasso S, Jiang B-B, Nie G-L, Yan Z-Q, Wang Q, Gan Y-L, He F-P and Lin H-T
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 41 (13), 6338-6345.  
bullet iconUltrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3
Lin Y, Luo N, Quattrocchi E, Ciucci F, Wu J, Kermani M, Dong J, Hu C and Grasso S
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 47 (15), 21982-21987.  
Relevant PublicationThermally-insulated ultra-fast high temperature sintering (UHS) of zirconia: A master sintering curve analysis
Dong J, Pouchly V, Biesuz M, Tyrpekl V, Vilémová M, Kermani M, Reece M, Hu C and Grasso S
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 203 
bullet iconComparative investigation of ultrafast thermal shock of Ti3AlC2 ceramic in water and air
Hu B, Bao Y, Su X, Wan D, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Wiley vol. 18 (5), 1863-1871.  
bullet iconFlash cold sintering of Nb2O5: polarity and electrolyte effects
Dong J, Kermani M, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Taylor & Francis vol. 9 (3), 934-939.  
bullet iconSpeedy bioceramics: Rapid densification of tricalcium phosphate by ultrafast high-temperature sintering
Biesuz M, Galotta A, Motta A, Kermani M, Grasso S, Vontorová J, Tyrpekl V, Vilémová M and Sglavo VM
Materials Science and Engineering C, Elsevier vol. 127 
Relevant PublicationStructural Evolution in BiNbO4.
Yu C, Viola G, Zhang D, Stroscio Z, Hu Z, Eskilla VR, Grasso S, Wilson RM, Zhou K, Bonini N, Fortes AD, Abrahams I and Yan H
Inorganic Chemistry: Including Bioinorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society 
bullet iconThermal shock resistance of Ti3SiC2 ceramic under extremely rapid thermal cycling
Su X, Bao Y, Wan D, Zhang H, Xu L, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 866 
bullet iconSynthesis of θ-Al2O3 Whiskers with Twins
Liao N, Su X, Zhang H, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Metals, Mdpi vol. 11 (6) 
Relevant PublicationUltrafast high-temperature sintering (UHS) of fine grained α-Al2O3
Kermani M, Dong J, Biesuz M, Linx Y, Deng H, Sglavo VM, Reece MJ, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 41 (13), 6626-6633.  
bullet iconSpark Plasma Sintering of LiFePO4: AC Field Suppressing Lithium Migration
Luo N, Lin Y, Guo J, Quattrocchi E, Deng H, Dong J, Ciucci F, Boi F, Hu C and Grasso S
Materials, Mdpi vol. 14 (11) 
bullet iconSynthesis and characterization of ternary layered Nb2SB ceramics fabricated by spark plasma sintering
Qin Y, Zhou Y, Fan L, Feng Q, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 878 
bullet iconAthermal electric field effects in flash sintered zirconia
Dong J, Biesuz M, Sglavo VM, Kermani M, Su X, Saunders T, Hu C and Grasso S
Advances in Applied Ceramics vol. 120 (4), 193-201.  
bullet iconSustainable high‐entropy ceramics for reversible energy storage: A short review
Lin Y, Luo N, Chamas M, Hu C and Grasso S
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Wiley vol. 18 (5), 1560-1569.  
Relevant PublicationA review of electromagnetic processing of materials (EPM): Heating, sintering, joining and forming
Biesuz M, Saunders T, Ke D, Reece MJ, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of Material Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 69, 239-272.  
bullet iconCold isostatic sintering to enhance the ionic conductivity of LiFePO4
Luo N, Lin Y, Chamas M, Hu C and Grasso S
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 47 (7), 9296-9302.  
bullet iconFlash spark plasma sintering of pure TiB2
Failla S, Fu S, Sciti D and Grasso S
Open Ceramics, Elsevier vol. 5 
bullet iconFlash sintering of zircon: rapid consolidation of an ultrahigh bandgap ceramic
Martinez JM, Biesuz M, Dong J, Gauna M, Suarez G, Sglavo VM, Lin H-T, Grasso S and Rendtorff NM
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Taylor & Francis vol. 9 (1), 374-381.  
bullet iconEnhanced percolative spin-glass-like behavior in oxygen-rich highly oriented pyrolytic graphite with anomalous non-hexagonal superlattices and doubled electron diffraction patterns
Boi FS, He Y, Gao S, Lei L, Guo J, Taallah A, Grasso S and Wang S
Carbon Trends, Elsevier vol. 2 
bullet iconCold joining of fused silica: Bonding pressure and surface roughness effects
Ke D, Tatarko P, Luo N, Taveri G, Kermani M, Wang X, Hu C and Grasso S
Materials Letters, Elsevier vol. 282 


bullet iconMagnetic Field Generated during Electric Current-Assisted Sintering: From Health and Safety Issues to Lorentz Force Effects
Deng H, Dong J, Boi F, Saunders T, Hu C and Grasso S
Metals, Mdpi vol. 10 (12) 
bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure, and properties of high purity Mo2TiAlC2 ceramics fabricated by spark plasma sintering
Niu Y, Fu S, Zhang K, Dai B, Zhang H, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Tsinghua University Press vol. 9 (6), 759-768.  
bullet iconEffect of cold sintering process (CSP) on the electro-chemo-mechanical properties of Gd-doped ceria (GDC)
Kabir A, Espineira-Cachaza M, Fiordaliso EM, Ke D, Grasso S, Merle B and Esposito V
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 40 (15), 5612-5618.  
bullet iconFerromagnetic correlation in hydrogen doped highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
Gao S, Dong J, Luo N, Grasso S, Guo J, Lei L, Wen J, Wang S, Taallah A, He Y, Odunmbaku O and Boi FS
Diamond and Related Materials, Elsevier vol. 109 
bullet iconWhat’s new in ceramics sintering? A short report on the latest trends and future prospects
Biesuz M, Grasso S and Sglavo VM
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, Elsevier vol. 24 (5) 
bullet iconUnusual butterfly-shaped magnetization signals and spin-glass-like behaviour in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
Taallah A, Wen J, Wang S, Grasso S, He Y, Xia J, Shuai G, Odunmbaku O, Corrias A and Boi FS
Carbon, Elsevier vol. 167, 85-91.  
Relevant PublicationFlash cold sintering: Combining water and electricity
Kermani M, Biesuz M, Dong J, Deng H, Bortolotti M, Chiappini A, Reece MJ, Sglavo VM, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 40 (15), 6266-6271.  
bullet iconTheoretical prediction, synthesis, and crystal structure determination of new MAX phase compound V2SnC
Xu Q, Zhou Y, Zhang H, Jiang A, Tao Q, Lu J, Rosén J, Niu Y, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Tsinghua University Press vol. 9 (4), 481-492.  
Relevant PublicationInterfacial reaction between ZrNbHfTa foil and graphite: Formation of high-entropy carbide and the effect of heating rate on its microstructure
Biesuz M, Saunders TG, Chen K, Bortolotti M, Salvo M, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 40 (7), 2699-2708.  
bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure and properties of MoAlB ceramics prepared by in situ reactive spark plasma sintering
Su X, Dong J, Chu L, Sun H, Grasso S and Hu C
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 46 (10), 15214-15221.  
Relevant PublicationMagnetic field-induced alignment of nanofibrous supramolecular membranes: a molecular design approach to create tissue-like biomaterials
Radvar E, Shi Y, Grasso S, Edwards-Gayle CJC, Liu X, Mauter MS, Castelletto V, Hamley IW, Reece MJ and Azevedo HS
Acs Applied Materials and Interfaces, American Chemical Society 
Relevant PublicationHighly textured and strongly anisotropic TiB2 ceramics prepared using magnetic field alignment (9T)
Tatarko P, Grasso S, Kovalčíková A, Medveď D, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 40 (4), 1111-1118.  
bullet iconProgress in development of SiC-based joints resistant to neutron irradiation
Koyanagi T, Katoh Y, Hinoki T, Henager C, Ferraris M and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 40 (4), 1023-1034.  
bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure, and mechanical properties of TiC‐SiC‐Ti3SiC2 composites prepared by in situ reactive hot pressing
Liao N, Xu L, Jin Y, Xiao Y, Grasso S and Hu C
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Wiley vol. 17 (4), 1601-1607.  
bullet iconFormation of high entropy metal diborides using arc-melting and combinatorial approach to study quinary and quaternary solid solutions
Failla S, Galizia P, Fu S, Grasso S and Sciti D
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 40 (3), 588-593.  
Relevant PublicationA review of cold sintering processes
Grasso S, Biesuz M, Zoli L, Taveri G, Duff AI, Ke D, Jiang A and Reece MJ
Advances in Applied Ceramics, Sage Publications vol. 119 (3), 115-143.  
bullet iconContactless flash sintering based on cold plasma
Dong J, Wang Z, Zhao X, Biesuz M, Saunders T, Zhang Z, Hu C and Grasso S
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 175, 20-23.  
bullet iconSynthesis and characterization of high purity Mo2Ti2AlC3 ceramic
Fu S, Liu Y, Zhang H, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 815 


Relevant PublicationFlash joining of conductive ceramics in a few seconds by flash spark plasma sintering
Biesuz M, Saunders TG, Grasso S, Speranza G, Sorarù GD, Campostrini R, Sglavo VM and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 39 (15), 4664-4672.  
bullet iconUltra-low energy joining: An invisible strong bond at room temperature
Ke D, Jiang A, Biesuz M, Bortolotti M, Taveri G, Wang X, Xu M, Li J, Feng Y, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 39 (16), 5358-5363.  
bullet iconA theoretical analysis of cold sintering
Biesuz M, Taveri G, Duff AI, Olevsky E, Zhu D, Hu C and Grasso S
Advances in Applied Ceramics, Sage Publications vol. 119 (2), 75-89.  
bullet iconDensification and Phase Transformation in Multi-Layered Graded Si3N4–TiN Components Produced by Field-Assisted Sintering
Lin D-T, Yuan L-J, Zhang P-J, Zuo F, Plucknett K, Grasso S, Wang H-J and Lin H-T
Materials, Mdpi vol. 12 (18) 
bullet iconCold Hydrostatic Sintering: From shaping to 3D printing
Jiang A, Ke D, Xu L, Xu Q, Li J, Wei J, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of Materiomics, Elsevier vol. 5 (3), 496-501.  
Relevant PublicationDesign and development of ring-on-ring jig for biaxial strength testing of brittle ceramic composite materials: ZrB2-30wt-%SiB6
Carrasco-Pena A, Jordan R, Dieguez J, Coronado-Rodríguez A, Ozdemir VB, Kwok K, Orlovskaya N, Vazquez-Molina DA, Uribe-Romo FJ, Bolon A, Radovic M, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Advances in Applied Ceramics, Sage Publications vol. 118 (4), 159-168.  
Relevant PublicationFlash spark plasma sintering of 3YSZ
Biesuz M, Sedlák R, Saunders T, Kovalčíková A, Dusza J, Reece M, Zhu D, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 39 (5), 1932-1937.  
Relevant PublicationA novel microstructural design to improve the oxidation resistance of ZrB2-SiC ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs)
Zhang H, Jayaseelan DD, Bogomol I, Reece MJ, Hu C, Grasso S and Lee WE
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 785, 958-964.  
bullet iconArc melting: a novel method to prepare homogeneous solid solutions of transition metal carbides (Zr, Ta, Hf)
Zhang Z, Fu S, Aversano F, Bortolotti M, Zhang H, Hu C and Grasso S
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 45 (7), 9316-9319.  
Relevant PublicationAnomalous slip of ZrB2 ceramic grains during in-situ micropillar compression up to 500 °C
Csanádi T, Wehrs J, Grasso S, Reece M, Michler J and Dusza J
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Elsevier vol. 80, 270-276.  
bullet iconMicrostructure and flexural strength of hafnium diboride via flash and conventional spark plasma sintering
Demirskyi D, Suzuki TS, Grasso S and Vasylkiv O
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 39 (4), 898-906.  
Relevant PublicationHigh entropy Sr((Zr0.94Y0.06)0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Hf0.2Mn0.2)O3−x perovskite synthesis by reactive spark plasma sintering
Biesuz M, Fu S, Dong J, Jiang A, Ke D, Xu Q, Zhu D, Bortolotti M, Reece MJ, Hu C and Grasso S
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Taylor & Francis vol. 7 (2), 127-132.  
bullet iconThermally-insulated flash sintering
Biesuz M, Dong J, Fu S, Liu Y, Zhang H, Zhu D, Hu C and Grasso S
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 162, 99-102.  
bullet iconSynthesis and oxidation resistance of MoAlB single crystals
Shi O, Xu L, Jiang A, Xu Q, Xiao Y, Zhu D, Grasso S and Hu C
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 45 (2), 2446-2450.  
Relevant PublicationChapter 7 Refined SPS modeling based on calibrated current and voltage measurements
Gucci F, Saunders T, Reece M and Grasso S
In Spark Plasma Sintering, Elsevier 163-184.  
bullet iconA bi-layer buffer system AlN/Al 1−x In x N to enable the growth of high crystal quality Al 0.36 In 0.64 N thin films on Si (111)
Lu W, Wang X, Ma Y, Grasso S and Xu M
Crystengcomm, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 21 (35), 5211-5215.  
bullet iconPulsed electrodischarged pressure sintering and flash sintering, a review
Sakka Y and Grasso S


bullet iconMicrostructure and mechanical properties of gel casted Ti3AlC2
Liu Y, Zhu D, Grasso S and Hu C
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 44 (18), 23254-23258.  
Relevant PublicationFlash spark plasma sintering of HfB2 ceramics without pre-sintering
Zou J, Grasso S, Liu L-F, Ma H-B, Reece M and Binner J
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 156, 115-119.  
bullet iconReactive carbothermal reduction of ZrC and ZrOC using Spark Plasma Sintering
Giorgi E, Grasso S, Zapata-Solvas E and Lee WE
bullet iconBio‐Inspired Hydro‐Pressure Consolidation of Silica
Taveri G, Grasso S, Gucci F, Toušek J and Dlouhy I
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 28 (48) 
Relevant PublicationEffectiveness of boria welding flux in improving the wettability of ZrB2 in contact with molten Cu
Saunders T, Tatarko P, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 38 (12), 4198-4202.  
bullet iconTunable morphology of aluminum oxide whiskers grown by hydrothermal method
Zhang H, Zhu D, Grasso S and Hu C
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 44 (13), 14967-14973.  
bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure and properties of MoAlB ceramics
Xu L, Shi O, Liu C, Zhu D, Grasso S and Hu C
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 44 (11), 13396-13401.  
bullet iconEffect of texture on oxidation resistance of Ti3AlC2
Xu L, Zhu D, Liu Y, Suzuki TS, Kim B-N, Sakka Y, Grasso S and Hu C
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 38 (10), 3417-3423.  
Relevant PublicationInvestigation of Electrochemical, Optical and Thermal Effects during Flash Sintering of 8YSZ
Biesuz M, Pinter L, Saunders T, Reece M, Binner J, Sglavo VM and Grasso S
Materials, Mdpi vol. 11 (7) 
Relevant PublicationDC-electro softening in soda lime silicate glass: An electro-thermal analysis
Pinter L, Biesuz M, Sglavo VM, Saunders T, Binner J, Reece M and Grasso S
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 151, 14-18.  
Relevant PublicationProcessing and Properties of High Entropy Ultra-High Temperature Carbides
CASTLE E, Csanádi T, GRASSO S, Dusza J and REECE M
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 8, 8609-8609.  


bullet iconMicrostructure and indentation damage resistance of ZrB2‐20 vol.%SiC ipo‐eutectic composites
Zhou J, Zhu D, Zhang H, Bogomol I, Grasso S and Hu C
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Wiley vol. 15 (3), 619-624.  
Relevant PublicationMagnéli phase titanium suboxides by Flash Spark Plasma Sintering
Yu M, Saunders T, Grasso S, Mahajan A, Zhang H and Reece MJ
Scripta Materialia vol. 146, 241-245.  
Relevant PublicationFlash joining of CVD-SiC coated Cf/SiC composites with a Ti interlayer
Tatarko P, Grasso S, Saunders TG, Casalegno V, Ferraris M and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 37 (13), 3841-3848.  
Relevant PublicationImpact of spark plasma sintering (SPS) on mullite formation in porcelains
Lerdprom W, Bhowmik A, Grasso S, Zapata-Solvas E, Jayaseelan DD, Reece MJ and Lee WE
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 101 (2), 525-535.  
Relevant PublicationHigh coercivity, anisotropic, heavy rare earth-free Nd-Fe-B by Flash Spark Plasma Sintering
CASTLE E, Sheridan R, Zhou W, Grasso S, Walton A and Reece MJ
, Editors: Li S. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 
Relevant PublicationRapid spark plasma sintering to produce dense UHTCs reinforced with undamaged carbon fibres
Zoli L, Vinci A, Silvestroni L, Sciti D, Reece M and Grasso S
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 130, 1-7.  
bullet iconEffect of texture microstructure on tribological properties of tailored Ti3AlC2 ceramic
Xu L, Zhu D, Grasso S, Suzuki TS, Kasahara A, Tosa M, Kim B-N, Sakka Y, Zhu M and Hu C
Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Tsinghua University Press vol. 6 (2), 120-128.  
Relevant PublicationPeltier effect during spark plasma sintering (SPS) of thermoelectric materials
Maizza G, Mastrorillo GD, Grasso S, Ning H and Reece MJ
Journal of Materials Science, Springer Nature vol. 52 (17), 10341-10352.  
Relevant PublicationDensification behaviour and physico-mechanical properties of porcelains prepared using spark plasma sintering
Lerdprom W, Grasso S, Jayaseelan DD, Reece MJ and Lee WE
Advances in Applied Ceramics vol. 116 (6), 307-315.  
Relevant PublicationFlash spark plasma sintering of cold-Pressed TiB2-hBN
McKinnon R, Grasso S, Tudball A and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 37 (8), 2787-2794.  
Relevant PublicationFlash spark plasma sintering of magnesium silicide stannide with improved thermoelectric properties
Du B, Gucci F, Porwal H, Grasso S, Mahajan A and Reece MJ
Journal of Materials Chemistry C vol. 5 (6), 1514-1521.  
bullet iconImproved transparency and hardness in α-alumina ceramics fabricated by high-pressure SPS of nanopowders
Ghanizadeh S, Grasso S, Ramanujam P, Vaidhyanathan B, Binner J, Brown P and Goldwasser J
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 43 (1), 275-281.  


Relevant PublicationReview of flash sintering: materials, mechanisms and modelling
Yu M, Grasso S, Mckinnon R, Saunders T and Reece MJ
Advances in Applied Ceramics, Taylor & Francis vol. 116 (1), 24-60.  
Relevant PublicationInvestigating the highest melting temperature materials: A laser melting study of the TaC-HfC system.
Cedillos-Barraza O, Manara D, Boboridis K, Watkins T, Grasso S, Jayaseelan DD, Konings RJM, Reece MJ and Lee WE
Sci Rep vol. 6, 37962-37962.  
Relevant PublicationErratum: Corrigendum to “Mechanical properties and residual stresses in ZrB2–SiC spark plasma sintered ceramic composites” (J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. (2016) 36(7) (1527–1537))
Stadelmann R, Lugovy M, Orlovskaya N, Mchaffey P, Radovic M, Sglavo VM, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 36 (14), 3545-3545.  
Relevant PublicationGrowth of SiC platelets using contactless flash technique
Wang C, Wu D, Grasso S, Saunders T, Castle E, Yan H and Reece MJ
Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 124 (9), 845-847.  
Relevant PublicationSpark plasma sintering in a flash
Grasso S, Saunders T, McKinnon R, Castle E, Tatarko P, Du B, Gucci F, Yu M, Porwal H, Milsom B and Reece M
American Ceramic Society Bulletin vol. 95 (7), 32-34.  
Relevant PublicationUltrafast-Contactless Flash Sintering using Plasma Electrodes
Saunders T, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Scientific Reports vol. 6 
Relevant PublicationMechanical properties and residual stresses in ZrB2–SiC spark plasma sintered ceramic composites
Stadelmann R, Lugovy M, Orlovskaya N, Mchaffey P, Radovic M, Sglavo VM, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 36 (7), 1527-1537.  
Relevant PublicationRapid Sintering of Anisotropic, Nanograined Nd-Fe-B by Flash-Spark Plasma Sintering
CASTLE E, Grasso S, Reece MJ, Sheridan R and Walton A
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 
Relevant PublicationEffect of lateral size of graphene nano-sheets on the mechanical properties and machinability of alumina nano-composites
Porwal H, Saggar R, Tatarko P, Grasso S, Saunders T, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 42 (6), 7533-7542.  
Relevant PublicationFlash Spark Plasma Sintering (FSPS) of α and β SiC
Grasso S, Saunders T, Porwal H, Milsom B, Tudball A and Reece M
Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Wiley vol. 99 (5), 1534-1543.  
Relevant PublicationUltra-Rapid Crystal Growth of Textured SiC Using Flash Spark Plasma Sintering Route
Grasso S, Kim E-Y, Saunders T, Yu M, Tudball A, Choi S-H and Reece M
Crystal Growth and Design, American Chemical Society vol. 16 (4), 2317-2321.  
Relevant PublicationSintering behaviour, solid solution formation and characterisation of TaC, HfC and TaC-HfC fabricated by spark plasma sintering
Cedillos-Barraza O, Grasso S, Nasiri NA, Jayaseelan DD, Reece MJ and Lee WE
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 36 (7), 1539-1548.  
bullet iconAttempts to synthesise quaternary MAX phases (Zr,M)2AlC and Zr2(Al,A)C as a way to approach Zr2AlC
Horlait D, Grasso S, Chroneos A and Lee WE
Materials Research Letters, Taylor & Francis vol. 4 (3), 137-144.  
Relevant PublicationPlasticity in ZrB2 micropillars induced by anomalous slip activation
Csanádi T, Szommer P, Chinh NQ, Grasso S, Dusza J and Reece M
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 36 (3), 389-394.  
Relevant PublicationNanohardness and elastic anisotropy of ZrB2 crystals
Csanádi T, Grasso S, Kovalčíková A, Dusza J and Reece M
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 36 (1), 239-242.  


Relevant Publication2D Raman mapping and thermal residual stresses in SiC grains of ZrB2–SiC ceramic composites
Stadelmann R, Hughes B, Orlovskaya N, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Ceramics International, Elsevier vol. 41 (10), 13630-13637.  
Relevant PublicationLimiting oxidation of ZrB2 by application of an electric field across its oxide scale
Saunders T, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 653, 629-635.  
Relevant PublicationSpark Plasma Sintering of permanent magnets for next-generation electric vehicle motors
Castle E, Grasso S, Reece M, Sheridan R and Walton A
IEEE EUROCON 2015 - International Conference on Computer as a Tool (EUROCON)
bullet iconSynthesis and Oxidation Testing of MAX Phase Composites in the Cr–Ti–Al–C Quaternary System
Horlait D, Grasso S, Al Nasiri N, Burr PA and Lee WE
Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Wiley vol. 99 (2), 682-690.  
Relevant PublicationScratch behaviour of graphene alumina nanocomposites
Porwal H, Kasiarova M, Tatarko P, Grasso S, Dusza J and Reece MJ
Advances in Applied Ceramics, Sage Publications vol. 114 (1_suppl), 34-41.  
bullet iconMicrostructure and mechanical properties of nano ZrO2-10 vol.% tin composite fabricated by spark plasma sintering
Hu CF, Kim BN, Park YJ, Morita K, Yoshida H, Grasso S, Zhang HB, Guo SQ and Sakka Y
Journal of Ceramic Processing Research vol. 16 (3), 281-286.  
Relevant PublicationThe effect of spark plasma sintering on lithium disilicate glass-ceramics
Al Mansour F, Karpukhina N, Grasso S, Wilson RM, Reece MJ and Cattell MJ
Dental Materials, Elsevier vol. 31 (10), e226-e235.  
Relevant PublicationHighly anisotropic single crystal-like La2Ti2O7 ceramic produced by combined magnetic field alignment and templated grain growth
Gao Z, Suzuki TS, Grasso S, Sakka Y and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 35 (6), 1771-1776.  
Relevant Publication45S5 Bioglass®–MWCNT composite: processing and bioactivity
Porwal H, Estili M, Grünewald A, Grasso S, Detsch R, Hu C, Sakka Y, Boccaccini AR and Reece MJ
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, Springer Nature vol. 26 (6) 
Relevant PublicationObservation of Curie transition during spark plasma sintering of ferromagnetic materials
Mani MK, Viola G, Hall JP, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Elsevier vol. 382, 202-205.  
Relevant PublicationPlasma formation during electric discharge (50V) through conductive powder compacts
Saunders T, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 35 (3), 871-877.  
bullet iconNano ZrO2–TiN composites with high strength and conductivity
Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan, Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 123 (1434) 
bullet iconTailoring Ti3AlC2 ceramic with high anisotropic physical and mechanical properties
Zhang HB, Hu CF, Sato K, Grasso S, Estili M, Guo SQ, Morita K, Yoshida H, Nishimura T, Suzuki TS, Barsoum MW, Kim BN and Sakka Y
Journal of The European Ceramic Society, Elsevier vol. 35 (1), 393-397.  
bullet iconTailoring Ti3AlC2 ceramic with high anisotropic physical and mechanical properties
Zhang HB, Hu CF, Sato K, Grasso S, Estili M, Guo SQ, Morita K, Yoshida H, Nishimura T, Suzuki TS, Barsoum MW, Kim BN and Sakka Y
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 35 (1), 393-397.  
bullet iconTailoring Ti3AlC2 ceramic with high anisotropic physical and mechanical properties
Zhang HB, Hu CF, Sato K, Grasso S, Estili M, Guo SQ, Morita K, Yoshida H, Nishimura T, Suzuki TS, Barsoum MW, Kim BN and Sakka Y
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 35 (1), 393-397.  
Relevant PublicationEnhanced thermoelectric performance of porous magnesium tin silicide prepared using pressure-less spark plasma sintering
Ning H, Mastrorillo GD, Grasso S, Du B, Mori T, Hu C, Xu Y, Simpson K, Maizza G and Reece MJ
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 3 (33), 17426-17432.  
Relevant PublicationSpark Plasma Sintering of permanent magnets for next-generation Electric Vehicle motors Reducing critical rare-earth use for a self-sufficient European market
Castle E, Grasso S, Reece M, Sheridan R and Walton A


bullet iconMicrostructure and adsorption property of nanocarbide-derived carbon (CDC) synthesized at ambient temperature
Zhang H, Hu C, Lv J, Grasso S, Mishra M, Estili M, Yamauchi Y, Kim B and Sakka Y
Materials Letters vol. 130, 188-191.  
bullet iconSystematic study on densification of alumina fine powder during milliwave sintering at 28GHz
Maizza G, Grasso S and Sakka Y
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Taylor & Francis vol. 2 (3), 215-222.  
bullet iconUltra-high temperature spark plasma sintering of α-SiC
Ceramics International, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationToughening effect of multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes and their influence on the sintering behaviour of 3Y-TZP zirconia ceramics
Tatarko P, Grasso S, Chlup Z, Porwal H, Kašiarová M, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 34 (7), 1829-1843.  
Relevant PublicationProcessing and bioactivity of 45S5 Bioglass(®)-graphene nanoplatelets composites.
Porwal H, Grasso S, Cordero-Arias L, Li C, Boccaccini AR and Reece MJ
J Mater Sci Mater Med vol. 25 (6), 1403-1413.  
Relevant PublicationProcessing and bioactivity of 45S5 Bioglass®-graphene nanoplatelets composites
Porwal H, Grasso S, Cordero-Arias L, Li C, Boccaccini AR and Reece MJ
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine vol. 25 (6), 1403-1413.  
Relevant PublicationLarge ZT enhancement in hot forged nanostructured p-type Bi 0.5Sb1.5Te3 bulk alloys
Jiang Q, Yan H, Khaliq J, Ning H, Grasso S, Simpson K and Reece MJ
Journal of Materials Chemistry A vol. 2 (16), 5785-5790.  
Relevant PublicationJoining of C/SiC composites by spark plasma sintering technique
Rizzo S, Grasso S, Salvo M, Casalegno V, Reece MJ and Ferraris M
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 34 (4), 903-913.  
Relevant PublicationJoining of β-SiC by spark plasma sintering
Grasso S, Tatarko P, Rizzo S, Porwal H, Hu C, Katoh Y, Salvo M, Reece MJ and Ferraris M
Journal of The European Ceramic Society 
Relevant PublicationToughening effect of multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes and their influence on the sintering behaviour of 3Y-TZP zirconia ceramics
Tatarko P, Grasso S, Chlup Z, Porwal H, Kašiarová M, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society 
Relevant PublicationBoron nitride nanotubes as a reinforcement for brittle matrices
Tatarko P, Grasso S, Porwal H, Chlup Z, Saggar R, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society 
Relevant PublicationTribological properties of silica-graphene nano-platelet composites
Porwal H, Tatarko P, Saggar R, Grasso S, Kumar Mani M, Dlouhý I, Dusza J and Reece MJ
Ceramics International 
Relevant PublicationIn situ reduction of graphene oxide nanoplatelet during spark plasma sintering of a silica matrix composite
Porwal H, Grasso S, Mani MK and Reece MJ
Journal of The European Ceramic Society 
Relevant PublicationTough and dense boron carbide obtained by high-pressure (300 MPa) and low-temperature (1600°C) spark plasma sintering
Badica P, Grasso S, Borodianska H, Xie SS, Li P, Tatarko P, Reece MJ, Sakka Y and Vasylkiv O
Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 122 (1424), 271-275.  
Relevant PublicationPolymer-derived SiC ceramics from polycarbosilane/boron mixtures densified by SPS
Bernardo E, Ponsot I, Colombo P, Grasso S, Porwal H and Reece MJ
Ceramics International 
Relevant PublicationFlash Spark Plasma Sintering (FSPS) of Pure ZrB2
Grasso S, Saunders T, Porwal H, Cedillos-Barraza O, Jayaseelan DD, Lee WE and Reece MJ
Journal of The American Ceramic Society 
bullet iconSynthesis of high-purity Ti3SiC2 by microwave sintering
Wang Q, Hu C, Huang Q, Cai S, Sakka Y and Grasso S
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology vol. 11 (5), 911-918.  


Relevant PublicationGraphene reinforced alumina nano-composites
Porwal H, Tatarko P, Grasso S, Khaliq J, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Carbon vol. 64, 359-369.  
Relevant PublicationReview of graphene-ceramic matrix composites
Porwal H, Grasso S and Reece MJ
Advances in Applied Ceramics vol. 112 (8), 443-454.  
Relevant PublicationToughened and machinable glass matrix composites reinforced with graphene and graphene-oxide nano platelets
Porwal H, Tatarko P, Grasso S, Hu C, Boccaccini AR, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials vol. 14 (5) 
Relevant PublicationLow-temperature spark plasma sintering of pure nano WC powder
Grasso S, Poetschke J, Richter V, Maizza G, Sakka Y and Reece MJ
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 96 (6), 1702-1705.  
bullet iconSpark plasma sintering of damage tolerant and machinable YAM ceramics
Wang Q, Grasso S, Hu C, Zhang H, Cai S, Sakka Y and Huang Q
Journal of Advanced Ceramics, Tsinghua University Press vol. 2 (2), 193-200.  
Relevant PublicationHighly transparent α-alumina obtained by low cost high pressure SPS
Grasso S, Yoshida H, Porwal H, Sakka Y and Reece M
Ceramics International vol. 39 (3), 3243-3248.  
Relevant PublicationUltra low thermal conductivity of disordered layered p-type bismuth telluride
Grasso S, Tsujii N, Jiang Q, Khaliq J, Maruyama S, Miranda M, Simpson K, Mori T and Reece MJ
Journal of Materials Chemistry C vol. 1 (12), 2362-2367.  
Relevant PublicationReverse boundary layer capacitor model in glass/ceramic composites for energy storage applications
Wei X, Yan H, Wang T, Hu Q, Viola G, Grasso S, Jiang Q, Jin L, Xu Z and Reece MJ
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 113 (2) 
Relevant PublicationLow temperature spark plasma sintering of 45S5 Bioglass®
Grasso S, Chinnam RK, Porwal H, Boccaccini AR and Reece MJ
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids vol. 362 (1), 25-29.  
Relevant PublicationLow-temperature spark plasma sintering of pure nano wc powder
Grasso S, Poetschke J, Richter V, Maizza G, Sakka Y and Reece MJ
Journal of The American Ceramic Society 
Relevant PublicationGraphene reinforced alumina nano-composites
Porwal H, Tatarko P, Grasso S, Khaliq J, Dlouhý I and Reece MJ
Relevant PublicationJoining of C/SiC composites by spark plasma sintering technique
Rizzo S, Grasso S, Salvo M, Casalegno V, Reece MJ and Ferraris M
Journal of The European Ceramic Society 
bullet iconSynthesis of High-Purity Ti3SiC2 by Microwave Sintering
Wang Q, Hu C, Cai S, Sakka Y, Grasso S and Huang Q
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 
bullet iconElectric field in SPS: geometry and pulsed current effects
Grasso S and Sakka Y
Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 121 (1414), 524-526.  
bullet iconHigh pressure - Low temperature sintering of tungsten carbide ceramics
Poetschke J, Grasso S, Richter V and Michaelis A


Relevant PublicationHighly transparent α-alumina obtained by low cost high pressure SPS
Grasso S, Yoshida H, Porwal H, Sakka Y and Reece M
Ceramics International 
bullet iconSpark plasma sintering of diamond binderless WC composites
Grasso S, Hu C, Maizza G and Sakka Y
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 95 (8), 2423-2428.  
bullet iconHigh hardness B aC b-(B xO y/BN) composites with 3D mesh-like fine grain-boundary structure by reactive spark plasma sintering
Vasylkiv O, Borodianska H, Badica P, Grasso S, Sakka Y, Tok A, Su LT, Bosman M and Jan Ma
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology vol. 12 (2), 959-965.  
bullet iconHard polycrystalline eutectic composite prepared by spark plasma sintering
Bogomol I, Grasso S, Nishimura T, Sakka Y, Loboda P and Vasylkiv O
Ceramics International vol. 38 (5), 3947-3953.  
bullet iconSpark plasma sintering (SPS), or pulse discharge sintering (PDS) of max phases
Hu CF, Sakka Y, Grasso S, Tanaka H and Nishimura T
In Max Phases: Microstructure, Properties and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 1-28.  
bullet iconMicrostructure characterization of ZrB 2-SiC composite fabricated by spark plasma sintering with TaSi 2 additive
Hu C, Sakka Y, Gao J, Tanaka H and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 32 (7), 1441-1446.  
bullet iconDense zircon (ZrSiO 4) ceramics by high energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering
Rendtorff NM, Grasso S, Hu C, Suarez G, Aglietti EF and Sakka Y
Ceramics International vol. 38 (3), 1793-1799.  
bullet iconZircon-zirconia (ZrSiO 4-ZrO 2) dense ceramic composites by spark plasma sintering
Rendtorff NM, Grasso S, Hu C, Suarez G, Aglietti EF and Sakka Y
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 32 (4), 787-793.  
bullet iconHigh-pressure spark plasma sintering of MgO-doped transparent alumina
Kim BN, Hiraga K, Grasso S, Morita K, Yoshida H, Zhang H and Sakka Y
Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 120 (1399), 116-118.  


bullet iconMicrostructure evolution during field-assisted sintering of zirconia spheres
Demirskyi D, Borodianska H, Grasso S, Sakka Y and Vasylkiv O
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier/Science Direct vol. 65 (8), 683-686.  
bullet iconPhysical and mechanical properties of highly textured polycrystalline Nb4AlC3 ceramic
Hu C, Sakka Y, Nishimura T, Guo S, Grasso S and Tanaka H
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials vol. 12 (4) 
bullet iconEffects of pressure application method on transparency of spark plasma sintered alumina
Grasso S, Hu C, Maizza G, Kim BN and Sakka Y
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 94 (5), 1405-1409.  
bullet iconShell-like nanolayered Nb4AlC3 ceramic with high strength and toughness
Hu C, Sakka Y, Grasso S, Nishimura T, Guo S and Tanaka H
Scripta Materialia vol. 64 (8), 765-768.  
bullet iconTailoring Ti3SiC2 ceramic via a strong magnetic field alignment method followed by spark plasma sintering
Hu C, Sakka Y, Grasso S, Suzuki T and Tanaka H
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 94 (3), 742-748.  
bullet iconFabrication of textured Nb4AlC3 ceramic by slip casting in a strong magnetic field and spark plasma sintering
Hu C, Sakka Y, Tanaka H, Nishimura T and Grasso S
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 94 (2), 410-415.  
bullet iconHigh-hardness B4C textured by a strong magnetic field technique
Grasso S, Hu C, Vasylkiv O, Suzuki TS, Guo S, Nishimura T and Sakka Y
Scripta Materialia vol. 64 (3), 256-259.  
bullet iconModeling of the temperature distribution of fla shsintered zirconia
Grasso S, Sakka Y, Rendtorff N, Hu C, Maizza G, Borodianska H and Vasylkiv O
Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 119 (1386), 144-146.  


bullet iconMicrostructure and properties of ZrB2-SiC and HfB2-SiC composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) using TaSi2 as sintering aid
Hu C, Sakka Y, Jang B, Tanaka H, Nishimura T, Guo S and Grasso S
Nippon Seramikkusu Kyokai Gakujutsu Ronbunshi/Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan vol. 118 (1383), 997-1001.  
bullet iconHighly transparent pure alumina fabricated by high-pressure spark plasma sintering
Grasso S, Kim BN, Hu C, Maizza G and Sakka Y
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 93 (9), 2460-2462.  
bullet iconMicrostructure and properties of ZrB2-SiC composites prepared by spark plasma sintering using TaSi2 as sintering additive
Hu C, Sakka Y, Tanaka H, Nishimura T, Guo S and Grasso S
Journal of The European Ceramic Society vol. 30 (12), 2625-2631.  
bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of ZrB2 ceramic prepared by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
Hu CF, Sakka Y, Uchikoshi T, Suzuki TS, Jang BK, Grasso S and Suarez G
bullet iconSynthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of (Zr,Ti)B2-(Zr,Ti)N composites prepared by spark plasma sintering
Hu C, Sakka Y, Tanaka H, Nishimura T and Grasso S
Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 494 (1-2), 266-270.  


bullet iconElectric current activated/assisted sintering (ECAS): A review of patents 1906-2008
Grasso S, Sakka Y and Maizza G
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials vol. 10 (5) 
bullet iconLow temperature thermal expansion, high temperature electrical conductivity, and mechanical properties of Nb4AlC3 ceramic synthesized by spark plasma sintering
Hu C, Sakka Y, Tanaka H, Nishimura T and Grasso S
Journal of Alloys and Compounds vol. 487 (1-2), 675-681.  
bullet iconPressure effect on the homogeneity of spark plasma-sintered tungsten carbide powder
Grasso S, Sakka Y, Maizza G and Hu C
Journal of The American Ceramic Society vol. 92 (10), 2418-2421.  
bullet iconPressure effects on temperature distribution during spark plasma sintering with graphite sample
Grasso S, Sakka Y and Maizza G
Materials Transactions vol. 50 (8), 2111-2114.  
bullet iconMoving finite-element mesh model for aiding spark plasma sintering in current control mode of pure ultrafine WC powder
Maizza G, Grasso S and Sakka Y
Journal of Materials Science vol. 44 (5), 1219-1236.  


bullet iconEffects of initial punch-die clearance in spark plasma sintering process
Grasso S, Sakka Y and Maizza G
Materials Transactions vol. 49 (12), 2899-2906.  


bullet iconRelation between microstructure, properties and spark plasma sintering (SPS) parameters of pure ultrafine WC powder
Maizza G, Grasso S, Sakka Y, Noda T and Ohashi O
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials vol. 8 (7-8), 644-654.  


bullet iconPosters
Cerny V, Zivny P, Dostal P, Parizkova R, Zabka L, Hodgson RE, Bosenberg AT, Hadley GP, Spapen H, Diltoer M, Suys E, Borremans M, Ramet J, Huyghens L, Afessa B, Murphy R, Hogans L, Meyers B, Mentec H, Gruchet P, et al.
Intensive Care Medicine, Springer Nature vol. 22 (Suppl 3), s397-s422.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering
solid heart iconIndustry Fellowship: Revolutionizing fuel and electrolysis cell production for NET-Zero: Sustainable, Efficient, and Rapid ceramics processing (Acronym: SER)
Salvatore Grasso
£157,805 Royal Society
01-01-2025 - 31-12-2028