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Bonaventura M, Latora V, Nicosia V and Panzarasa P
Advances in Mathematics, Elsevier/Science Direct vol. 325 (5), 87-115.
05-12-2017 - Cellular automaton models for time-correlated random walks: derivation and analysis
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Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 7
05-12-2017 - Structure of equilibrium states on self‐affine sets and strict monotonicity of affinity dimension
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30-11-2017 - Rigorous computation of diffusion coefficients for expanding maps
Journal of Statistical Physics
30-11-2017 - Solution of semi-flexible self-avoiding trails on a Husimi lattice built
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Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical, Iop Publishing
29-11-2017 - Machine learning meets network science: dimensionality reduction for
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20-11-2017 - Transitions between superstatistical regimes: Validity, breakdown and applications
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03-11-2017 - Experimental realization of a minimal microscopic heat engine
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Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 96 (5)
01-11-2017 - Phase Diagram of Twist Storing Lattice Polymers in Variable Solvent
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26-10-2017 - Centralities of Nodes and Influences of Layers in Large Multiplex
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23-10-2017 - Possible resonance effect of dark matter axions in SNS Josephson junctions
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11-10-2017 - Complex Networks
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28-09-2017 - Writhe induced phase transition in unknotted self-avoiding polygons
Dagrosa E, Owczarek AL and Prellberg T
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Iop Publishing
21-09-2017 - The Multiplex Dependency Structure of Financial Markets.
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20-09-2017 - The Multiplex Dependency Structure of Financial Markets
Musmeci N, Nicosia V, Aste T, Di Matteo T and Latora V
20-09-2017 - Comparison of pure and combined search strategies for single and multiple targets
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European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, Edp Sciences
13-09-2017 - An active-radio-frequency-identification system capable of identifying co-locations and social-structure: Validation with a wild free-ranging animal
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17-07-2017 - Shape universality classes in the random sequential adsorption of non-spherical particles
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13-07-2017 - 19aBR-11 Levy flights from active scattering
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10-07-2017 - Symbolic dynamics techniques for complex systems: Application to share price dynamics
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07-07-2017 - Fluctuations in percolation of sparse complex networks
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05-07-2017 - Weighted Growing Simplicial Complexes
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12-06-2017 - Complete spectral data for analytic Anosov maps of the torus
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23-05-2017 - Layered social influence promotes multiculturality in the Axelrod model
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12-05-2017 - Area-width scaling in generalised Motzkin paths
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Physica a: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, Elsevier
08-05-2017 - Lower bounds for the Ruelle spectrum of analytic expanding circle maps
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04-05-2017 - Joint spectral radius, Sturmian measures, and the finiteness conjecture
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02-05-2017 - Superstatistics: Superposition of Maxwell-Boltzmann Distributions
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Kappa Distributions: Theory and Applications of Plasmas
01-05-2017 - Determinants of public cooperation in multiplex networks
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New Journal of Physics
21-04-2017 - Multilayer motif analysis of brain networks
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01-04-2017 - Feynman-Kac equation for anomalous processes with space- and
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Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical, Iop Publishing
17-03-2017 - Epidemic spreading and bond percolation in multilayer networks
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Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Institute of Physics, 034001-034001.
08-03-2017 - Gaussian white noise as a resource for work extraction
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Physical Review E vol. 95 (3)
01-03-2017 - Grand-canonical solution of semi-flexible self-avoiding trails on the
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Dantas WG, Oliveira TJ, Stilck JF and Prellberg T
Physical Review E, Sage Publications
24-02-2017 - Characterisation of hunter-gatherer networks and implications for cumulative culture
LATORA VC, Migliano A, Page A, Gomez-Gardenes J, Viguier S, Dyble M, Thompson J, Chaudhary N, Salali G, Smith D, Strods J, Mace R, Thomas M and Vinicius L
Nature Human Behaviour
08-02-2017 - Emergent Hyperbolic Network Geometry
Bianconi G and Rahmede C
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group
07-02-2017 - The new challenges of multiplex networks: Measures and models
Battiston F, Nicosia V and Latora V
European Physical Journal: Special Topics vol. 226 (3), 401-416.
01-02-2017 - Redundant interdependencies boost the robustness of multiplex networks
Radicchi F and Bianconi G
Physical Review X, American Physical Society
31-01-2017 - Self-attracting polymers in two dimensions with three low-temperature
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Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical
30-01-2017 - Entropy-continuity of interval maps with holes
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Cambridge University Press (Cup): Stm Journals
24-01-2017 - p -adic asymptotic properties of constant-recursive sequences
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Indagationes Mathematicae, Elsevier vol. 28 (1), 205-220.
17-01-2017 - A Topological Criterion for Filtering Information in Complex Brain Networks
De Vico Fallani F, Latora V and Chavez M
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11-01-2017 - Higher-order Airy scaling in deformed Dyck paths
Haug N, Daalhuis AO and Prellberg T
Journal of Statistical Physics, Springer Verlag (Germany)
03-01-2017 - Spectral structure of transfer operators for expanding circle maps
Bandtlow OF, Just W and Slipantschuk J
Annales De L'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire vol. 34 (1), 31-43.
01-01-2017 - Publisher’s Note: Redundant Interdependencies Boost the Robustness of Multiplex Networks [Phys. Rev. X 7, 011013 (2017)]
Radicchi F and Bianconi G
Physical Review X, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 7 (1)
01-01-2017 - Asymmetric anomalous diffusion of chemotacting neutrophils
Dieterich P, Lindemann O, Moskopp ML, Tauzin S, Huttenlocher A, Klages R, Chechkin A and Schwab A