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  • The Ellis semigroup of bijective substitutions
    Kellendonk J and Yassawi R
    Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics, Ems Press vol. 16 (1), 29-73.  
  • Evolutionary game model of group choice dilemmas on hypergraphs
    Civilini A, Anbarci N and Latora V
    Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society 
  • Interdisciplinary researchers attain better long-term funding performance
    Sun Y, Livan G, Ma A and Latora V
    Communications Physics, Springer Nature vol. 4 (1) 
  • Link overlap influences opinion dynamics on multiplex networks of Ashkin-Teller spins
    Kim CH, Jo M, Lee JS, Bianconi G and Kahng B
    Physical Review E, American Physical Society vol. 104, 064304-064304.  
  • Spectral detection of simplicial communities via Hodge Laplacians
    Krishnagopal S and Bianconi G
    Physical Review E vol. 104 (6), 064303-064303.  
  • Spectral Detection of Simplicial Communities via Hodge Laplacians
    Krishnagopal S and Bianconi G
    Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, American Physical Society vol. 104 (064303) 
  • Infodemics: A new challenge for public health
    Briand SC, Cinelli M, Nguyen T, Lewis R, Prybylski D, Valensise CM, Colizza V, Tozzi AE, Perra N, Baronchelli A, Tizzoni M, Zollo F, Scala A, Purnat T, Czerniak C, Kucharski AJ, Tshangela A, Zhou L and Quattrociocchi W
    Cell, Elsevier vol. 184 (25), 6010-6014.  
  • Higher Order Networks: An Introduction to Simplicial Complexes
    Bianconi G
  • Higher-Order Networks
    Bianconi G
  • Monitoring water quality: A citizen science success story
    Schäfer B, Heppell CM, Rhys H and Beck C
    Iscience vol. 24 (11) 
  • Softening of the Euler buckling criterion under discretization of compliance
    Carter D, Dunstan D, Just W, Bandtlow O and San-Miguel A
    Physical Review Applied, American Physical Society 
  • Softening of the Euler Buckling Criterion under Discretization of Compliance
    Carter DJ, Dunstan DJ, Just W, Bandtlow OF and San-Miguel A
    Physical Review Applied, American Physical Society vol. 16 (4), l051002-l051002.  
  • Metadata-informed community detection with lazy encoding using absorbing random walks
    Bassolas A, Eriksson A, Marot A, Rosvall M and Nicosia V
  • Local topological moves determine global diffusion properties of hyperbolic higher-order networks
    Millán AP, Ghorbanchian R, Defenu N, Battiston F and Bianconi G
    Physical Review E vol. 104, 054302-054302.  
  • Weak correlation between fluctuations in protein diffusion inside bacteria
    Itto Y and Beck C
    Journal of Physics : Conference Series, Institute of Physics (Iop) vol. 2090 (1), 012168-012168.  
  • New solution of a problem of Kolmogorov on width asymptotics in holomorphic function spaces
    Bandtlow O and Nivoche S
    Journal of The European Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society 
  • Cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the first COVID-19 wave
    Davis JT, Chinazzi M, Perra N, Mu K, Pastore y Piontti A, Ajelli M, Dean NE, Gioannini C, Litvinova M, Merler S, Rossi L, Sun K, Xiong X, Longini IM, Halloran ME, Viboud C and Vespignani A
    Nature, Springer Nature vol. 600 (7887), 127-132.  
  • Universal nonlinear infection kernel from heterogeneous exposure on higher-order networks
    St-Onge G, Sun H, Allard A, Hébert-Dufresne L and Bianconi G
    Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 127, 158301-158301.  
  • The physics of higher-order interactions in complex systems
    Battiston F, Amico E, Barrat A, Bianconi G, de Arruda GF, Franceschiello B, Iacopini I, Kefi S, Latora V, Moreno Y, Murray MM, Peixoto TP, Vaccarino F and Petri G
    Nature Physics, Nature Research vol. 17, 1093-1093.  
  • Ethical implications of network data in business and management settings
    Cronin B, Perra N, Rocha LEC, Zhu Z, Pallotti F, Gorgoni S, Conaldi G and De Vita R
    Social Networks, Elsevier vol. 67, 29-40.  
  • Transfer operator approach to ray-tracing in circular domains
    Slipantschuk J, Richter M, Chappell DJ, Tanner G, Just W and Bandtlow O
    Nonlinearity, Iop Publishing 
  • Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs
    Sun H and Bianconi G
    Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society vol. 104, 034306-034306.  
  • Totally Ergodic Generalised Matrix Equilibrium States have the Bernoulli Property
    Morris ID
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Nature vol. 387 (2), 995-1050.  
  • The topological Dirac equation of networks and simplicial complexes
    Bianconi G
    Jphys Complexity vol. 2 (035022) 
  • The importance of non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout
    Gozzi N, Bajardi P and Perra N
    Plos Computational Biology, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 17 (9) 
  • Unified treatment of synchronization patterns in generalized networks with higher-order, multilayer, and temporal interactions
    Zhang Y, Latora V and Motter AE
    Communications Physics, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) 
  • Discovering Common Practice: Using Graph Theory to Compare Harmonic Sequences in Musical Audio Collections
    Miller J, Nicosia V and Sandler M
    8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology
  • How Many Inflections are There in the Lyapunov Spectrum?
    Jenkinson O, Pollicott M and Vytnova P
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Springer Nature vol. 386 (3), 1383-1411.  
  • Spatio-temporal complexity of power-grid frequency fluctuations
    Gorjão LR, Schäfer B, Witthaut D and Beck C
    New Journal of Physics vol. 23 (7), 073016-073016.  
  • Self-initiated behavioral change and disease resurgence on activity-driven networks
    Gozzi N, Scudeler M, Paolotti D, Baronchelli A and Perra N
    Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 104 (1) 
  • Memory order decomposition of symbolic sequences
    Alvarez-Rodriguez U and Latora V
    Physical Review E vol. 104 (1), 014112-014112.  
  • Fluctuations of water quality time series in rivers follow superstatistics
    Schäfer B, Heppell CM, Rhys H and Beck C
    Iscience, Elsevier (Cell Press), 102881-102881.  
  • Higher-order simplicial synchronization of coupled topological signals
    Ghorbanchian R, Restrepo JG, Torres JJ and Bianconi G
    Communications Physics, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 4 
  • Search efficiency of discrete fractional Brownian motion in a random distribution of targets
    Khadem SMJ, Klapp SHL and Klages R
    Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 3 (2) 
  • Statistical Mechanics Built on Sand
    Baule A
    Physics, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 14 
  • Network isolators inhibit failure spreading in complex networks
    Kaiser F, Latora V and Witthaut D
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
  • Geometry, Topology and Simplicial Synchronization
    Millán AP, Restrepo JG, Torres JJ and Bianconi G
  • Estimating the effect of social inequalities on the mitigation of COVID-19 across communities in Santiago de Chile
    Gozzi N, Tizzoni M, Chinazzi M, Ferres L, Vespignani A and Perra N
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
  • First-passage times to quantify and compare structural correlations and heterogeneity in complex systems
    Bassolas A and Nicosia V
    Communications Physics, Nature Research vol. 4 (1) 
  • Statistical characterization of airplane delays
    Mitsokapas E, Schaefer B, Harris R and Beck C
    Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 
  • D-dimensional oscillators in simplicial structures: odd and even dimensions display different synchronization scenarios
    Dai X, Kovalenko K, Molodyk M, Wang Z, Li X, Musatov D, Raigorodskii AM, Alfaro-Bittner K, Cooper GD, Bianconi G and Boccaletti S
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Elsevier 
  • Networks of Networks in Biology Concepts, Tools and Applications
    Kiani NA, Gomez-Cabrero D and Bianconi G
  • Cryptic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the first COVID-19 wave in Europe and the United States
    Davis JT, Chinazzi M, Perra N, Mu K, Pastore y Piontti A, Ajelli M, Dean NE, Gioannini C, Litvinova M, Merler S, Rossi L, Sun K, Xiong X, Halloran ME, Longini IM, Viboud C and Vespignani A
    , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory vol. 2 (03-31) 
  • Superstatistical modelling of protein diffusion dynamics in bacteria
    Beck C and Itto Y
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, Royal Society, The 
  • Stability of Synchronization in Simplicial Complexes
    Latora V, Gambuzza LV, Di Patti F, Gallo L, Lepri S, Romance M, Criado R, Frasca M and Boccaletti S
    Nature Communications, Nature Research (Part of Springer Nature) 
  • Non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A review
    Perra N
    Physics Reports, Elsevier vol. 913, 1-52.  
  • A message-passing approach to epidemic tracing and mitigation with apps
    Bianconi G, Sun H, Rapisardi G and Arenas A
    Physical Review Research vol. 3, L012014-L012014.  
  • Beyond COVID-19: Network science and sustainable exit strategies
    Bell J, Bianconi G, Butler D, Crowcroft J, Davies PCW, Hicks C, Kim H, Kiss IZ, Lauro FD, Maple C, Paul A, Prokopenko M, Tee P and Walker SI
    Journal of Physics: Complexity vol. 2, 021001-021001.  
  • Predicting Urban Innovation from the Workforce Mobility Network in US
    Bonaventura M, Aiello LM, Quercia D and Latora V
    Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 
  • Evolutionary dynamics of higher-order interactions in social networks
    Alvarez-Rodriguez U, Battiston F, Arruda GFD, Moreno Y, Perc M and Latora V
    Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Research 
  • The physics of higher-order interactions in complex systems.
    Battiston F, Amico E, Barrat A, Bianconi G, Arruda GFD, Franceschiello B, Iacopini I, Kéfi S, Latora V, Moreno Y, Murray MM, Peixoto TP, Vaccarino F and Petri G
    Corr vol. abs/2110.06023 
  • Structural analysis of disordered dimer packings
    Kurban E and Baule A
    Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 17 (39), 8877-8890.  
  • Statistical physics of exchangeable sparse network ensembles.
    Bianconi G
    Corr vol. abs/2111.04084 
  • Skew Schur function representation of directed paths in a slit
    Khalid A and Prellberg T
    Journal of Combinatorics, International Press of Boston vol. 12 (4), 571-588.  
  • Metadata-informed community detection with lazy encoding using absorbing random walks.
    Bassolas A, Eriksson A, Marot A, Rosvall M and Nicosia V
    Corr vol. abs/2111.05158 
  • Diffusion segregation and the disproportionate incidence of COVID-19 in African American communities
    Bassolas A, Sousa S and Nicosia V
    Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 18 (174) 