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  • Non-parametric learning critical behavior in Ising partition functions: PCA entropy and intrinsic dimension
    Panda RK, Verdel R, Rodriguez R, SUN H, Bianconi G and Dalmonte M
    Scipost Physics Core, Scipost vol. 6, 086-086.  
  • The three way Dirac operator and dynamical Turing and Dirac induced patterns on nodes and links
    Muolo R, Carletti T and Bianconi G
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Elsevier vol. 178, 114312-114312.  
  • The mass of simple and higher-order networks
    Bianconi G
    Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General, Iop Publishing vol. 57, 015001-015001.  
  • Universal Poisson statistics of a passive tracer diffusing in dilute active suspensions
    Baule A
    Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences vol. 120 (50) 
  • Zoo Guide to Network Embedding
    Baptista A, Sanchez-Garcia R, Baudot A and Bianconi G
    Journal of Physics: Complexity, Iop Publishing 
  • Epidemic Spreading in Metapopulation Networks Coupled With Awareness Propagation
    Gao S, Dai X, Wang L, Perra N and Wang Z
    Ieee Transactions On Cybernetics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 53 (12), 7686-7698.  
  • Topology and dynamics of higher-order multiplex networks
    Khrisnagopal S and Bianconi G
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Elsevier vol. 177, 114296-114296.  
  • Non-parametric learning critical behavior in Ising partition functions: PCA entropy and intrinsic dimension
    Panda RK, Verdel R, Rodriguez A, Sun H, Bianconi G and Dalmonte M
  • Ray-Tracing the Ulam Way
    Chappell DJ, Richter M, Tanner G, Bandtlow OF, Just W and Slipantschuk J
    IMSE 2022
  • Behavioral Changes Associated With COVID-19 Vaccination: Cross-National Online Survey
    De Gaetano A, Bajardi P, Gozzi N, Perra N, Perrotta D and Paolotti D
    Journal of Medical Internet Research, Jmir Publications vol. 25 
  • Non-parametric learning critical behavior in Ising partition functions: PCA entropy and intrinsic dimension
    Panda RK, Verdel R, Rodriguez A, Sun H, Bianconi G and Dalmonte M
  • The structure of segregation in co-authorship networks and its impact on scientific production
    Jaramillo AM, Williams HTP, Perra N and Menezes R
    Epj Data Science, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
  • The concept of decentralization through time and disciplines: a quantitative exploration
    Di Bona G, Bracci A, Perra N, Latora V and Baronchelli A
    Epj Data Science, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
  • Torsion-free S-adic shifts and their spectrum
    Yassawi R
    , Editors: Lemanczyk M. Studia Mathematica, Instytut Matematyczny 
  • Dirac signal processing of higher-order topological signals
    Calmon L, Schaub MT and Bianconi G
    New Journal of Physics, Iop Publishing vol. 25 (9) 
  • Neuroscience needs Network Science
    Barabási DL, Bianconi G, Bullmore E, Burgess M, Chung S, Eliassi-Rad T, George D, Kovács IA, Makse H, Papadimitriou C, Nichols TE, Sporns O, Stachenfeld K, Toroczkai Z, Towlson EK, Zador AM, Zeng H, Barabási A-L, Bernard A and Buzsáki G
    The Journal of Neuroscience, Society For Neuroscience 
  • Neuroscience Needs Network Science
    Barabási DL, Bianconi G, Bullmore E, Burgess M, Chung S, Eliassi-Rad T, George D, Kovács IA, Makse H, Nichols TE, Papadimitriou C, Sporns O, Stachenfeld K, Toroczkai Z, Towlson EK, Zador AM, Zeng H, Barabási A-L, Bernard A and Buzsáki G
    Journal of Neuroscience, Society For Neuroscience vol. 43 (34), 5989-5995.  
  • Tame or Wild Toeplitz Shifts
    Yassawi R, Fuhrmann G and Kellendonk J
    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Cambridge University Press 
  • Modeling self-propagating malware with epidemiological models
    Chernikova A, Gozzi N, Perra N, Boboila S, Eliassi-Rad T and Oprea A
    Applied Network Science, Springer Nature vol. 8 (1) 
  • Universality class of the special adsorption point of two-dimensional lattice polymers
    Rodrigues NT, Oliveira TJ and Prellberg T
    Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 108 (2) 
  • Persistent Dirac for molecular representation
    Wee J, Bianconi G and Xia K
    Scientific Reports, Nature Research 
  • Hyperedge overlap drives explosive collective behaviors in systems with higher-order interactions
    Malizia F, Lamata-Otín S, Frasca M, Latora V and Gómez-Gardeñes J
  • Dirac gauge theory for topological spinors in 3+1 dimensional networks
    Bianconi G
    Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and General, Iop Publishing 
  • The adoption of non-pharmaceutical interventions and the role of digital infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia, Ecuador, and El Salvador
    Gozzi N, Comini N and Perra N
    Epj Data Science, Springer Science and Business Media Llc vol. 12 (1) 
  • Estimating the impact of COVID-19 vaccine inequities: a modeling study
    Gozzi N, Chinazzi M, Dean NE, Longini IMJ, Halloran ME, Perra N and Vespignani A
    Nature Communications, Nature Research 
  • Neuroscience needs Network Science.
    Barabási DL, Bianconi G, Bullmore E, Burgess M, Chung S, Eliassi-Rad T, George D, Kovács IA, Makse H, Papadimitriou C, Nichols TE, Sporns O, Stachenfeld K, Toroczkai Z, Towlson EK, Zador AM, Zeng H, Barabási A-L, Bernard A and Buzsáki G
    vol. 4 (05-19) 
  • Global topological synchronization on simplicial and cell complexes
    Carletti T, Giambagli L and Bianconi G
    Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 130 (18) 
  • Hepatocytes undergo punctuated expansion dynamics from a periportal stem cell niche in normal human liver
    Passman AM, Haughey MJ, Carlotti E, Williams MJ, Cereser B, Lin M-L, Devkumar S, Gabriel JP, Gringeri E, Cillo U, Russo FP, Hoare M, ChinAleong J, Jansen M, Wright NA, Kocher HM, Huang W, Alison MR and McDonald SAC
    Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier vol. 79 (2), 417-432.  
  • Local Dirac Synchronization on Networks
    Calmon L, Krishnagopal S and Bianconi G
    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, American Institute of Physics vol. 33, 033117-033117.  
  • Local Dirac Synchronization on Networks
    Lucille C, Sanjukta K and Bianconi G
    Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, American Institute of Physics 
  • The dynamic nature of percolation on networks with triadic interactions.
    Sun H, Radicchi F, Kurths J and Bianconi G
    Nature Communications, Nature Research vol. 14 (1), 1308-1308.  
  • Exponential increase of transition rates in metastable systems driven by non-Gaussian noise
    Baule A and Sollich P
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
  • Higher-order signal processing with the Dirac operator
    Calmon L, Schaub MT and Bianconi G
    2022 56th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 31 Oct 2022 - 2 Nov 2022
  • Anomalous dynamics in symmetric triangular irrational billiards
    Zahradova K, Slipantschuk J, Bandtlow OF and Just W
    Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol. 445 
  • Learning from data with structured missingness
    Mitra R, McGough S, Chakraborti T, Holmes C, Coppin R, Hagenbuch N, Biedermann S, Noonan J, Lehmann B, Shenvi A, Doan XV, Leslie D, Bianconi G, Sanchez-Garcia R, Davies A, Machintosh M, Andrinopoulou E-R, Basiri A, Harbron C and MacArthur BD
    Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Research 
  • Complex systems in the spotlight: next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics
    Bianconi G, Arenas A, Biamonte J, Carr L, Kahng B, Kertesz J, Kurths J, Lu L, Masoller C, Motter AE, Perc M, Radicchi F, Ramaswamy R, Rodrigues FA, Sales-Pardo M, San Miguel M, Thurner S and Yasseri T
    Jphys Complexity 
  • Network science Ising states of matter.
    Sun H, Panda RK, Verdel R, Rodriguez A, Dalmonte M and Bianconi G
    Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, Biological, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society 
  • Machine learning approaches for the optimization of packing densities in granular matter
    Baule A, Kurban E, Liu K and Makse HA
    Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 19 (36), 6875-6884.  
  • Learning from data with structured missingness.
    Mitra R, McGough SF, Chakraborti T, Holmes CC, Copping R, Hagenbuch N, Biedermann S, Noonan J, Lehmann B, Shenvi A, Doan XV, Leslie D, Bianconi G, Sánchez-García RJ, Davies A, Mackintosh M, Andrinopoulou E-R, Basiri A, Harbron C and MacArthur BD
    Corr vol. abs/2304.01429 
  • Initial analysis of the impact of the Ukrainian power grid synchronization with Continental Europe
    Böttcher PC, Rydin Gorjão L, Beck C, Jumar R, Maass H, Hagenmeyer V, Witthaut D and Schäfer B
    Energy Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 2 (1), 91-97.  