Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Bioinformatics, Cybersecurity, Health Informatics, Social Media Analysis
Fabrizio is a Machine Learning researcher with over 25 years of experience and a solid interdisciplinary profile. He has published at an international level on pattern recognition, face biometrics, low-level vision, robotics, bioinformatics, cybersecurity and social media analysis. He is a co-founder of
Mebomine, a health informatics startup that focusses on extracting the voice of the patient and real world evidence from online health boards.
Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI

Patel R,
Smeraldi F, Abdollahyan M, Irving J and
Bessant C (2021).
Analysis of mental and physical disorders associated with COVID-19 in online health forums: a natural language processing study. BMJ Open,
BMJ vol. 11 (11)
Smeraldi F, Bianconi F, Fernández A and González E (2020).
Partial Order Rank Features in Colour Space. Applied Sciences,
MDPI vol. 10 (2)
Abdollahyan M,
Smeraldi F, Patel R and
Bessant C (2020).
Investigating Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Disorders in Online Health Forums. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems.

Bello-Cerezo R, Bianconi F, Di Maria F, Napoletano P and
Smeraldi F (2019).
Comparative Evaluation of Hand-Crafted Image Descriptors vs. Off-the-Shelf CNN-Based Features for Colour Texture Classification under Ideal and Realistic Conditions. Applied Sciences,
MDPI vol. 9 (4)
Theodorou L,
Healey PGT and
Smeraldi F (2019).
Engaging With Contemporary Dance: What Can Body Movements Tell us About Audience Responses? Front Psychol vol. 10, 71-71.

ABDOLLAHYAN M, Cascianelli S, Bellocchio E, Costante G, Ciarfuglia TA, Bianconi F,
SMERALDI F and Fravolini ML (2018).
Visual Localization in the Presence of Appearance Changes Using the Partial Order Kernel. European Signal Processing Conference.
Abdollahyan M, Elgar G and
Smeraldi F (2018).
Identifying Potential Regulatory Elements by Transcription Factor Binding Site Alignment Using Partial Order Graphs. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,
World Scientific Publishing vol. 29 (08), 1345-1354.
Abdollahyan M, Mondragón RJ,
Bessant C and
Smeraldi F (2018).
Visualising the topological structure of health-elated message board user networks. 01-01-20182017

Fernandez A, Lima D, Bianconi F and
SMERALDI F (2017).
Compact color texture descriptor based on rank transform and product ordering in the RGB color space. International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (CEFRL-ICCV) Venice, Italy 22 Oct 2017 - 29 Oct 2017.
Bello-Cerezo R, Bianconi F, Cascianelli S, Fravolini ML, di Maria F and
Smeraldi F (2017).
Hand-Designed Local Image Descriptors vs. Off-the-Shelf CNN-Based Features for Texture Classification: An Experimental Comparison. 28-05-2017
SMERALDI F (2017).
POKer: a Partial Order Kernel for Comparing Strings with Alternative Substrings. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning Bruges, Belgium 26 Apr 2017 - 28 Apr 2017.

Bianconi F,
Smeraldi F, Abdollahyan M and Xiao P (2016).
On the Use of Skin Texture Features for Gender Recognition: An Experimental Evaluation. 2016 Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA).
Bianconi F, Chirikhina E,
Smeraldi F, Bontozoglou C and Xiao P (2016).
Personal identification based on skin texture features from the forearm and multi-modal imaging. Skin Res Technol 20-11-2016
SMERALDI F (2016).
Efficient Numerical Frameworks for Multi-Objective Cyber Security Planning. European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2016 Heraklion, Crete, Greece 26 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016.
Theodorou L,
Healey PGT and
Smeraldi F (2016).
Exploring Audience Behaviour During Contemporary Dance Performances. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing.
Fielder A, Panaousis E,
Malacaria P, Hankin C and
Smeraldi F (2016).
Decision support approaches for cyber security investment. Decision Support Systems vol. 86, 13-23.

Panaousis E, Fielder A,
Malacaria P, Hankin C and
Smeraldi F (2014).
Cybersecurity Games and Investments: A Decision Support Approach. 01-01-2014
Fielder A, Panaousis E,
Malacaria P, Hankin C and
Smeraldi F (2014).
Game Theory Meets Information Security Management. 01-01-20142011

Ciliberto C,
Smeraldi F, Natale L and Metta G (2011).
Online multiple instance learning applied to hand detection in a humanoid robot. 29-12-2011
Ciliberto C,
Smeraldi F, Natale L and Metta G (2011).
Online Multiple Instance Learning applied to hand detection in a humanoid robot. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Genova, Italy 25 Sep 2011 - 30 Sep 2011.
Smeraldi F, Bicego M, Cristani M and Murino V (2011).
CLOOSTING: CLustering data with bOOSTING. 01-06-2011
Smeraldi F, Martinez-Alvarez M, Frommholz I and
Roelleke T (2011).
On the probabilistic logical modelling of quantum and geometrically–inspired IR. 01-01-20112010
Smeraldi F, Defoin-Platel M and Saqi M (2010).
Handling missing features with boosting algorithms for protein–protein interaction prediction. 01-08-2010
Martinez-Alvarez M,
Smeraldi F and Roelleke T (2010).
A descriptive approach to modelling learning. 01-06-2010
Smeraldi F, Defoin-Platel M and Saqi M (2010).
Handling Missing Features with Boosting Algorithms for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction., Editors: Lambrix P and Kemp G.
Smeraldi F (2009).
Fast algorithms for the computation of ranklets. 01-11-2009
Azzopardi G and
Smeraldi F (2009).
Variance ranklets: orientation–selective rank features for contrast modulations. 01-09-20092008

Malacaria P and
Smeraldi F (2008).
On Adaboost and optimal betting strategies. 01-11-20082007

Maggio E,
Smeraldi F and
Cavallaro A (2007).
Adaptive multi–feature tracking in a particle filter framework. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 17, 1348–1359-1348–1359.
Adaptive multi-feature tracking in a particle filtering framework. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol. 17 Issue 10, 1348-1359.
Bue AD,
Smeraldi F and Agapito L (2007).
Non-rigid structure from motion using ranklet–based tracking and non-linear optimization. Image and Vision Computing vol. 25, 297–310-297–310.
Del Bue A,
Smeraldi F and Agapito L (2007).
Non-rigid structure from motion using ranklet-based tracking and non-linear optimization. IMAGE VISION COMPUT vol. 25 (3), 297-310.

Franceschi E, Odone F,
Smeraldi F and Verri A (2005).
A classical tool revisited: Object detection by statistical testing. 01-12-2005
Smeraldi F,
CAVALLARO A and Maggio E (2005).
Combining Colour and Orientation for Adaptive Particle Filter-based Tracking. British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Oxford, 6-8 September 2005.
Franceschi E, Odone F,
Smeraldi F and Verri A (2005).
Feature selection with nonparametric statistics. 01-01-2005
Franceschi E, Odone F,
Smeraldi F and Verri A (2005).
Feature Selection with Nonparametric Statistics. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005.
Smeraldi F, Del Bue A and Agapito L (2005).
Tracking points on deformable objects with ranklets. 01-01-20052004

Bue AD,
Smeraldi F and Agapito L (2004).
Non-rigid structure from motion using nonparametric tracking and non-linear optimization. 01-06-2004
Arleo A,
Smeraldi F and Gerstner W (2004).
Cognitive navigation based on nonuniform Gabor space sampling, unsupervised growing networks, and reinforcement learning. IEEE Trans Neural Netw vol. 15 (3), 639-652.
SMERALDI F, Verri A, Odone F and Franceschi E (2004).
Finding objects with hypothesis testing. Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning for Adaptable Visual Systems, in conjunction with ICPR'04, Cambridge, UK.
SMERALDI F, Agapito L and Del Bue A (2004).
Non-rigid structure from motion using nonparametric tracking and non-linear optimization. IEEE Workshop in Articulated and Nonrigid Motion ANMO4, held in conjunction with CVPR2004, Washington D.C (USA).
Smeraldi F and Bigun J (2003).
Special issue - Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication (AVBPA 2001) - Preface. PATTERN RECOGN LETT vol. 24 (13), 2103-2104.
SMERALDI F and Rob M (2003).
Ranklets on hexagonal pixel lattices. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference. Norwich, UK. vol 1.
Smeraldi F (2003).
A Nonparametric approach to face detection using ranklets., Editors: Kittler J and Nixon MS.
Smeraldi F and Bigun J (2002).
Retinal vision applied to facial features detection and face authentication. PATTERN RECOGN LETT vol. 23 (4), 463-475.
Smeraldi F (2002).
Ranklets: orientation selective non-parametric features applied to face detection., Editors: Kasturi R, Laurendeau D and Suen C.
Smeraldi F, Bigun J and Gerstner W (2002).
Support vector features and the role of dimensionality in face authentication., Editors: Lee SE and Verri A.

Bigun J and
Smeraldi F (2001).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface. 01-12-2001
Arleo A,
Smeraldi F, Hug S and Gerstner W (2001).
Place cells and spatial navigation based on 2D visual feature extraction, path integration, and reinforcement learning., Editors: Leen TK, Dietterich TG and Tresp V.
Bigun J and
Smeraldi F (2001).
Preface. 01-01-2001
various (2001).
Audio-- and video-- based biometric person authentication, third international conference: proceedings., Editors: Bigun J and Smeraldi F.

Arleo A,
Smeraldi F, Hug S and Gerstner W (2000).
Place cells and spatial navigation based on vision, path integration, and reinforcement learning. 01-12-2000
Matas J, Hamouz M, Jonsson K, Kittler J, Li Y, Kotropoulos C, Tefas A, Pitas I, Tan T, Yan H,
Smeraldi F, Bigün J, Capdevielle N, Gerstner W, Ben-Yacoub S, Abdeljaoued Y and Mayoraz E (2000).
Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database. 01-09-2000
Smeraldi F, Bigün J and Gerstner W (2000).
On the role of dimensionality in face authentication. 01-03-2000
Matas J, Hamouz M, Jonsson K, Kittler J, Li Y, Kotropoulos C, Tefas A, Pitas I, Tan T, Yan H,
Smeraldi F, Bigun J, Capdevielle N, Gerstner W, Ben-Yacoub S, Abdeljaoued Y and Mayoraz E (2000).
Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database., Editors: Sanfeliu A, Villanueva JJ, Vanrell M, Alquezar R, Crowley J and Shirai Y.
Smeraldi F, Carmona O and Bigün J (2000).
Saccadic search with Gabor features applied to eye detection and real-time head tracking. Image and Vision Computing vol. 18, 323–329-323–329.
Smeraldi F, Capdevielle N and Bigün J (1999).
Facial features detection by saccadic exploration of the Gabor decomposition and Support Vector Machines. 01-06-1999
Smeraldi F, Capdevielle N and Bigün J (1999).
Gabor decomposition driven saccades applied to facial features detection for visual biometrics applications. 01-03-1999
Smeraldi F, Capdevielle N and Bigun J (1999).
Face Authentication by retinotopic sampling of the Gabor decomposition and Support Vector Machines. 01-01-19991998
Smeraldi F, Carmona O and Bigun J (1998).
Real–Time Head Tracking by Saccadic Exploration and Gabor Decomposition., Editors: Almeida AT and Araujo H.
Bigun J, Duc B, Fischer S, Makarov A and
Smeraldi F (1998).
Multi modal person authentication., Editors: HWE A.
Smeraldi F and Bigun J (1998).
Facial features detection by saccadic exploration of the Gabor decomposition. 01-01-1998