Dr Johan Pauwels

Johan Pauwels

Lecturer in Audio Signal Processing

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
ResearcherID ORCID Scopus Google Scholar LinkedIn


music information retrieval, machine learning for audio, audio signal processing, binaural audio


Relevant PublicationPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI


bullet iconTurchet L, Stefani D and Pauwels J (2024). Musician-AI partnership mediated by emotionally-aware smart musical instruments. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Elsevier vol. 191, 103340-103340.  
bullet iconYu C-Y, Pauwels J and Fazekas G (2024). Time-of-arrival Estimation and Phase Unwrapping of Head-related Transfer Functions With Integer Linear Programming. Audio Engineering Society 156th Convention Madrid, Spain 15 Jun 2024 - 17 Jun 2024


Relevant PublicationEngel I, Daugintis R, Vicente T, Hogg AOT, Pauwels J, Tournier AJ and Picinali L (2023). The SONICOM HRTF Dataset. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 71 (5), 241-253.  
Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Picinali L (2023). On the relevance of the differences between HRTF measurement setups for machine learning. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023)
Relevant PublicationTurchet L, Zanotto C and Pauwels J (2023). “Give me happy pop songs in C major and with a fast tempo”: A vocal assistant for content-based queries to online music repositories. International Journal of Human Computer Studies vol. 173 
bullet iconPauwels J (2023). The Hartufo toolkit for machine learning with HRTF data. 


Relevant PublicationTurchet L and Pauwels J (2022). Music Emotion Recognition: Intention of Composers-Performers Versus Perception of Musicians, Non-Musicians, and Listening Machines. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 30, 305-316.  


Relevant PublicationBuffa M, Cabrio E, Fell M, Gandon F, Giboin A, Hennequin R, Michel F, Pauwels J, Pellerin G, Tikat M and Winckler M (2021). The WASABI Dataset: Cultural, Lyrics and Audio Analysis Metadata About 2 Million Popular Commercially Released Songs. The Semantic Web  515-531.  


Relevant PublicationTurchet L, Pauwels J, Fischione C and Fazekas G (2020). Cloud-smart Musical Instrument Interactions. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things vol. 1 (3), 1-29.  


Relevant PublicationPauwels J, O'Hanlon K, Gómez E and Sandler M (2019). 20 Years of Automatic Chord Recognition from Audio. Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Delft, Netherlands 4 Nov 2019 - 8 Nov 2019
Relevant PublicationSenvaityte D, Pauwels J and Sandler M (2019). Guitar String Separation Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Factor Deconvolution. Audio Mostly 2019
Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Sandler M (2019). Finding new practice material through chord-based exploration of a large music catalogue. Proceedings of the 16th Sound and Music Conference Málaga, Spain 28 May 2019 - 31 May 2019
Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Sandler MB (2019). A web-based system for suggesting new practice material to music learners based on chord content. 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Music Interfaces for Listening and Creation 20 Mar 2019


Relevant PublicationPauwels J, Xambo Sedo A, Roma G, Barthet M and Fazekas G (2018). Exploring Real-time Visualisations to Support Chord Learning with a Large Music Collection. 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) Berlin, Germany 19 Sep 2018 - 21 Sep 2018
Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Sandler M (2018). pywebaudioplayer: Bridging the gap between audio processing code and attractive visualisations based on web technology. 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) Berlin, Germany 19 Sep 2018 - 21 Sep 2018
Relevant PublicationPauwels J, Fazekas G and Sandler M (2018). Recommending songs to music learners based on chord content. 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music Stockholm, Sweden 14 Jul 2018
bullet iconXambo A, Pauwels J, Roma G, Barthet M and Fazekas G (2018). Jam with Jamendo: Querying a Large Music Collection by Chords from a Learner's Perspective. 
Relevant PublicationXi Q, Bittner RM, Pauwels J, Ye X and Bello JP (2018). Guitarset: A dataset for guitar transcription. 


Relevant PublicationXi Q, Bittner RM, PAUWELS J, EWERT S and Bello JP (2017). Guitar-set preview: a dataset for guitar transcription and more. 18th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR): Late Breaking/Demo Session Suzhou, China 23 Oct 2017 - 27 Dec 2017
Relevant PublicationO'Hanlon KO, Ewert S, Pauwels J and Sandler M (2017). Improved template-based chord recognition using the CRP feature. 2017 IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Relevant PublicationPauwels J, O hanlon K, Fazekas G and Sandler M (2017). Confidence Measures and Their Applications in Music Labelling Systems Based on Hidden Markov Models. 


Relevant PublicationPeeters G and Pauwels J (2016). Chord Recognition. Music Data Analysis: Foundations and Applications , Editors: Weihs C, Jannach D, Vatolkin I and Rudolph G. 
Relevant PublicationPAUWELS J (2016). Exploiting prior knowledge during automatic key and chord estimation from musical audio., Editors: Martens J-P and Leman M. 


Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Martens J-P (2014). Combining Musicological Knowledge About Chords and Keys in a Simultaneous Chord and Local Key Estimation System. Journal of New Music Research, Taylor & Francis vol. 43 (3), 318-330.  
Relevant PublicationBurgoyne JA, de Haas WB and Pauwels J (2014). On comparative statistics for labelling tasks: what can we learn from MIREX ACE 2013? 15th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)


Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Peeters G (2013). Segmenting music through the joint estimation of keys, chords and structural boundaries. Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia
Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Peeters G (2013). EVALUATING AUTOMATICALLY ESTIMATED CHORD SEQUENCES. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Relevant PublicationPauwels J, Kaiser F and Peeters G (2013). Combining harmony-based and novelty-based approaches for structural segmentation. 14th Conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR)


Relevant PublicationPauwels J, Martens J-P and Leman M (2011). The influence of chord duration modeling on chord and local key extraction. 2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops
Relevant PublicationPauwels J, Martens J-P and Leman M (2011). MODELING MUSICOLOGICAL INFORMATION AS TRIGRAMS IN A SYSTEM FOR SIMULTANEOUS CHORD AND LOCAL KEY EXTRACTION. 2011 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Relevant PublicationPauwels J, Martens J-P and Leman M (2011). Improving the key extraction performance of a simultaneous local key and chord estimation system. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)


Relevant PublicationPauwels J and Martens JP (2010). Integrating musicological knowledge into a probabilistic framework for chord and key extraction. 


Relevant PublicationVarewyck M, Pauwels J and Martens J-P (2008). A novel chroma representation of polyphonic music based on multiple pitch tracking techniques. Proceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia