
Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems

Arnold NA, Zhong P, Ba CT, Steer B,
Mondragon R, Cuadrado F, Lambiotte R and
Clegg RG (2024).
Insights and caveats from mining local and global temporal motifs in cryptocurrency transaction networks. Scientific Reports,
Springer Nature vol. 14 (1)
Sthankiya K, Saeed N, Mcsorley G,
Jaber M and
Clegg RG (2024).
A Survey on AI-Driven Energy Optimization in Terrestrial Next Generation Radio Access Networks. IEEE Access,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 12, 157540-157555.
Barnes MR, Karan M, McQuistin S, Perkins C,
Tyson G,
Purver M,
Castro I and
Clegg RG (2024).
Temporal Network Analysis of Email Communication Patterns in a Long Standing Hierarchy. arxiv.
Sthankiya K, Briggs K,
Jaber M and
Clegg RG (2024).
AI-Ready Energy Modelling for Next Generation RAN. 2024 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 21 Apr 2024 - 24 Apr 2024.

Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ and
Clegg RG (2023).
Using a Bayesian approach to reconstruct graph statistics after edge sampling. Applied Network Science,
Springer Nature vol. 8 (1), 80-80.
Steer B, Arnold NA, Ba CT, Lambiotte R, Yousaf H, Jeub L, Murariu F, Kapoor S, Rico P, Chan R, Chan L, Alford J,
Clegg RG, Cuadrado F, Barnes MR, Zhong P, Pougué-Biyong J and Alnaimi A (2023).
Raphtory: The temporal graph engine for Rust and Python. The Journal of Open Source Software,
The Open Journal vol. 9 (95), 5940-5940.
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ and
Clegg RG (2023).
Reconstructing Degree Distribution and Triangle Counts from Edge-Sampled Graphs. Complex Networks and Their Applications XI 297-309.

Barnes MR,
Nicosia V and
Clegg RG (2022).
Measuring Equality and Hierarchical Mobility on Abstract Complex Networks. Complex Networks XIII 15-28.

Arnold N, Steer BA, Hafnaoui I, Parada G HA, Mondragon RJ, Cuadrado F and
Clegg RG (2021).
Moving with the Times: Investigating the Alt-Right Network Gab with Temporal Interaction Graphs. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
Malekzadeh M,
Clegg R,
Cavallaro A and Haddadi H (2021).
DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies vol. 5 (3)
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ and
Clegg RG (2021).
Likelihood-based approach to discriminate mixtures of network models that vary in time. Scientific Reports,
Nature Publishing Group vol. 11 (1)
Alasmar M,
Clegg R, Zakhleniuk N and Parisis G (2021).
Internet Traffic Volumes are Not Gaussian—They are Log-Normal: An 18-Year Longitudinal Study With Implications for Modelling and Prediction. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 29 (3), 1266-1279.

Yin H,
Clegg RG and Mondragón RJ (2020).
Simplification of networks by conserving path diversity and minimisation of the search information. Scientific Reports,
Nature Publishing Group vol. 10 (1)
Yin H,
Clegg RG and
Mondragon RJ (2020).
Simplification of networks via conservation of path diversity and
minimisation of the search information. Scientific Reports,
Nature Publishing Group 27-03-2020
Malekzadeh M,
Clegg RG,
Cavallaro A and Haddadi H (2020).
Privacy and utility preserving sensor-data transformations. Pervasive and Mobile Computing,
Elsevier vol. 63

Katevas K, Hänsel K,
Clegg R, Leontiadis I, Haddadi H and
Tokarchuk L (2019).
Finding dory in the crowd: Detecting social interactions using multi-modal mobile sensing. SenSys-ML 2019 - Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Machine Learning on Edge in Sensor Systems, Part of SenSys 2019, 37-42.
Steer B, Cuadrado F and
Clegg R (2019).
Raphtory: Streaming analysis of distributed temporal graphs. Future Generation Computer Systems: the international journal of grid computing: theory, methods and applications,
Elsevier vol. 102, 453-464.
Alasmar M, Parisis G,
CLEGG R and Zakhleniuk N (2019).
On the Distribution of Traffic Volumes in the Internet and its Implications. IEEE INFOCOM Paris, France 29 Apr 2019 - 2 May 2019.
Malekzadeh M,
Clegg RG,
Cavallaro A and Haddadi H (2019).
Mobile sensor data anonymization. Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation.
Sultana N, Galea S, Greaves D, Wójcik M, Shipton J,
Clegg RG, Mai L, Bressana P, Soulé R, Mortier R, Costa P, Pietzuch P, Crowcroft J, Moore AW and Zilberman N (2019).
EMU: Rapid prototyping of networking services. 01-01-20192018

Malekzadeh M,
Clegg RG and Haddadi H (2018).
Replacement autoencoder: a privacy-preserving algorithm for sensory data analysis. Proceedings - ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation, IoTDI 2018, 165-176.
Malekzadeh M,
Clegg RG,
Cavallaro A and Haddadi H (2018).
Protecting Sensory Data against Sensitive Inferences. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems.
Clegg RG and Smith MJ (2018).
Dynamic simulation of a simple Route Guidance System in the presence of responsive signal control policies. Behavioural and Network Impacts of Driver Information Systems 141-152.

Katevas K,
Tokarchuk L, Haddadi H,
Clegg RG and Irfan M (2017).
Demo. Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services.
Steer BA, Cuadrado F and
Clegg RG (2017).
Raphtory. Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems.
CLEGG R, Landa R, Griffin D, Rio M, Hughes P, Kegel I, Stevens T, Pietzuch P and Williams D (2017).
Faces in the Clouds: Long-Duration, Multi-User, Cloud-Assisted Video Conferencing. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 09-03-2017
Landa R, Charalambides M,
Clegg RG, Griffin D and Rio M (2017).
Self-Tuning Service Provisioning for Decentralized Cloud Applications. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management vol. 13 (2), 197-211.
Katevas K,
Tokarchuk L, Haddadi H,
Clegg RG and Irfan M (2017).
Detecting Group Formations using iBeacon Technology. 01-01-20172016

Landa R, Araujo JT,
CLEGG R, Pavlou G and Fukuda K (2016).
On rate limitation mechanisms for TCP throughput: a longitudinal analysis. Computer Networks 15-12-2016
Katevas K, Haddadi H,
Tokarchuk L and
Clegg RG (2016).
Detecting Group Formations using iBeacon Technology. HASCA @ UbiComp 2016.
Alim A,
Clegg RG and et al (2016).
FLICK: Developing and Running Application-Specific Network Services. USENIX Annual Technical Conference Denver Colorado 22 Jun 2016 - 24 Jun 2016.
Nordin N,
Clegg RG and Rio M (2016).
Multichannel Cross-Layer Routing for Sensor Networks. 2016 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT).
Clegg RG, Parker B and Rio M (2016).
Likelihood-based assessment of dynamic networks. Journal of Complex Networks, cnv031-cnv031.

Katevas K, Haddadi H,
Tokarchuk L and
Clegg RG (2015).
Walking in Sync. Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Workshop on Physical Analytics.
Clegg RG, Landa R, Araújo JT, Mykoniati E, Griffin D and Rio M (2014).
TARDIS. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review,
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) vol. 42 (1), 593-594.
Araújo JT, Landa R,
Clegg RG and Pavlou G (2014).
Software-defined network support for transport resilience. 2014 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS).
Araújo JT, Landa R,
Clegg RG, Pavlou G and Fukuda K (2014).
A Longitudinal Analysis of Internet Rate Limitations. IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications.
Clegg RG, Spencer J, Landa R, Thakur M, Mitchell J and Rio M (2014).
Pushing Software Defined Networking to the access. 2014 Third European Workshop on Software Defined Networks.

Landa R, Araújo JT,
Clegg RG, Mykoniati E, Griffin D and Rio M (2013).
The large-scale geography of Internet round trip times. 26-12-2013
Landa R,
Clegg RG, Araújo JT, Mykoniati E, Griffin D and Rio M (2013).
Measuring the Relationships between Internet Geography and RTT. 2013 22nd International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN).
Clegg RG, Araújo JT, Landa R, Mykoniati E, Griffin D and Rio M (2013).
On the relationship between fundamental measurements in TCP flows. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
Clegg RG, Clayman S, Pavlou G, Mamatas L and Galis A (2013).
On the Selection of Management/Monitoring Nodes in Highly Dynamic Networks. IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 62 (6), 1207-1220.
Clegg RG, Isam S, Kanaras I and Darwazeh I (2012).
A practical system for improved efficiency in frequency division multiplexed wireless networks. IET Communications,
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) vol. 6 (4), 449-457.
Landa R, Mykoniati E,
Clegg RG, Griffin D and Rio M (2012).
Modelling the Tradeoffs in Overlay-ISP Cooperation. 01-01-20122011

Clayman S,
Clegg R, Mamatas L, Pavlou G and Galis A (2011).
Monitoring, aggregation and filtering for efficient management of virtual networks. 01-12-2011
Hecht FV, Boeck T,
Clegg RG, Landa R, Hausheer D and Stiller B (2011).
LiveShift: Mesh-Pull Live and Time-Shifted P2P Video Streaming. 2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks.
Clegg RG, Landa R and Rio M (2011).
Criticisms of modelling packet traffic using long-range dependence (extended version). Journal of Computer and System Sciences,
Elsevier vol. 77 (5), 861-868.
Araújo JT,
Clegg R, Grandi I, Rio M and Pavlou G (2011).
Balancing by PREFLEX: Congestion Aware Traffic Engineering. 01-01-2011
Psaras I,
Clegg RG, Landa R, Chai WK and Pavlou G (2011).
Modelling and Evaluation of CCN-Caching Trees. 01-01-20112010

Woldeselassie M,
Clegg RG and Rio M (2010).
Forecasting Full-Path Network Congestion Using One Bit Signalling. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications.
Clegg RG (2010).
A discrete-time Markov-modulated queuing system with batched arrivals. Performance Evaluation,
Elsevier vol. 67 (5), 376-385.
Clegg RG, Di Cairano-Gilfedder C and Zhou S (2010).
A critical look at power law modelling of the Internet. Computer Communications,
Elsevier vol. 33 (3), 259-268.
Clegg RG, Landa R, Griffin D, Mykoniati E and Rio M (2009).
Performance of locality-aware topologies for peer-to-peer live streaming. IET Software,
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) vol. 3 (6), 470-479.
Clegg RG, Landa R, Haddadi H and Rio M (2009).
Measuring the likelihood of models for network evolution. 12-10-2009
Clegg RG, Landa R and Rio M (2009).
Criticisms of modelling packet traffic using long-range dependence. 2009 Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks.
Redman-White W, Bugbee M, Dobbs S, Wu X, Balmford R, Nuttgens J, Kiani US,
Clegg R and Besten GWD (2009).
A Robust High Speed Serial PHY Architecture with Feed-Forward Correction Clock and Data Recovery. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 44 (7), 1914-1926.
Clegg RG, Landa R, Rio M and Harder U (2009).
A likelihood based framework for assessing network evolution models tested on real network data. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Network for Practitioners.
Clegg RG, Withall MS, Moore AW, Phillips IW, Parish DJ, Rio M, Landa R, Haddadi H, Kyriakopoulos K, Augé J, Clayton R and Salmon D (2009).
Challenges in the capture and dissemination of measurements from high-speed networks. IET Communications,
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) vol. 3 (6), 957-966.
Clegg RG, Landa R, Haddadi H and Rio M (2009).
Measuring the likelihood of models for network evolution. IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2009.
Landa R, Griffin D,
Clegg RG, Mykoniati E and Rio M (2009).
A Sybilproof Indirect Reciprocity Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2009.
Mykoniati E, Latif L, Landa R, Yang B,
Clegg R, Griffin D and Rio M (2009).
Distributed Overlay Anycast Tables using Space Filling Curves. IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2009.
Mykoniati E, Latif L, Landa R, Yang B,
Clegg R, Griffin D and Rio M (2009).
Distributed Overlay Anycast Tables using Space Filling Curves. 01-01-20092008

Mykoniati E, Landa R, Spirou S,
Clegg RG, Latif L, Griffin D and Rio M (2008).
Scalable peer-to-peer streaming for live entertainment content. IEEE Communications Magazine,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 46 (12), 40-46.
Landa R, Rio M, Griffin D,
Clegg R and Mykoniati E (2008).
Incentives Against Hidden Action in QoS Overlays. 2008 Eighth International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing.
Redman-White W, Bugbee M, Dobbs S, Wu X, Balmford R, Nuttgens J, Kiani U,
Clegg R and Besten GWD (2008).
A robust 1.5Gb/s + 3Gb/s serial PHY with feed-forward correction clock and data recovery. ESSCIRC 2008 - 34th European Solid-State Circuits Conference.
Clegg RG, Landa R, Haddadi H, Rio M and Moore AW (2008).
Techniques for flow inversion on sampled data. IEEE INFOCOM 2008 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops.
Clegg RG (2006).
A set theoretic framework for enumerating matches in surveys and its application to reducing inaccuracies in vehicle roadside surveys. European Journal of Operational Research,
Elsevier vol. 175 (3), 1501-1513.
Clegg RG (2006).
A practical guide to measuring the hurst parameter. International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science and Technology vol. 7 (2), 3-14.

Di Cairano-Gilfedder C and
Clegg RG (2005).
A decade of Internet research — advances in models and practices. BT Technology Journal,
Springer Nature vol. 23 (4), 115-128.
Clegg RG and Dodson M (2005).
Markov chain-based method for generating long-range dependence. Physical Review E,
American Physical Society (APS) vol. 72 (2)
Clegg RG and Clune AJ (1999).
MUSIC Project: Urban Traffic Control for Traffic Demand Management. Transportation Research Record Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
SAGE Publications vol. 1682 (1), 55-61.
Clegg R, Ghali MO and Smith MJ (1996).
Equilibrium/control results and the approach to near-equilibrium of a new dynamic micro-simulation/assignment model on a network model of York. 01-01-1996