Dr Roberto Volpe

Roberto Volpe
School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering


Relevant PublicationFe-N catalyst derived from and supported on Lycopodium clavatum sporopollenin exine capsules for the oxygen reduction reaction
Malik W, Tafoya JPV, Doszczeczko S, Sobrido ABJ, Boa AN and Volpe R
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 14 (1) 
bullet iconTracked evolution of single biochar particle’s morphology during pyrolysis in operando x-ray micro-computed tomography
Salinas-Farran L, Mosonik MC, Jervis R, Marathe S, Rau C and Volpe R
Biochar, Springeropen vol. 6 (1), 86-86.  
Relevant PublicationHierarchical and operando tomography with x-rays and beyond
Rau C, Batey D, Marathe S, Turpin L, Jakata K, Cipiccia S, Antony I, Volpe R, Richter C-P, Carriero A, Dumoux M, Schneider JE, Dall'Armellina E, Holderied MW and Van den Bulcke J
Developments in X-Ray Tomography XV
bullet iconRole of reaction parameters in hydrothermal carbonization with process water recirculation: Hydrochar recovery enhancement and energy balance
Picone A, Volpe M, Malik W, Volpe R and Messineo A
Biomass and Bioenergy, Elsevier vol. 181 
bullet iconCo-hydrothermal carbonization with process water recirculation as a valuable strategy to enhance hydrochar recovery with high energy efficiency
Picone A, Volpe M, Codignole Lùz F, Malik W, Volpe R and Messineo A
Waste Management, Elsevier vol. 175, 101-109.  


Relevant PublicationSynthesis of a Graphene-Encapsulated Fe3C/Fe Catalyst Supported on Sporopollenin Exine Capsules and Its Use for the Reverse Water-Gas Shift Reaction
Malik W, Victoria Tafoya JP, Doszczeczko S, Jorge Sobrido AB, Skoulou VK, Boa AN, Zhang Q, Ramirez Reina T and Volpe R
Acs Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, American Chemical Society 
bullet iconHighly ordered CaO from cuttlefish bone calcination for the efficient adsorption of methylene blue from water
Tagar U, Volpe M, Messineo A and Volpe R
Frontiers in Chemistry, Frontiers Media vol. 11, 1132464-1132464.  
bullet iconRecovery of metals and valuable chemicals from waste electric and electronic materials: a critical review of existing technologies
Gulliani S, Volpe M, Messineo A and Volpe R
Rsc Sustainability, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 1 (5), 1085-1108.  


bullet iconPotential pitfalls on the scalability of laboratory-based research for hydrothermal carbonization
Volpe M, Picone A, Luz FC, Mosonik MCA, Volpe R and Messineo A
Fuel: The Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy, Elsevier vol. 315 
bullet iconAlkaline pretreatment of walnut shells increases pore surface hydrophilicity of derived biochars
Barr MR, Forster L, D'Agostino C and Volpe R
Applied Surface Science, Elsevier vol. 571 


bullet iconUnlocking the potential of biofuels via reaction pathways in van Krevelen diagrams
Lozano DCP, Jones HE, Reina TR, Volpe R and Barrow MP
Green Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry 
bullet iconA molecular investigation on lignin thermochemical conversion and carbonaceous organics deposition induced catalyst deactivation
Chen C, Volpe R and Jiang X
Applied Energy vol. 302 
bullet iconEnhancement of energy and combustion properties of hydrochar via citric acid catalysed secondary char production
Volpe M, Luz FC, Saha N, Reza MT, Mosonik MC, Volpe R and Messineo A
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) 
bullet iconIdentifying Synergistic Effects between Biomass Components during Pyrolysis and Pointers Concerning Experiment Design
Barr MR, Volpe R and Kandiyoti R
Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 
bullet iconMorphological and structural evolution of activated carbons from almond shells
Maniscalco MP, Volpe R and Messineo A
bullet iconA reactive molecular dynamics simulation of catalyst deactivation during biomass thermochemical conversion
Chen C, Volpe R and Jiang X
bullet iconLiquid Biofuels from Food Crops in Transportation – A Balance Sheet of Outcomes
BARR M, Volpe R and Kandiyoti R
Chemical Engineering Science, Elsevier 
bullet iconTowards a mechanistic understanding of particle shrinkage during biomass pyrolysis via synchrotron X-ray microtomography and in-situ radiography
Barr MR, Jervis R, Zhang Y, Bodey AJ, Rau C, Shearing PR, Brett DJL, Titirici M and Volpe R
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 11 (1) 
bullet iconIn situ observation of the evolution of polyaromatic tar precursors in packed-bed biomass pyrolysis
Chelang'at Mosonik M, Volpe R, Ezenwajiaku C, Talibi M and Balachandran R
Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 6 (9), 1538-1547.  


bullet iconCationic Dye Adsorption on Hydrochars of Winery and Citrus Juice Industries Residues: Performance, Mechanism, and Thermodynamics
Saha N, Volpe M, Fiori L, Volpe R, Messineo A and Reza MT
Energies, Mdpi Ag vol. 13 (18), 4686-4686.  
bullet iconOn the suitability of thermogravimetric balances for the study of biomass pyrolysis
Barr MR, Volpe M, Messineo A and Volpe R
Fuel, Elsevier Bv vol. 276, 118069-118069.  
bullet iconReactivity of cellulose during hydrothermal carbonization of lignocellulosic biomass
Volpe M, Messineo A, Mäkelä M, Barr MR, Volpe R, Corrado C and Fiori L
Fuel Processing Technology, Elsevier vol. 206 
bullet iconEvaluation of the optimal activation parameters for almond shell bio-char production for capacitive deionization
Maniscalco MP, Corrado C, Volpe R and Messineo A
Bioresource Technology Reports vol. 11 
bullet iconAugmented Leaching Pretreatments for Forest Wood Waste and Their Effect on Ash Composition and the Lignocellulosic Network
Taylor MJ, Alabdrabalameer HA, Michopoulos AK, Volpe R and Skoulou V
Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, American Chemical Society (Acs) 
bullet iconBiomethane recovery from olive mill residues through anaerobic digestion: A review of the state of the art technology
Messineo A, Maniscalco MP and Volpe R
Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier vol. 703 


bullet iconStudy of char morphology during biomass pyrolysis and gasification via micro-computed tomography
Barr M, Zhang Y, Jervis R and Volpe R
ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Expo
bullet iconFree radicals formation on thermally decomposed biomass
Volpe R, Bermudez Menendez JM, Ramirez Reina T, Volpe M, Messineo A, Millan M and Titirici MM
Fuel vol. 255 
bullet iconInfluence of reactor design on product distributions from biomass pyrolysis
Barr M, Volpe R and Kandiyoti R
Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, American Chemical Society (Acs) 
bullet iconAssessing flow rate parameters on capacitive deionization of NaCl solution using biomass-derived activated carbon electrodes
Maniscalco M, Volpe R and Messineo A


bullet iconPromoting energy recovery from recalcitrant agro-industrial wastes through anaerobic digestion: A review on olive mill residues
Maniscalco MP, Volpe M, Volpe R and Messineo A
bullet iconCatalytic effect of alkali metals in volatilisation of solid biofuels during gasification
Volpe R, Maniscalco MP, Ticali D, Volpe M and Messineo A
bullet iconAssessment of bio-combustibles production via slow pyrolysis of wine industry residues
Volpe M, Fiori L, Panno D, Volpe R and Messineo A
bullet iconSynergistic Effects between Lignin and Cellulose during Pyrolysis of Agricultural Waste
Volpe R, Zabaniotou AA and Skoulou V
Energy & Fuels, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 32 (8), 8420-8430.  
bullet iconAssessing Methane Emission and Economic Viability of Energy Exploitation in a Typical Sicilian Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
Di Trapani D, Volpe M, Di Bella G, Messineo A, Volpe R and Viviani G
Waste and Biomass Valorization, 1-12.  
bullet iconSpatially resolved spectral determination of polysaccharides in hydrothermally carbonized biomass
VOLPE R, Mäkelä M, Volpe M, Fiori L and Dahl O
Green Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry 
bullet iconChemical pathways in thermal decomposition of citrus waste via slow pyrolysis
Volpe R, Menendes JB, Reina TR, Titirici M, Messineo A and Millan M
bullet iconDetailed molecular compositions of citrus waste bio-oil: Application of ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry
Palacio D, Reina TR, Volpe R and Barrow M
bullet iconThermal breakdown in coal and biomass: Relationship between reactor design and product distributions
Volpe R and Kandiyoti R


bullet iconCatalytic Effect of Char for Tar Cracking in Pyrolysis of Citrus Wastes, Design of a Novel Experimental Set Up and First Results
VOLPE R, Messineo S, Volpe M and Messineo A
Chemical Engineering Transactions, Italian Association of Chemical Engineering - Aidic vol. 50, 181-186.  
bullet iconAn Innovative Adaptive Control System to Regulate Microclimatic Conditions in a Greenhouse
Nicolosi G, Messineo A and VOLPE R
Energies vol. 10 (5), 722-722.  
bullet iconEvolution of chars during slow pyrolysis of citrus waste
Volpe R, Menendez JMB, Reina TR, Messineo A and Millan M
Fuel Processing Technology vol. 158, 255-263.  


bullet iconUpgrading of Olive Tree Trimmings Residue as Biofuel by Hydrothermal Carbonization and Torrefaction: a Comparative Study
VOLPE R, Volpe M, Fiori L and Messineo A
Chemical Engineering Transactions, Italian Association of Chemical Engineering - Aidic vol. 50, 13-13.  
bullet iconEnergy Saving in Water Distribution Network through Pump as Turbine Generators: Economic and Environmental Analysis
De Marchis M, Milici B, Volpe R and Messineo A
Energies vol. 9 (11), 877-877.  
bullet iconTechnical and Economical Assessment of Biomass Potential for Power Production: A Study in the South of Italy
Messineo A, Bonasera D, Volpe R, Messineo S and Marvuglia A
Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management vol. 4 (3), 287-299.  
bullet iconCarbon reactivity in biomass thermal breakdown
Volpe R, Messineo A and Millan M
Fuel vol. 183, 139-144.  


bullet iconCarbon Footprint of Tree Nuts Based Consumer Products
Volpe R, Messineo S, Volpe M and Messineo A
Sustainability, Mdpi Ag vol. 7 (11), 14917-14934.  
bullet iconUpgrade of citrus waste as a biofuel via slow pyrolysis
Volpe M, Panno D, Volpe R and Messineo A
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Elsevier vol. 115, 66-76.  
bullet iconAssessment of olive wastes as energy source: pyrolysis, torrefaction and the key role of H loss in thermal breakdown
Volpe R, Messineo A, Millan M, Volpe M and Kandiyoti R
Energy, Elsevier vol. 82, 119-127.  


bullet iconSustainable Production of Bio-Combustibles from Pyrolysis of Agro-Industrial Wastes
Volpe M, D’Anna C, Messineo S, Volpe R and Messineo A
Sustainability, Mdpi vol. 6 (11), 7866-7882.  
bullet iconEvaluation of equilibrium moisture content in ligno-cellulosic residues of olive culture
Messineo A, Ciulla G, Messineo S, Volpe M and Volpe R
Arpn Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences vol. 9 (1), 5-11.  


bullet iconNumerical Solution of Foodstuff Freezing Problems Using Radial Basis Functions
La Rocca A, La Rocca V, Messineo A, Morale M, Panno D and Volpe R
Advanced Science Letters, American Scientific Publishers vol. 19 (3), 1044-1047.  


bullet iconCollection of Thermal Energy Available from a Biogas Plant for Leachate Treatment in an Urban Landfill: A Sicilian Case Study
Messineo A, Freni G and Volpe R
Energies, Mdpi vol. 5 (10), 3753-3767.  
bullet iconLigno-cellulosic biomass exploitation for power generation: A case study in sicily
Messineo A, Volpe R and Marvuglia A
Energy, Elsevier vol. 45 (1), 613-625.  
bullet iconEvaluation of Net Energy Obtainable from Combustion of Stabilised Olive Mill By-Products
Messineo A, Volpe R and Asdrubali F
Energies, Mdpi vol. 5 (5), 1384-1397.  
bullet iconTechnical and Economical Feasibility of Biomass Use for Power Generation in Sicily
Messineo A, Panno D and Volpe R
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, Igi Global vol. 3 (1), 40-50.  

Grants of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering

solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering
bullet iconPyrolysis, ignition and burning of multilayer photovoltaic modules
Roberto Volpe
£12,000 Royal Society
01-01-2025 - 31-12-2026
bullet iconResolving the biomass pyrolysis kinetics via combined synchrotron-based measurements and modelling analysis
Roberto Volpe
£12,000 Royal Society
11-03-2022 - 10-03-2025

bullet iconBIOmass ENergy for Rural Eastern sub-Saharan Africa
Roberto Volpe
£140,000 Jawabutech Ltd
01-09-2018 - 28-02-2022