Dr Kamyar Mehran

Kamyar Mehran

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Electrical Power Engineering
Programme Coordinator of the MSc in Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Industry Lead of The Centre for Electronics

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar LinkedIn


Power Electronics, Energy storage system, AI-based system modelling and control, Power system engineering


Kamyar's primary research is in the field of power and control system engineering. He has a special interest in
the fields of AC/DC microgrid control and energy management, power electronics, electric/hybrid powertrain for marine system, battery management system, and fuzzy system modelling and control. He is mainly interested in using advanced control approaches including AI-based, adaptive, optimal, and nonlinear control to solve problems in the design, management and condition monitoring of the above systems.

For Kamyar's research projects, please visit: https://kamyarmehran.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/research/


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Electronics


Relevant PublicationRelaxed positivity, η-exponential stabilization and l 1-gain performance of polynomial discrete-time fuzzy system with time-delay and external disturbance
Bao Z, Li X, Shan Y, Wang X, Mehran K and Lam HK
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Elsevier vol. 502 


Relevant PublicationA Novel Global-Local Multi-Stage Algorithm for Fast Non-invasive Parameterisation of P2D Lithium-ion Battery Models
Wickramanayake T and Mehran K
Ieee Transactions On Transportation Electrification, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationLoss Analysis Towards Developing a Digital Twin Model of a PMSG-Based Powertrain for Wind Turbine System
Shawier A, Gadoue S and Mehran K
2024 Energy Conversion Congress & Expo Europe (ECCE Europe)
Relevant PublicationA Gate Driver-Level Isolated Monitoring Technique for Gate Oxide Degradation in Silicon Carbide Power MOSFETs
Naghibi J, Mohsenzade S, Mehran K and Foster MP
Ieee Transactions On Power Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. PP (99), 1-12.  
Relevant PublicationA Novel Multi-Stage Stochastic Estimation Algorithm for Estimating the Parameters of the Extended Single Particle Model of a Lithium-Ion Battery
Wickramanayake T, Iqbal S and Mehran K
Ecs Meeting Abstracts, The Electrochemical Society vol. MA2024-01 (5), 728-728.  
Relevant Publication(Battery Student Slam 8 Award Winner) A Comparison of Different Convergence Criteria to Improve the Performance of a P2D Modelling Algorithm of a Lithium-Ion Battery
Wickramanayake T and Mehran K
Ecs Meeting Abstracts, The Electrochemical Society vol. MA2024-01 (5), 732-732.  
bullet iconA Novel Adaptive Gradient Descent Based Parameter Estimation Algorithm for the Single Particle Model of a Lithium-Ion Battery
Wickramanayake T and Mehran K
2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM)
bullet iconMembership-dependent polynomial fuzzy control of a positive discrete time system: A symbol transfer technique
Li X, Zhao J, Liu F, Bao Z and Mehran K
Isa Transactions, Elsevier vol. 151, 212-220.  
bullet iconScalable Reliable Control for Cyber- Physical Microgrids Using Chordal Graph
Zhao Y, Song Y, Wang A, Chen Y and Mehran K
2024 IEEE 13th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS)
bullet iconSecurity dissipative control for interval type‐2 fuzzy hidden Markovian jump systems under event‐triggered scheme
Rengaraj VA, Pagavathi B, Mahinzaeim M and Mehran K
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Wiley vol. 34 (13), 8538-8557.  
bullet iconA Novel Solver for an Electrochemical–Thermal Ageing Model of a Lithium-Ion Battery
Wickramanayake T, Javadipour M and Mehran K
Batteries, Mdpi vol. 10 (4) 
bullet iconData-Driven Management Systems for Wave-Powered Renewable Energy Communities
Iqbal S and Mehran K
Energies, Mdpi vol. 17 (5) 


Relevant PublicationMulti-Step Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) Time Series Ocean Waves Forecasting Model for Wave Energy Converters (WEC)
Iqbal S and Mehran K
2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Relevant PublicationReal-Time Degradation Level Assessment of IGBT Gate Oxide Layer Using Turn-Off Delay Time
Jazayeri M, Mohsenzade S, Naghibi J and Mehran K
Ieee Transactions On Power Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 38 (12), 16153-16164.  
Relevant PublicationA Complete Online Solution of Harmonic Elimination PWM Method Using Modified-Equilibrium Optimizer-Levenberg- Marquardt Algorithm
Amjad AM, Mehran K and Gadoue S
Ieee Access vol. 11, 47362-47376.  
Relevant PublicationA Novel Root-Finding Algorithm to Solve the Pseudo-2D Model of a Lithium-ion Battery
Wickramanayake T, Javadipour M and Mehran K
2023 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC)
Relevant PublicationA novel distributed privacy‐preserving control and data collection method for IoT‐centric microgrids
Alavi SA, Javadipour M, Rahimian A and Mehran K
Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 17 (10), 2249-2259.  
Relevant PublicationCapacity estimation of lithium-ion batteries based on optimized charging voltage section and virtual sample generation
Tian Y, Dong Q, Tian J, Li X, Li G and Mehran K
Applied Energy, Elsevier vol. 332 
Relevant PublicationReal-Time Comprehensive Condition Monitoring Technique for SiC MOSFET-Based Inverters in EV Applications
Naghibi J, Mehran K and Foster MP
Transportation Research Procedia, Elsevier vol. 70, 380-387.  


Relevant PublicationA Novel Online State of Health Estimation Method for Electric Vehicle Pouch Cells Using Magnetic Field Imaging and Convolution Neural Networks
Javadipour M, Wickramanayake T, Alavi SA and Mehran K
Electrochem, Mdpi vol. 3 (4), 769-788.  
Relevant PublicationReinforcement Learning Based Optimal Energy Management of A Microgrid
Iqbal S and Mehran K
2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Relevant PublicationOn the Effect of SiC Power MOSFET Gate Oxide Degradation in High Frequency Phase Leg-Based Applications
Naghibi J, Mohsenzade S, Iqbal S, Mehran K and Foster MP
2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Relevant PublicationA Scheme for Resource Sharing in Distributed DC Microgrids with Minimal System Losses
Iqbal S, Mehran K and Nasir M
2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe)
Relevant PublicationA review on foreign object detection for magnetic coupling-based electric vehicle wireless charging
Tian Y, Guan W, Li G, Mehran K, Tian J and Xiang L
Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation, Elsevier vol. 1 (2) 
Relevant PublicationGate Oxide Degradation Condition Monitoring Technique for High-Frequency Applications of Silicon Carbide Power MOSFETs
Naghibi J, Mohsenzade S, Mehran K and Foster MP
Ieee Transactions On Power Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 38 (1), 1079-1091.  
Relevant PublicationPackage-related degradation condition monitoring of SiC power MOSFETs using current distribution anomaly detection
Naghibi J, Mohsenzade S, Mehran K and Foster MP
Relevant PublicationStability and Stabilization of Polynomial Fuzzy-Model-Based Switched Nonlinear Systems Under MDADT Switching Signal
Bao Z, Lam H-K, Peng Y, Liu F and Mehran K
Ieee Transactions On Fuzzy Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 31 (1), 1-13.  
Relevant PublicationA Day-Ahead Energy Management for Multi MicroGrid System to Optimize the Energy Storage Charge and Grid Dependency—A Comparative Analysis
Iqbal S and Mehran K
Energies, Mdpi vol. 15 (11) 
Relevant PublicationCharacterization of Si-IGBT Crosstalk with a Concentration on Power Circuit Parasitic Elements and the Device Operation Point
Rajabian AA, Mohsenzade S, Naghibi J and Mehran K
Relevant PublicationEvaluation of Drain-Source Voltage in Switch Transient Time Intervals as Gate Oxide Degradation Precursor of SiC Power MOSFETs
Naghibi J, Mohsenzade S, Mehran K and Foster MP


Relevant PublicationOnline harmonic elimination pulse width modulation technique for modular multilevel cascade converter
Amjad AM, Mehran K, Gadoue S and Blaabjerg F
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems vol. 133 
Relevant PublicationReliability Enhancement of Power IGBTs under Short-Circuit Fault Condition Using Short-Circuit Current Limiting-Based Technique
Mohsenzade S, Naghibi J and Mehran K
Energies, Mdpi vol. 14 (21) 
Relevant PublicationA Novel Approach of Peer to Peer Energy Sharing in DC Microgrid with Optimal Distribution Losses
Iqbal S, Mehran K and Nasir M
2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe)
Relevant PublicationHigh-Frequency Non-Invasive Magnetic Field-Based Condition Monitoring of SiC Power MOSFET Modules
Naghibi J, Mehran K and Foster MP
Energies, Mdpi vol. 14 (20) 
Relevant PublicationMultilayer event‐based distributed control system for DC microgrids with non‐uniform delays and directional communication
Alavi SA, Rahimian A, Mehran K and Vahidinasab V
Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 16 (2), 267-281.  
Relevant PublicationSimulation Assisted Current Density Monitoring for Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Vehicles
Javadipour M, Alavi SA and Mehran K
Relevant PublicationOnline magnetic field monitoring in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles
Javadipour M and Mehran K
Rezaei N and Mehran K
Relevant PublicationMembership Function, Time Delay-Dependent $\eta$-Exponential Stabilization of the Positive Discrete-Time Polynomial Fuzzy Model Control System
Li X, Mehran K and Bao Z
Ieee Transactions On Fuzzy Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 30 (7), 2197-2209.  
Relevant PublicationA Single-Phase Synchronization Technique for Grid-Connected Energy Storage System Under Faulty Grid Conditions
Saleem K, Ali Z and Mehran K
Ieee Transactions On Power Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 36 (10), 12019-12032.  
Relevant PublicationForecast-Based Consensus Control for DC Microgrids Using Distributed Long Short-Term Memory Deep Learning Models
Alavi SA, Mehran K, Vahidinasab V and Catalão JPS
Ieee Transactions On Smart Grid, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 12 (5), 3718-3730.  
Relevant PublicationAnalysis of current density in the electrode and electrolyte of lithium‐ion cells for ageing estimation applications
Javadipour M and Mehran K
Iet Smart Grid, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 4 (2), 176-189.  
Relevant PublicationChapter Two Delay resilient networked control with application to microgrids Multiagent and fuzzy control approaches
Alavi SA, Li X and Mehran K
In Control Strategy For Time-Delay Systems, Elsevier 35-68.  


Relevant PublicationStatistical Estimation Framework for State Awareness in Microgrids Based on IoT Data Streams
Alavi SA, Rahimian A and Mehran K
PEMD 2020 - The 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives
Relevant PublicationPower Systems Resilience Metrics: A Comprehensive Review of Challenges and Outlook
Raoufi H, Vahidinasab V and Mehran K
Sustainability, Mdpi vol. 12 (22) 
Relevant PublicationAn Online Failure Assessment Approach for SiC-based MOSFET Power Modules Using Iterative Condition Monitoring Technique
Naghibi J, Mehran K and Foster MP
2020 IEEE 21st Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL)
Relevant PublicationOptimal Observer Synthesis for Microgrids With Adaptive Send-on-Delta Sampling Over IoT Communication Networks
Alavi SA, Mehran K and Hao Y
Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-1.  
Relevant PublicationAn improved pre-filtering moving average filter based synchronization algorithm for single-phase V2G application
Saleem K, Mehran K and Ali Z
2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Relevant PublicationOnline reduced complexity parameter estimation technique for equivalent circuit model of lithium-ion battery
Saleem K, Mehran K and Ali Z
Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier vol. 185 
Relevant PublicationFlexible two‐stage robust model for moving the transmission and reactive power infrastructures expansion planning towards power system integration of renewables
Olfatinezhad N, Vahidinasab V, Ahmadian M, Arasteh H, Aghaei J and Mehran K
Iet Renewable Power Generation, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 14 (11), 1921-1932.  
Relevant PublicationIntegrated active/reactive power scheduling of interdependent microgrid and EV fleets based on stochastic multi‐objective normalised normal constraint
Saffari M, Kia M, Vahidinasab V and Mehran K
Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 14 (11), 2055-2064.  
Relevant PublicationMembership‐dependent stability analysis of discrete‐time positive polynomial fuzzy‐model‐based control systems with time delay
Bao Z, Mehran K, Lam HK and Li X
Iet Control Theory and Applications, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 14 (9), 1135-1146.  
Relevant PublicationOnline Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation Method for Modular Multilevel Converter
Amjad AM, Mehran K and Gadoue S
2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)
Relevant PublicationStability Analysis of Discrete-Time Polynomial Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems With Time Delay and Positivity Constraints Through Piecewise Taylor Series Membership Functions
Li X, Mehran K and Bao Z
Ieee Transactions On Systems Man and Cybernetics Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 51 (12), 7517-7529.  
Relevant PublicationMultiphysics Condition Monitoring Technique for Reliability Assessment of Wide Bandgap-Based Power Modules in Electric Vehicle Application
Naghibi J and Mehran K
2020 Fifteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER)
Relevant PublicationOverview of Electric Energy Distribution Networks Expansion Planning
Vahidinasab V, Tabarzadi , Arasteh H, Alizadeh MI, Beigi MM, Sheikhzadeh HR, Mehran K and Sepasian MS
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 8, 34750-34769.  
Relevant PublicationAn Online Failure Assessment Approach for SiC-based MOSFET Power Modules Using Iterative Condition Monitoring Technique
Naghibi J, Mehran K and Foster MP
Relevant PublicationDelay resilient networked control with application to microgrids: Multiagent and fuzzy control approaches
Alavi SA, Li X and Mehran K
In Control Strategy For Time-Delay Systems: Part II: Engineering Applications 35-68.  


Relevant PublicationPerformance evaluation and benchmarking of PLL algorithms for grid‐connected RES applications
Ali Z, Christofides N, Saleem K, Polycarpou A and Mehran K
Iet Renewable Power Generation, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 14 (1), 52-62.  
Relevant PublicationMicrogrid Optimal State Estimation Over IoT Wireless Sensor Networks With Event-Based Measurements
Alavi SA, Javadipour M and Mehran K
IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Relevant PublicationStability analysis of discrete-time positive polynomial-fuzzy-model-based control systems through fuzzy co-positive Lyapunov function with bounded control
Li X, Mehran K, Lam HK, Xiao B and Bao Z
Iet Control Theory & Applications, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) 
Relevant PublicationA single-phase synchronization technique for grid-connected RESS under distorted grid conditions
Saleem K, Ali Z and Mehran K
2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
Relevant PublicationCo-optimising distribution network adequacy and security by simultaneous utilisation of network reconfiguration and distributed energy resources
Ahmadi S-A, Vahidinasab V, Ghazizadeh MS, Mehran K, Giaouris D and Taylor P
Iet Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 13 (20), 4747-4755.  
Relevant PublicationDynamic Modelling and Performance Assessment of a Single Battery Electric Vehicle Powertrain System Employing an Induction Motor
Rezaei N and Mehran K
2019 20th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL)
Relevant PublicationModel-Based Control and Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Polynomial Fuzzy Systems With Time Delay and Positivity Constraints
Li X and Mehran K
Ieee Transactions On Fuzzy Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 27 (11), 2090-2100.  


Relevant PublicationPerformance comparison and practical implementation of IFOC technique between Si- and SiC-based inverter in EVs
Rezaei N, Cossar C and Mehran K
2018 2nd European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Relevant PublicationA Fuzzy Logic Module to Estimate a Driver's Fuel Consumption for Reality-Enhanced Serious Games
MASSOUD R, POSLAD S, Bellotti F, Berta R, MEHRAN K and De Gloria A
International Journal of Serious Games, Serious Games Society vol. Vol 5 (Vol 5 No 4 (2018)), 45-62.  
Relevant PublicationA model-based implementation of an MPPT technique and a control system for a variable speed wind turbine PMSG
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Inderscience 
Relevant PublicationA Distributed Event-Triggered Control Strategy for DC Microgrids Based on Publish-Subscribe Model Over Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Alavi SA, Mehran K, Hao Y, Rahimian A, Mirsaeedi H and Vahidinasab V
Ieee Transactions On Smart Grid 
Relevant PublicationEnd-user participation in a collaborative distributed voltage control and demand response programme
Abessi A, Zakariazadeh A, Vahidinasab V, Ghazizadeh MS and Mehran K
Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution vol. 12 (12), 3079-3085.  
Relevant PublicationVoltage Control in LV Networks Using Electric Springs with Coordination
Akhtar Z, Alavi SA and Mehran K
2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE)
Relevant PublicationAn IoT-Based Data Collection Platform for Situational Awareness-Centric Microgrids
Alavi SA, Rahimian A, Mehran K and Ardestani JAM
2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE)
Relevant PublicationModelling and Analysis of Indirect Field-Oriented Control of SVPWM-Driven Induction Motor Drive Based on a Voltage Source Inverter
Rezaei N, Cossar C and Mehran K
2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE)
Relevant PublicationA model-based implementation of an MPPT technique and a control system for a variable speed wind turbine PMSG
Cossar C, Rezaei N and Mehran K
International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control, Inderscience Publishers vol. 31 (1) 


Relevant PublicationA Novel Multiobjective Generation and Transmission Investment Framework for Implementing 100% Renewable Energy Sources
Bagheri A, Vahidinasab V and Mehran K
Iet Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Iet vol. 12 (2), 455-465.  
Relevant PublicationA Practical Model and an Optimal Controller for Variable Speed Wind Turbine Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
Rezaei N, Mehran K and Cossar C
2017 9th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC)
Relevant PublicationEnergy Management Using a Situational Awareness-Centric Ad-Hoc Network in a Home Environment
Monajemi T, Rahimian A and MEHRAN K
Second EAI International Conference on Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies (SmartGIFT) 27 Mar 2017 - 28 Mar 2017
Relevant PublicationReverse Recognition of Body Postures Using On-body Radio Channel Characteristics
Fang M, Ren A, Zhang Z, Yang X, Abbasi Q, Qaraqe K, Mehran K, ALOMAINY AHM and Hao Y
Iet Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, Institute of Electrical Engineers 


Relevant PublicationStability Analysis of Sliding–Grazing Phenomenon in Dry-Friction Oscillator Using Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Approach
Mehran K, Zahawi B, Giaouris D and Wang J
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Asme International vol. 10 (6) 


Relevant PublicationDevelopment of optics with micro-LED arrays for improved opto-electronic neural stimulation
Chaudet L, Neil M, Degenaar P, Mehran K, Berlinguer-Palmini R, Corbet B, Maaskant P, Rogerson D, Lanigan P, Bamberg E and Roska B
Optogenetics: Optical Methods for Cellular Control


Relevant PublicationInvestigation of the near-grazing behavior in hard-impact oscillators using model-based TS fuzzy approach
Mehran K, Zahawi B and Giaouris D
Nonlinear Dynamics vol. 69 (3), 1293-1309.  


Relevant PublicationA Processing Platform for Optoelectronic/Optogenetic Retinal Prosthesis
Al-Atabany W, McGovern B, Mehran K, Berlinguer-Palmini R and Degenaar P
Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 60 (3), 781-791.  


Relevant PublicationStability Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Phenomena in Boost Converters Using Model-Based Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Approach
Mehran K, Giaouris D and Zahawi B
Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems I Regular Papers, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 57 (1), 200-212.  
Relevant PublicationModeling and Stability Analysis of Closed Loop Current-Mode Controlled Ćuk Converter using Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Approach
Mehran K, Giaouris D and Zahawi B


Relevant PublicationModeling and Stability Analysis of DC-DC Buck Converter via Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Approach
Mehran K, Giaouris D and Zahawi B
2008 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Electronics
solid heart iconIslanded Wave Powered Microgrid pilot for Remote Islands in Thailand
Kamyar Mehran
£215,638 Innovate UK
01-07-2024 - 30-06-2026
solid heart iconA High Efficient Wireless Power Transmission System using Vector Phased Array Transmitter and Reflector Array Rectenna
Xiaodong Chen, Rostyslav Dubrovka, Yasir Alfadhl, Chao Shu, Clive Parini, Anthony Brown and Kamyar Mehran
£960,608 BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
01-03-2023 - 31-03-2025

solid heart iconBuilding Training and Awareness Platform for Future Engineers in Power Electronics Market
Shady Gadoue, Mahdieh Sadabadi, Kamyar Mehran and Guang Li
£49,923 Innovate UK
01-10-2022 - 31-03-2023
solid heart iconSea Wave Energy Powered Microgrid for Remote Islands and Rural Coasts
Guang Li and Kamyar Mehran
£135,783 Innovate UK
01-10-2021 - 31-12-2022
solid heart iconMarine Small-ship Zero-carbon H2 Demonstrator with Innovative Port-manoeuvring
Kamyar Mehran
£74,335 Innovate UK
01-09-2021 - 31-03-2022
solid heart iconCurrent Density Imaging in EV battery modules
Kamyar Mehran
£99,654 Innovate UK
01-09-2018 - 31-08-2019
solid heart iconMulti-physics sensor fusion for power electronic converter prognostics
Kamyar Mehran
£17,996 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-07-2018 - 30-04-2019
solid heart iconNovel Intelligent control systems for extending the life-cycle and safety of Li-ion battery packs
Kamyar Mehran
£4,360 British Council
01-02-2018 - 31-01-2019