
GAnG seminar - Thomas Spieksma Black hole environments: a landscape of possibilities

Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation 

Date: 11 February 2025   Time: 14:00 - 15:00

Location: MB503

Title: Black hole environments: a landscape of possibilities

Abstract: Black holes in our Universe are not expected to be in vacuum. Different black hole environments include accretion disks, dark matter spikes or superradiant boson clouds. In binary systems, these environments could be probed by future space-based gravitational wave interferometers. Understanding their impact is crucial--not only for detecting the gravitational wave signal in the first place but also for uncovering new physics through gravitational wave observations. In this talk, I will explore scenarios in which environments play an important role. These include superradiant boson clouds in binary systems and plasmas around charged black holes.

Updated by: Katy Clough