Dr Janelle Jones

Janelle Jones

Senior Lecturer in Social Psychology
Director of Graduate Studies

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Scopus Google Scholar


Social Connections, Identity, Health & Well-being, Older adults, The Arts, Technology


Broadly, my research examines how social connections (e.g., groups, relationships), related identities, and interactions (whether real, imagined or implied) influence behaviour, health, and well-being.

Recently, this work has focused on three main areas in collaboration with QMUL colleagues from Psychiatry (WIPH), Engineering (EECS), Law (CCLS), and with External Partners:

(1) The role of identity, its management, and identity change in mental health (e.g., schizophrenia, depression);

(2) Older adults' health and well-being (e.g., evaluating community-based arts interventions; employing wireless sensors in the home to support falls prevention; using technology (e.g., sensors, robots) to diagnose and treat dementia);

(3) Preventing gambling harms (e.g., assessing perceptions of bank gambling blocks; investigating the implications of social connections and related identities for gambling participation and harm reduction).


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour


bullet iconChapter 12 Wearable devices developed to support dementia detection, monitoring, and intervention
Alharbi E, Albaradei S, Essack M, Jones JM and Alomainy A
In Next Generation Ehealth, Elsevier 223-250.  


Relevant PublicationWearable devices developed to support dementia detection, monitoring, and intervention
Alharbi E, Albaradei S, Essack M, Jones J and Alomainy A
In Next Generation Ehealth Applied Data Science, Machine Learning and Extreme Computational Intelligence, Academic Press, Editors: Lytras M, Housawi A, Alsaywid B and Aljohani N. 223-250.  
Relevant PublicationSocial Identity Mapping and Psychotic Disorders: Understanding the Relationships Between Social Identity Features, Self-Esteem, and Quality of Life
Conneely M, Giacco D, Hickling LM, Priebe S and Jones JM
Clinical Psychological Science, Sage Publications 
Relevant PublicationA Falls Risk Screening Tool Based on Millimetre-Wave Radar
Dogu E, Paredes J, Alomainy A, Jones J and Rajab K
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Relevant PublicationA Unique Position and a Difficult Challenge: Banks’ Support of Individuals Experiencing Gambling-Related Financial Harm
Hornle J, Jones J, Kenkwanzi R and Quinn E


Relevant PublicationA Feasibility Study of a Data-Driven Human-Robot Conversational Interface for Reminiscence Therapy
Céspedes N, Hsu A, Jones JM and Farkhatdinov I
2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
Relevant PublicationIdentifying the art of well-being: The Experiences and Impacts of Entelechy Arts’ Staying Connected Programme.
Howlin C, Quinn E and Jones J
Relevant PublicationNon-invasive Solutions to Identify Distinctions Between Healthy and Mild Cognitive Impairments Participants
Alharbi EA, Jones JM and Alomainy A
Ieee Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. PP (99), 1-1.  


Relevant PublicationDiscoveries in Distanced Arts: The work, wonder, and wear of Entelechy Arts' Staying Connected Programmes
Howlin C and Jones J


Relevant PublicationDetecting Cognitive Decline in Early Alzheimer’s Patients Using Wearable Technologies
Alharbi E, Alomainy A and Jones JM
2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)
Relevant PublicationUnderstanding identity changes in psychosis: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Conneely Mc Inerney M, McNamee P, Gupta V, Richardson J, Priebe S, Jones J and Giacco D
Schizophrenia Bulletin, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 47 (2), 309-322.  


Relevant PublicationChanging from the inside out? Examining relationships between overweight identification, dieting behaviours, and body measurements over time.
JONES JM, Schonherr DM, Zaitsoff S and Pullmer R
British Journal of Health Psychology, Wiley 


Relevant PublicationSimilarly Torn, Differentially Shorn? The experience and management of conflict between multiple roles, relationships and social categories.
JONES JM and Hynie M
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers Media 


Relevant PublicationCorrection: Having a Lot of a Good Thing: Multiple Important Group Memberships as a Source of Self-Esteem
Jetten J, Branscombe NR, Haslam SA, Haslam C, Cruwys T, Jones JM, Cui L, Dingle G, Liu J, Murphy SC, Thai A, Walter Z and Zhang A
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 10 (6) 


Relevant PublicationPerceived control qualifies the effects of threat on prejudice.
Greenaway KH, Louis WR, Hornsey MJ and Jones JM
Br J Soc Psychol vol. 53 (3), 422-442.  
Relevant PublicationHaving a lot of a good thing: Multiple important group memberships as a source of self-esteem.
Jetten J, Branscombe N, Haslam SA, Haslam C, Cruyws T, Jones JM, Cui L, Dingle G, Liu J, Murphy S, Thai A, Walter Z and Zhang A
Plos One, Public Library of Science vol. 10 (5), 1-29.  
bullet iconDiscussion group effectiveness is related to critical thinking through interest and engagement
Psychology, Learning and Teaching, Symposium Journals vol. 13 (1), 12-24.  


Relevant PublicationNeurogenic and psychogenic acute postconcussion symptoms can be identified after mild traumatic brain injury.
Mounce LTA, Williams WH, Jones JM, Harris A, Haslam SA and Jetten J
J Head Trauma Rehabil vol. 28 (5), 397-405.  


Relevant PublicationThe role of psychological symptoms and social group memberships in the development of post-traumatic stress after traumatic injury.
Jones JM, Williams WH, Jetten J, Haslam SA, Harris A and Gleibs IH
Br J Health Psychol vol. 17 (4), 798-811.  


Relevant PublicationWater clubs in residential care: is it the water or the club that enhances health and well-being?
Gleibs IH, Haslam C, Haslam SA and Jones JM
Psychol Health vol. 26 (10), 1361-1377.  
Relevant PublicationDeciding to disclose: The importance of social relationships for well-being after acquired brain injury
JONES JM, Jetten J, Haslam SA and Williams WH
In The Social Cure: Identity, Health, and Well-Being, Psychology Press, Editors: Jetten J, Haslam C and Alexander SH. 255-271.  
Relevant PublicationRecovering from strain and enduring pain: Multiple group memberships promote resilience in the face of novel physical challenges.
JONES JM and Jetten J
Social Psychological and Personality Science vol. 3, 239-243.  
Relevant PublicationStigma and depression during pregnancy: does race matter?
O'Mahen HA, Henshaw E, Jones JM and Flynn HA
J Nerv Ment Dis vol. 199 (4), 257-262.  
Relevant PublicationThat which doesn't kill us can make us stronger (and more satisfied with life): the contribution of personal and social changes to well-being after acquired brain injury.
Jones JM, Haslam SA, Jetten J, Williams WH, Morris R and Saroyan S
Psychol Health vol. 26 (3), 353-369.  
Relevant PublicationNo country for old men? The role of a ‘Gentlemens’ Club’ in promoting social engagement and psychological well-being in residential care.
Gleibs IH, Haslam C, JONES JM, Haslam SA, McNeill J and Connolly H
Aging and Mental Health vol. 15, 456-467.  


Relevant PublicationRacial Identity, Racial Attitudes, and Race Socialization Among Black Canadian Parents
Lalonde RN, Jones JM and Stroink ML
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement, American Psychological Association (Apa) vol. 40 (3), 129-139.  
bullet iconPreparing children for racism: Racial identity and socialization among Black Canadian parents.
Lalonde RN, JONES JM and Stroink ML
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science vol. 40, 129-139.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Brain and Behaviour
solid heart iconSmart sensors for a wearable-free and contactless virtual ward at home
Khalid Rajab, Akram Alomainy and Janelle Jones
£396,049 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-10-2022 - 25-07-2025
solid heart iconPhD Programme: Gambling Harms
Janelle Jones and Jessica Agnew-Blais
£156,538 GambleAware
01-02-2022 - 30-09-2026

solid heart iconBlack Women's Identity and Depression Study 2
Janelle Jones
£9,989 NIHR National Institute for Health Research
01-02-2023 - 30-09-2024
solid heart iconDistanced Arts: Investigating the design, delivery, and impacts of Entelechy Arts' Staying Connected Programme
Janelle Jones
£170,739 AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council
04-01-2021 - 03-07-2022
solid heart iconCreative Engagement
Janelle Jones
£124,964 Arts Council England
01-11-2016 - 31-01-2019