Dr Anthony Phillips

Anthony Phillips

Reader in Physics and Chemistry of Materials
Head of The Centre for Condensed Matter Physics, Deputy Director of Research

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London



My research focuses on the relationship between the atomic structure of materials and their functional properties. I study the structural response of materials to in situ perturbations such as changes in temperature or pressure or irradiation with light. This has included materials with negative coefficients of thermal expansion (i.e., that shrink as you heat them up) and photochromic and photorefractive materials, whose colour and refractive index change as a result of light illumination.

My work is both experimental and computational. On the experimental side much of my work takes place at central facilities, including synchrotrons and neutron sources. On the computational side I use both ab initio and empirical-potential modelling, especially using the density-functional theory code CASTEP.

I am also interested in the mathematical and computational problems that often arise in structural studies. These include problems of statistical inference (does an experimental data set provide sufficient evidence to posit a subtle structural change?), group-theoretical analysis of symmetry changes at phase transitions, and challenges associated with navigating a complex, multi-dimensional phase space when establishing a structural model and refining it against either experimental or computed data.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics


bullet iconRMCProfile7: reverse Monte Carlo for multiphase systems
Sławiński WA, Kerr CJ, Zhang Y, Playford HY, Dove MT, Phillips AE and Tucker MG
Journal of Applied Crystallography, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 57 (Pt 4), 1251-1262.  
bullet iconUnveiling barocaloric potential in organometallic-sandwich compounds [Cp 2 M][PF 6 ] (M: Fe 3+ , Co 3+ )
García-Ben J, Delgado-Ferreiro I, Dixey RJC, Castro-García S, López-Beceiro J, Artiaga R, Sánchez-Andújar M, Phillips AE, Bermúdez-García JM and Señarís-Rodríguez MA
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 12 (35), 23751-23760.  
Relevant PublicationElectronic origin of negative thermal expansion in samarium hexaboride revealed by X-ray diffraction and total scattering
Li L, Dove MT, Wei Z, Phillips AE and Keeble DS
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 26 (9), 7664-7673.  
Relevant PublicationOrientational order/disorder and network flexibility in deuterated methylammonium lead iodide perovskite by neutron total scattering
Liu J, Du J, Wyatt PB, Keen DA, Phillips AE and Dove MT
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 12 (5), 2771-2785.  
Relevant PublicationCorrection: Local structure and lithium-ion diffusion pathway of cubic Li 7 La 3 Zr 2 O 12 studied by total scattering and the Reverse Monte Carlo method
Tian H, Cai G, Tan L, Lin H, Phillips AE, Abrahams I, Keen DA, Keeble DS, Fiedler A, Zhang J, Kong XY and Dove MT
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 12 (3), 1862-1862.  


Relevant PublicationOn (not) deriving the entropy of barocaloric phase transitions from crystallography and neutron spectroscopy
Phillips AE and Walker HC
Journal of Physics Energy, Iop Publishing vol. 6 (1) 
bullet iconDynamic disorder for green refrigeration
Phillips AE, Dixey RJC, Meijer BE, Yuan S and Walker HC
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 79 (a2), c1402-c1402.  
Relevant PublicationA hypothetical polymorph of copper(II) guanidinium formate
Yuan S, Stroppa A and Phillips AE
Apl Materials, Aip Publishing vol. 11 (6) 
Relevant PublicationWhich phonons contribute most to negative thermal expansion in ScF3?
Dove MT, Wei Z, Phillips AE, Keen DA and Refson K
Apl Materials, Aip Publishing vol. 11 (4) 
Relevant PublicationDynamics in the ordered and disordered phases of barocaloric adamantane
Meijer BE, Dixey RJC, Demmel F, Perry R, Walker HC and Phillips AE
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 25 (13), 9282-9293.  
Relevant PublicationA new avenue to relaxor-like ferroelectric behaviour found by probing the structure and dynamics of [NH 3 NH 2 ]Mg(HCO 2 ) 3
Hitchings TJ, Wickins HM, Peat GUL, Hodgkinson P, Srivastava AK, Lu T, Liu Y, Piltz RO, Demmel F, Phillips AE and Saines PJ
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 11 (28), 9695-9706.  
Relevant PublicationLocal structure and lithium-ion diffusion pathway of cubic Li 7 La 3 Zr 2 O 12 studied by total scattering and the Reverse Monte Carlo method
Tian H, Cai G, Tan L, Lin H, Phillips AE, Abrahams I, Keen DA, Keeble DS, Fiedler A, Zhang J, Kong XY and Dove MT
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 11 (46), 25516-25533.  
Relevant PublicationStructure and thermal property relationships in the thermomaterial di- n -butylammonium tetrafluoroborate for multipurpose cooling and cold-storage
García-Ben J, Bermúdez-García JM, Dixey RJC, Delgado-Ferreiro I, Llamas-Saiz AL, López-Beceiro J, Artiaga R, García-Fernández A, Cappel UB, Alonso B, Castro-García S, Phillips AE, Sánchez-Andújar M and Señarís-Rodríguez MA
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 11 (41), 22232-22247.  


Relevant PublicationOrigin of the Large Entropy Change in the Molecular Caloric and Ferroelectric Ammonium Sulfate (Adv. Funct. Mater. 45/2022)
Yuan S, Meijer BE, Cai G, Dixey RJC, Demmel F, Dove MT, Liu J, Playford HY, Walker HC and Phillips AE
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 32 (45), 2270257-2270257.  
Relevant PublicationFurther adventures of the perovskite family
Phillips AE
Iucrj, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 9 (Pt 5), 533-535.  
Relevant PublicationOrigin of the Large Entropy Change in the Molecular Caloric and Ferroelectric Ammonium Sulfate
Yuan S, Meijer BE, Cai G, Dixey RJC, Demmel F, Dove MT, Liu J, Playford HY, Walker HC and Phillips AE
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley vol. 32 (45) 
Relevant PublicationPressure dependence of rotational dynamics in barocaloric ammonium sulfate
Meijer BE, Cai G, Demmel F, Walker HC and Phillips AE
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 106 (6) 
Relevant PublicationThe ω3 scaling of the vibrational density of states in quasi-2D nanoconfined solids
Yu Y, Yang C, Baggioli M, Phillips AE, Zaccone A, Zhang L, Kajimoto R, Nakamura M, Yu D and Hong L
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
Relevant PublicationAtomic structure of the continuous random network of amorphous C[(C6H4)2]2 PAF-1
Cai G, Lin H, Zhao Z, Liu J, Phillips AE, Headen TF, Youngs TGA, Hai Y, Tian H, He C, Ke Y, Tao J, Ben T and Dove MT
Cell Reports Physical Science, Elsevier vol. 3 (6) 
Relevant PublicationOrientational disorder in sulfur hexafluoride: a neutron total scattering and reverse Monte Carlo study
Zhang S, Qin Y, Gao M, Tucker MG, Keen DA, Cai G, Phillips AE and Dove MT
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 34 (29) 
Relevant PublicationNeutron powder-diffraction study of phase transitions in strontium-doped bismuth ferrite: 1. Variation with chemical composition
Ma Z, Tan L, Huang H, He L, Chen J, Lu H, Deng S, Yin W, Zhang J, Tian H, Du R, Arnold DC, Phillips AE and Dove MT
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 34 (25) 
Relevant PublicationRetrospectively evidencing research impact using online data mining
White CD, Phillips A and Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha B
Research For All, Ucl Ioe Press vol. 6 (1), e06107-e06107.  
Relevant PublicationPressure dependence of atomic dynamics in barocaloric ammonium sulfate: II. Vibrations
Yuan S, Meijer BE, Cai G, Dixey RJC, Phillips AE and Walker HC
Relevant PublicationPressure dependence of atomic dynamics in barocaloric ammonium sulfate: II. Vibrations
Yuan S, Meijer BE, Cai G, Dixey RJC, Phillips AE and Walker HC
Relevant PublicationNeutron powder diffraction study of the phase transitions in deuterated methylammonium lead iodide
Liu J, Du J, Phillips AE, Wyatt PB, Keen DA and Dove MT
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 34 (14) 
Relevant PublicationOrigin of the large entropy change in the molecular caloric and ferroelectric ammonium sulfate
Meijer BE, Yuan S, Cai G, Dixey RJ, Demmel F, Dove MT, Liu J, Playford HY, Walker HC and Phillips AE


bullet iconSoft-mode anisotropy in the negative thermal expansion material ReO3
Bird TA, Wilkinson MGL, Keen DA, Smith RI, Bristowe NC, Dove MT, Phillips AE and Senn MS
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 104 (21) 
bullet iconPhonons and low thermal expansion in sodalite zinc borate Zn4B6O12X(X=O,S,Se)
Wei Z, Jiang X, Phillips AE, Lin Z and Dove MT
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 104 (17) 
bullet iconColossal Reversible Barocaloric Effects in Layered Hybrid Perovskite (C10H21NH3)2MnCl4 under Low Pressure Near Room Temperature
Li J, Barrio M, Dunstan DJ, Dixey R, Lou X, Tamarit JL, Phillips AE and Lloveras P
Advanced Functional Materials vol. 31 (46) 
bullet iconOrientational order and phase transitions in deuterated methane: a neutron total scattering and reverse Monte Carlo study
Qin Y, Zhang S, Tucker MG, Keen DA, Cai G, Phillips AE and Dove MT
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 34 (1) 
bullet iconDisorder and dynamics of free and caged molecules in crystals
Cai G, Demmel F, Dixey R, Meijer BE, Yuan S, Walker HC and Phillips AE
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 77 (a2), c463-c463.  
bullet iconOctahedral tilting in Prussian blue analogues
Boström HLB, Brant WR and Phillips AE
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 77 (a2), c131-c131.  
bullet iconAtomic structure of the continuous random network of amorphous C[(C6H4)2]2, PAF-1
Cai G, Lin H, Zhao Z, Liu J, Phillips AE, Headen TF, Youngs TGA, Hai Y, Tian H, He C, Ke Y, Tao J, Ben T and Dove MT
bullet iconWhat happened, and who cared? Evidencing research impact retrospectively
White CD, Phillips A and Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha B
bullet iconUniversal L−3 finite-size effects in the viscoelasticity of amorphous systems
Phillips AE, Baggioli M, Sirk TW, Trachenko K and Zaccone A
Physical Review Materials, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 5 (3) 
bullet iconMaterials breaking the rules: general discussion
Addicoat M, Bennett TD, Brammer L, Craig G, Das C, Dichtel W, Doan H, Evans AM, Evans J, Goodwin A, Horike S, Jiang J, Kaskel S, Kato M, Kitagawa S, Kobayashi A, Krause S, Lavenn C, Lee J-SM, Phillips AE, et al.
Faraday Discussions, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 225, 255-270.  
bullet iconTowards complex systems and devices: general discussion
Baretta R, Brammer L, Burrows AD, Farrusseng D, Horike S, Jiang J, Kato M, Kitagawa S, Krause S, Lee J-SM, Legrand A, Matsuda R, Morris A, Phillips AE, Ryder MR, Shivanna M, Sirbu D, Taddei M, Terry L, Wilson B, et al.
Faraday Discussions, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 225, 431-441.  
bullet iconAdvanced characterisation techniques: multi-scale, in situ , and time-resolved: general discussion
Brammer L, Burrows AD, Chong SY-L, Craig G, Evans J, Farha O, Farrusseng D, Fischer M, Goodwin A, Huang Z, Johnson B, Kaskel S, Kitagawa S, Lavenn C, Lee AY, Lee J-SM, Matsuda R, Phillips AE, Rainer DN, Ryder MR, et al.
Faraday Discussions, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 225, 152-167.  


bullet iconFirst-Principles Study of Structure and Magnetism in Copper(II)-Containing Hybrid Perovskites
Gonçalves JN, Phillips AE, Li W and Stroppa A
Crystals, Mdpi vol. 10 (12) 
bullet iconCyano-bridged perovskite [(CH3)3NOH]2[KM(CN)6],[M: Fe(III), and Co(III)] for high-temperature multi-axialferroelectric applications with enhanced thermaland nonlinear optical performance
Rok M, Ciz ̇man A, Zarychta B, Zare ̨ba JK, Trzebiatowska M, Ma ̨czka M, Stroppa A, Yuan S, Phillips A and Bator GY
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Royal Society of Chemistry 
bullet iconQuantitative understanding of negative thermal expansion in scandium trifluoride from neutron total scattering measurements
Dove MT, Du J, Wei Z, Keen DA, Tucker MG and Phillips AE
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 102 (9) 
bullet iconColossal Pressure-Induced Softening in Scandium Fluoride
Wei Z, Tan L, Cai G, Phillips AE, da Silva I, Kibble MG and Dove MT
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 124 (25) 
bullet iconNeutron scattering study of the orientational disorder and phase transitions in barium carbonate
Cai G, Phillips AE, Tucker MG and Dove MT
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 32 (37) 
bullet iconNeutron scattering study of the orientational disorder in potassium cyanide
Cai G, Phillips AE, Keen DA, Tucker MG and Dove MT
Journal of Physics Communications, Iop Publishing vol. 4 (2) 
bullet iconRotational dynamics of the imidazolium ion in cyanide-bridged dielectric framework materials
Phillips AE, Cai G and Demmel F
Chemical Communications, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 56 (79), 11791-11794.  


bullet iconStructural study of bismuth ferrite BiFeO3 by neutron total scattering and the reverse Monte Carlo method
Du J, Phillips AE, Arnold DC, Keen DA, Tucker MG and Dove MT
Physical Review B, American Physical Society vol. 100 (10) 
bullet iconThermal Disorder and Bond Anharmonicity in Cesium Lead Iodide Studied by Neutron Total Scattering and the Reverse Monte Carlo Method
Liu J, Phillips AE, Keen DA and Dove MT
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 
bullet iconHydrogen-bond-mediated structural variation of metal guanidinium formate hybrid perovskites under pressure
Yang Z, Cai G, Bull CL, Tucker MG, Dove MT, Friedrich A and Phillips AE
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society a Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 377 (2149) 
bullet iconIntroduction: minerals to MOFs
Philosophical Transactions a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Royal Society, The 


bullet iconRigid units revisited
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations of Crystallography, Wiley-Blackwell vol. 74 (5), 406-407.  


bullet iconLocal structure of dielectric framework materials
Phillips A, Duncan H, Dove M, Keen D and Tucker M
bullet iconLocal structure of lead halide perovskites for photovoltaic applications
Liu J, Phillips A and Dove M
bullet iconLocal structure of a switchable dielectric Prussian blue analogue
Duncan HD, Beake EOR, Playford HY, Dove MT and PHILLIPS AE
Crystengcomm, Royal Society of Chemistry 
bullet iconCrossover between Tilt Families and Zero Area Thermal Expansion in Hybrid Prussian Blue Analogues
Phillips AE and Fortes AD
Angewandte Chemie, Wiley vol. 129 (50), 16166-16169.  
bullet iconCrossover Between Tilt Families and Zero Area Thermal Expansion in Hybrid Prussian Blue Analogues
PHILLIPS AE and fortes A
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Wiley 
bullet iconMagnetic structure and spin wave excitations in the multiferroic metal-organic framework (CD3)ND2[Mn(DCO2)3]
Walker HC, Duncan HD, Le MD, Keen DA, Voneshen DJ and PHILLIPS AE
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, American Physical Society 
bullet iconLocal structure study of the orbital order/disorder transition in LaMnO3
Thygesen PMM, Young CA, Beake EOR, Romero FD, Connor LD, Proffen TE, Phillips AE, Tucker MG, Hayward MA, Keen DA and Goodwin AL
Physical Review B, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 95 (17) 
bullet iconLocal structure of lead halide perovskites for photovoltaic applications
Liu J, Phillips A and Dove M
bullet iconLocal structure of dielectric framework materials
Phillips A, Duncan H, Dove M, Keen D and Tucker M


bullet iconOrientational disorder in adamantane and adamantanecarboxylic acid
beake EOR, tucker M, dove MT and PHILLIPS AE
Chemphyschem: a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, Wiley: 12 Months 
bullet iconControl of Multipolar and Orbital Order in Perovskite-like [C(NH2)3]CuxCd1-x(HCOO)3 Metal-Organic Frameworks.
Evans NL, Thygesen PMM, Boström HLB, Reynolds EM, Collings IE, Phillips AE and Goodwin AL
J Am Chem Soc vol. 138 (30), 9393-9396.  
bullet iconLocal structure of the metal–organic perovskite dimethylammonium manganese( ii ) formate
Duncan HD, Dove MT, Keen DA and Phillips AE
Dalton Trans. vol. 45 (10), 4380-4391.  
bullet iconIn situ studies of materials for high temperature CO 2 capture and storage
Dunstan MT, Maugeri SA, Liu W, Tucker MG, Taiwo OO, Gonzalez B, Allan PK, Gaultois MW, Shearing PR, Keen DA, Phillips AE, Dove MT, Scott SA, Dennis JS and Grey CP
Faraday Discussions, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 192, 217-240.  


bullet iconElectric ordering in metal-organic perovskites from total neutron scattering
Duncan HD, Phillips AE, Dove MT and Tucker MG
bullet iconLocal atomic and magnetic structure of 1D spin-chains in multiferroic copper guanidinium formate
Phillips AE and Drew AJ


bullet iconIntermolecular interactions in molecular crystals and glasses
Beake E, Dove M and Phillips A
bullet iconComparing the dynamics of coordination polyhedra in a metal-cyanide framework
Phillips A
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 70 (a1), c590-c590.  
bullet iconMeasurement of bitumen viscosity in the room-temperature drop experiment: student education, public outreach and modern science in one
Widdicombe AT, Ravindrarajah P, Sapelkin A, Phillips AE, Dunstan D, Dove MT, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
Physics Education 49(4), 406 (2014) 
bullet iconCommon origin of negative thermal expansion and other exotic properties in ceramic and hybrid materials
Fang H, Dove MT and Phillips AE
Physical Review B vol. 89 (21) 


bullet iconFlexibility of zeolitic imidazolate framework structures studied by neutron total scattering and the reverse Monte Carlo method.
Beake EOR, Dove MT, Phillips AE, Keen DA, Tucker MG, Goodwin AL, Bennett TD and Cheetham AK
J Phys Condens Matter vol. 25 (39) 
bullet iconComparing the dynamics of coordination polyhedra in a metal–cyanide framework
Phillips AE
bullet iconL2,3-edge x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy analysis of photoisomerism in solid ruthenium-sulfur dioxide complexes.
Phillips AE, Cole JM, Low KS and Cibin G
J Phys Condens Matter vol. 25 (8) 
bullet iconHeat capacity of matter beyond the Dulong-Petit value
Andritsos EI, Zarkadoula E, Phillips AE, Dove MT, Walker CJ, Brazhkin VV and Trachenko K
J. Phys.: Cond. Matt vol. 25 
bullet iconTemperature-dependent pressure-induced softening in Zn(CN)2
Fang H, Phillips AE, Dove MT, Tucker MG and Goodwin AL
Physical Review B vol. 88 (14) 


bullet iconBayesian analysis of the evidence for minor components in crystallographic models: an alternative to the Hamilton R test.
Phillips AE and Cole JM
Acta Crystallogr A vol. 68 (Pt 3), 324-330.  
bullet iconChemInform Abstract: Ru—OSO Coordination Photogenerated at 100 K in Tetraammineaqua(sulfur dioxide)ruthenium(II) (.+‐.)‐Camphorsulfonate.
Phillips AE, Cole JM, d'Almeida T and Low KS
Cheminform, Wiley vol. 43 (16), no-no.  
bullet iconRu-OSO coordination photogenerated at 100 K in tetraammineaqua(sulfur dioxide)ruthenium(II) (±)-camphorsulfonate.
Phillips AE, Cole JM, d'Almeida T and Low KS
Inorg Chem vol. 51 (3), 1204-1206.  
bullet iconFirst principles study of 3d transition metal doped Cu3N
Cui XY, Soon A, Phillips AE, Zheng RK, Liu ZW, Delley B, Ringer SP and Stampfl C
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol. 324 (19), 3138-3143.  


bullet iconTime-resolved photo-crystallography of ruthenium sulfur dioxide complexes
Cole JM and Phillips AE
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 67 (a1), c177-c177.  
bullet iconPhotorefractivity via linkage isomerism: from detecting small responses to engineering large ones
Phillips AE and Cole JM
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 67 (a1), c179-c179.  


bullet iconEffects of the reaction cavity on metastable optical excitation in ruthenium-sulfur dioxide complexes
Phillips AE, Cole JM, d'Almeida T and Low KS
Phys Rev B vol. 82 (15) 
bullet iconPhoto-crystallography meets optoelectronic structures and reaction energetics
Cole JM, Phillips A, d'Almeida T and Low KS
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 66 (a1), s88-s88.  
bullet iconChemInform Abstract: Zero Thermal Expansion in a Flexible, Stable Framework: Tetramethylammonium Copper(I) Zinc(II) Cyanide.
Phillips AE, Halder GJ, Chapman KW, Goodwin AL and Kepert CJ
Cheminform, Wiley vol. 41 (21), no-no.  
bullet iconZero thermal expansion in a flexible, stable framework: tetramethylammonium copper(I) zinc(II) cyanide.
Phillips AE, Halder GJ, Chapman KW, Goodwin AL and Kepert CJ
J Am Chem Soc vol. 132 (1), 10-11.  


bullet iconMetastable photoisomerism in materials targeted for optical data storage
Phillips AE and Cole JM
Acta Crystallographica Section a: Foundations and Advances, International Union of Crystallography (Iucr) vol. 64 (a1), c50-c50.  
bullet iconNanoporosity and Exceptional Negative Thermal Expansion in Single‐Network Cadmium Cyanide
Phillips AE, Goodwin AL, Halder GJ, Southon PD and Kepert CJ
Angewandte Chemie, Wiley vol. 120 (8), 1418-1421.  
bullet iconNanoporosity and exceptional negative thermal expansion in single-network cadmium cyanide.
Phillips AE, Goodwin AL, Halder GJ, Southon PD and Kepert CJ
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl vol. 47 (8), 1396-1399.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Experimental and Applied Physics
solid heart iconWho cares about fundamental science?
Christopher White and Anthony Phillips
£246,248 Leverhulme Trust
11-01-2024 - 10-01-2027
solid heart iconNeutron studies of disordered materials: linking experiment to theory: Studentship - Peter Dung Nguyen
Anthony Phillips
£36,426 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2023 - 30-09-2026
solid heart iconDigital Transformation of Electromagnetic Material Design and Manufacturing for Future Wireless Connectivity (DREAM)
Yang Hao, Kaspar Althoefer, Arumugam Nallanathan and Anthony Phillips
£2,579,837 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-06-2023 - 31-05-2028

solid heart iconPair correlations and treatment of disorder in Magic Size Clusters - Diamond studentship
Andrei Sapelkin and Anthony Phillips
£40,677 Diamond Light Source Ltd
20-09-2021 - 31-12-2024
solid heart iconAI3SD undergraduate bursary: atomic representations of framework materials for machine learning
Anthony Phillips
£5,049 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
14-06-2021 - 20-08-2021
solid heart iconDesign and assessment of solid-state alkali metal-ion conductor 1D channeled framework materials
Petra Szilagyi, Anthony Phillips and Christopher Jones
£99,990 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
01-12-2019 - 30-11-2022
solid heart iconBarocaloric framework materials for solid-state cooling
Anthony Phillips
£378,474 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
14-10-2019 - 30-04-2023
solid heart iconjoint QMUL-ISIS studentship: Bernet Meijer
Anthony Phillips
£33,631 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-10-2019 - 30-11-2022
solid heart iconRSC Undergraduate Research Bursary: Large crystals of electrically active framework materials
Anthony Phillips
£2,200 RSC The Royal Society of Chemistry
24-06-2019 - 23-08-2019
solid heart iconElectric and magnetic functionality in framework materials
Anthony Phillips
£11,690 Royal Society
01-09-2018 - 31-08-2022