Dr Chinnapat Panwisawas

Chinnapat Panwisawas

Senior Lecturer in Materials and Solid Mechanics
Deputy Director of Graduate Studies and Director of Materials Science and Engineering Programme

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
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Computational Materials, Additive manufacturing, Digital twin, Data-Centric Engineering, Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Physics-based and Data-driven Modelling


My research interest is to carry out multi-disciplinary cutting-edge research in the area of the digital technology using AI-physics modelling framework, to impact multi-material additive manufacturing, hybrid remanufacturing and repair, and hydrogen-based technology for green energy, future transport (automotive, aerospace, space) and biomedical applications, especially for digital health (metallic implant for ‘artificial bone bank’). Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) approach will be used to understand materials and manufacturing process via multi-scale multi-physics high-fidelity modelling, knowledge-based computational manufacturing, and through process optimisation by data-driven AI modelling. This is to deliver world-leading AI manufacturing research on innovation and enterprise, to act on UK net-zero target 2050 and to deliver sustainable and resilient digital technologies of the future.

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport

solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


bullet iconLack of fusion-induced cracking effect on tensile and fatigue behaviours of laser powder-bed fusion-processed Ti-6Al-4V implant
Aliyu AAA, Puncreobutr C, Shinjo J, Kuimalee S, Phetrattanarangsi T, Boonchuduang T, Taweekitikul P, Panwisawas C, Wanming L, Poungsiri K and Lohwongwatana B
Engineering Failure Analysis, Elsevier vol. 168 


bullet iconA microscale cellular automaton method for solid-state phase transformation of directed energy deposited Ti6Al4V
Xiong F, Lian Y, Panwisawas C, Chen J, Li M-J and Liu A
Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 95, 104517-104517.  
bullet iconIntegrated modeling to control vaporization-induced composition change during additive manufacturing of nickel-based superalloys
Mukherjee T, Shinjo J, DebRoy T and Panwisawas C
Npj Computational Materials, Spinger Nature vol. 10 (1), 230-230.  
bullet iconUncovering the fracture mechanism of Laves (1 1 1)/ Ni6Nb7 (0 0 0 1) interfaces by first-principles calculations
Zhang G, Chen G, Panwisawas C, Teng X, An R, Cao J, Huang Y, Dong Z and Leng X
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 281, 120426-120426.  
bullet iconOn the control of epitaxial growth and stray grains during laser-directed energy deposited Ni-based single crystal superalloy
Guan W, Chen C, Pan X, Zhao R, Xufei L, Tao H, Songzhe X, Xuan W, Panwisawas C, Lei L, Wang J and Ren Z
Materials Characterization, Elsevier, 113969-113969.  
bullet iconLaser-inherent porosity defects in additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V implant: Formation, distribution, and effect on fatigue performance
Aliyu AAA, Puncreobutr C, Kuimalee S, Phetrattanarangsi T, Boonchuduang T, Taweekitikul P, Panwisawas C, Shinjo J and Lohwongwatana B
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Elsevier vol. 30, 5121-5132.  
bullet iconPore evolution mechanisms during directed energy deposition additive manufacturing
Zhang K, Chen Y, Marussi S, Fan X, Fitzpatrick M, Bhagavath S, Majkut M, Lukic B, Jakata K, Rack A, Jones MA, Shinjo J, Panwisawas C, Leung CLA and Lee PD
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1), 1715-1715.  
bullet iconIn-process monitoring and direct simulation of Argon shielding gas and vapour dynamics to control laser-matter interaction in laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
Shinjo J, Kutsukake A, Wakabayashi H, Arakawa K, Ogawara A, Uchida H, Panwisawas C and Reed RC
Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 80, 103953-103953.  


bullet iconSolute trapping and non-equilibrium microstructure during rapid solidification of additive manufacturing
Ren N, Li J, Zhang R, Panwisawas C, Xia M and Dong H
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 14 (1), 7990-7990.  
bullet iconHigh-temperature phase stability and phase transformation of NbCr2 Laves phase: Experimental and first-principles calculation studies
Hajra RN, Panwisawas C, Park JW, Choo W, Han BJ and Kim JH
Materials and Design, Elsevier, 112483-112483.  
bullet iconMelt Flow-Induced Mechanical Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Dendrites in Alloy Solidification
Yang L, Ren N, Panwisawas C, Li J, Xia M and Dong H
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Springer Nature 
bullet iconEffects of Fly Ash Composition to Mitigate Conversion of Calcium Aluminate Cement Composites
Win TT, Panwisawas C, Jongvivatsakul P, Pansuk W and Prasittisopin L
Buildings, Mdpi vol. 13 (10), 2453-2453.  
bullet iconFirst-principles study of oxygen segregation and its effect on the embrittlement of molybdenum symmetrical tilt grain boundaries
Zhang G, Chen G, Panwisawas C, Teng X, Ma Y, An R, Huang Y, Cao J and Leng X
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 261, 119387-119387.  
bullet iconGradient microstructure and strength-ductility synergy improvement of 2319 aluminum alloys by hybrid additive manufacturing
Guoqing D, Xue M, Guo Y, Chang H, Sun Z, Lu J, Li W, Panwisawas C and Alexandrov IV
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 968, 171781-171781.  
bullet iconMelt flow-induced mechanical deformation of dendrites in alloy solidification: A coupled thermal fluid - solid mechanics approach
Yang L, Ren N, Panwisawas C, Li J, Xia M and Dong H
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Elsevier vol. 25, 4094-4109.  
bullet iconReal-time prediction and adaptive adjustment of continuous casting based on deep learning
Lu Z, Ren N, Xu X, Li J, Panwisawas C, Xia M, Dong H and Tsang E
Communications Engineering, Springer Nature vol. 2 (1) 
bullet iconSimulation of the solute transport and microstructure evolution during the selective laser melting process
Ren N, Li J, Panwisawas C, Xia M and Dong H
Iop Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, Iop Publishing vol. 1281 (1) 
bullet iconGrain refinement and columnar-to-equiaxed transition of Ti6Al4V during additive manufacturing via different laser oscillations
Dai G, Sun Z, Li Y, Jain J, Bhowmik A, Shinjo J, Lu J and Panwisawas C
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Elsevier, 104031-104031.  
bullet iconEffects of extended mixing processes on fresh, hardened and durable properties of cement systems incorporating fly ash
Sereewatthanawut I, Panwisawas C, Ngamkhanong C and Prasittisopin L
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 13, 6091-6091.  
bullet iconLaser-based Additive Manufacturing of Bulk Metallic Glasses: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives for Biomedical Applications
Abdu Aliyu AA, Panwisawas C, Shinjo J, Puncreobutr C, Reed RC, Poungsiri K and Lohwongwatana B
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Elsevier vol. 23, 2956-2990.  
bullet iconAdditive manufacturing of tantalum scaffolds: Processing, microstructure and process-induced defects
Aliyu AAA, Poungsiri K, Shinjo J, Panwisawas C, Reed RC, Puncreobutr C, Tumkanon K, Kuimalee S and Lohwongwatana B
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Elsevier Bv, 106132-106132.  
bullet iconPhysics-based thermal-chemical-fluid-microstructure modelling of in-situ alloying using additive manufacturing: Composition-microstructure control
Shinjo J, Kutsukake A, Arote AS, Tang YT, McCartney DG, Reed RC and Panwisawas C
Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier Bv, 103428-103428.  
bullet iconMicrostructure characteristics of a René N5 Ni-based single-crystal superalloy prepared by laser-directed energy deposition
Rui WANG, Jiang WANG, Tingwei CAO, Ruixin ZHAO, Lu X, Wei GUAN, Tao HU, SHUAI S, Songzhe XU, Weidong XUAN, PANWISAWAS C, Chaoyue CHEN and Zhongming REN
Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier, 103363-103363.  
bullet iconMulti-length-scale study on the heat treatment response to supersaturated nickel-based superalloys: Precipitation reactions and incipient recrystallisation
Tang YT, Panwisawas C, Jenkins BM, Liu J, Shen Z, Salvati E, Gong Y, Ghoussoub JN, Michalik S, Roebuck B, Bagot PAJ, Lozano-Perez S, Grovenor CRM, Moody MP, Korsunsky AM, Collins DM and Reed RC
Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier, 103389-103389.  


bullet iconA physics-based life prediction model of HP40Nb heat-resistant alloy in a coupled creep-carburisation environment
Fuyang C, Gong J, Wang X, Panwisawas C and Chen B
Materials Science and Engineering: A, Elsevier vol. 860, 144260-144260.  
bullet iconγ″ variant-sensitive deformation behaviour of Inconel 718 superalloy
Zhang RY, Qin HL, Bi ZN, Tang YT, de Oliveira JA, Lee TL, Panwisawas C, Zhang SY, Zhang J, Li J and Dong HB
Journal of Material Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 126, 169-181.  
bullet iconDevelopment, characterisation, and modelling of processability of nitinol stents using laser powder bed fusion
Jamshidi P, Panwisawas C, Langi E, Cox SC, Feng J, Zhao L and Attallah MM
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Elsevier vol. 909 
bullet iconA new toxic-free Ti40Zr10Co36Pd14 metallic glass with good biocompatibility and surface behaviour comparable to Ti-6Al-4V
Aliyu AAA, Udomlertpreecha S, Medhisuwakul M, Panwisawas C, Reed R, Puncreobutr C, Khamwannah J, Kuimalee S, Yipyintum C and Lohwongwatana B
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 218 
bullet iconInsight into the sensitivities of freckles in the directional solidification of single-crystal turbine blades
Ren N, Li J, Panwisawas C, Xia M and Dong H
Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Elsevier vol. 77, 219-228.  
bullet iconMetallurgical Data Science for Steel Industry: A Case Study on Basic Oxygen Furnace
Nenchev B, Panwisawas C, Yang X, Fu J, Dong Z, Tao Q, Gebelin JC, Dunsmore A, Dong H, Li M, Tao B, Li F, Ru J and Wang F
Steel Research International vol. 93 (12) 
bullet iconEvaluating data-driven algorithms for predicting mechanical properties with small datasets: A case study on gear steel hardenability
Nenchev B, Tao Q, Dong Z, Panwisawas C, Li H, Tao B and Dong H
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Springer Nature vol. 29 (4), 836-847.  
bullet iconUse of barite concrete for radiation shielding against gamma-rays and neutrons
Daungwilailuk T, Yenchai C, Rungjaroenkiti W, Pheinsusom P, Panwisawas C and Pansuk W
Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier vol. 326 
bullet iconChemical species mixing during direct energy deposition of bimetallic systems using titanium and dissimilar refractory metals for repair and biomedical applications
Shinjo J and Panwisawas C
Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 51 
bullet iconその場合金化金属積層造形における溶融・混合・蒸発・凝固のプロセス最適化に向けた流動特性の数値解析
淳史 新 and Panwisawas C
The Proceedings of The Fluids Engineering Conference, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers vol. 2022, os11-os08.  


bullet iconAdditive manufacturability of superalloys: Process-induced porosity, cooling rate and metal vapour
Panwisawas C, Gong Y, Tang YT, Reed RC and Shinjo J
Additive Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 47 
bullet iconSolute enrichment induced dendritic fragmentation in directional solidification of nickel-based superalloys
Ren N, Panwisawas C, Li J, Xia M and Dong H
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 215 
bullet iconDigital materials design by thermal-fluid science for multi-metal additive manufacturing
Shinjo J and Panwisawas C
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 210 
bullet iconA novel low-modulus titanium alloy for biomedical applications: A comparison between selective laser melting and metal injection moulding
Suwanpreecha C, Alabort E, Tang YT, Panwisawas C, Reed RC and Manonukul A
Materials Science and Engineering A, Elsevier vol. 812 
bullet iconThermal-solutal-fluid flow of channel segregation during directional solidification of single-crystal nickel-based superalloys
Ren N, Li J, Panwisawas C, Xia M and Dong H
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 206 
bullet iconHigh entropy alloys as filler metals for joining
Luo D, Xiao Y, Hardwick L, Snell R, Way M, Morell XS, Livera F, Ludford N, Panwisawas C, Dong H and Goodall R
Entropy, Mdpi vol. 23 (1), 1-23.  
bullet iconUltra-high temperature deformation in a single crystal superalloy: Mesoscale process simulation and micromechanisms
Tang YT, D’Souza N, Roebuck B, Karamched P, Panwisawas C and Collins DM
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 203 
bullet iconAlloys-by-design: Application to new superalloys for additive manufacturing
Tang YT, Panwisawas C, Ghoussoub JN, Gong Y, Clark JWG, Németh AAN, McCartney DG and Reed RC
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 202, 417-436.  


bullet iconSpinodal decomposition versus classical γ′ nucleation in a nickel-base superalloy powder: An in-situ neutron diffraction and atomic-scale analysis
Collins DM, D’Souza N, Panwisawas C, Papadaki C, West GD, Kostka A and Kontis P
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 200, 959-970.  
bullet iconOn the nature of hexagonality within the solidification structure of single crystal alloys: Mechanisms and applications
Strickland J, Nenchev B, Perry S, Tassenberg K, Gill S, Panwisawas C, Dong H, D'Souza N and Irwin S
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 200, 417-431.  
bullet iconMetal 3D printing as a disruptive technology for superalloys
Panwisawas C, Tang YT and Reed RC
Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 11 (1) 
bullet iconAdditive Manufacturability of Nickel-Based Superalloys: Composition-Process Induced Vapourization
Panwisawas C, Tang YT, Ghoussoub J and Reed RC
bullet iconThe Effect of Heat Treatment on Tensile Yielding Response of the New Superalloy ABD-900AM for Additive Manufacturing
Tang YT, Ghoussoub JN, Panwisawas C, Collins DM, Amirkhanlou S, Clark JWG, Németh AAN, Graham McCartney D and Reed RC
bullet iconOn the Influence of Alloy Chemistry and Processing Conditions on Additive Manufacturability of Ni-Based Superalloys
Ghoussoub JN, Tang YT, Panwisawas C, Németh A and Reed RC
bullet iconRelating micro-segregation to site specific high temperature deformation in single crystal nickel-base superalloy castings
D'Souza N, Roebuck B, Collins DM, West GD and Panwisawas C
Materials Science and Engineering A, Elsevier vol. 773 


bullet iconA computational study on the three-dimensional printability of precipitate-strengthened nickel-based superalloys
Basoalto HC, Panwisawas C, Sovani Y, Anderson MJ, Turner RP, Saunders B and Brooks JW
Proceedings of The Royal Society A, The Royal Society vol. 474 (2220) 
bullet iconNeutron tomography methods applied to a nickel-based superalloy additive manufacture build
Turner RP, Panwisawas C, Lu Y, Dhiman I, Basoalto HC and Brooks JW
Materials Letters, Elsevier vol. 230, 109-112.  
bullet iconMean-field modelling of the intermetallic precipitate phases during heat treatment and additive manufacture of Inconel 718
Anderson MJ, Panwisawas C, Sovani Y, Turner RP, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 156, 432-445.  
bullet iconPrediction of grain structure evolution during rapid solidification of high energy density beam induced re-melting
Flint TF, Panwisawas C, Sovani Y, Smith MC and Basoalto HC
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 147, 200-210.  
bullet iconHistory Dependence of the Microstructure on Time-Dependent Deformation During In-Situ Cooling of a Nickel-Based Single-Crystal Superalloy
Panwisawas C, D’Souza N, Collins DM, Bhowmik A and Roebuck B
bullet iconModelling of thermal fluid dynamics for fusion welding
Panwisawas C, Sovani Y, Turner RP, Brooks JW, Basoalto HC and Choquet I
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Elsevier vol. 252, 176-182.  


bullet iconThe contrasting roles of creep and stress relaxation in the time-dependent deformation during in-situ cooling of a nickel-base single crystal superalloy
Panwisawas C, D’Souza N, Collins DM and Bhowmik A
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
bullet iconNucleation of recrystallisation in castings of single crystal Ni-based superalloys
Mathur HN, Panwisawas C, Jones CN, Reed RC and Rae CMF
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 129, 112-123.  
bullet iconIn-situ neutron diffraction during stress relaxation of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy
Collins DM, D’Souza N and Panwisawas C
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 131, 103-107.  
bullet iconKeyhole formation and thermal fluid flow-induced porosity during laser fusion welding in titanium alloys: Experimental and modelling
Panwisawas C, Perumal B, Ward RM, Turner N, Turner RP, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 126, 251-263.  
bullet iconAn experimental investigation into the stress and strain development of a Ni-base single crystal superalloy during cooling from solidification
Qiu C, D'Souza N, Kelleher J and Panwisawas C
Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 114, 475-483.  
bullet iconVisco-plasticity during in-situ cooling from solidification of a nickel-base single crystal superalloy using neutron diffraction
D'Souza N, Kelleher J, Kabra S and Panwisawas C
Materials Science and Engineering A, Elsevier vol. 681, 32-40.  
bullet iconMesoscale modelling of selective laser melting: Thermal fluid dynamics and microstructural evolution
Panwisawas C, Qiu C, Anderson MJ, Sovani Y, Turner RP, Attallah MM, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC
Computational Materials Science, Elsevier vol. 126, 479-490.  


bullet iconA Multi‐Scale Multi‐Physics Approach to Modelling of Additive Manufacturing in Nickel‐Based Superalloys
Panwisawas C, Sovani Y, Anderson MJ, Turner R, Palumbo NM, Saunders BC, Choquet I, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC
bullet iconAn Integrated Modeling Approach for Predicting Process Maps of Residual Stress and Distortion in a Laser Weld: A Combined CFD–FE Methodology
Turner RP, Panwisawas C, Sovani Y, Perumal B, Ward RM, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Springer Nature vol. 47 (5), 2954-2962.  
bullet iconPorosity Formation in Laser Welded Ti‐6Al‐4V Alloy: Modelling and Validation
Panwisawas C, Perumal B, Sovani Y, Turner RP, Ward RM, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC
In Proceedings of The 13th World Conference On Titanium, Wiley 1897-1900.  
bullet iconThe role of stress relaxation and creep during high temperature deformation in Ni-base single crystal superalloys – Implications to strain build-up during directional solidification
D'Souza N, Kelleher J, Qiu C, Zhang S-Y, Gardner S, Jones RE, Putman D and Panwisawas C
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 106, 322-332.  
bullet iconA Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Approach to Modelling of Additive Manufacturing in Nickel-Based Superalloys
Anderson M, Basoalto H, Brooks J, Choquet I, Palumbo N, Panwisawas C, Saunders B, Sovani Y and Turner R
Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Superalloys


bullet iconAn Improved Method of Capturing the Surface Boundary of a Ti-6Al-4V Fusion Weld Bead for Finite Element Modeling
Turner RP, Villa M, Sovani Y, Panwisawas C, Perumal B, Ward RM, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Springer Nature vol. 47 (1), 485-494.  
bullet iconOn the role of melt flow into the surface structure and porosity development during selective laser melting
Qiu C, Panwisawas C, Ward M, Basoalto HC, Brooks JW and Attallah MM
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 96, 72-79.  
bullet iconOn the role of thermal fluid dynamics into the evolution of porosity during selective laser melting
Panwisawas C, Qiu CL, Sovani Y, Brooks JW, Attallah MM and Basoalto HC
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 105, 14-17.  


bullet iconPrediction of recrystallisation in single crystal nickel-based superalloys during investment casting
Panwisawas C, Mathur HN, Broomfield RW, Putman D, Rae CMF and Reed RC


bullet iconAnalysis of the mechanical deformation arising from investment casting of directionally solidified nickel-based superalloys
Panwisawas C, Gebelin J-C and Reed RC
Materials Science and Technology, Sage Publications vol. 29 (7), 843-853.  
bullet iconPrediction of recrystallization in investment cast single-crystal superalloys
Panwisawas C, Mathur H, Gebelin J-C, Putman D, Rae CMF and Reed RC
Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 61 (1), 51-66.  


bullet iconPrediction of Plastic Strain for Recrystallisation during Investment Casting of Single Crystal Superalloys
Panwisawas C, Mathur H, Gebelin J, Putman DC, Withey P, Warnken N, Rae CMF and Reed RC
In Superalloys 2012, Wiley 547-556.  
bullet iconPrediction of Plastic Strain for Recrystallization during Investment Casting of Single Crystal Superalloys
Panwisawas C, Mathur H, Gebelin J, Putman D, Withey P, Warnken N, Rae C and Reed R
Superalloys 2012 (Twelfth International Symposium)


bullet iconNumerical Modelling of Stress and Strain Evolution during Solidification of a Single Crystal Superalloy
Panwisawas C, Gebelin JC, Warnken N, Broomfield RW and Reed RC
, Trans Tech Publications vol. 278, 204-209.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport
solid heart icon(S&E Flexible PhD Studentship, 2023/24, Commercial, Fully External, Band B, 3Y)
Harshad Bhadeshia and Chinnapat Panwisawas
£158,000 Molycop USA LLC
04-02-2024 - 03-02-2027
solid heart iconDISTorting the Aerospace Manufacturing Boundaries: OPerational Integration of Autonomy on Titanium
Chinnapat Panwisawas and Harshad Bhadeshia
£120,000 Innovate UK
01-02-2024 - 31-07-2026
solid heart iconVibration-Based Non-Destructive Testing for metal Additive Manufacturing
Yunpeng Zhu and Chinnapat Panwisawas
£19,695 Dutch Research Council
01-01-2024 - 31-12-2027
solid heart iconNext Generation TATARA Co-creation Centre (NEXTA) Award - Phase 1
Chinnapat Panwisawas
£50,000 Shimane University
01-04-2023 - 31-03-2025
solid heart iconDesign by additive manufacturing of Innovative nanocomposites for biomedical application
Chinnapat Panwisawas
£12,000 Royal Society
31-03-2023 - 30-03-2026

solid heart iconNovel low-modulus titanium alloy for biomedical applications-GRANT TRANSFER
Chinnapat Panwisawas
£16,720 Royal Academy of Engineering
15-09-2022 - 31-01-2024
solid heart iconDigital materials design and additive manufacturing for helping patients with bespoke 3D-printed imp-GRANT TRANSFER
Chinnapat Panwisawas
£12,473 Royal Academy of Engineering
01-07-2022 - 31-01-2024