
   2025   |   2024   |   2023   |   2022   |   2021   |   2020   |   2019   |   2018   |   2017   |   2016   
  • SHENG Q, SUN J, WANG W, WANG HS and BAILEY CG (2017). How solid surface free energy determines coalescence-induced nanodroplet jumping: A molecular dynamics investigation. Journal of Applied Physics, AIP Publishing vol. 122, 245301 (2017) 
  • Fan J, Li J, Huang Z, Wen PH and Bailey CG (2017). Grain size effects on indentation-induced plastic deformation and amorphization process of polycrystalline silicon. Computational Materials Science vol. 144, 113-119.  
  • Zhang K, Chermprayong P, Alhinai TM, Siddall R and Kovac M (2017). SpiderMAV: Perching and stabilizing micro aerial vehicles with bio-inspired tensile anchoring systems. IROS2017
  • Goel A, Uth T, Liu T, Wadley HNG and Deshpande VS (2017). Coupled discrete/continuum simulations of the impact of granular slugs with clamped beams: Stand-off effects. Mechanics of Materials, Elsevier vol. 116, 90-103.  
  • Jesudasan R, Zhang X and Mueller J-D (2017). Adjoint Optimisation of Internal Turbine Cooling Channel Using NURBS-Based Automatic and Adaptive Parametrisation Method. Volume 1: Compressors, Fans and Pumps; Turbines; Heat Transfer; Combustion, Fuels and Emissions
  • Abidi H, Gerboni G, Brancadoro M, Fras J, Diodato A, Cianchetti M, Wurdemann H, Althoefer K and Menciassi A (2017). Highly dexterous 2‐module soft robot for intra‐organ navigation in minimally invasive surgery. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Wiley vol. 14 (1) 
  • Lee KH, Fu DKC, Leong MCW, Chow M, Fu HC, Althoefer K, Sze KY, Yeung CK and Kwok KW (2017). Nonparametric Online Learning Control for Soft Continuum Robot: An Enabling Technique for Effective Endoscopic Navigation. Soft Robotics vol. 4 (4), 324-337.  
  • Alonso Rasgado T, Zhang Q, Jimenez Cruz D, Bailey C, Pinder E, Mandaleson A and Talwalkar S (2017). Analysis of tenodesis techniques for treatment of scapholunate instability using the finite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering vol. 33 (12) 
  • Alonso-Rasgado T, Zhang QH, Jimenez-Cruz D, Bailey C, Pinder E, Mandaleson A and Talwalkar S (2017). Evaluation of the performance of three tenodesis techniques for the treatment of scapholunate instability: flexion-extension and radial-ulnar deviation. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 1-15.  
  • mykhaskiv O, MUELLER J, Banovic M, Auriemma S, Mohanamuraly P, Walther A and Legrand H (2017). NURBS-based and Parametric-based Shape Optimisation with differentiated CAD Kernel. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Taylor & Francis 
  • Konstantinova J, Cotugno G, Stilli A, Noh Y, Althoefer K and IEEE (2017). Object Classification Using Hybrid Fiber Optical Force/Proximity Sensor. IEEE Sensors Conference 29 Oct 2017 - 1 Nov 2017
  • Dehban A, Jamone L, Kampff AR and Santos-Victor J (2017). A Deep Probabilistic Framework for Heterogeneous Self-Supervised Learning of Affordances. 2017 IEEE-RAS 17th International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids)
  • KONSTANTINOVA J, Cotugno G, Stilli A, Noh Y and Althoefer K (2017). Object Classification Using Hybrid Fiber Optical Force/Proximity Sensor. IEEE Sensors Conference 29 Oct 2017 - 1 Nov 2017
  • Ribeiro P, Khan MA, Alfadhel A, Kosel J, Franco F, Cardoso S, Bernardino A, Santos-Victor J and Jamone L (2017). A Miniaturized Force Sensor Based on Hair-Like Flexible Magnetized Cylinders Deposited Over a Giant Magnetoresistive Sensor. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 53 (11), 1-5.  
  • KONSTANTINOVA J, Stilli and Althoefer (2017). Fingertip Fiber Optical Tactile Array with Two-Level Spring Structure. Sensors, MDPI vol. 17 (10) 
  • Sareh S, Althoefer K, Li M, Noh Y, Tramacere F, Sareh P, Mazzolai B and Kovac M (2017). Anchoring like octopus: biologically inspired soft artificial sucker. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, The Royal Society vol. 14 (135) 
  • ALTHOEFER KA, fras J, noh Y and Wurdemann H (2017). Soft fluidic rotary actuator with improved actuation properties. 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
  • Semiletov VA and Karabasov SA (2017). Similarity scaling of jet noise sources for low-order jet noise modelling based on the Goldstein generalised acoustic analogy. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Multi-Science Publishing 
  • Proskurov S, Darbyshire OR and Karabasov SA (2017). Aerofoil broadband and tonal noise modelling using stochastic sound sources and incorporated large scale fluctuations. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier 
  • Panwisawas C, D’Souza N, Collins DM and Bhowmik A (2017). The contrasting roles of creep and stress relaxation in the time-dependent deformation during in-situ cooling of a nickel-base single crystal superalloy. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
  • Fukahori Y, Sakulkaew K and Busfield JJC (2017). “A new physical aspect for elastic-viscous transition and velocity jump in fracture of rubbers”. Polymer vol. 125, 30-39.  
  • Xu S, Timme S, Mykhaskiv O and Müller JD (2017). Wing-body junction optimisation with CAD-based parametrisation including a moving intersection. Aerospace Science and Technology vol. 68, 543-551.  
  • Saponaro G, Jamone L, Bernardino A and Salvi G (2017). Interactive Robot Learning of Gestures, Language and Affordances. GLU 2017 International Workshop on Grounding Language Understanding
  • Chintagunta A, Naghibi SE and Karabasov SA (2017). Flux-corrected dispersion-improved CABARET schemes for linear and nonlinear wave propagation problems. Computers and Fluids 
  • Sadati SMH, Naghibi SE, Walker ID, Althoefer K and Nanayakkara T (2017). Control Space Reduction and Real-Time Accurate Modeling of Continuum Manipulators Using Ritz and Ritz–Galerkin Methods. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters vol. 3 (1), 328-335.  
  • Mykhaskiv O, Müller J-D, Mohanamuraly P, Banovic M, Walther A, Auriemma S and Legrand H (2017). NURBS-based and Parametric-based Shape Optimisation with Differentiated CAD Kernel. Proceedings of CAD'17
  • JAMONE L (2017). Covering a Robot Fingertip with uSkin: a Soft Electronic Skin with Distributed 3-axis Force Sensitive Elements for Robot Hands. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
  • Stilli A, Grattarola L, Feldmann H, Wurdemann HA and Althoefer K (2017). Variable Stiffness Link (VSL): Toward inherently safe robotic manipulators. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  • KONSTANTINOVA J, Krivic S, Stilli A, Piater J and Althoefer K (2017). Autonomous Object Handover using Wrist Tactile Information. 18th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) Conference 19 Jul 2017 - 21 Jul 2017
  • Dams B, Sareh S, Zhang K, Shepherd P, Kovac M and Ball RJ (2017). Remote three-dimensional printing of polymer structures using drones. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials, 1-31.  
  • Daviller G, Brebion M, Xavier P, Staffelbach G, Müller JD and Poinsot T (2017). A Mesh Adaptation Strategy to Predict Pressure Losses in LES of Swirled Flows. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion vol. 99 (1), 93-118.  
  • Sadati SMH, Naghibi SE, Shiva A, Noh Y, Gupta A, Walker ID, Althoefer K and Nanayakkara T (2017). A geometry deformation model for braided continuum manipulators. Frontiers Robotics AI vol. 4 (JUN) 
  • MUELLER J, hueckelheim J, hovland P and Strout M (2017). Reverse-mode algorithmic differentiation of an OpenMP-parallel compressible flow solver. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, SAGE Publications 
  • Verstraete T, Müller L and Müller J-D (2017). CAD-Based Adjoint Optimization of the Stresses in a Radial Turbine. Volume 2C: Turbomachinery
  • Garbin N, Stilli A, Shiva A, Fras J, Slawinski PR, Obstein KL, Althoefer K, Wurdemann HA and Valdastri P (2017). Toward a Low-Cost Soft Robotic Manipulator based on Fluid-Actuated Bellows for Gastric Cancer Screening. 10th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics 2017
  • Verstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Adjoint-based design optimisation of an internal cooling channel u-bend for minimised pressure losses. International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power, MDPI vol. 2 (2) 
  • MUELLER J, verstraete T and Mueller L (2017). ADJOINT BASED DESIGN OPTIMISATION OF AN INTERNAL COOLING CHANNEL U-BEND FOR MINIMIZED PRESSURE LOSSES., Editors: manna M. International Journal of turbomachinery propulsion and power 
  • Shao W, Kosmas P, Althoefer K and Barras J (2017). Canceling strong and complex interference in NQR-based landmine detection. International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability: Interoperable Sustainable Smart Systems for Next Generation, ICIAfS 2016
  • Markesteijn AP, Semiletov V, Karabasov SA, Tan DJ, Wong M, Honnery D and Edgington-Mitchell DM (2017). Supersonic Jet Noise: an Investigation into Noise Generation Mechanisms using Large Eddy Simulation and High-Resolution PIV Data. 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
  • Tan DJ, Kalyan A, Gryazev V, Wong M, Honnery D, Edgington-Mitchell DM and Karabasov SA (2017). On the Application of Shock-Associated Noise Models to PIV Measurements of Screeching Axisymmetric Cold Jets. 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
  • Verstraete T, Mueller L and Mueller J-D (2017). Multidisciplinary Adjoint Optimization of Trubomachinery Components Including Aerodynamic and Stress Performance. 35th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
  • Proskurov S, Markesteijn AP, Semiletov V and Karabasov SA (2017). Investigation into the sources of trailing edge noise using the Acoustic Perturbation Equations, LES, and RANS-based FRPM technique. 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
  • Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2017). GPU CABARET Solver Extension to Handle Complex Geometries utilizing snappyHexMesh with Asynchronous Time Stepping. 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
  • Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2017). GPU CABARET Solutions for the NASA SHJAR Jet Noise Experiment: Flow and Noise Modeling. 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
  • Chintagunta A, Markesteijn A, Naghibi SE and Karabasov SA (2017). Dispersion Improved CABARET for Computational Aeroacoustics. 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
  • Mykhaskiv O, Mohanamuraly P, Mueller J-D, Xu S and Timme S (2017). CAD-based shape optimisation of the NASA CRM wing-body intersection using differentiated CAD-kernel. 35th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference
  • Nanjangud A and Eke F (2017). Approximate Solution to the Angular Speeds of a Nearly-Symmetric Mass-Varying Cylindrical Body. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences vol. 64 (2), 99-117.  
  • Vicente P, Jamone L and Bernardino A (2017). Towards Markerless Visual Servoing of Grasping Tasks for Humanoid Robots. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  • Mathur HN, Panwisawas C, Jones CN, Reed RC and Rae CMF (2017). Nucleation of recrystallisation in castings of single crystal Ni-based superalloys. Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 129, 112-123.  
  • Paulino T, Ribeiro P, Neto M, Cardoso S, Schmitz A, Santos-Victor J, Bernardino A and Jamone L (2017). Low-Cost 3-Axis Soft Tactile Sensors for the Human-Friendly Robot Vizzy. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  • Ranasinghe A, Althoefer K, Dasgupta P, Nagar A and Nanayakkara T (2017). Wearable haptic based pattern feedback sleeve system. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol. 547, 302-312.  
  • Wang S, Singh D, Lau D, Reddy K, Althoefer K, Rhode K and Housden RJ (2017). Probe tracking and its application in automatic acquisition using a trans-esophageal ultrasound robot. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 10170 LNCS, 14-23.  
  • Collins DM, D’Souza N and Panwisawas C (2017). In-situ neutron diffraction during stress relaxation of a single crystal nickel-base superalloy. Scripta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 131, 103-107.  
  • Verstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Adjoint based design optimisation of an internal cooling channel u-bend for minimized pressure losses. EuroTurbo
  • Ribeiro PM, Alfhadel A, Kosel J, Franco F, Cardoso S, Bernardino A, Jamone L and Santos-Victor J (2017). A Miniaturized Force Sensor Based on Hair-Like Flexible Magnetized Cylinders Deposited Over a Giant Magnetoresistive Sensor. 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG)
  • Shao W, Barras J, Althoefer K and Kosmas P (2017). Detecting NQR signals severely polluted by interference. Signal Processing vol. 138, 256-264.  
  • Sung DU, Busfield J and Ryu YH (2017). Degradation of Vehicle Noise and Vibration by Ageing of Elastomers. WCX17: SAE World Congress Experience
  • Luo S, Zhu L, Althoefer K and Liu H (2017). Knock-Knock: Acoustic object recognition by using stacked denoising autoencoders. Neurocomputing 
  • Panwisawas C, Perumal B, Ward RM, Turner N, Turner RP, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC (2017). Keyhole formation and thermal fluid flow-induced porosity during laser fusion welding in titanium alloys: Experimental and modelling. Acta Materialia, Elsevier vol. 126, 251-263.  
  • Li M, KONSTANTINOVA J, Xu G, He B, Aminazdeh V, Xie J, Wurdemann H and Althoefer K (2017). Evaluation of stiffness feedback for hard nodule identification on a phantom silicone model. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 
  • Stilli A, Wurdemann HA and Althoefer K (2017). A Novel Concept for Safe, Stiffness-Controllable Robot Links. Soft Robotics vol. 4 (1), 16-22.  
  • Liu T (2017). Simulation of cell-substrate traction force dynamics in response to soluble factors. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer vol. 16 (4), 1255-1268.  
  • Li J, Liu H, Brown M, Kumar P, Challacombe BJ, Chandra A, Rottenberg G, Seneviratne LD, Althoefer K and Dasgupta P (2017). Ex vivo study of prostate cancer localization using rolling mechanical imaging towards minimally invasive surgery. Med Eng Phys 
  • KONSTANTINOVA J, Cotugno G, Dasgupta P, Althoefer K and Nanayakkara T (2017). Palpation Force Modulation Strategies to Identify Hard Regions in Soft Tissue Organs. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 
  • Liu T and Turner P (2017). Dynamic compressive response of wrapped carbon fibre composite corrugated cores. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 165, 266-272.  
  • Kalyan A and Karabasov SA (2017). Broad band shock associated noise predictions in axisymmetric and asymmetric jets using an improved turbulence scale model. Journal of Sound and Vibration vol. 394, 392-417.  
  • Naghibi SE, Jalali MA, Karabasov SA and Alam MR (2017). Excitation of the Earth's Chandler wobble by a turbulent oceanic double-gyre. Geophysical Journal International vol. 209 (1), 509-516.  
  • Ribeiro P, Asadullah Khan M, Alfadhel A, Kosel J, Franco F, Cardoso S, Bernardino A, Schmitz A, Santos-Victor J and Jamone L (2017). Bioinspired Ciliary Force Sensor for Robotic Platforms. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters vol. 2 (2), 971-976.  
  • D'Souza N, Kelleher J, Kabra S and Panwisawas C (2017). Visco-plasticity during in-situ cooling from solidification of a nickel-base single crystal superalloy using neutron diffraction. Materials Science and Engineering A, Elsevier vol. 681, 32-40.  
  • Markesteijn AP, Semiletov VA, Karabasov SA, Tan DJ, Wong M, Honnery D and Edgington-Mitchell D (2017). Supersonic jet noise: An investigation into noise generation mechanisms using large eddy simulation and high-resolution PIV data. 
  • Imam-Lawal OR, Verstraete T and Müller JD (2017). Solving an inverse coupled conjugate heat transfer problem by an adjoint approach. 
  • Liu T, Turner P and Zeng X (2017). Simulation of orthogonal three-dimensional woven carbon plates under ballistic impact. 
  • Windslow RJ and Busfield JJC (2017). Service life prediction under combined cyclic and steady state tearing. 
  • Tan DJ, Wong M, Honnery D, Edgington-Mitchell D, Kalyan A, Gryazev V and Karabasov SA (2017). On the application of shock-associated noise models toon the application of shock-associated noise models to PIV measurements of screeching axisymmetric cold jets. 
  • Verstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Multidisciplinary adjoint optimization of trubomachinery components including aerodynamic and stress performance. 
  • Schlaps RC, Toropov VV and Shahpar S (2017). Multi-disciplinary Optimisation of a Compressor Rotor subjected to Ice Impact. 
  • Panwisawas C, Qiu C, Anderson MJ, Sovani Y, Turner RP, Attallah MM, Brooks JW and Basoalto HC (2017). Mesoscale modelling of selective laser melting: Thermal fluid dynamics and microstructural evolution. Computational Materials Science, Elsevier vol. 126, 479-490.  
  • Sadati SM, Naghibi SE, Shiva A, Walker ID, Althoefer K and Nanayakkara T (2017). Mechanics of continuum manipulators, a comparative study of five methods with experiments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol. 10454 LNAI, 686-702.  
  • Stopforth R, Davrajh S and Althoefer K (2017). Low Cost Soft Endoscope Robotic Probe. 2017 IEEE AFRICON
  • Saponaro G, Vicente P, Dehban A, Jamone L, Bernardino A and Santos-Victor J (2017). Learning at the Ends: From Hand to Tool Affordances in Humanoid Robots. 2017 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob)
  • Antunes A, Saponaro G, Morse A, Jamone L, Santos-Victor J and Cangelosi A (2017). Learn, Plan, Remember: A Developmental Robot Architecture for Task Solving. 2017 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob)
  • Kalyan A, Gryazev V, Karabasov SA, Tan DJ, Wong M, Honnery D and Edgington-Mitchell D (2017). Improved predictions of broadband shock associated noise in supersonic jets. 
  • Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2017). GPU CABARET solutions for the NASA SHJAR jet noise experiment: Flow and noise modeling. 
  • Tao Y, Bilotti E, Busfield JJC and Stevens CA (2017). Fatigue behaviour of unidirectional carbon-cord reinforced composites and parametric models for life prediction. European Conference on Constitutive Modelling of Elastomers
  • Chintagunta A, Markesteijn A, Naghibi SE and Karabasov S (2017). Dispersion improved CABARET for computational aeroacoustics. 
  • Mykhaskiv O, Mohanamuraly P, Müller JD, Xu S and Timme S (2017). CAD-based shape optimisation of the NASA CRM wing-body intersection using differentiated CAD-kernel. 
  • Qiu C, D'Souza N, Kelleher J and Panwisawas C (2017). An experimental investigation into the stress and strain development of a Ni-base single crystal superalloy during cooling from solidification. Materials & Design, Elsevier vol. 114, 475-483.  
  • Verstraete T, Müller L and Müller JD (2017). Adjoint based design optimisation of an internal cooling channel u-bend for minimized pressure losses. 
  • Carleo F, Busfield JJC, Whear R and Barbieri E (2017). A new constitutive model for carbon-black reinforced rubber in medium dynamic strains and medium strain rates. 