music information retrieval, human computer interaction, music perception, augmented/virtual reality, internet of musical things
Dr Mathieu Barthet is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Media at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). He is the Programme Coordinator of the MSc in Media and Arts Technology by Research and oversees Industry Partnerships for the Centre for Doctoral Training in AI & Music.
He received an MSc degree in Electronics and Computer Science in 2003 (Paris VI University/Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal), and an MSc degree in Acoustics in 2004 (Aix-Marseille II University/Ecole Centrale Marseille). He was awarded a PhD in Acoustics, Signal Processing and Computer Science applied to Music from Aix-Marseille II University and CNRS-LMA in 2008, and joined the Centre for Digital Music at QMUL in 2009.
Mathieu conducts research in the fields of Music Information Research, New Interfaces for Musical Expression and Music Perception, in which he published over 100 peer-reviewed academic papers. His research interests include music and emotions, audio-visual interfaces and extended reality, AI-based musical interfaces, music recommendation, and musical timbre.

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI

Cui W, Sarmento P and
Barthet M (2024).
MoodLoopGP: Generating Emotion-Conditioned Loop Tablature Music with Multi-granular Features. Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design 97-113.

Yang S,
Barthet M, Reed C and Chew E (2023).
Do You Hear What I Hear? Computer,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 56 (12), 4-6.
Graf M and
Barthet M (2023).
Combining Vision and EMG-Based Hand Tracking for Extended Reality Musical Instruments. International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research Tokyo 13 Nov 2023 - 17 Nov 2023.
Martelloni A,
Mcpherson AP and
Barthet M (2023).
Real-time Percussive Technique Recognition and Embedding Learning for the Acoustic Guitar. 24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Milan, Italy 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
Frachi Y, Chanel G and
Barthet M (2023).
Affective gaming using adaptive speed controlled by biofeedback. International Cconference on Multimodal Interaction.
Graf M and
Barthet M (2023).
Reducing Sensing Errors in a Mixed Reality Musical Instrument. 08-10-2023
Williams A, Lattner S and
Barthet M (2023).
Sound-and-Image-informed Music Artwork Generation Using Text-to-Image Models., Editors: Ferraro A, Knees P, Quadrana M, Ye T and Gouyon F.
Music Recommender Systems Workshop at the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems Singapore 18 Sep 2023 - 22 Sep 2023.
Deacon T and
Barthet M (2023).
Invoke: A Collaborative Virtual Reality Tool for Spatial Audio Production Using Voice-Based Trajectory Sketching. Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference.
Mcintosh T, Woscholski O and
Barthet M (2023).
Affective Conditional Modifiers in Adaptive Video Game Music. Audio Mostly 2023 Edinburgh, UK 29 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2023.
Loth J, Mamou-Mani A and
Barthet M (2023).
Playing Style Affects Steel-String Acoustic Guitar Timbre. 3rd International Conference on Timbre Thessaloniki, Greece 12 Jun 2023 - 10 Jul 2023.
Ceriani M, Viola F, Rudan S, Antoniazzi F,
Barthet M and
Fazekas G (2023).
Semantic integration of audio content providers through the Audio Commons Ontology. Journal of Web Semantics,
Elsevier vol. 77
Montague LE and
Barthet M (2023).
Collaboration on the Tracks: Ethnographically-Informed Design for Computer-Assisted Music Collaboration between Producers and Performers. Creativity and Cognition.
Adkins S, Sarmento P and
Barthet M (2023).
LooperGP: A Loopable Sequence Model for Live Coding Performance Using GuitarPro Tablature. Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design 3-19.
Sarmento P, Kumar A, Chen Y-H, Carr C, Zukowski Z and
Barthet M (2023).
GTR-CTRL: Instrument and Genre Conditioning for Guitar-Focused Music Generation with Transformers. Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design 260-275.

Deacon T,
Healey P and
Barthet M (2022).
“It’s cleaner, definitely”: Collaborative Process in Audio Production. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),
Springer Nature vol. 32 (3), 475-505.
Deacon T and
Barthet M (2022).
Spatial Design Considerations for Interactive Audio in Virtual Reality. Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments 181-217.
Sarmento P, Holmqvist O and
Barthet M (2022).
Ubiquitous Music in Smart City: Musification of Air Pollution and User Context. Ubiquitous Music Symposium 2022.
Graf M and
Barthet M (2022).
Mixed Reality Musical Interface: Exploring Ergonomics and Adaptive Hand Pose Recognition for Gestural Control. NIME 2022.
Takahashi T and
Barthet M (2022).
Frachi Y, Takahashi T, Wang F and
Barthet M (2022).
Design of Emotion-Driven Game Interaction Using Biosignals. HCI in Games 160-179.
Wei C, Kronland-Martinet T, Frachi Y and
Barthet M (2022).
Influence of Music on Perceived Emotions in Film. 01-01-20222021

Sarmento P, Kumar A, Carr CJ, Zukowski Z,
Barthet M and Yang Y-H (2021).
DadaGP: A Dataset of Tokenized GuitarPro Songs for Sequence Models. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Online 7 Nov 2021 - 12 Nov 2021.
Löbbers S,
Barthet M and
Fazekas G (2021).
Sketching sounds: an exploratory study on sound-shape associations. International Computer Music Conference Santiago de Chile, Chile 25 Jul 2021 - 31 Jul 2021.
Yang S, Reed CN, Chew E and
Barthet M (2021).
Examining Emotion Perception Agreement in Live Music Performance. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 30-06-2021
Graf M, Opara HC and
Barthet M (2021).
An Audio-Driven System for Real-Time Music Visualisation. Audio Engineering Society Convention 150 24 May 2021 - 28 May 2021.
Martelloni A,
McPherson A and
Barthet M (2021).
Guitar augmentation for Percussive Fingerstyle: Combining self-reflexive practice and user-centred design. NIME 2021.
Dannemann T and
Barthet M (2021).
SonicDraw: a web-based tool for sketching sounds and drawings. 01-01-2021
Irvine L and
Barthet M (2021).
Immersive Spatial Sound Design Using Creative Commons Audio. 01-01-20212020

Sarmento P, Holmqvist O and
Barthet M (2020).
Musical Smart City: Perspectives on Ubiquitous Sonification. Ubiquitous Music Workshop Porto Seguro, BA, Brazil 9 Nov 2020 - 13 Nov 2020.
Martelloni A,
Mcpherson A and
Barthet M (2020).
Percussive Fingerstyle Guitar through the Lens of NIME: an Interview Study. New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Royal Birmingham Conservatoire 22 Jul 2020 - 25 Jul 2020.

Yang S,
Barthet M and Chew E (2019).
Identifying Listener-informed Features for Modeling Time-varying Emotion Perception. Inter- national Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research.
Stolfi AS, Milo A and
Barthet M (2019). Improvising in the browser with semantic sound objects. Journal of New Music Research,
Taylor & Francis (Routledge) vol. 48 (4), 366-384.
Bruford F,
Barthet M, McDonald S and
Sandler M (2019).
Modelling Musical Similarity for Drum Patterns. Proceedings of the 14th International Audio Mostly Conference: A Journey in Sound.
Turchet L and
Barthet M (2019).
Haptification of performer's control gestures in live electronic music performance. Proceedings of the 14th International Audio Mostly Conference: A Journey in Sound.
BROMHAM G, Moffat D,
Barthet M, Daneilsen A and
Fazekas G (2019).
The Impact of Audio Effects Processing on the Perception of Brightness and Warmth. Audio Mostly Nottingham, UK 17 Sep 2019 - 20 Sep 2019.
Turchet L and
Barthet M (2019).
An ubiquitous smart guitar system for collaborative musical practice. Journal of New Music Research,
Taylor & Francis (Routledge) vol. 48 (4), 352-365.
Turchet L and
Barthet M (2019).
Smart Musical Instruments. Foundations in Sound Design for Embedded Media 275-296.
Xambó A, Font F,
Fazekas G and
Barthet M (2019).
Leveraging Online Audio Commons Content for Media Production. Foundations in Sound Design for Linear Media 248-282.
Deacon T, Bryan-Kinns N,
Healey PGT and
Barthet M (2019).
Shaping Sounds. Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition.
Bruford F, McDonald ST,
Barthet M and
Sandler M (2019).
Groove explorer: An intelligent visual interface for drum loop library navigation. 01-01-2019
Weaver J,
Barthet M and Chew E (2019).
Filling the space: The impact of convolution reverberation time on note duration and velocity in duet performance. 01-01-2019
Turchet L and
Barthet M (2019).
Smart Musical Instruments: Key Concepts and Do-It-Yourself Tutorial. Foundations in Sound Design for Embedded Media: A Multidisciplinary Approach 275-296.

BARTHET M (2018).
Co-design of Musical Haptic Wearables for Electronic Music Performer's Communication. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems,
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 21-12-2018
Turchet L, Viola F,
Fazekas G and
Barthet M (2018).
Towards a Semantic Architecture for the Internet of Musical Things. 2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT).
Turchet L and
Barthet M (2018).
Jamming with a Smart Mandolin and Freesound-based Accompaniment. 2018 23rd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT).
Stolfi A, Sokolovskis J, Gorodscy F, Iazzetta F and
Barthet M (2018).
Audio semantics: Online chat communication in open band participatory music performances. AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 66 (11), 910-921.
Viola F, Stolfi A, Milo A, Ceriani M,
Barthet M and
Fazekas G (2018). Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Applications for Audio and Music.
Turchet L, Fischione C, Essl G, Keller D and
Barthet M (2018).
Internet of Musical Things: Vision and Challenges. IEEE Access vol. 6, 61994-62017.
Pauwels J,
Xambo Sedo A, Roma G,
Barthet M and
Fazekas G (2018).
Exploring Real-time Visualisations to Support Chord Learning with a Large Music Collection. 4th Web Audio Conference (WAC) Berlin, Germany 19 Sep 2018 - 21 Sep 2018.
Turchet L,
McPherson A and
Barthet M (2018).
Real-Time Hit Classification in a Smart Cajón. Frontiers in ICT,
Frontiers vol. 5
WIGGINS G (2018).
Assessing Musical Similarity for Computational Music Creativity. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
Audio Engineering Society 29-04-2018
Turchet L,
McPherson A and
Barthet M (2018).
Co-design of a smart Cajón. AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 66 (4), 220-230.
Embodied Interactions with E-Textiles and the Internet of Sounds for Performing Arts. ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interactions Stockholm, Sweden 18 Mar 2018 - 21 Mar 2018.
Xambo A, Roma G, Lerch A,
Barthet M and
Fazekas G (2018).
Live Repurposing of Sounds: MIR Explorations with Personal and Crowd-sourced Databases. 01-01-2018
Bromham G, Moffat D,
Barthet M and
Fazekas G (2018).
The impact of compressor ballistics on the perceived style of music. 01-01-2018
Weaver J,
Barthet M and Chew E (2018).
Analysis of piano duo tempo changes in varying convolution reverberation conditions. 01-01-2018
de Souza Stolfi A, Turchet L, Ceriani M and
Barthet M (2018). Inclusive free music improvisations using audio commons. 01-01-2018
Weisling A, Xambó A, Olowe I and
Barthet M (2018).
Surveying the compositional and performance practices of audiovisual practitioners. 01-01-2018
Turchet L and
Barthet M (2018).
Demo of interactions between a performer playing a smart mandolin and audience members using musical haptic wearables. 01-01-20182017

Deacon T, Stockman T and
Barthet M (2017).
User experience in an interactive music virtual reality system: An exploratory study. 192-216.
Herremans D, Yang S, Chuan C-H,
Barthet M and Chew E (2017).
IMMA-Emo. Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences.
Olowe I, Grierson M and
Barthet M (2017).
User Requirements for Live Sound Visualization System Using Multitrack Audio. Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences.
Olowe I,
Barthet M and Grierson M (2017).
FEATUR.UX.AV. Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences.
Goddard C,
Wiggins G (2017).
Designing Computationally Creative Musical Performance Systems. Audio Mostly 2017 Queen Mary University of London, London 23 Aug 2017 - 26 Aug 2017.
Stolfi A,
Barthet M, Goródscy F and de Carvalho AD (2017).
Open Band. Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences.
Subramaniam A and
Barthet M (2017).
Mood Visualiser. Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences.
Pigrem J and
Barthet M (2017).
Datascaping. Proceedings of the 12th International Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences.
Wu Y, Zhang L, Bryan-Kinns N and
Barthet M (2017).
Open Symphony: Creative Participation for Audiences of Live Music Performances. IEEE Multimedia vol. 24 (1), 48-62.
Turchet L, Fischione C and
Barthet M (2017).
Towards the Internet of Musical Things. 01-01-20172016

Zhang L, Wu Y and
BARTHET M (2016).
A Web Application for Audience Participation in Live Music Performance: The Open Symphony Use Case. International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression.
Hayes K,
BARTHET M, Wu Y, Zhang L and Bryan-Kinns N (2016).
A Participatory Live Music Performance with the Open Symphony System. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI): Interactivity.
Olowe I, Moro G and
Barthet M (2016).
ResidUUm: User mapping and performance strategies for multilayered live audiovisual generation. 01-01-2016
Saari P,
Fazekas G, Eerola T,
Barthet M, Lartillot , O S and M (2016).
Genre-Adaptive Semantic Computing and Audio-Based Modelling for Music Mood Annotation. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC) vol. 7, 122-135.
Barthet M,
Fazekas G, Allik A, Thalmann F and
Sandler M (2016).
From interactive to adaptive mood-based music listening experiences in social or personal context. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society vol. 64, 673-682.
Fazekas G,
Sandler MB (2014).
Novel Methods in Facilitating Audience and Performer Interaction Using the Mood Conductor Framework. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag vol. 8905 (Sound, Music, and Motion), 122-147.
Kachkaev A, Wolff D,
BARTHET M, Plumbley MD, Dykes J and Weyde T (2014).
Visualising Chord Progressions in Music Collections: A Big Data Approach. 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM) Berlin.
Weyde T, Cottrell S, Dykes J,
Benetos E, Wolff D, Tidhar D, Gold N, Abdallah S, Plumbley M,
Dixon S,
Barthet M, Mahey M, Tovell A and Alancar-Brayner A (2014).
Big Data for Musicology., Editors: Page K and Fields B.
1st International Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop London, UK 12 Sep 2014.
BARTHET MHE, Plumbley MD, Kachkaev A, Dykes J, Wolff D and Weyde T (2014).
Big Chord Data Extraction and Mining. 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM) Berlin.
Kolozali S,
Fazekas G,
Barthet M and
Sandler M (2014).
A framework for automatic ontology generation based on semantic audio analysis. 01-01-2014
Fazekas G,
Barthet M and
Sandler M (2014).
Novel Methods in Facilitating Audience and Performer Interaction using the Mood Conductor Framework., Editors: Aramaki M, Kronland-Martinet R and Ystad S.
Weyde T, Cottrell S, Benetos E, Wolff D, Tidhar D, Plumbley MD,
Dixon S,
BARTHET MHE, Gold N, Abdallah S and Mahey M (2014).
Digital Music Lab - A Framework for Analysing Big Music Data. European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) Bremen.
Benetos E, Cottrell S,
Dixon S, Dykes J, Gold N, Mahey M, Plumbley MD, Tidhar D, Weyde T and Wolff D (2014).
The DML Research Project: Digital Music Lab - Analysing Big Music Data. 01-01-2014
Baume C,
Fazekas G,
Barthet M, Martson D and
Sandler M (2014).
Selection of audio features for music emotion recognition using production music. 01-01-20142013

Aramaki M,
Barthet M, Kronland-Martinet R and Ystad S (2013).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface. 10-10-2013
Kolozali S,
Barthet M,
Fazekas G and
Sandler M (2013).
Automatic Ontology Generation for Musical Instruments Based on Audio Analysis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING vol. 21 (10), 1-14.
Fazekas G,
Barthet M and
Sandler MB (2013).
Saari P,
Barthet M,
Fazekas G, Eerola T and
Sandler M (2013).
Semantic models of musical mood: Comparison between crowd-sourced and curated editorial tags. 01-01-2013
Saari P, Eerola T,
Fazekas G,
Barthet M, Lartillot O and
Sandler M (2013).
The Role of Audio and Tags in Music Mood Prediction: a Study Using Semantic Layer Projection., Editors: Britto ASJ, Gouyon F and Dixon S.
Barthet M, Kronland-Martinet R and Ystad S (2013).
Consistency of timbre patterns in expressive music performance. 01-01-2013
Barthet M, Marston D, Baume C,
Fazekas G and
Sandler M (2013).
Design and evaluation of semantic mood models for music recommendation. 01-01-20132011
Barthet M and
Dixon S (2011).
Ethnographic observations of musicologists at the british library: Implications for music information retrieval. 01-12-2011
Stowell D,
Barthet M,
Dixon S and
Sandler M (2011).
Musicology for the masses: Situating new audio technologies for musicology and music education. Digital Engagement 2011 Newcastle 15 Nov 2011 - 17 Nov 2011.
Barthet M, Hargreaves S and
Sandler M (2011).
Speech/Music Discrimination in Audio Podcast Using Structural Segmentation and Timbre Recognition. 01-01-20112008
Barthet M, Guillemain P, Kronland‐Martinet R and Ystad S (2008).
Exploration of timbre variations in music performance. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
Acoustical Society of America (ASA) vol. 123 (5), 3663-3663.
Barthet M, Depalle P, Kronland-Martinet R and Ystad S (2007).
The effect of timbre in clarinet interpretation. 01-01-20072005
Barthet M, Guillemain P, Kronland-Martinet R and Ystad S (2005).
On the relative influence of even and odd harmonics in clarinet timbre. 01-01-2005