Dr Amin Paykani

Amin Paykani
PhD, FHEA, CEng, MIMechE

Lecturer in Sustainable Propulsion Systems
Research Lead of The Centre for Intelligent Transport

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Scopus Google Scholar LinkedIn


Combustion engineering, Zero/low carbon fuels, low-order modelling, Machine learning, thermal management


Amin Paykani is a Lecturer in Sustainable Propulsion Systems in the School of Engineering and Materials Science (SEMS) at Queen Mary University of London. Prior to joining QMUL, he held academic positions at the University of Hertfordshire and ETH Zurich. Amin's research is primarily focused on studying low/zero-carbon energy vectors for the decarbonisation of transport. He is renowned for his work on the creation of low-order and machine learning-assisted surrogate models, which aim to reduce computational costs in the study of reactive systems. He has been the recipient of several funding grants from EPSRC and Royal Society. He is always looking for high-quality PhD students and postgraduate visitors. If you are interested in any of the topics/areas, please contact me for more details.

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport

solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


bullet iconTayarani-N. M-H and Paykani A (2025). An ensemble learning algorithm for optimization of spark ignition engine performance fuelled with methane/hydrogen blends. Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier vol. 168 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport
solid heart iconData-Driven Surrogate Modelling for Liquid Ammonia Direct Injection Spray Characteristics
Amin Paykani
£171,122 Royal Society
31-03-2024 - 28-02-2027
solid heart iconInternational Exchanges 2022-GRANT TRANSFER
Amin Paykani
£6,000 Royal Society
31-03-2023 - 30-03-2025

solid heart iconSpray cooling of electric traction motors with hairpin windings: An experimental and CFD analysis-GRANT TRANSFER
Amin Paykani
£58,087 Royal Society
01-07-2023 - 31-12-2024