Doctoral Research Studentships for Under-represented Groups

'To other first-gen students thinking about applying to university: if you want to study something - whether it be for seeking a specific career, looking for a job in academia or even just learning about a subject you love for now - you are more than capable and deserving a spot doing what you want!'
Jordan Marajh (PhD student and former Queen Mary undergraduate in Mathematics)
The scheme
The Queen Mary Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Doctoral College is inviting applications for Doctoral Research Studentships from UK candidates from underrepresented groups (e.g., Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) in research in the UK with priority this round to Black, Black British, Caribbean, or African candidates. Four PhD studentships (in addition to many other opportunities across our schools in S&E) are being offered and will be awarded on the basis of the excellence of the applicant. The competition is part of a wider set of measures being implemented to increase the participation of students from UK underrepresented groups at PGR level conducting research at QMUL.
The proposed research topic must fit within the strategic research areas and remits in the faculty of Science and Engineering at QMUL. Studentships will be awarded to the most outstanding candidates applying for a full-time or part-time PhD programme starting in autumn 2024. Awards are tenable for up to 3.5 years, and cover tuition fees and a maintenance stipend at the UKRI London rate (c.£20,622 p.a. full-time, £10,334 part-time; 2024/25 rates tbc).
In order to be considered for an award, applicants should have (or expect to have) a master’s degree or equivalent in an appropriate field. Applicants must be a UK permanent resident from an underrepresented group in research, e.g., Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic, with the priority given to those from Black origin, and eligible to pay home student fees. You will also be considered for other studentships if indicated in the application.