Prof Yi Sui

Yi Sui

Professor of Fluid Mechanics
Director of Research

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


Biofluids and Cell biomechanics, Multiphase flows, Transport phenomena, Microfluidics, High-speed imaging, Real-Time AI


The research in the Intelligent Biofluid Mechanics Group mainly concerns modelling, simulation and characterisation of suspended biological cells. We develop high-fidelity mechanical models, computational methods, real-time AI algorithms, and high-speed imaging and data streaming systems, and integrate them to build new tools with unparalleled performance for label-free cell phenotyping and sorting.

Recent research highlights
1. A computational model for the transit of cancer cells through a constricted microchannel.

The dynamics of cancer cells flowing in microchannels is a fundamental problem that lies in the heart of numerous biomedical applications. Examples include but not limit to label-free microfluidic devices to enrich circulating tumor cells from the blood samples of cancer patients, bioprinting of tumor cells to build 3D tumor models.

In this project we build a three-dimensional computational framework to simulate the transient deformation of suspended cancer cells flowing through a constricted microchannel. We find that the classical Skalak’s law can accurately predict the steady deformation of the cancer cell in the straight channel, however, for cell transient deformation in the constriction region, excellent agreement with the experiment can only be achieved by employing a viscoelastic cell membrane model with the membrane viscosity depending on its mode of deformation (shear versus elongation)

2. A method for real‑time mechanical characterisation of microcapsules

We develop a novel multilayer perceptron (MLP)-based machine learning (ML) approach, for real-time simultaneous predictions of the membrane mechanical law type, shear and area-dilatation moduli of microcapsules, from their camera-recorded steady profiles in tube flow. By MLP, we mean a neural network where many perceptrons are organised into layers. A perceptron is a basic element that conducts input–output mapping operation. We test the performance of the present approach using both simulation and experimental data. We find that with a reasonably high prediction accuracy, our method can reach an unprecedented low prediction latency of less than 1 millisecond on a personal computer. That is the overall computational time, without using parallel computing, from a single experimental image to multiple capsule mechanical parameters. It is faster than a recently proposed convolutional neural network-based approach by two orders of magnitude, for it only deals with the one-dimensional capsule boundary instead of the entire two-dimensional capsule image. Our new approach may serve as the foundation of a promising tool for real-time mechanical characterisation and online active sorting of deformable microcapsules and biological cells in microfluidic devices.

3. Transient deformation of a viscoelastic capsule flowing through a cross-slot microchannel

With an immersed-boundary lattice-Boltzmann method, we consider the transit of a three-dimensional initially spherical capsule with a viscoelastic membrane through a cross-slot microchannel. The capsule is released with a small initial off-centre distance in the feeding channel, to mimic experiments where capsules or cells are not perfectly aligned to the centreline. Our main objective is to establish the phase diagram of the capsule's deformation modes as a function of the flow inertia and capsule membrane viscosity. We mainly find three deformation modes in the channel cross-slot. For a capsule with low membrane viscosity, a quasi-steady mode occurs at low Reynolds numbers (Re), in which the capsule can reach and maintain a steady ellipsoidal shape near the stagnation point, for a considerable time period. With Re increasing to 20, an overshoot-retract mode is observed. The capsule deformation oscillates on an inertial-elastic time scale, suggesting that the dynamics is mainly driven by the balance of the inertial and membrane elastic forces. The membrane viscosity slows down the capsule deformation and suppresses the overshoot-retract mode. A capsule with high membrane viscosity undergoes a continuous-elongation mode, in which its deformation keeps increasing during most of its journey in the channel cross-slot. We summarise the results in phase diagrams, and propose a scaling model which can predict the deformation modes of a viscoelastic capsule in the inertial flow regime. We also discuss implications of the present findings to practical experiments for mechanical characterisation of capsules or cells.

4. A neural network-based algorithm for high-throughput characterisation of viscoelastic properties of flowing microcapsules

Microcapsules, consisting of a liquid droplet enclosed by a viscoelastic membrane, have a wide range of biomedical and pharmaceutical applications and also serve as a popular mechanical model for biological cells. In this study, we develop a novel high throughput approach, by combining a machine learning method with a high-fidelity mechanistic capsule model, to accurately predict the membrane elasticity and viscosity of microcapsules from their dynamic deformation when flowing in a branched microchannel. The machine learning method consists of a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) connected by a long short-term memory (LSTM) network. We demonstrate that with a superior prediction accuracy the present hybrid DCNN-LSTM network can still be faster than a conventional inverse method by five orders of magnitude, and can process thousands of capsules per second. We also show that the hybrid network has fewer restrictions compared with a simple DCNN.

5. Path selection of a train of spherical capsules in a branched microchannel

Microfluidic systems consisting of a square microchannel with an orthogonal side branch are promising tools to enrich or sort suspensions of deformable capsules. To allow their operating control, we numerically consider a train of initially spherical identical capsules, equally spaced along the axis of the feeding channel. The capsules have a strain-hardening membrane, an internal fluid viscosity identical to that of the external fluid and a size comparable to that of the channel. We study the influence of the interspacing on the capsule path selection at the channel bifurcation using a three-dimensional immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann method. Our objectives are to establish a phase diagram and identify the critical interspacing above which hydrodynamic interaction between capsules no longer affects their path selection. We find two main regimes. At low interspacing, strong capsule interaction leads to an unsteady regime for which the capsule path selection follows either a periodic or a disordered state. Above a critical initial interspacing dct, a steady regime is achieved where interaction between capsules is too weak to affect their path selection. The capsules then follow an identical steady trajectory. We find that the dependence of the interspacing dct, normalised by the capsule radius, on the flow split ratio falls onto a universal curve regardless of the flow strength, capsule size and membrane shear elasticity. We also compare the path selection of a capsule train with that of a two-capsule system, and discuss applications of the present results in controlling capsule trains in microfluidic suspension enrichment devices.

6. A fate-alternating transitional regime in contracting liquid filaments

The fate of a contracting liquid filament depends on the Ohnesorge number, the initial aspect ratio and surface perturbation. Generally, it is believed that there exists a critical aspect ratio Γc such that longer filaments break up and shorter ones recoil into a single drop. Through computational and experimental studies, we report a transitional regime for filaments with a broad range of intermediate aspect ratios, where there exist multiple Γc thresholds at which a novel breakup mode alternates with no-break mode. We develop a simple model considering the superposition of capillary waves, which can predict the complicated new phase diagram. In this model, the breakup results from constructive interference between the capillary waves that originate from the ends of the filament.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Bioengineering


Relevant PublicationDroplets can enhance microcapsule deformation in channel flow
Jing D, Lu R, Farutin A, Guo Z, Wang F, Wang W, Misbah C and Sui Y
Communications Physics, Springer Nature vol. 7 (1) 
Relevant PublicationA computational study of cell membrane damage and intracellular delivery in a cross-slot microchannel
Lu R, Yu P and Sui Y
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 20 (20), 4057-4071.  


Relevant PublicationNumerical Studies on the Controlled Thermocapillary Migration of a Sessile Droplet
Wang J-X, Zhang F-Y, Li S-Y, Cheng Y-P, Yan W-C, Wang F, Xu J-L and Sui Y
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 62 (44), 18792-18799.  
Relevant PublicationA three-dimensional level set method for droplet sorting using a non-uniform electric field
Naz N and Sui Y
Physics of Fluids, Aip Publishing vol. 35 (8) 
Relevant PublicationCore–Shell-Structured Electrorheological Fluid with a Polarizability-Tunable Nanocarbon Shell for Enhanced Stimuli-Responsive Activity
Chen S, Cheng Y, Zhao Z, Zhang K, Hao T, Sui Y, Wang W, Zhao J and Li Y
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 15 (29), 35741-35749.  
Relevant PublicationTransient deformation of a viscoelastic capsule in a cross-slot microchannel: effects of inertia and membrane viscosity
Lu RX, Guo ZY, Yu P and Sui Y
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 962 
Relevant PublicationA method for real-time mechanical characterisation of microcapsules
Guo Z, Lin T, Jing D, Wang W and Sui Y
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer Nature vol. 22 (4), 1209-1220.  
Relevant PublicationA computational model for the transit of a cancer cell through a constricted microchannel
Wang Z, Lu R, Wang W, Tian FB, Feng JJ and Sui Y
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer Nature vol. 22 (4), 1129-1143.  


Relevant PublicationAcoustically accelerated neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells
Sun C, Dong Y, Wei J, Cai M, Liang D, Fu Y, Zhou Y, Sui Y, Wu F, Mikhaylov R, Wang H, Fan F, Xie Z, Stringer M, Yang Z, Wu Z, Tian L and Yang X
Acta Biomaterialia, Elsevier vol. 151, 333-345.  
Relevant PublicationNumerical and theoretical analysis of fast evaporating sessile droplets with coupled fields
Shen Y, Kang F, Cheng Y, Zhang K and Sui Y
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier vol. 172 
Relevant PublicationCharacterising Mechanical Properties of Flowing Microcapsules Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
T. Lin TL, Z. Wang ZW, R. X. Lu RXL, W. Wang WW and Y. Sui YS
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Global Science Press vol. 14 (1), 79-100.  


Relevant PublicationRapid droplet spreading on a hot substrate
Cheng Y, Li E, Wang J, Yu P and Sui Y
Physics of Fluids, Aip Publishing vol. 33 (9) 
Relevant PublicationPath selection of a train of spherical capsules in a branched microchannel
Lu RX, Wang Z, Salsac A-V, Barthès-Biesel D, Wang W and Sui Y
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 923 
Relevant PublicationNumerical studies on the hydraulic and thermal performances of trapezoidal microchannel heat sink
Song J, Liu F, Sui Y and Jing D
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier vol. 161 
Relevant PublicationA high-throughput method to characterize membrane viscosity of flowing microcapsules
Lin T, Wang Z, Lu R, Wang W and Sui Y
Physics of Fluids, Aip Publishing vol. 33 (1) 
Relevant PublicationA neural network-based algorithm for high-throughput characterisation of viscoelastic properties of flowing microcapsules
Lin T, Wang Z, Wang W and Sui Y
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 17 (15), 4027-4039.  


Relevant PublicationNumerical analysis of bubble bursting at the liquid surface by wave propagation
Cheng Y, Shen Y, Liu D, Xu J and Sui Y
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier vol. 152 
Relevant PublicationTheoretical Analysis of a Sessile Evaporating Droplet on a Curved Substrate with an Interfacial Cooling Effect.
Shen Y, Cheng Y, Xu J, Zhang K and Sui Y
Langmuir: The Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids, American Chemical Society 
Relevant PublicationAn immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for fluid-structure interaction problems involving viscoelastic fluids and complex geometries
Ma J, Wang Z, Young J, Lai JCS, Sui Y and Tian FB
Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier vol. 415 
Relevant PublicationManipulation of bubble migration through thermal capillary effect under variable buoyancy
Ma Y, Cheng Y, Shen Y, Xu J and Sui Y
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier vol. 149 
Relevant PublicationElectrically induced droplet ejection dynamics under shear flow
Raman KA, Birgersson E, Sui Y and Fisher A
Physics of Fluids, Aip Publishing vol. 32 (3) 
Fractals, World Scientific Publishing vol. 28 (02) 


Relevant PublicationA fate-alternating transitional regime in contracting liquid filaments
Wang F, Contò FP, Naz N, Castrejón-Pita JR, Castrejón-Pita AA, Bailey CG, Wang W, Feng JJ and Sui Y
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 860, 640-653.  
Relevant PublicationPrediction of transport properties of fuels in supercritical conditions by molecular dynamics simulation
Chen C, Jiang X and Sui Y
Relevant PublicationPath Selection of a Spherical Capsule in a Branched Channel
Wang Z, Sui Y, Wang W, Barthѐs-Biesel D and Salsac A-V
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Tech Science Press vol. 16 (S2), 42-43.  


Relevant PublicationNumerical investigation on spontaneous droplet/bubble migration under thermal radiation
Zhang B, Liu D, Cheng Y, Xu J and Sui Y
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Elsevier vol. 129, 115-123.  
Relevant PublicationPath selection of a spherical capsule in a microfluidic branched channel: Towards the design of an enrichment device
Wang Z, Sui Y, Salsac AV, Barthès-Biesel D and Wang W
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 849, 136-162.  
Relevant PublicationNumerical investigation of droplet spreading and heat transfer on hot substrates
Cheng Y, Wang F, Xu J, Liu D and Sui Y
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier vol. 121, 402-411.  


Relevant PublicationBenchmark numerical solutions for two-dimensional fluid–structure interaction involving large displacements with the deforming-spatial-domain/stabilized space–time and immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann methods
Xu Y-Q, Jiang Y-Q, Wu J, Sui Y and Tian F-B
Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Sage Publications vol. 232 (14), 2500-2514.  
Relevant PublicationDynamics of Dissolutive Wetting: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Yuan QZ, SUI Y, Jiang JH and Zhao YP
Langmuir, American Chemical Society 


Relevant PublicationMotion of a spherical capsule in branched tube flow with finite inertia
Wang Z, Sui Y, Salsac AV, Barthès-Biesel D and Wang W
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 806, 603-626.  
Relevant PublicationComputational Methods and Models in Circulatory and Reproductive Systems.
Tian F-B, Sui Y, Zhu L, Shu C and Sung HJ
Comput Math Methods Med, Hindawi vol. 2016, 9028409-9028409.  
Relevant PublicationDynamics of a non-spherical capsule in general flow
Ye HL, Huang HB, Sui Y and Lu XY
Computers and Fluids, Elsevier 
Relevant PublicationSwimming performance and vorticity structures of a mother-calf pair of fish
Tian F-B, Wang W, Wu J and Sui Y
Computers & Fluids vol. 124, 1-11.  
Relevant PublicationNumerical investigation of coalescence-induced droplet jumping on superhydrophobic surfaces for efficient dropwise condensation heat transfer
Cheng Y, Xu J and Sui Y
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 95, 506-516.  
Relevant PublicationRebound suppression of a droplet impacting on an oscillating horizontal surface
Raman KA, Jaiman RK, Sui Y, Lee T-S and Low H-T
Physical Review E vol. 94 (2) 


Relevant PublicationNon-isothermal droplet spreading/dewetting and its reversal
Sui Y and Spelt PDM
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 776, 74-95.  
Relevant PublicationNumerical study on drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement in microchannels with superhydrophobic surfaces for electronic cooling
Cheng YP, Xu JL and Sui Y
, Editors: Xu . Applied Thermal Engineering 
Relevant PublicationBubble dynamics in a compressible liquid in contact with a rigid boundary
Wang Q, Liu W, Zhang AM and Sui Y
Interface Focus vol. 5 (5) 


Relevant PublicationMoving towards the cold region or the hot region? Thermocapillary migration of a droplet attached on a horizontal substrate
Physics of Fluids vol. 26 
Relevant PublicationNumerical Simulations of Flows with Moving Contact Lines
Sui Y, Ding H and Spelt PDM
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 46 vol. 46, 97-119.  


Relevant PublicationNumerical Simulations of Deformation and Aggregation of Red Blood Cells in Shear Flow
Low HT, Ju M, Sui Y, Nazir T, Namgung B and Kim S
Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering vol. 41 (4-5), 425-434.  
Relevant PublicationThree-dimensional dynamics of oblate and prolate capsules in shear flow
Wang Z, Sui Y, Spelt PDM and Wang W
Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society vol. 88 
Relevant PublicationAn efficient computational model for macroscale simulations of moving contact lines
Sui Y and Spelt PDM
Journal of Computational Physics vol. 242, 37-52.  
Relevant PublicationValidation and modification of asymptotic analysis of slow and rapid droplet spreading by numerical simulation
Sui Y and Spelt PDM
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 715, 283-313.  
Relevant PublicationInertial coalescence of droplets on a partially wetting substrate
Sui Y, Maglio M, Spelt PDM, Legendre D and Ding H
Physics of Fluids vol. 25 (10) 


Relevant PublicationDirect numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in periodic wavy channels with rectangular cross-sections
Sui Y, Teo CJ and Lee PS
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 55 (1-3), 73-88.  
Relevant PublicationPropagation of capillary waves and ejection of small droplets in rapid droplet spreading
Ding H, Li EQ, Zhang FH, Sui Y, Spelt PDM and Thoroddsen ST
Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 697, 92-114.  


Relevant PublicationAn experimental study of flow friction and heat transfer in wavy microchannels with rectangular cross section
Sui Y, Lee PS and Teo CJ
International Journal of Thermal Sciences vol. 50 (12), 2473-2482.  
Relevant PublicationNumerical simulation of 2D lid-driven cavity flow with CLEARER algorithm on extremely highly skewed grids at high Reynolds numbers
Cheng YP, Lee TS, Sui Y and Wang LP
International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 65 (10), 1201-1216.  
Relevant PublicationSustained inertial-capillary oscillations and jet formation in displacement flow in a tube
Sui Y and Spelt PDM
Physics of Fluids vol. 23 (12) 


Relevant PublicationMass transport in a microchannel enzyme reactor with a porous wall: Hydrodynamic modeling and applications
Chen XB, Sui Y, Cheng YP, Lee HP, Yu P, Winoto SH and Low HT
Biochemical Engineering Journal vol. 52 (2-3), 227-235.  
Relevant PublicationMass transport in a microchannel bioreactor with a porous wall.
Chen XB, Sui Y, Lee HP, Bai HX, Yu P, Winoto SH and Low HT
J Biomech Eng vol. 132 (6) 
Relevant PublicationFluid flow and heat transfer in wavy microchannels
Sui Y, Teo CJ, Lee PS, Chew YT and Shu C
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol. 53 (13-14), 2760-2772.  
Relevant PublicationA front-tracking lattice Boltzmann method to study flow-induced deformation of three-dimensional capsules
Sui Y, Low HT, Chew YT and Roy P
Computers and Fluids vol. 39 (3), 499-511.  
Relevant PublicationNumerical simulation of capsule deformation in simple shear flow
Sui Y, Chen XB, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT
Computers and Fluids vol. 39 (2), 242-250.  


Relevant PublicationThe transient deformation of red blood cells in shear flow
Low HT, Sui Y, Chew YT and Roy P
Modern Physics Letters B vol. 23 (3), 545-548.  
Relevant PublicationNatural convection in a cavity filled with porous layers on the top and bottom walls
Chen XB, Yu P, Sui Y, Winoto SH and Low HT
Transport in Porous Media vol. 78 (2), 259-276.  
Relevant PublicationInertia effect on the transient deformation of elastic capsules in simple shear flow
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT
Computers and Fluids vol. 38 (1), 49-59.  


Relevant PublicationImplementation of CLEARER algorithm on three-dimensional nonorthogonal curvilinear coordinates and its application
Cheng YP, Lee TS, Low HT and Sui Y
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals vol. 54 (1), 62-83.  
Relevant PublicationA hybrid method to study flow-induced deformation of three-dimensional capsules
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT
Journal of Computational Physics vol. 227 (12), 6351-6371.  
Relevant PublicationTank-treading, swinging, and tumbling of liquid-filled elastic capsules in shear flow
Sui Y, Low HT, Chew YT and Roy P
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 77 (1) 
Relevant PublicationDynamic motion of red blood cells in simple shear flow
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P, Cheng YP and Low HT
Physics of Fluids vol. 20 (11) 


Relevant PublicationEffect of membrane bending stiffness on the deformation of elastic capsules in extensional flow: A lattice Boltzmann study
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT
International Journal of Modern Physics C vol. 18 (8), 1277-1291.  
Relevant PublicationTransient deformation of elastic capsules in shear flow: Effect of membrane bending stiffness
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P, Chen XB and Low HT
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics vol. 75 (6) 
Relevant PublicationA lattice Boltzmann study on the large deformation of red blood cells in shear flow
Sui Y, Chew YT and Low HT
International Journal of Modern Physics C vol. 18 (6), 993-1011.  
Relevant PublicationA hybrid immersed-boundary and multi-block lattice Boltzmann method for simulating fluid and moving-boundaries interactions
Sui Y, Chew YT, Roy P and Low HT
International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids vol. 53 (11), 1727-1754.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Bioengineering
solid heart iconULTIMATES MSCA PF 2023 Sui/Wang
Yi Sui
£206,086 EPSRC - EU Scheme
12-11-2024 - 11-11-2026
solid heart iconEPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Organ-on-a-Chip Technology (COaCT)
Hazel Screen, Martin Knight, Thomas Iskratsch, Caroline Roney, Yi Sui, David Lee, Julia Shelton, Zion Tse, John Connelly, Adrian Biddle and Lucy Norling
£7,066,811 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 
Grant Summary

01-07-2024 - 30-09-2032

solid heart iconMultiscale Modelling of Dissolutive Wetting - MSCA EF-ST 2020
Yi Sui
£179,947 EU Commission - Horizon 2020
01-03-2022 - 29-02-2024
solid heart iconFluid dynamics of deformable capsules enclosed in a microdroplet (Royal Society International Exchange Scheme)
Yi Sui
£12,000 Royal Society
06-12-2021 - 05-12-2024
solid heart iconNewton International Fellowship 2019: Dynamics of microcapsules in inertial two-phase flows-Dalei Jing
Wen Wang and Yi Sui
£103,316 Royal Society
01-03-2020 - 28-02-2022
solid heart iconENMMCL - Efficient Numerical Modeling of Moving Contact Lines under Non-isothermal Conditions
Yi Sui
£127,046 EU Commission - Horizon 2020
06-10-2015 - 30-09-2017